
Gorilla Glue 3rd grow

5 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
Gorilla Auto
Fast Buds
Growing it
Just chopped her today. Smelling super piney and almost tropical? I will give a better report once the buds have dried. Such fat buds and sooo sticky it's insane. I see where the glue bit comes through. Update: so the buds are all dried and been trying a few testers during the process. Initially I smoked a couple of popcorn buds and I have to say I wasn't that impressed. The flavors of pine didn't really come through and the high was mediocre at best. However, my opinion was soon changed after I tried another bud the next day. All I gotta say is wow.... The scissors were super sticky as per all the reviews, she's a very resinous plant and the smell after the chopping was insane. So much piney smell in the air I thought I was walking through a pine forrest. The high is definitely more indica as I was knocked on my ass for a good two hours unable to move. The only downside is that your mouth gets super dry and your eyes a lovely shade of red. Apart from that I have to say I really enjoy this smoke and will definitely grow it again in the future.
The Outcome
Week 14
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / watt
g / m²
g / plant
plant / m²
watt / m²
Tastes like
Feels like
25% Sativa 75% Indica

Positive effects


Negative effects

Dry eyes
Dry mouth
Reviews. Nutrient
Absolutely love these nutes. Even if my soil has probably been depleted of nutrients by now as I'm reusing my soil, the plants don't even notice as they get more than enough from this line of nutes.
Love this mycos. Helps a lot in terms of root development and transplanting.
Reviews. Lamp
Commented by
Gr33nFi3ld Gr33nFi3ld
5 years ago
She's a very easy girl to grow despite my numerous mistakes when germinating and watering. I thought for sure she was a goner but she turned around quite nicely. At least she's helped me figure out where I'm going wrong and I have now improved my techniques.
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Grow Questions
Gr33nFi3ldstarted grow question 6 years ago
Any tips for watering during the seedling stage right after germination? I keep either overwatering or underwatering. I'm scared to start in a solo cup as I'm doing mainly Autos and they might stunt the growth when transplanting. Grateful for as many details as possible.
Other. Bugs
OutForRealanswered grow question 6 years ago
I don't measure the exact amount of water I am giving to them at that early stage but it is equivalent to 10 ml each time I water so I water less but more often . You can start in a solo cup and then place it into you final pot after a full germination, the only negative part of that method will be to (maybe) loose some time because of that transplant ( from the solo cup to the final pot ) 😊✌️🏼

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Mr_Weeds_Autosweek 2
@ Gr33nFi3ld To help with the question about watering after germination, seedlings that young don't require much water , so they'll actually be fine with a few mistings a day. On Day 4 from seed I normally give the seedling it's first official watering and only 250 ML. Then after that only water when the top inch of soil is dry. This method ensures your not over watering while making sure the plant gets enough water to survive.
@Gr33nFi3ld, More than likely she will veg longer .... And I've got my fingers crossed for you too !!!
@Mr_Weeds_Autos, thanks buddy! Seems like she's recovering slowly. I'm hoping she vegs' an extra week or two cuz of this set back but who knows. Fingers crossed!
@Gr33nFi3ld, She can definitely be, she just need's some TLC to get back on track, I did this to very first plant and after she got out of funk of stressing out she got back to growing normal, I will say it can effect your yield though since it's a auto and they have a very tight growth timeline. Trust me, show her some love and she'll love you back at harvest time. Lol.
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Nevahweek 4
Stop watering so much whenever my small plants stunt I starve them I believe yours are flooded and your roots can't breathe try letting the soil completely dry out don't worry your plant will be fine you will know if you have gone to far. Wait until that pot is as light as air and the soil extremely dry. Then just water around the plant probably 10ml or less also hold off on all the nutes they are hella burnt they will grab what the need to grow from the soil. Remember less love during this stage means happier plants
@Nevah, thanks for the advice man. I really messed this one up. Hope I rectify my mistakes next round!
Fast_Budsweek 2
Hey there! We will be following along with your Gorilla Glue diary =) Let us know if you need anything.
@Fast_Buds, thanks guys! Seems like she's gone critical but I'll keep on monitoring her. Such a sensitive strain!!
ivik80week 1
Sorry, I just saw I gave you the same advice 2 months ago in week 4 :D Well, it comes from a good place, love to see everyone doing great grows :)
@Gr33nFi3ld, Check PM/chat
@ivik80, both were germed at the same time. They should be ready in another 3 weeks ish? The more recent ones are the strawberry nuggets and the GGG2. All 4 I used the solo cup method and had no issues!
@Gr33nFi3ld, Sure thing!, Which one is the newest, Tooth or 24?
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ivik80week 1
Hey, start in solo cup, you wont regret it, the only time you will loose time due to transplant is if you let the tap root go all the way down in the cup and it has no more room to grow. After 3-4 days in cup I would start checking the tap root, you can gently take the plant out from the cup and check roots each day or twice a day, as soon as they start coming out of the bottom or you see a lot of roots around the sides of the cup you need to transplant. If you do this, there will be no "down time". My last grow, after transplant, they grow taller the very next day, it was as nothing has happened. But the important part when it comes to autos is the tap root, it does not like to be hindered in anyway. What I do is I prepare a cup with the same soil I will use in final pot, I add mycos and water the cup until runoff, make sure you have many holes at the bottom! And the next day I will add the germinated seeds, this way the soil is moist but not wet. And you will need some sort of propagator, either buy one or create your own, you need to keep the environment moist and warm. Then you will only need to water perhaps 1 time before transplant time. Also another tip is to water a bit the day before transplant, now sometimes its hard to know when that day is, no problem, just water 1 hour before transplant so the soil is moist and sticky, it will make transplant much easier, otherwise the soil can brake in different parts and take some root with it. I also add mykos again when I transplant.
@ivik80, hey man. Woah! Thanks for the advice! That's a very detailed explanation and I will certainly use that info for future grows. Fortunately I have started using solo cups and then transplanting. Check out my 4 latest girls. I started all of them in solo and then transplanted. One of them I didn't use the same soil as the final pot, which then hindered it a bit when growing after transplanting but she's doing great now. She's the 24 carat. It really does help with the watering tho. I will try and water the solo cup til runoff next time before putting the Germinated Seeds. Good idea man. Thanks again for the advice! Jah bless
ivik80week 4
I saw you had issues with watering and seedlings. I had those issues as well, the trick is giving really low amount. Something like 1-2dl only each day or each other day. For this grow I went with solo cups. So far it seems to be much better. For now first week is up here. I will add info about second week in couple of days. I had it in cups for about 7 days. Checked roots each day and as soon as there were some sticking out of bottom and sides I moved to final pot. That was when they all had their second sets of leaf's and about 5-7cm in height. I made sure to water cups with 2ml root juice and use mykos the day before I planted seeds in cups. So the cups had soil which was moisted but not wet. And then I misted 3-5 times each day. After about 5 days they got 1dl each with root juice again. The cups were in a humidity dome but you could use another cup on top as dome. That was it. The transplant went smooth, could gave gone better. The soil was a bit to dry. The trick is to water little bit the day before so the soil sticks together and it makes transplanting much easier. Also always transplant to same soil and water gently the entire soil after transplant. Again only with root juice. Nutes still not needed when they are so young. And important to make the transplant just before dark period so it can rest in the new soil. Just make sure its warm temp and high humidity. Follow vpd chart for seedling/early veg. And give at least 6h darkness the first couple of nights after transplant and then slowly work back to 20/4 or 24/0, which ever u like...
@ivik80, hey man. Yeah I had a lot of problems watering seedlings but I think I've managed to control it better by starting out in solo cups then transplanting. Worked out well on my forum stomper. Thanks for the advice tho. Good luck with your new grow!
ivik80week 2
Hey mate, I'm using the same line af nutes as you do and I also do autos. I noticed something which will help you in the future. BioHeaven has some N in it, not much but enough to burn seedlings. I also used 1-2ml BioHeaven with seedling and they will get burned, I would try not to give any nutes the first 2 weeks, next time I will try to stay away until third week or when I see some signs of hunger. It's hard but it seems to be much better they show signs of hunger then overfeeding. Of course it depends which soil you are using, I use LightMix from BioBizz and it seems to have enough nutes for the first 2-3 weeks. I would only do RootJuice and little AlgAMic if needed and perhaps little calmag, but try to use calmag without any N, some of the different CalMag bottles have NPK like 4-0-0 and that will also burn autos at a young age, even when they are older they can burn since you already give N using BioGrow. The feeding you gave this week if ratio is correct will give you NPK: 6-2-2 I would keep seedlings at 4-2-4 if even that, if you use BioBizz soil, try to use only Root Juice first 2 weeks, and start with BioGrow or FishMix week 3, even better if you wait until you see any hunger.
@ivik80, hey man. Thanks for the info! I had no idea bio heaven has N in it. That explains why it was burning so young. Thought it was strictly stims for the plant. I'll make sure to keep the bio heaven to a minimal after the first week. I usually find the root juice does help a lot tho but then again so does the great white. Great stuff Btw if your transplanting or just want to get your roots going crazy. The roots from my green crack were insane an filled up the pot entirely! The Roots Organics Elemental Calmag has very very little nutes in it, something like 0.25 to 0.5 so definitely worth checking out especially if you're using LEDs. It's an organic soil amendment that can be used as a water solution if you prefer but now I premix my soil with it beforehand as per the instructions then I add more via watering round week 4 or 5 just before flowering. Unfortunately I'm not using Biobizz soil because it's not available so I made my own peat moss, perlite, cow manure and humice soil mix with a bit of gravel thrown in for extra aeration and it seems to be okay for now. Gonna be getting some Nectar of the gods in the future to add that and make a super soil mix for future grows. Then I'll have the Biobizz to compliment it if I find the plants need a feed. Thanks again for your very detailed information man. Really appreciate it. If you could check out my other grows and see what I'm doing wrong that would be awesome, but only if you have time. Good luck with your grows. Jah bless.
Mr_Weeds_Autosweek 8
Wow ... she's looking great bro. Just saw the chat you sent , sorry about that. But it seems she's doing wonderful.
@Mr_Weeds_Autos, thanks buddy! Don't sweat the chat thing. At least she's recovered!
DaveGweek 4
Tip for watering with the seedling: I‘m waiting, till the first 2 cm of soil are completely dry. (Fingertest). If it is dry, then i‘m sprinkling with an spray-bottle little bit of water around the the seedling and also the seedling himself, that he is wet (it’s like a light rain in reality) I’m doing this once per day maximum. Maybe better, to do this every 2nd day, depends on the temperature in te environment. If you stick your finger deeper in the soil (approx. 3-5 cm) you can feel, that the soil remains humid there for a few days. So long the soil is moist there, it is no need for watering. That‘s my way, but don‘t know, if it‘s completely right. For me, this kind of watering during seedling-state works fine. Wish you good luck!
@DaveG, thanks for the info man! I usually do the finger test when they are a bit bigger but good to know it's useful in seedling stage. I'm gonna need all the luck I can get for this one :)
ivik80week 3
Not sure which soil you use but if you use BioBizz Light Mix it has enough nutes in it to get you going for several weeks, at least for autos. The BioHeaven you feed has N in it, not much but enough to burn autos when the soil already has nutes. I only give Root juice for the first 2 weeks and the gently start with nutes.
GreasyLuigiweek 5
Yes, water around the plant, not directly into it..
StonedWolfweek 1
had something similar with my Dwarf. she developed a bit slower than my other Ladies, but looks fine now Good luck
CRiSPrGrowweek 5
hey there, you need to get that root zone much colder, try watering at 21°C max this should help
@Gr33nFi3ld, yeah i can, plants can get shocked if you water too cold, and the watering affects the substrate temperature which does affect growth for sure. you dont really want to be above 21 that's why
@CRiSPrGrow, hey man. I'll try but it's a really hot climate here so I'll try and keep the water as cool as possible. Does the water temp affect it a lot?
Gr33nFi3ldweek 2
@Mr_Weeds_Autos thanks for the info buddy. Was gonna try and use the two cup method and then transplant it. Basically it's cutting the sides and the bottom out of one cup and placing it in the other so that when it's time to transplant it doesn't disturb the roots as much. It's weird cuz my first three I didn't have a problem. So I'm proper stumped now.