
2nd Grow attempt

Approved by Emerald Triangle Seeds
5 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 5
14 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Commented by
kegman83 kegman83
6 years ago
Pretty uneventful week. The new Sour Diesel started to sprout. I opted for direct pot planting because I'm lazy. 3 out of 3 sprouted so yay!. Pests are still an issue. I believe they might be cut worms as some smaller seedlings show obvious signs of cutworm damage. Dusted with a little bit of Azomite and humic acid this week. I noticed also that my soil PH is way lower than where I'd like it. I have absolutely no clue how it ended up around 5.5 but I'm going to try and raise it a little with some dolomite lime this week. **UPDATE** Tore off the top layer of mulch. Hand mixed in some perlite and vermiculite to seedlings and plants. It was indeed way too wet to have any growth. Also, something seems to have been using it as a litter box, which is gross. Had some heavy winds so I propped up a couple that seemed to be falling down. Thank you everyone for your advice.
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Grow Questions
kegman83started grow question 6 years ago
I think I'm experiencing transplant shock on my Durbin poison plants, but I cant be too sure. I tore some roots accidentally in transplant but that was weeks ago. They still seem to be holding on but advice is appreciated. Also, any advice on what might be munching on my Blue Dre
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hey there im sure the transplant shock is a factor with the torn roots, but being photoperiod plants they should have time to pull through and build new roots and any damaged leaves. I think your low night temps will help keep them small and once it rises they'll definitely flourish more. Perhaps laying a blanket or other garden type cover around the base of the plants at night will help keep them warm, also the cup over the top in the evening into the night would help also, if there's holes in the cup it won't trap too much humidity. Bugs were a constant battle for me outside, if you can buy a basil plant that's a good companion plant to deter bugs, rosemary is another good one. It's also nice to turn some lady bugs loose, pirate bugs and hatch a few praying mantis(i think they're good with caterpillars etc), and if you see wasps near by let them have free reign as they're incredible killers.✌️ Happy growing. Oh p.s. if you can add a silica product to your feedings that helps the plants resilience and strength for fighting off the various outdoor battles.
kegman83started grow question 5 years ago
Strange splotchiness has recently showed up in a few of my plants in different parts of the garden. I was thinking maybe CalMag deficiency? But I wanted to get an expert opinion. See latest photos.
Leaves. Color - Mottling
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey Kegman, as you're outside you're going to get a fair bit of issues with pests, check the bottom of your leaves to see if you find absolutely microscopic pests, like small black dots or otherwise... look for signs of aphids too just in case, i dont think it's that but it pays to be paranoid so deep into veg.Anyway there are a few ways to get rid of them, including commercial and toxic pesticides, but long term you do want to go bio, perhaps by adding beneficial bacteria in your watering and as a spray. dilute 15g of Bacillus Subtilis, bacillus thuringiensis, bacillus thuringiensis israelensis and mycorrhizals, spray every three days at night for three weeks, add it to the water every 10 days and after three weeks stop the spray, it will control the outbreak, so that the bugs wont reproduce. Hope this helps ! 🚀:
kegman83started grow question 5 years ago
Everything was fine til it wasnt. Came out one morning after several days of tough heat and wind to discover what I believe is budrot and some other disease I cant quite identify. I havent changed up my watering schedule aside from the occasional afternoon watering.
Leaves. Curl up
DILLIGAFanswered grow question 5 years ago
@kegman83 Hi mate I'm afraid that is botrytis aka bud rot You can try to save the plant by removing all of the effected areas (Do not keep moldy weed) The buds are being broken from the inside out which is also the reason for the leaf curling. It's not really a good idea to water late in the afternoon as the soil will remain damp overnight and when the temp drops humidity and moisture get in and the budrot starts. its always best to water earlier so the soil has a chance to dry before the night time temp change. i hope I was able to provide you with an answer Best of luck

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Mrs_Larimarweek 19
very nice, very stunning plants, and i agree, i let the bugs on the trees be bugs, its nature, only aphids get predators by me, the rest can chew alittle on the leaves, ia like to share and protect envoirement by not spraying any poisony stuff. Durban poison is one of my whishplants for outdoors, i already have seeds, but in my climatezone its nearly impossible to get her to the end. So i will do a try next year , with apossible end in my house. ( got to rebuild a room as growroom . She grows like amonster and iam very courious how to managae it but we will see. Not that year.
@goarilla, Well I dunno about local seedbanks, but most of the seeds I have would essentially be from wild guerilla growers in wild areas (in africa). I don't have a particular need to buy seeds as I have lots of naturalized/landrace and hybrid seeds, luckily. But of course, there has been sort of undesireable infuence in terms of seed/genetic quality resulting from people using more commercial and trendy stuff and less local stuff, thanks to various govts (mainly american and british related) poisoning and destroying cannabis fields near here, as they did in mexico, afghanistan, etc.
@goarilla,these are great Informations for me, i thought they have been all so " extensively in killing the hemmplants like the germans I knew about the greece landrace the "kalamata" i never heard of landraces in sweden norway denmark or anything... but who knows
@Mrs_Larimar, Well ... it's rumored there are recreational landraces/wild populations in Italy, Greece (Kalamata) and Switzerland. There are European hemp landraces as well IIRC.
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Mrs_Larimarweek 18
wowowowowowowow..... insane beautiful healthy trees.. man one of the nicest outdoors ive seen. And i can see "female " on your sexless plants.........................happy growing.. very courious to watch the progress
Mrs_Larimarweek 17
I love your Garden... such a sweet bunch of Trees, and a lovely Cat.....but cats are beasts too. Mine loved it last year to dig in my pots. There were several youngster plant in it and she shit onto them and digged her shit ( and killed 2 plants... so i decided to put my youngsters in the "dog garden" behind fences. So the cat does not come in, and the dogs cant eat them ( they looove Weed()
Mrs_Larimarweek 12
Lovely night manager!!! and nice looking girls.. i really like black cats
Mrs_Larimarweek 5
Hi its still the soil that slows down your grow, normally they should have 6 nodes and around 20cm high
@kegman83, Fair enough. I'm having a good time with removing that Bayer/Monsanto stuff relatively near you (I'm verifiably insane, btw). It's a lot like removing worms and other pests. Though, due to scale, it requires some pretty heavy intervention.
@@Ssomeguy, Nah just got some stuff while on holiday down there.
@kegman83, Oh holy shit, talk about misunderstanding. My bad. Though, conditions here aren't too dissimilar, I'm in Johannesburg, South Africa (strangely Johannesburg is also in California, established from South Africa), mostly temperate, lots of rain at times, quite hot at times, not really snow and such. Your conditions looked very similar to here, you're growing durban poison (from south africa) and you mentioned S.A landrace stuff so I automatically assumed you're from south africa too. Sorry about that.
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GorillaKenweek 25
Some Durban poison seeds would be nice.....I was looking to do some next year anyway....have you done females of it??
@kegman83, Nice,looking good bro.waiting for the end result👍👌
@GorillaKen, Nope. Everything in the garden is 100% organic openly pollinated.
Mrs_Larimarweek 27
Nice Garden...... all Plants looking hapy here, Greetings and some cuddles to sinatra the nightmanager and canna connaiseur
Mrs_Larimarweek 23
I know some day , not so far away, i will be able to grow legal, without fears and paranoina. Enjoy your lovely grow...
@kegman83 Hi there mate just answered your grow question
715creeksweek 14
Wow your garden is going to be beautiful come flowering time! Smelly too 😂 Following along 👊
EastOregonGrowerweek 14
Dude I just want to hang out in your backyard you have plants everywhere lol when i was medically licensed i had plants everywhere too but now i just grow for myself so the 4 plant limit is what i get
GreenHouseLabweek 13
Growing nicely!
Mrs_Larimarweek 7
oh wow they have done well, nice to see
Mrs_Larimarweek 1
Keep you foxfarmsoil for later... , for starting a grow its way to much for the girls iwrite you down here a nice and proper mix even for the sensitivest seedlings 3Part compostsoil- gontains all benefical huminacids and more 3Part Peatmoss- is like a swamp, helps you to keep everything humid 2 parts Perlite- makes it fluffy 1 Part vermiculite/ dolomite lime- Keeps your PH stable Happy mixing
Ssomeguyweek 10
Dude, your plants look great. The thing about those SA plants is that they can grow for a stupid long time and suddenly bulk a LOT (at least from what I've seen), I wouldn't be worried about that if I were you, but I would be considering when they flower properly. Like if it's humid/without much sunlight you might get problems if it's one of the denser types. I've got one plant here that in the 33rd week now (something like that, planted end sep/start oct) is about at peak bulking it still has a week or two to go. The difference is huge, it used to be completely upright not so long ago, like a christmas tree. Now it's a freaking arch (even with like 10 places of support in terms of rope, etc). I've had numerous SA plants with red/purple streaking on stems and on leaves, though I'm not sure if what you mean is the same. From what I've seen, they tend to like phosphor, or something very related to phosphor uptake, especially with lower sunlight A LOT. I can't say exactly what though, but they tend to also be more mold resistant compared to plants that have a tendency for yellowing, rather than purpling. That could simply be nutrient preference/suitability, I dunno.
@kegman83, As long as it doesn't get particularly humid, cold and dark in flowering...
@@Ssomeguy, Duly noted. I'll harvest some time during Christmas I guess.
@kegman83, Dude, that plant probably weighs like's not even wet. But the thing is, you do have to give it time to do that, I see people harvesting sativas like 3 weeks after starting And basically you can't find amber trichomes on it.
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Tuffgongweek 23
About 30 years ago I read an article in high Times about two growers meeting at a state fair. They each figured out that the other was a grower because one lit a joint rolled from male flowers and the other recognized what it was. They spoke about the male flowers being high in THC and packed with flavour - like licorice. You might be able to get a substantial amount of hash-like pollen from your big male. I sure wish we were neighbours. I would love to cross my indica dominant bag seed weed with Durban Poison. I'm in Canada. Does anyone reading this know of a spot (likely online) to trade seeds and (less viably) pollen? I saw Facebook pages with giant seed exchanges in the States but don't know where to look in Canada.
@Tuffgong, Well I'm not sure if this thing has a message service to it, but you can email me at
@kegman83, I'd love to take you up on the pollen offer, if you're still willing. These girls are responding slowly to the shorter days and it's still two weeks before pollinating them would make sense.
@kegman83, You're a gentleman and a scholar. The site moved: I am going to check it out in detail now. I did some reading and it seems pollen could make a trip in an envelope and remain viable if it doesn't get wet. A few grains of rice or other desiccant in a mini zip lock should do it. Standard letter to Canada is $1.15 US if you are in the US. If in Canada, it's $1.05 Canadian. My guess is that you are straight south of me in sunny SoCal. My CSI "stoner sense" is feeling the Bakersfield through San Bernadino area. I am in British Columbia. I think you'd be in the clear to send a letter with bogus return address. It goes without saying that Sinatra should lick the envelope.😺 I'll think on it more while checking out Strainly. Thanks for your generous and informative response!
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Ssomeguyweek 23
So, essentially, you're going to populate north america with durban poison? But seriously, if those females (aside from the many thousands of seeds you're going to get) get the nutrients they need for flowering those colas are going to be rather large next year. Since those sour diesels are CBD (from my understanding?), your observation of them having auto traits would really not surprise me because of likely ruderalis genetics. I have a bunch of (random) plants that aren't quite auto but show similar traits. And I have a bunch of seemingly autos that don't want to die, as if they went photoperiod, revegged, etc.
@@Ssomeguy, I've heard of Kratom but at this point I've got all the medicine I need.
@kegman83, Regarding your back, have you heard of or tried Kratom? I have fairly severe nervous system issues and it is very helpful, though if it would be for you probably depends. Also, Durban Poison happens to be a relatively CBN-heavy plant and CBN is an incredibly potent sedative. You might want to consider "aging" THC-heavy plants (DP is pretty good) with a natural tendency to produce CBN to get more CBN. Like letting them grow for even longer, for late harvest (I know, I know...but it's the simplest and possibly best way, since they kinda like to grow almost indefinitely) or something similar. A nice DP and CBD hybrid plant should be very good for medicinal usage, so good on you for that.
@@Ssomeguy, sounds about right. I really strive to grow sustainable strains that can exist in nature on their own without dying under their own weight. The caveat is that my back needs CBD just so I can live. Figured some old timers might enjoy the benefits of an old school strain with CBD benefits, but thats yet to be seen. Until next time.
Ssomeguyweek 12
Hey, looks fine. I wouldn't worry too much about the drooping from the rain (as long as it does subside eventually). Also I see the red streaking you were talking about, yeah, I have that on quite a few of my plants. While some of them do genuinely seem to have a genetic disposition towards purpling and such, I also think it is often a combination of a lack of phosphorus and low sunlight/photosynthesis capacity, some strains might just require a bit more than others. The reason I say that is because I honestly think I'm a bit low on phosphorus here in general and quite a few of my plants have recently purpled a lot, after being harvested + lower light conditions than before, so they obviously have significantly less leaves and ability to photosynthesize. Oh those caterpillars are annoying...there's rarely just a couple of them. Hopefully the neem oil helps (I haven't tried it).
@@Ssomeguy, I have read some anecdotal evidence that some stressing is good for turpene production. Still though, thats rough. Best of luck!
@kegman83, Well rather get caterpillars early than later, they burrow into the flowers, really annoying to remove. And you can easily get like a few hundred on a plant...just keep an eye out for those little black hash nuggets. And yeah, as I've mentioned, I honestly think that purpling is sunlight or phosphorus related. Despite what people may think, purpling is in general not a great sign. Seriously, I can turn almost any plant should see some of my plants now...think about it. I've got fairly low phosphorus levels, it's roughly winter (less sunlight), I harvested them earlier (less leaves for photosynthesis) I have a lot of purple plants.
@@Ssomeguy, I've only grown this strain twice before and I never saw it before. Either its the weather or I just didnt get lucky the last few times. Neems done pretty well. Cat seems to eat more leaves than the caterpillars
Removedweek 25
They’re massive can I purchase a few souvenirs I wouldn’t mind a go at legit dp next year
@kegman83,will definitely do that thanks man
@@Removed, Just shoot me an email at They wont be ready til October though.
amazongrowweek 27
hey bro, you garden looks beautiful and cool! =) tchau, do Brasil! =)
@amazongrow, muito obrigado!