
3 x Northern Light Automatic

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
7 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 7
20 hrs
Light Schedule
6+ conditions after
2+ nutrients after
Commented by
ClubRiot ClubRiot
7 years ago
Start week 7 , Bio Grow 2 ml/L + Bio Bloom 4 ml/L + Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 2 ml/L + CarboLoad 2 ml/L + Top Max 4 ml/L (Ph 6.7).
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ClubRiotweek 11
I have nothing to change in my diary, those who comment can only say their views, if @GrowDiaries finds something in the wrong, I will listen to their advice. the rest is just good thoughts for you guys.
@ClubRiot,the funniest thing is that you expect us to believe your entire plant fits in that pot πŸ‘€
@ClubRiot, Try former drug rehab councilor for adolescents and a horticulture student in the top of his class. I go out of my way to help people everywhere and even though you didn't seem to understand I tried to help you after you got called out by two other master growers to correct an issue that over 20+ people have seen and been talking about for over a week. Your diaries all still have their wattage listed incorrectly too.
@DabCrab,you are very funny, in real life I imagine you have a lot of friends, you can try a career in Civil Law or who knows Seriff maybe. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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@DabCrab, @CANNASIM, @BigDaddyK, @WhiteWidow, This is where I would love to be seating with you at a round table, everyone with a sample of his own grown. I personally think the quality is the most important. If I had to choose between 10gr of a high quality weed and a 100gr of chronic smoke, I would definitely choose the 10gr ! @CludRiot, You certainly did a great harvest, with your 2 x 250w, I can tell from the hangers, I would say there's around 300gr (maybe 280gr) properly dried , getting a great yield with NL 1 & 3 and a lil bit less with your NL 2. But as I said, for me only the quality count, that kind of quality where peoples look at you, when you smoke, wondering where did you get that weed and makes them shout at you "Men that weed smell good" ! That kind of quality when you pass your joint to peoples they start to talk to talk talk .... bla bla bla .... puffing on your joint like if it was some good chronic smoke .... and keeps puffing on that smooth smoke without coughing.... and suddenly the dude talk less and less ... and finish by being hang on something, usually something on the ground, lost in his dreams ... this is where I get my joint back and I know my shit is good 😊
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, I feel like I just wached ice cube stoned as shit on friday reading your comment 🀣
@DabCrab, @CANNASIM, no no no ... me I count the points for you folks πŸ˜… This is what happens after 1g Dab in 1 breath.
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Good thing I have an E-Nail. We might just be able to do this :D I've only ever been able to do a ,7G dab so we shall have to see :D
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It usually takes 15 days to get a good balance of moisture between extra/intra cellular space. This is where your buds feels dried but they aren't totally, there's still some moisture in it, and they look like lil rocks. Normally, dry weight, is for buds totally trimmed and properly dried, with no sugar leaves and no stems. There's definitely something wrong with your dry weight bro. As @DabCrab, and @BigDaddyK, I totally agree, this amount ( volume scaled with RQS plant marker ) of buds ( if totally dried ) can not weight a half of Kg.
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, When I wet trim all I think is about how much live rosin I'm going to make. lol
When I see wet trimmed buds, I imagine all the lil tiny caps of the trichomes unprotected when drying.... omg it's scary 😱... πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ Totally agree, it's hard to give drying tips, as every drying environment is different...
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, I concur for the 15 days when dry trimming for sure which this bud is clearly being dry trimmed. When you wet trim and hang dry in a low humidity environment you can get that down to 7 - 10 days. It all depends on the method being used.
DabCrabweek 11
As much as it physically hurts me I have to agree with @BigDaddyK. I had a long conversation with quite a few people the other night when voting went live about the questionable weight posted in this harvest. I think you might have been a little over-zealous in wanting to post this harvest to get into the contest for this month that you may have weighed the bud a little early before it was completely finished drying. 4 - 5 days isn't a long enough time for the moisture in the bud (Especially ones as large as those) to have evened out and left it. If you look closely at the harvested pictures of the buds in the bowls on the scale there is a very clear issue with volume per mass that means either two things that I can say for certain. Either you weighed the buds wet because of being eager to participate in the great contest this month and possibly didn't realize the buds were still in fact wet or you didn't zero out the scale the two other times you weighed the bud. 1 of those things must be true because the volume for which your bud takes up doesn't equal the space that over a pound of marijuana is supposed to take up. When you look closely at the buds in the bowl you can clearly see that they aren't trimmed which is kind of a big red flag to a lot of people. Why would you be weighing the bud with trim still on it everywhere? Another thing that can be noticed is most of the buds that you can see look very airy answering the question of whether or not the buds are just very dense. Moreover a huge red flag that points to that bud still being wet is that the orange hairs haven't coiled up and receded a little bit to form around the bud. The hairs look as though they are still reaching outward as if still on the plant indicating the plant is indeed not finished drying. Most importantly though the hardest thing for me to say to you is I know that you know because you rock a master title just like the rest of us..... 4 - 5 days after harvest and posting a dry weight is incorrect..... I waited 8 days to post my harvest weight because the bud wasn't perfectly dry and I live in a high altitude arid desert where there is no humidity.... I think other people may have different points to make and a few people mentioned something to a bunch people. I think you might want to re-weigh all that bud......
@WhiteWidow, Exactly. Just fix it man. Go re-weigh the bud and take new pictures of the bud on the scale and all is well. Theres no reason to defend something thats just so blatantly wrong. It was a mistake, an easily fixable one too. Just go correct it and no harm no foul.
@DabCrab, @ClubRiot. Bro you didnt lie when u said and wrote you weighed your buds after 4-5 days and its stated in your diary, its okay. Lying is when u put that weight to the dry bud weight section. And you weighed stems and leaves and branches which also cant be part of dry BUD weight. Brother no one has anything against you or your votes, you absolutely didnt earn all of then coz you harvested 500 or 200 grams all together. There are other stuff that count, fuck that weight just put correct info and problem solved, you stay on the page and growdiaries dont have to do shit. Thats the best advice you will receive today, cut stems and leaves, light a joint and weigh them buds :)
@ClubRiot, Well actually. This could get your account deleted. Why do you think I tried to ask you to change it. Fix it yourself before they make a judgement. Theres no point to being ignorant when all of the other Master growers on the site are in agreement and you've damned yourself in the comments by openly admitting the buds are probably still pretty darn wet. This is really disappointing. I had a lot of respect for you. So did the whole Wolfpack....
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Tedweek 10
Damn whats going on here πŸ˜‚ So many people in here are lying when it comes to yield..... I saw a lot of diaries with XXXg but when you look at the pictures and you know what a plant looks like when she got XXXg you defenitly know they are telling not the truth. But hey, thats okay for me.... The main thing in here should be passion and helping out others and thats what its all about.
@Ted, I'd be so choked at a 500g grow. In fact I was upset with myself with a 680g grow. But that's with a 1000w HPS and multiple plants under one light in a 4x4 section. Best I've had is 860g.. Hopefully I can do better on one of my nets this run..
@Benji,haha lmfao
@DomanAtrik,πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ you think the carpet pisser's did this??
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BigYudzweek 11
Not bad just harvested way too early, u got more white hairs than red haha, bet u ain't got a single amber trichome , ur the milky bar kid
@BigYudz, flushing takes nutes away not the time the plant is harvested. also THC is at its most potent as the plant is turning milky, when trichomes turn amber they have degraded. growers use the amber reference to make sure most of there trichomes have gone milky as the amber shows maturity.
@M0J0R1s1ng, hahahah defo I probs wouldn't smoke stuff this early, can probs taste the nutes lol
@BigYudz,I thought the same thing. Way too early. But hey its his plants man he can chop em any time he wants. Personally I dont get high on weed this early, maybe a crack buzz for 5 minutes but I smoke a lot so I liek it ripe.
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BigDaddyKweek 11
can you just clarify - you used 250 watts of HPS to yield 495 grams of dry bud?
@ClubRiot, bro pics of dry buds and pics of colas with branches and leaves isnt the same
@BigDaddyK,I used two 250W HPS lamps in tent, a 250W lamp for 3x NL auto, and a 250W HPS lamp for 3x RC auto, in addition to the 3x RC there was a WW auto, RB auto and RAK. This is the real amount of dried buds, I have no reason to lie. I uploaded pictures of buds on land and on scale. 15-liter textile pot, but have 20L of soil. Maybe I was wrong when I put the total power of 250W light, maybe it was 500W. If I'm wrong, please correct me. thank you.πŸ‘
TheFairyBudMotherweek 11
Nice pants you have in your closet. I would love to try them on! Great job! πŸ’–
@TheFairyBudMother, thanks!πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘
BigDaddyKweek 11
Oh I see you have deleted the pictures lol , good job I took a copy πŸŽ₯
@DabCrab,stay quiet, I'm not as bad as you think, I did not tell anyone to do like me, so I work, if it's wrong then it's my way to work wrong, but I did not encourage anyone to work as I do.
@ClubRiot, Whats boring is having to spend time making sure that fools like you don't intentionally spread misinformation to people who are actually trying to learn how to grow from this site.
@DabCrab,a dialogue with BigDaddyK, even ironic or contradictory, is somewhat interesting. but honestly, DabCrab bored me terribly.
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WhiteWidowweek 11
I say @growdiaries should enable dry weight input after 15 days. How can one put dry weight if he just harvested the fucken plant..?
@WhiteWidow, microwave drying Sir ☝️ πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜„πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜„
@ClubRiot, you must dry your buds however you want to do its your plant. But dont weigh stems and leaves with buds and put the photo and data to the DRY BUD WEIGHT
@ClubRiot, This would be incorrect given that every piece of respected and known literature contradicts you. This is a science where there are facts.
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BigDaddyKweek 11
I'm looking at your pictures and they tell a different story , everyone here can see , that's why they are upset , it is a shame , there is not nearly 20 ounces in the pictures
@BigDaddyK,Maybe buds were not enough to dry after 4-5 days, then I thought they were dry. I have specified in the description that buds are weighed after 4-5 days of drying. People have seen this, I have not lied to anyone. Whoever feels lied to me can withdraw the vote.
@ClubRiot,the length of the plant marker is 10 cm , there is 10'buds in there are you telling me each one of those buds weigh 23 grams dry lol .
@BigDaddyK,that's your opinion, I do not want to contradict you. Some buds were more airy, others denser, the bowl in which the buds were placed on the scale weighs 250g. That's what I post, if you like it ok, if you do not like it is just ok. I do not have time to go into the polemic with anyone here. I do not get any money from this, post pictures here for pleasure, and the pictures are real. You can not say some things about me because you do not know me. I appreciate the way you grow your plants, I respect you, but I do not think it's normal to accuse me of changing the pictures. You are a good Master, which I follow and do not want to contradict with you for some pictures. It's your free choice to believe what you want and comment on what you want. There is no different story, I have a tent in which there are 2 250W cooltube HPS lamps, in this tent they grow 9 plants in the blooming stage. Greetings
biggreens420week 11
Congratulations on the harvest bro nice job
@biggreens420,thanks! πŸ‘πŸ‘Š
BigDaddyKweek 11
Personally I think you should all stop cheating 😜
BigDaddyKweek 11
Are you telling me that in the pot at the end on the scales is 8 ounces of dry bud ? It says 231 grams in that pot that would make each cola 1 ounce dry πŸ˜€
BigDaddyKweek 11
No matter what you say it is physically impossible to fit 8 ounces of bud in that tub in the last photo . That would be 8 one ounce jars in volume .
@WhiteWidow @DabCrab @ClubRiot @BigDaddyK @JUNGLE_B4RNS Well guys SLX grinders states that it never sticks, when you complaint in their website they send you a reply that anything you grind above 10% humidity will stick... lol 10% is like weed so dry like desert sand... Wtfk... Long story short to me personally 55% humidity is my preferred level, it takes a bit to arrive there, That variants of humidity level impacts a lot the weight of course a good trimming and clean buds are crucial to start with, we do not have an standar here for the dry weight, in my opinion the wet weight is standardized automatically, because there are less variants that affects the weight such as the dry methode and curing to a certain humidity level of preference. ...For the argue it self i think there is nothing to gain exchanging offenses... Cheers and always, Happy Growing! πŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™ƒ
@CANNASIM, I personally love sticky weed. Can't stand really dry buds
@DabCrab, for me the only way i can diagnose the humidity is in the air inside the jar i do not have the required equipment to test actual humidity in the buds it self. My hatio is 20%-30% dry weight from the wet after drying, my process before jaring takes 10-15 days depending on the strain... Cheers
@CANNASIM, Labs won't test bud over 15% humidity here in Colorado. It'd be considered not to acceptable standards. On page 10 they explain: Most Cannabis is dried and cured to a final water activity level of Aw 0.30 – 0.60 This corresponds to moisture content values of between 2% and 13%. On page 35: 1. Water activity can be used as a marker for overall microbial levels: Cannabis with water activity levels above Aw 0.65 should be returned to producers.
growdoctordcweek 11
Wooden hangers indicate a man who has style, good taste, and an appreciation of fine things.
@growdoctordc, thanks Bro!!πŸ’ͺπŸ‘Œ
Bigpunweek 11
Nice and dank from the looks mang!
Mr_Positivoweek 11
Contrats on bagging another stella grow. Your NL looks very tasty. Looking forward to your report.
@Mr_Positivo, thanks man! I expect a much better harvest than the NL's first attempt to grow.πŸ‘πŸ™
The Grow Boss would say that it's a good growers problem when the plants gets too big for the light πŸ˜‰
@JUNGLE_B4RNS,I raised the lamp at 40 cm from the top of the plants for a better distribution of light. I hope to cover the surface of the lights better and wait for a rich harvest. Another 2 weeks of waiting.πŸ‘πŸ™