
Let Mother Nature do the job - 1st part

5 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 15
13 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Bio molasses
2.5 ml/l
Bactrex - Bio Tabs
5 mll
Commented by
Budofpray Budofpray
5 years ago
Previously on this diary…. after a litle lul in the heatwave plants grow fast excepted for oudini wich stay healthy but small…..never mind i Always have small plant in case of rain in late bloom or Something…. so i can easily protect from…i deciced to transplant her in final 38l pot; with biobizz all mix and light mix 50/50 add lava rocks and fungals. SC grows really fast…..too much in a sense….initially i was thinking i can let her in the 30l airpot until the end….but as a sativa pheno i am a bit worried! as i have neighbours not far i cant 'have a too bigger plant in height….in the same time as the pot is full of roots i have to watering 2 ou 3 times per days depending of the temps….this baby drinks a lot ! i have to find a solution. SG grows normally for a real indica….incredibly bushy with large leaves, stems are very thick….even if u rub leaves you got the fragrance on your fingers….amazing !! But i am a bit worry cause no real sign of stretch or pistils…. my only photo at this time wich shows the first bud is the quick s Strange cause we are on the 12 h outdoor cycle….hope pistils will comme soon cause here sometimes in late september we can have a lot of rain…. annouced by the breeder beginning of october i hope they will go in flowering stage next Week ! ------------ thx for Following and haapy growing all 🙏
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Budofprayweek 1
@@Ssomeguy please dude if you edit your post say what you edit 👍 thx… the title of the vid : Top Reason Why Biochar Doesn't Increase Crop Yields…. as i said if you put bio char and even more with char waste not correctly acivated it will acts in soil like a vampire...drinking all nutrients it can at each watering….until it is properly activated. there is only one Reason 😄 after this is just a question of good tips in order to activate it at the best 🙏
@Eauderay, hey your words sounds great !! take a look on my quick kush is the demonstration on the first state of a germinating seed process… Natural mycos and trichos lost ground this last century in permaculture because of the productivism philosophy built by a lot of manufacturers…. it is a wrong way to think correctly to my point of view…. i am here to show the best way to produce yield, quality and this with so much less nutrients than usual...👊
@Budofpray, interesting link! I also stopped buying trichos because it is already in my soil. I don't think it is possible to replicate what nature's does outside in my 20liter pot? You might starve beneficial who need extended plants connections between many species to truly be beneficial, it is perhaps taking more than it can give in small containers like mine? The only thing I would buy is to improve my grow room air intake/ cooling capacity and co2. But I am always interested in those products and people that tries! maybe there is one out that does! Also if you want to remove excess heavy metals in soil or water like uranium you can use Zeolite or bentonite clay. Zeolites are used in Fukushima!!!
@@@Ssomeguy, stay stuned buddy !! 👍👍 next update i will give new elements….thx for your help….👌 this gave me new idea on how i can present that 🙏
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CRiSPrGrowweek 2
I've been here 9 months I've seen some wierd stuff and some cool stuff, but i never seen anyone get as deep as this one man - i like it ! 🚀 cc. @b4rns i think this french dude and you can get wierd talking about organics man check him out lol
@Budofpray, i mean i hope b4rns checks you out lol
@CRiSPrGrow, Yoo buddy grealty appreciated 👍👍 you do so good job too ! 👌 I hope to succeed as well as you 💪👌 i will check his work np ! i found today another diary wich is on the same path !! for me it represent maybe the next level for "Mega" supersoil 🙌
Philindicusweek 5
I like your philosophy. I'm already following 60 diaries what's a few more.
@Philindicus, hey 👊 If If I had the same humility as you… may be I would say that if you have to follow one - it is this one 👌 👍 😓 😂 As I understand - you need to learn a lot...for me you make the right choice to follow 60+ diaries buddy 💪💪… your next diaries surely will be better 👌… Sharing and learn that's the right path 👌…. good relationship with each other is one key 🙌 I am sure that in the future…. I would need your help 🙏 that why i'am happy to count you among my follower 👊 even if you still haven't added to my followers mate 🙌
Puffer_Billweek 3
Potato as a seed accelerant. Wow 👊🏼🧠👍🏼 Seedlings look gr🎱
@Puffer_Bill, yeah potato ...but as a fungi infection accelerant 😉
Budofprayweek 3
I appreciate your mind a lot bulbi 👍👌 💪you go straight to the essentials… it will be included in the summary i m going to do…. but i'am going to talk also in this chapter….stay tuned !! ps : if you are impatient feel free to ask me by chat bro !! 😉
@Budofpray, it's a great summary, really - a nice starting point for folks like me to learn the basics 👊
@CRiSPrGrow, and so ??
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Philindicusweek 5
What's up with your diary? It's shows week 5 but the seedlings look maybe 14 days old. Please explain your math?
@Budofpray, max on @growdiaries is 27 weeks 🌮 🤠 🚀
@Philindicus, you probably right… but sometimes a naughty little duck becomes a beautiful swan buddy...It's my romantic side i guess 😘 and yes i agree….i could have a best start 😓 But sometimes a great start ended badly on final….Sometimes who knows ? 🙌 😉 it is a pleasure to have you as a follower… Take a seat dude 👍...I'll do everything to get down below the 100 weeks to avoid you ending up with hemoroids 🙏
@Budofpray,Looks like your off to a great start I will follow this grow for the next 100 weeks or so according to my estimate. Yes there's always one in the bunch sometimes seedlings don't want to pop off the shell and open up.Probably a weak seedling. Not worth wasting your time and effort on them when they do that.
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Budofprayweek 1
Yoo dude !! it s pleasant to see that you've done some researchs 👍 I just take a look to your's exactly the philosophy it's a question of building a soil really effective … i took time to read more precisely your diaries. as you said our ways présents real similar things...but if i understand well, your pleasure is to do homemade stuff to grow your plant right ? but you still do a mistake if you keep thinking that coal wastes is rougly similar to bio char…if you used this it will take looooong time to be really effective in your soil...even if you have mix with some cool amendments….as the guys say in this video after doing his mix, he let sit FEW MONTHS to active worms and microbiens activity… i'm going to show my own experimental way to activate bio char in 10/12 days…. and stay stuned because i think this can also be done differently based on specific tea 👍 🙏
@Budofpray, Yes I know that stuff, I burned it with fire for a while. The "activation" or "charging" or "inoculation" process is populating the char with fungus and bacterias. That's also to some extent a reason why it uses and needs nutrients for a while (the microbes use a lot of it, too), since biochar itself has quite a limited nutrient/mineral profile. Edit: Biochar is not difficult to understand or make, especially if you're not doing it for industrial purposes. The basic principles are to not let it get too hot, and to not let it burn to ash (usually with some methods to slowly and consistently burn the material, such as covering and water and putting the fire out at the right time, roughly). I know, that's pretty crude, but then, I do things very simply, if I can. And so far, it's been working. I also believe there are reasons to have sort of "impure" biochar, with some nice ash and some semi-burnt materials, as they also have their own beneficial effects.
@@Ssomeguy, ok buddy !! if you think you do the right things for activating i'am happy for you 👌 but which seems to me easy to understand that is bio char is not a name given to char made with bio plant material as you burn and colonised by microbes as you say… the name bio char is produced after a specific pyrolised burn process : you understand ? to make bio char you have the slow pyrolisys (traditional pre colombian technics wich produce a dirt low quality bio char and modern technics wich produce big yields high quality clean bio char) and the flash pyrolisys wich is the modern quick technique with high pressure… it's formed under complete exclusion of oxygen at a range temps between 700 and 1800 ºF according to the techniques used ! did you do that for your char ?? these techniques change the physical properties of the char...that's why i posted a micron pics of the bio char to show the sponge aspect wich is one aspect of his new physical properties. not hard to understand😉 Anyway if you think what you do is the best...this is the most important buddy 👍
@Budofpray, He says it activates within about 2 weeks (even with very simple things), but longer is typically better. Also, that's JUST the biochar, sitting there, alone. And it's not coal waste. It's burnt plant material (char), which was sourced and made in this yard from trees and stuff. It becomes "bio"char as it gets populated by microbes, not so hard to understand. I already have good soil, added compost, feeds, etc. So, I might as well let the biochar sit on my topsoil, and the microbes from my soil (other than from the mixed in compost) can start populating it, while I also gradually feed it. Mine's been sitting on the (top) soil, around the plants for about 2 weeks now. It should already be somewhat activated, considering the huge amount of microbial activity and already good soil, nutrients I have here. Think about it, I already have LOTS of trichoderma, bacillus, earthworms, very varied nutrients etc in my soil. So I just added the char (mixed with compost and other nutrients) over that, mainly as filler actually, but I'm pretty sure it'll get activated just the same, maybe even quicker than usual.
Ashbashweek 2
Hay man! Thanks for viewing my diary! I'd be happy to give you my experience with this plant, sharing knowledge is key. Firstly, I had an extremely vigorous veg period, she really shot up quickly. Side branching was strong and she also responded very well to topping. The flowering stretch was the biggest I've ever seen, a real doubler. I was sent these seed and nutes by RQS as a promo, and the nutes I'm using are the "easy boost organic nutrition" which go in your soil mix and slow release over 12 weeks. And in conjunction with that I'm also using "easy combo booster pack" which has veg and bloom soluble tabs in a pack together. They're not cheap, so not sure if I'd use again before trying something more traditional. That backbuilding technique you mention is intriguing. It is so simple, but I see how it would work. Might be a good way to try and prevent foxtailing. Gonna do it on my stardawg this week, see how it goes. Will keep you posted with any info I have. Peace bro ✌️
@Ashbash, you totally connect buddy….👏 👍 foxtailing is not really a bad thing at all on my point of view…. depend of so much parameters due to the gen/pheno/environment/light etc... and because in addition very often it is difficult to manage properly...😒 but with this technique i'am sure that if we are on the good timing we can have better Density and size
@Budofpray, Yea man, that's the exact article I read after you mentioned it. One of my plants might be a bit past that point now, and the others way too soon, but there doesn't seem to be any downside to trying. At worst you'll lose a fraction of a gram of bud from what I understood, and thats if the buds have stopped growing.
@Ashbash, thanks man ! did you read the 420 magazine trhread that JJjunior mentionned ? you have to do that at right timing to be fully effective and it may depend on blooming stage duration 👌 🙏
Cannabis farming is a bit like Kung-fu, there is many different schools with their own technics where the Masters keeps to improve their skill during a full life.... Oh-oh-oh-ohhhhhhhh .... Oh-oh-oh-ohhhhhhhh ...Oh-oh-oh-ohhhhhhhh Oh-oh-oh-ohhhhhhhh Everybody was Kung Fu fighting, those cats were fast as lightning In fact it was a little bit frightening, but they fought with expert timing 😉
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, gonna check this sound 👌 as soon as possible 👍 but if u can give by chat links and your promotional free 50% would be greatly appreciated 💪😍 if u can do this from your solar system...You'll be the sweetest little grey I've ever met on this dimension buddy 🙌🙌 Ôm nama shivaya 🙏
@Budofpray, funky Billy B4RNS says you can use the CMCCROC7 and BEG72 mychorizae strains , plus a lil hint of trichoderma MUCL45632 strain .... edit : CMCCROC7 for seeds and seedlings, and BEG72 + MUCL45632 in the early Veg 😉
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Domo arigato senseï 👊 i understand clearly the ref sensëi ✊ i was more a "con Fou" than a fighter….😝 but it seem things has changed a bit ! Now...i'am ready to rumble… 😹 …... There was funky Billy B4ns and little Bulbi Chung 😂 He said : here comes the big boss, lets get it on !! We took a bow and made a stand, started swaying with the hand The sudden motion made me skip now we're into a brand new trip Oh-oh-oh-ohhhhhhhh ....💪💪👊😝
CRiSPrGrowweek 4
seedlings are fickle little f'ers , even touching it with the oil on your fingers can cause it distress. Have you tried making an ancient native american resuscitation dance around it? 🚀
@CRiSPrGrow, its works my friend !! seriously...i think i m gonna call her Oudini 😈
@CRiSPrGrow, a Fuc**** good idea bro 👏👊😅 If tomorrow she's still standing...I would try electroshocks 🙀
Puffer_Billweek 2
Awesome work and diary. Fantastic close up photos. 😁⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🌱
@Puffer_Bill, 🙌🙏 appreciate buddy... i try to do my best in develloping new approach….your help is welcome 👍
Puffer_Billweek 4
Sorry about the young one. 🔩🌱
@Puffer_Bill,🙏🙏….. i am going to do an update… it seems to me that i loaded a bit too much the pre-booster and some seeds can't resist to a full load of infection…. i have to fix that….and find the good balance !! thx for ur support dude 👍👊
cannamazingweek 4
hey bird of prey, try what i did in my 1st week, give her some time, see if the cotys come free and then gently lift them free after moistening with water. if her cotys don't rise up at all i'm of no experience.
@cannamazing, hey my friend ! by mistake I could not see your message 🙏 Yeah 👊 👊 You were right ! Oudini was born 🙌 But Oudini 's struggling to regain strength it looks like 😘 she's seems so fragile i gonna take a pic soon 👍 thx bro for your support 💪
Ashbashweek 4
Hey dude, I had the same thing happen with my royal Gorilla. I eventually pried it off but the plant never took off, so I swapped for a new seed. I think you made the right decision there 👍👍
@Ashbash, thx you bro for your good vibes 👊 !!
CRiSPrGrowweek 2
just read the week 2 thing, nice, just thought those were your own pics there for a sec lol, you had me in the first half ;-)
@CRiSPrGrow,👍 you can't imagine How long it took me to find all this photos….there is so much money at stake that everyone want to hid now their works…. every day new strains of fungi are discovered …. like this new fabulous pest killer for example 💪
amazongrowweek 2
thanks for the info brow, im using endo mycos for the first time and the growth in various plants im growing (only one being cannabis) is very aggressive! The cannabis is the one that is mostly strong and taking advantages of their friend mycos, the roots are all white and big at the bottom of the pot. I will be following along this one too... happy growing! tchau, do Brazil
@amazongrow, your welcome my friend ! thx for your support 🙏 happy growing too 😉
Puffer_Billweek 1
Excellent research and forward thinking. 🧠👍🏼 🌞🌱
@Puffer_Bill, thx buddy ! let's talk about forward thinking 😜 feel free to participate 👍👊
Eauderayweek 2
I did not say you were controlling everything in your grow...i think you are misunderstanding me, I agree with you and bird of prey, I am not trying to argue with you on such small points because it seems we agree on many crucial points...just trying to understand why it works for you when it clearly did not for me! How everything even clones react so differently to their environment! When I was lowering water ph my plants always suffered/dying in mid flowering stage unlike those I did not including tomatoes and salads! For chlorine I just let the water cool down to ambient temperature, does it remove enough of it so I do not experience problems? There is surely simple answers and ways to do the link you provided about DIY biochar! So let's stop arguing but sharing experiences and try to understand why it works this way or another!
Ssomeguyweek 1
@Budofpray, I was checking something about simple biochar activation, got to this video: I did roughly something like that (my char is a mix, some ash, mostly burnt pieces and then some pieces not entirely burnt so it's not purely just biochar, I'm confident it's more than good enough though). But anyway, I used mulberry leaves, compost, urine mixed with it. I didn't even know I should do something like that. So it's gonna gradually activate over the next few months. Other than that I do feed the soil sugars, carbs, compost and plant teas as well as other random stuff though so a lot of it will likely activate fairly quickly and the soil was loaded with stuff before (vermicompost, compost, many kinds of carbs, basalt, plant debris etc). The guy in that video also uses basalt with his biochar, which I've used fairly extensively and I think basalt is quite effective.
Jamesweek 1
Good luck!!!!