
The Agnostic Church 01

5 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 1
18 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
KIS Organics Water Only Soil with Biochar
128.906 ml/l
Calcium Magnesium Supplement - Terra Aquatica
Calcium Magnesium Supplement
0.264 mll
Commented by
MovingOn MovingOn
5 years ago
Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD): 0.7kPa Week 1 light wattage average: 238W Hello again, y’all! This next grow is “The Church” by the legendary breeders at Green House Seed Co. It will be growing next to “Holy Grail Kush” in my other journal by the powerhouse breeders at DNA Genetics. It will be a "religious experience" - agnostically of course 😜. I couldn’t resist growing them together for the novelty of the names, and both strains are supposed to be phenomenal. The flower time for both should be pretty equal as well. I planted three seeds in peat pods, and I will keep the best one for this journal. They were slow to pop, and one looks to be mutated. The HGK seeds in my other journal popped quite a bit more successfully and are more normal looking. I’ve seen in other journals about how The Church can be a little mutated sometimes, so here’s hoping the good one turns out well. I am going to be making quite a bit of changes from my last grow, and I’ll describe that in detail below. My time will be more limited this go around though, so it will be a good test to see if I actually make some improvement. My goal is to shave off some weeks and still see if I can get the same yield. I'll be doing fimming with LST, but if timing opens up, I might go back to a manifold like on my last grows. The pics aren’t all that great for this week, but this is the first week so I’m not going to fuss about it right now. I’ll be taking better pictures in the upcoming weeks. Growing Medium: Kis Organics, Water Only Soil with Biochar Espoma, Organic Perlite I want to stick with using organic super soils, and KIS Organics is a farm local to me. I used Kind Soil previously, but the last 4 plants I’ve grown seemed to not get the full nutrient potential from the Kind Soil without supplements. I don’t completely blame Kind Soil though because I believe that the shipping time and dryness of my tent killed some of the life in it. I also like KIS Organic’s customer service - Kind Soil seems to respond negatively to a lot of customers. I will be doing about 50% soil and 50% perlite. Watering System: Autopots, Smart Pot XL I have been doing some reading on Autopots, and I bought a couple of their Smart Pot XL systems. On the last grows I had a hard time gauging how much I needed to water partly because I was scared of over watering (but found out later that I was under watering), my tent runs a little dry, and because I want to be able to go on more trips. If used correctly it is a foolproof watering system, and the plants can drink at their own pace. You just have to top-water the first 7-10 days to let the roots grow down to the water pan. The way it works is there is a float system that opens a valve to refill the pots after they have gone dry. I will have to top feed some of my additives though, which will be explained in the second part of the next section. Supplements: General Hydroponics, CaMg+ KIS Organics, Nutrient Pack Real Growers, Recharge Growcentia, Mammoth P For supplements I will be using Camg+ very sparingly to prevent the brown spots commonly caused by the combination of living soil and LED lighting, I will still be using Recharge except on the last two weeks (highly recommended - it made a noticeable improvement on my last two plants), and Mammoth P will be used through the whole grow (even though Mammoth P is for microbial phosphorus production during flowering, it is also supposed to be good for the roots during veg). Take note though that organic materials cannot be added to the water reservoir of the Autopots since organic material solidifies inside the tubes. Instead, once every week or two I will shut off the reservoir line and top-feed the microbes. Then turn the reservoir line back on the next day. You aren’t supposed to top-feed Autopots, but it is okay from time to time if you are not using synthetic nutrients, and I will also add a top dressing of KIS Organic nutrient pack on my 4th and 6th week. Lighting: Kind LED, K5 XL1000 This is a programmable variable light. In early veg stages I will be using settings programmed to a lower intensity with bluer colors and gradually increase intensity and reds as the plant ages. I have a Kill-a-Watt meter on the line, and even on full intensity the wattage never exceeds the lower 600s. This early on in the grow the light is only in the 200s. Humidity: Elechomes, UC5501 Ultrasonic Humidifier Since my tent runs really dry with the stronger lights and low ambient humidity in the air, I know now that I have to supplement humidity. I tried two humidifiers previous to this one that were shitty, but this one maintains the proper RH with a humidistat much better than the other two I tried. Ventilation: AC Infinity, Cloudline T6 The ventilation has been upgraded to an AC Infinity temperature and/or humidity controlled fan to reduce power consumption and noise, and it not running all of the time will hopefully retain more humidity and CO2 inside the tent. CO2: 2x Exhale, The XL This time might be my last time using my two Exhale XL bags since I only get about 200-300 more PPMs than my normal ambient air. Monitoring: Pulse One Hydrofarm, APCEM2 Autopilot Desktop CO2 Monitor & Data Logger The Pulse One is a handy sensor that connects to your WiFi and monitors temperature, humidity, and vapor pressure deficit (VPD). I’ve been able to see what is going on in the tent at all times, even on my phone. Lately I have also learned quite a bit about VPD and why it is important to have it dialed in - just adjusting your temperature and humidity is not enough. Learning how they affect each other, and also how they affect the plant together is essential. My Hydrofarm sensor is how I monitor the CO2. It logs over time, so it is good to see my average CO2 levels. I also have another little generic temp and RH monitor for a backup. My vent fan also measures temp and RH. All of my sensors together give me an average that I use to keep my Pulse One calibrated. Growing Techniques: I’m going to be reducing my defoliation this time around because I think last time I removed too many potential strong flowering branches. I’m going to try fimming instead of Nugbuckets Mainlining because I will be on more of a time crunch this go around. I will still be doing LST if needed as well. But as I mentioned above, if my schedule opens up this summer, I might go back to doing manifolds. Please also check out my other journal, Holy Grail Kush, by DNA Genetics:
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MicrowGrow420week 11
Wow looks great, we have been a busy 'gangsta' bee 😎...he he, got some nice grows under your belt. Green House Seeds can't go wrong. My first ever GH seed was from a shop / coffee house in amsterdam, i daringly smuggled it back to the uk in the 90's, had no idea what i was doing and ended up leaving it in my dads greenhouse, it got quite big until he figured out it was drugs and illegal big time and then it was gone. It's still illegal here big time..omg what am i doing 😱
@MicrowGrow420, yes, even though the plant started as a mutant, after a good cure the flavor has become top notch. It is very strong too, I can only use this strain for special occasions... special occasions like locking myself up for a day playing video games.
TheBudWhispererweek 9
Good to hear your automations on point dude👍. And regarding nutrient loss - wouldn’t really surprise me either if the soils been sucked dry of nutes. have you considered a compost tea? It can be added at any point in the growth cycle and is perfect for a little additional charge on weeks 4/5 of flower. Or is that what the mammoth microbes is for?
@TheBudWhisperer, yes, exactly. But what I mean is my mistake was not using a large enough container for the living soil. KIS Organics recommends a 7 gallon pot for a full run. So if I did a 50/50 split, then I would potentially need up to a 14 gallon pot, but I was majorly dumb and basically only used 2.5 gallons of living soil, which is probably not even half of what I needed. This being said, I assume that their 7gal recommendation does account for some drainage supplementing, but probably not up to a 50/50 split. So I'm actually guessing I needed at least a 10gal pot. Unfortunately, the Autopots' largest size of smart pot is 5gal, so I don't think I can use them on my next run if I want to get the full intended effect from my soil and amendment mixture. I am thinking that on my next run I will do a larger pot.
@MovingOn, well - yes and no IMO. I’m a huge fan of amendments because what it lacks in nutrients it makes up for with better drainage and a more porous root environment. That’s two huge benefits you don’t get with soil alone. Enough people on here run into all sorts of issues when the roots get choked out and water logged. Think it might’ve been a good choice if your partially automated👍
@TheBudWhisperer, I am considering some sort of supplement at least. My girlfriend has some nitrogen fertilizer, and I'm pretty sure that is the deficiency I am having. I should probably look into a compost tea as well. The Mammoth P is more phosphorous focused. I think I probably have 3 weeks at least to go, so I might need to supplement for at least a week and a half. Just been so busy lately it has unfortunately not been my primary focus as of late. When I think about it, it was pretty dumb of me to do a 50/50 mix of living soil and perlite in a 5 gallon container, because that only makes 2.5 gallons of living soil, argh, nowhere near enough for a full grow.
The_Bearded_Growerweek 2
also i see you got a mutant as well lolol
@The_Bearded_Grower, not sure yet, but I won't kill them.
@MovingOn,giving away the other 2 ? mine grew out of the deformity
@The_Bearded_Grower, yeah, each one of the three had a mutation, but I am only going to keep the one with the least deformities.
TheBudWhispererweek 8
Lookn pimp buddy - how’s the manageability? Much less attention with the auto pots?
@MovingOn, we’ll as long as there’s some value to it what more can u ask for right, end of the day it’s a living thing u gotta take care of. And f*%# yeah it can be a bitch of a chore! Lol
@TheBudWhisperer, thanks, bud! I had started only using the Autopots for days when I'm away. I just couldn't trust them enough to let the roots soak the whole time 24/7. I know that kind of defeats the purpose of my original intention, but alternating back and forth seems to be the safest route. The girls were doing so well I just couldn't risk it completely. But for what I am using them for, they are freaking awesome and takes some of the worry away.
TheBudWhispererweek 1
Dude these are super cool. Interested to see how it turns out with the fim too. I’ve found this to be unreliable in terms of uniformity (when compared to topping) but if your lst is on point then the result (ie. Multiple colas and breaking apical dominance) is the same. Lookn forward to it bud!👍😎👊
@MovingOn, don’t be reluctant at all dude. I just fimmed my cheese grow and that plants an auto. With fimming you really don’t see much of a slowing in growth, if any at all. It’s wayyy less high stress than topping and you will get similar results just less uniform. I think you’ll be surprised and you might be able to shave down your veg. Time even further (assuming you’re only fimming once of course). There’s a few different ways u can do it too - all with varying levels of stress obviously.
@TheBudWhisperer, yeah, honestly I'm a little reluctant to do it, but I might only have 6 weeks of veg available and want to keep my plant shock to a minimum. I would rather do the manifold again and see how my current grows compare to my last two, but alas, summer is here and I won't be able to be able to put as much focus and time into it. If some personal and familial scheduling gets more solidified and open though, I might be able to do a manifold again (which is what I'm hoping for).
Abzotukiffweek 13
thank you for all this informations bro :) lovely diary
@Abzotukiff, aww thanks, buddy!
NekoSamaweek 13
Banged this outta the park! Been wanting to try 'The Church's, and you just made us order seeds! Love your work, keep it up!! Happy growin'! ✌️🌱🌲😎💨
@NekoSama, thank you! Happy to inspire.
green_leafweek 13
@MovingOn big congratulations bro! Do have baby-cuttings from the Church and would you grow her again?
@green_leaf, hey, buddy! I didn't do any cuttings, because the three phenotypes I got from the seed pack were not the greatest plants. The quality is wonderful, but I would probably need to get new seeds to find a phenotype as robust as yours. I am remembering this strain as one to try again maybe in the next few years, but for the time being I am going to experiment with some other strains first.
Welovephattrees420ukweek 13
Alright dude I'm a outdoor grower by rights she'll easily give 10 oz on a full season.
@Welovephattrees420uk, excellent! I think that if I hadn't messed this one up so bad during flower, I probably could have had almost 3oz. Oh well, at least it was a learning experience.
ambitionweek 4
Good luck on the grow!
@ambition, thank you!
green_leafweek 3
@MovingOn, best luck and a heavy crop my friend! -> i will be watching... :D
@green_leaf, thank you!
TheBudWhispererweek 2
Dude, the setup is intimidatingly high tech. You must be so proud of it👍😎
@TheBudWhisperer, thank you, dude. My goal is to get as close as I can to "set it and forget it". Well, that being said, it still takes a lot of attention, but when I turn those Autopots on after 7-10 days, that will be the true test of the system.
Johnnyroncoweek 13
Great looking buds!
Spacemanweek 13
nice grow bro 👍
WeedTheNorthweek 13
Looking good brother, just what the doctor ordered lol🇨🇦😎🌴🙏👊
TheBudWhispererweek 10
Any time dude👍 Thanks for the shoutout👊
The_Bearded_Growerweek 2
i see you got started on the church. you wont be disipointed with her