
Holy Agnostic Grail Kush 01

5 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 1
18 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
KIS Organics Water Only Soil with Biochar
128.906 ml/l
Calcium Magnesium Supplement - Terra Aquatica
Calcium Magnesium Supplement
0.264 mll
Commented by
MovingOn MovingOn
5 years ago
Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD): 0.7kPa Week 1 light wattage average: 238W Hello again, y’all! This next grow is “Holy Grail Kush” by the powerhouse breeders at DNA Genetics. It will be growing next to “The Church” in my other journal by the legendary breeders at Green House Seed Co. It will be a "religious experience" - agnostically of course 😜. I couldn’t resist growing them together for the novelty of the names, and both strains are supposed to be phenomenal. The flower time for both should be pretty equal as well. I planted three seeds in peat pods, and I will keep the best one for this journal. All three seeds popped right away and seem to be pretty consistent with each other, so it might be a tough competition to see which I keep. They popped quite a bit more successfully than The Church seeds in my other journal. I’m excited about this strain and always seem to hear lots of good things about it, and seeing how robust they are out of the gate makes me feel pretty good about this grow. I am going to be making quite a bit of changes from my last grow, and I’ll describe that in detail below. My time will be more limited this go around though, so it will be a good test to see if I actually make some improvement. My goal is to shave off some weeks and still see if I can get the same yield. I'll be doing fimming with LST, but if timing opens up, I might go back to a manifold like on my last grows. The pics aren’t all that great for this week, but this is the first week so I’m not going to fuss about it right now. I’ll be taking better pictures in the upcoming weeks. Growing Medium: Kis Organics, Water Only Soil with Biochar Espoma, Organic Perlite I want to stick with using organic super soils, and KIS Organics is a farm local to me. I used Kind Soil previously, but the last 4 plants I’ve grown seemed to not get the full nutrient potential from the Kind Soil without supplements. I don’t completely blame Kind Soil though because I believe that the shipping time and dryness of my tent killed some of the life in it. I also like KIS Organic’s customer service - Kind Soil seems to respond negatively to a lot of customers. I will be doing about 50% soil and 50% perlite. Watering System: Autopots, Smart Pot XL I have been doing some reading on Autopots, and I bought a couple of their Smart Pot XL systems. On the last grows I had a hard time gauging how much I needed to water partly because I was scared of over watering (but found out later that I was under watering), my tent runs a little dry, and because I want to be able to go on more trips. If used correctly it is a foolproof watering system, and the plants can drink at their own pace. You just have to top-water the first 7-10 days to let the roots grow down to the water pan. The way it works is there is a float system that opens a valve to refill the pots after they have gone dry. I will have to top feed some of my additives though, which will be explained in the second part of the next section. Supplements: General Hydroponics, CaMg+ KIS Organics, Nutrient Pack Real Growers, Recharge Growcentia, Mammoth P For supplements I will be using Camg+ very sparingly to prevent the brown spots commonly caused by the combination of living soil and LED lighting, I will still be using Recharge except on the last two weeks (highly recommended - it made a noticeable improvement on my last two plants), and Mammoth P will be used through the whole grow (even though Mammoth P is for microbial phosphorus production during flowering, it is also supposed to be good for the roots during veg). Take note though that organic materials cannot be added to the water reservoir of the Autopots since organic material solidifies inside the tubes. Instead, once every week or two I will shut off the reservoir line and top-feed the microbes. Then turn the reservoir line back on the next day. You aren’t supposed to top-feed Autopots, but it is okay from time to time if you are not using synthetic nutrients, and I will also add a top dressing of KIS Organic nutrient pack on my 4th and 6th week. Lighting: Kind LED, K5 XL1000 This is a programmable variable light. In early veg stages I will be using settings programmed to a lower intensity with bluer colors and gradually increase intensity and reds as the plant ages. I have a Kill-a-Watt meter on the line, and even on full intensity the wattage never exceeds the lower 600s. This early on in the grow the light is only in the 200s. Humidity: Elechomes, UC5501 Ultrasonic Humidifier Since my tent runs really dry with the stronger lights and low ambient humidity in the air, I know now that I have to supplement humidity. I tried two humidifiers previous to this one that were shitty, but this one maintains the proper RH with a humidistat much better than the other two I tried. Ventilation: AC Infinity, Cloudline T6 The ventilation has been upgraded to an AC Infinity temperature and/or humidity controlled fan to reduce power consumption and noise, and it not running all of the time will hopefully retain more humidity and CO2 inside the tent. CO2: 2x Exhale, The XL This time might be my last time using my two Exhale XL bags since I only get about 200-300 more PPMs than my normal ambient air. Monitoring: Pulse One Hydrofarm, APCEM2 Autopilot Desktop CO2 Monitor & Data Logger The Pulse One is a handy sensor that connects to your WiFi and monitors temperature, humidity, and vapor pressure deficit (VPD). I’ve been able to see what is going on in the tent at all times, even on my phone. Lately I have also learned quite a bit about VPD and why it is important to have it dialed in - just adjusting your temperature and humidity is not enough. Learning how they affect each other, and also how they affect the plant together is essential. My Hydrofarm sensor is how I monitor the CO2. It logs over time, so it is good to see my average CO2 levels. I also have another little generic temp and RH monitor for a backup. My vent fan also measures temp and RH. All of my sensors together give me an average that I use to keep my Pulse One calibrated. Growing Techniques: I’m going to be reducing my defoliation this time around because I think last time I removed too many potential strong flowering branches. I’m going to try fimming instead of Nugbuckets Mainlining because I will be on more of a time crunch this go around. I will still be doing LST if needed as well. But as I mentioned above, if my schedule opens up this summer, I might go back to doing manifolds. Please also check out my other journal, The Church, by the Green House Seed Company:
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Grow Questions
MovingOnstarted grow question 5 years ago
LED lighting makes badly colored pictures. Used to take my pots out of the tent, but my new watering system makes that a mess. My shop drop-light makes the leaves a weird light green. What type of lighting do you use for in-tent shots? Best answer to a cheap light but great pics.
Techniques. Defoliation
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MarcXLanswered grow question 5 years ago
Your photos look good as far as I can see. I used to switch my red blue led off for photos and hung in a standard energy saving light with 4000k to take photos.

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growdoctordcweek 4
@MovingOn wrote ; “This girl has some really wide leaves. I worry that the larger ones are shading out the lower part of the plant ... “ When light comes only from the ”12 noon” position, interior leaves can suffer. Consider placing lights at a 10 and 2 o’clock position to combat that. But if you’re talking about what is so commonly called ‘getting light to the buds’, as one medical man to another, I’d like to debunk/clarify the widespread belief that flowers require direct light to grow to their potential. We are all in agreement that leaves are the solar panel of plants. If you powered your home with solar energy, you’d know it would be silly to place your TV and refrigerator where they will receive direct sunlight - they can’t use it. They use the energy collected by the solar panels. Same for cannabis flowers. They need space and fresh air to grow, but the calices themselves (the resin filled sacs that in numbers make up the buds) do not photosynthesize. Direct light to flowers doesn’t assist growth. That’s a big statement to take in, as it claims that a common belief is not true. But it’s only a common belief among cannabis growers. Horticulturalist, botanists and real farmers know this simple truth that continues to elude most weed growers. Defoliate with judgement. To strip a plant of most leaves is sure to lessen yield. Cannabis adapts and snaps back and the grower thinks ‘Oh yeah she loved being stripped. The buds were awesome”. No doubt. But she was desperate. She’d have created more flowers had she been pampered. It’s a goofy science still because we have had little in the way of organized methodology. That’s changing quickly. Happy growing. Enjoy your harvest.
@TheBudWhisperer, yes, if I think about it now, I think the misconception is that the bud sites themselves need to get light, but it isn't the bud site that needs the most light. The leaves are basically solar powered batteries for the plant, even the big leaves. They take in nutrients from both the roots and sun, and when the plant runs low on nutrients, then it starts eating the nutrients stored in the leaves. I am pretty convinced that if I had defoliated my plants, then they would already be dead now since I've nearly depleted the stored energy within the plant (due to my lack of nutrients in the soil from my dumb 50/50 mix in a 5 gallon pot). All in all, I still can't give a definitive answer on this anyway. I just don't have enough experience to judge either way yet, and unfortunately this run won't be the run to give me the results I need to make a comparison. And I do think there are positives still to defoliation in some cases, but I really would like to do a full run without and see how it goes - I will just have to wait until next time.
@MovingOn, @growdoctordc, I agree wholeheartedly but am also a little astounded if the common belief/misconception is that buds photosynth. My understanding of defoliation was that it’s a tactic to A: get light to the lower leaves of the plant and allow for deeper bud development (ie. cut off the big ones) and even more importantly B: increase airflow to the middle of the plant, thereby avoiding the dreaded bud rot, perhaps I’ve been drinking the wrong koolaid 😉👍
@MovingOn, I quickly scanned the article and will read in detail later. Interesting stuff about leaf age! ‘Less is more’ may not be the perfect adage for this, but you get what I mean. You’re on the right track Doctor! Carry on, sir.
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Spiralweek 4
You can just tuck the leafs,so that the tops are exposed,I always do it like that.
TheBudWhispererweek 11
Glad to hear you’ve got a solution dude👍. That deficiency was Gettn on for sure😬. I admire your commitment to keeping er organic😎👍
@MovingOn, you touch on a good point about basic plant biology actually, read a good book recently on readdressing cannabis grow methods that debunked a lot of commonly held beliefs. One of the key points In the book was about nutrients and how plants utilize them. We forget that the nutrients we put in the soil undergo a chemical change in order to be properly and efficiently absorbed by the roots. If you think about it in these terms then the only thing that really matters about any nutrient is the NPK ratio itself. Nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous are all the same element regardless of brand - it’s only the ratio they’re mixed in that differentiates one product from the next. Odds are good that cannabis nutes are all overpriced because not all stoners are botanists and know better!!! Lol
@TheBudWhisperer, thanks, bud! It sure was scary. I attempted to go with the least chemical-like thing I could find at the hardware store. A good chunk of it is all microbes too, which is pretty awesome. So it is like using Recharge, but like "Super" Recharge. I wish I could show in the pictures more about how much it helped, but unless I had done a side by side closeup of one or two of the leaves, it is hard to show in the pics above. Using this stuff hints to me too that if I, or anybody else for that matter, decided to use hardware store nutrients, as opposed to cannabis specific nutrients, the plants would do just fine. If you make sure nothing is poisonous in the ingredients, and pay attention to the N-P-K ratios, then using hardware store nutes will do exactly the same thing as cannabis nutes, and cost about a third or less of the price.
NomNomweek 3
Nice detailed comment 👍
@MovingOn, I agree, I had one of my plants hermie on me, I took pictures, finished the diary and wrote everything out. Warned the others on here that were growing the same strain and they looked and found hermies on the strain too. Sharing information about things/stuff or seeds that don't work is more important IMO. Good work keep it up. I hope your grow goes well and you have no issues.
@NomNom, thank you, buddy! I figure even if I don't do well, spreading information helps us all.
Delta918week 13
Good stuff 👍👍
@@Delta918, thank you :)
MicrowGrow420week 13
Like the ingenuity of using tomato feed when you're all out of nutes, congrats on the harvest, great informative diary 👍👌
@MicrowGrow420, thanks, Dog! I would have lost the crops without it.
motaman311week 13
Thanks for your thorough review. I am thinking about popping a couple of these soon... Buds looks great!
@@motaman311, thanks! It is a strong, fast, and easy to grow plant. Just make sure to have enough nutrients through the flower stage (that was my mistake).
MicrowGrow420week 13
Jeeze we gone hightech bigtime, you growing ganja for nasa now? 💪 Nice
@MicrowGrow420, ha! If only my skills could match the gear, heh. I think the next grow is going to be a really good one though, but for this one I ran into nutrient issues during flower and negated the high techness.
Satori_Hansoweek 10
Too bad this happened. 😟 Can you try and give them any kind of nutrients. I believe you can still get them going.
Hi, @Satori_Hanso, yes, I believe I can, but my whole approach to growing was not going the route of chemical fertilizers, so it will be with some reluctance. I also am having a hard time finding the time to go shopping because of so many life events happening right now, and the distance from gardening stores, but we will see. Thanks for the comment!
Satori_Hansoweek 7
I love the wall of text you wrote. Very informative. The plants look beautiful. I really like those leaves on the right plant, last picture. Just gorgeous. Can't wait to see the fruits of those plants. 😁
@Satori_Hanso, thanks for the compliments!
growdoctordcweek 4
For pictures taking I use clamp lights with UVB bulbs, or white LEDs. Sometimes LEDs show weird lines. When I could see your diary title ‘Holy Agnostic...’ I hoped the next word would be Batman.
@growdoctordc, haha! That's funny. Holy kush, Batman! Thanks, I'll definitely ponder this. Although, you might want to make it a direct reply to the grow question if you want me to consider it for the "best answer". If you don't care though, I really appreciate the advice anyway! 😁
TheBudWhispererweek 1
Yeah, Kush anything and I’m pretty much in on the follow. Watching both with interest dude👍.
@TheBudWhisperer, thanks, Bud!
MicrowGrow420week 13
Handsome plants, your set up sounds brilliant, your Kind LED gives you a great range of lighting to work with it seems almost like a natural environment.
biggreens420week 13
should enjoy this girl shes a really nice smoke look forward to seeing the harvest pics