
My first ever grow - Cheese or .....

5 years ago
Custom strain FL
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Grow Conditions
Week 9
12 hrs
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12+ conditions after
3+ nutrients after
Commented by
WsCalighost WsCalighost
5 years ago
Pistils have grown very nicely around the plant. I have removed some fan leaves and always removed the katana roots and introduced pk warriro to fatten buds and start developing. Started to smell sligty and looking great so far.
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Grow Questions
WsCalighoststarted grow question 5 years ago
Can someone please advise me why my plant leaf are dropping down and what i can do to fix them? You can see by the picture, its week 4 its a slow growth and worried, the stem is purpley colour and leaves feel kinda dry.
Leaves. Curl down
Philindicusanswered grow question 5 years ago
It looks like a few possible issues her roots are a bit wet or she is in a state of transplant shock from going from soil to coco or your lights are too close .The red stems and pale color leaves are a sign of nitrogen deficiency possibly others. She just isn't taking enough up through her roots. I don't see any perlite in your mix. you need to have about 25-30% perlite in your mix to allow for a free draining mix. Also you should lower your ph to 5.8-6.3 they are better able to absorb nutrients at that ph range. I would also raise the light up slightly to eliminate the possibility of light stress the indication is the canoe shape of the upper leaves. I would let her dry out a little bit before your next watering you don't need to water the entire pot her roots are still small. maybe an area about 6" around the plant. I would also suggest that you may need to increase your nutes a little bit raise it slowly go by your brands feeding schedule which should be available on their web site to give you a better idea. She should green up after she gets more nitrogen. Good luck hope this helps I'll follow along.
WsCalighoststarted grow question 5 years ago
My plant has been in flowering stage for 1 week or more on a 12 / 12 cycle and 12 pure darkness of course...i have verified that it is female and increased it nutes today. When will do i expect to see white pistils and buds? Some leaves have burnt and have yellowness on them?
Techniques. Defoliation
Athosanswered grow question 5 years ago
After the switch to 12/12, the plant enter a stage of rapid growth, know as the stretch or preflower. Depending on the strain the first signs of buds will appear during the 3d or 4th week of flowering, some fast strains will have the first sign of buds at the end of the 2nd week of flower. As for your other question, get an EC/PPM meter, it takes the guesswork out of feeding.
WsCalighoststarted grow question 5 years ago
Is my plant a indica or stavia strain? The pistils have gone brown on some buds what does that mean and how long left on approx before chop chop? My bud havent fatten much too neither why? Maybe temps? And light i have knocked down to 250w due to high outside temps.
Buds. Not fattening
DILLIGAFanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hi mate looks to me that you may have a sativa dominant hybrid strain ( flower development and leaf shape) Your buds don't look too bad Lots of visible trichomes and generally fairly healthy. It's not unusual for buds to pack on most of their bulk during the final weeks of flowering. I would keep the HID's on 250w to keep the heat down you should be good 👍 hope I've helped 😀 and best of luck
WsCalighoststarted grow question 5 years ago
As i trimmed? I noticed one seed fall out. What does this mean?? Was my plant a hermie?
Techniques. Defoliation
Wicked_Stixanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey ghost. If you are sure there was no other way that pollen got into the room like bag weed or anything them yes she self pollinated. This can be from stress but since you got tue seed from a friend it probably came out of a bag of seeded bud which mean the mother was most likely hermie because I doubt the grower seeded them intentionally. This is why it is important to get your beans from a reputable breeder. Most seeds that come in buds you get are going to be hermies.

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WsCalighostweek 7
Hey, thanks for all the comments and answers to my question, i will upload much more photos today before finally verifying an answer - i am also having problems with maintaining the humidity level and i thinks that down to tent size which going to be increased today and hopefully we get some better air circulation.
@Philindicus, yep pistils have started to appear I've e also added new video and picturez please let me know your thoughts.
@WsCalighost, Once again she looks great it looks like a touch of old damage no major concerns. I think I saw a pistil from one of the branch junctions so just give her a bit of time.
SHOGUNweek 4
Hey - thanks for choosing SHOGUN. As others have said it looks like an overwatering/stress issue to me. A foliar application of either Sumo or Sumo Active boost at 2ml/L will really help your plant recover from that.
WsCalighostweek 7
Daytime light on 12 hr 450w approx 23-26c Humidity 50% +/- 5-7 Night time pure 12 hr darkness no light temp 19-24c Humidity 50% +/- 5-7
Philindicusweek 10
Just a guess all the pistils look white none are drying and curling in yet but it looks like you have at least 3 weeks maybe more to go. You can still bulk them up more. The buds usually put on the most weight in the last couple of weeks. Potassium adds bulk. When about half the pistils have dried turned orange/red you can start checking the trichomes with a 40X jewelers loupe with led attached to it. They have them on amazon fairly cheap. Don't waste your time or money on those little microscopes. When they are mostly half cloudy you can start to flush. Depending on what kind of high you like a lot of growers will take them at some mostly milky with 5-30% amber. The more amber the greater the body high. You'll still see some clear and half cloudy mixed in here and there.
@Philindicus, well i just removed some leaves from both lower and upper but i think i overdone it a bit o well lets she see how she handles it. Ill upload some photos tonight.
@WsCalighost, removing some fan leaves from the lower 1/3 is fine.I would just tuck/tie any of upper leaves that are blocking light to the buds.As far as changing nute brands every nute line makes all sorts of claims about their products what your using is doing basically the same as GH ripen. You just need to give the plants a bit more time to do their thing.
@Philindicus, Yeah hopefully i was thinking of using GHE Ripen too during the end of the flowering stage but do you think i should trim of the fan leave and maybe defoliate it a bit.
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Philindicusweek 4
Your temps and humidity are good. I would personally not disturb her again. its not good to keep shocking her. In the beginning everyone is guilty of over watering. While its harder to over water in coco it can still happen especially when they are young in such a large pot. Just be mindful of the watering until she grows a larger root system. With growers you can get 100 different opinions on best way to grow. What works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another person there are too variables. Your grows will evolve as you go along.
@WsCalighost, good air circulation is fine but if the fan is blowing too hard or directly on the plant it can show similar signs of stress.
@Philindicus, is it ok to have a fan Oscillating on it... not to harsh but lightly
Philindicusweek 14
They're looking nice and frosty
@Philindicus, cant wait to smoke it and its smell very much like an haze type i think now lol
RussianPetrolweek 7
Looking good on the grow my dude! How do you like that remote monitoring hygrometer?
@RussianPetrol, thanks bro, the new hygrometer is great, well recommended wireless connection uptop 10m around the tent and provides valuable information such as recordings data etc for over months 7 days even hours and mins.
Skubaweek 5
Whew, for your first grow you’re killing it 🤘👌. Overall very good. I’ll be sticking around to see what this pretty lady does . Cheers 🤙👊
Stickweek 7
Hi @WsCalighost! Pistils usually show up a few days after the flip, or by the 4th-5th week into vegetative stage (in case of a long veg). If there's none, make sure you don't have a light leak or a timer issue in your grow room. Finally, a wrong feeding schedule could slow down the appearance of buds, too much Nitrogen for instance will increase the stretch phenomenon and might even stunt the whole bud development process. In this situation I would flush the medium for a day or two, to make sure that salt excesses are removed from the coco, then I would slowly go back to the feeding schedule, starting with 50% of the recommended doses. As for the burnt tips, these are a sign of overfeeding during the last weeks, get some ECmeter as suggested by @@Athos, this will help a lot to understand what you give to your plants and why they react this way. Don't forget to re-calibrate your ECmeter once every 3-4 weeks. Hope this will help, keep us up-to-date, hopefully you will have some beautiful preflowers soon! 👊 Happy growing
Shmok2004week 4
Looks exectly like my Taoe Kush, who got attacked by a vole. he roots where damaged, so the plant looked like this one. yellow leaves and a red stem. to wet, missing perlite, i would say, too. As long as you have no voles in your pots :) !
Philindicusweek 12
Shes getting there. How are the trichome colors looking at this point?
@Philindicus, yeah i don't think am going to risk it but next grow am gonna use the GHE nutes i got a jeweller loupe coming next week will check trichomes with that but also with my phone to see thats any good. What about drying??? How long and how shall i cure??
@WsCalighost, What is the ripen additive? More than likely it's just a PK type additive with some mystery additives claiming to help perform some miracles. Seems like there is a lot of hype when it comes to additives making it difficult to determine if it actually does anything your current nutes aren't already doing. I don't think you need to add anything else that your not already giving her. If you start mixing different brands it can cause potential issues. But it's your grow if you want to experiment that's up to you.
@Philindicus,thank you very much for the informative answer there i will check that tomorrow? If it not to late can i add ripen additive?
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@WsCalighost Looking great I did say they would fatten up and I think maybe 10 more days and they will be perfect Absolutely 😛
@DILLIGAF, your right am going to give it last week before a decent flush. Cant wait to see how much i pulled off.
Stinkfoxweek 10
Beautiful plant! Hard to believe it’s your first! Keep up the great work! 😄
@Stinkfox, hey man thank you am learning bro.
Philindicusweek 14
Looks like you got some nice nuggets out of her enjoy. Looking forward to your next grow. What's it going to be?
@WsCalighost Buds looking good and to me they look like a sativa dom hybrid please see above answer to your question for more details Mate 👍
Philindicusweek 11
With your heat issue. With HID lights most growers shoot for 75F during veg and early bloom. If during bloom your using a HPS bulb which is has infra red spectrum it can actually cause your leaf temperature to be as much as 10 degrees higher than your grow room temperature. Unless your running co2 above 1000ppm You should try to keep the grow room temp lower than 75F.You can buy a infra red thermometer to read the leaf temperatures. I would say a portable air conditioner would help or use a set up that specifically cools your light pulling most of the heat out side the room.They have water chiller set up for hid lights. You can also try to set your timer so your lights are off during the hottest time of day and on during the cooler times.
Philindicusweek 6
I agree with Athos you need to check your nutes ec/ppm. Always increase your nutes gradually. You jumped from 3ml to 5ml in one week that's a big difference.According to their feeding chart you should be using A&B at 3ml to 4ml maximum per liter. Also according to the feed chart drop your silcon and boost down to 1ml per liter.Keep a eye out for any sign of clawing or yellow tips on the leaves. It's one of the first signs of nute burn. She looks good right now. Next watering or two I would drop your A&B down to 2 ml then if she shows no signs of burning after a couple of feedings take her back up to 3 ml. You wouldn't need to give her the max until she is in full bloom. (Remember the chart is for 10 liters of water so divide by 10 to get your ml/liter)
Philindicusweek 7
Take a few photos of the leaves that are damaged. If they are the lower/older fan leaves it could be old damage. once the leaves have damage it won't repair themselves. No matter in a couple of weeks you will be removing any thing on the lower 1/3 of the plant to force more energy to the upper part of the plants to encourage bud growth.
Fruitgrowerweek 7
I think just carry on what you're doing bro. Don't stress, don't worry too much. Looking good.
Philindicusweek 7
Picture perfect! Hard to believe that's the same plant I saw a few weeks ago.