
Mephisto Genetics Limited Edition Autos

7 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 12
20 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Commented by
DopeLeaves DopeLeaves
7 years ago
More details TBA!
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WhiteWidowweek 1
some good looling soil. good luck!
CrazyDiamondweek 9
The pot size to small. My recomendation 5-6 galon SmartPot or AirPot. Night temperature to low, you should rize it to 21-22'C. Veg light to small as well. Tip growing with same spectrum from seed to harvest, increase yield in 15-20%. So if you have dimmer on your LED dim it to 1/2 power for veg. 1000w LED its alot! Its about 500w draw from the wall! You can sucsessfull run on it 5 plants at least with 10-12 gallon pots it can yield up to 1 kilo!!!
@DopeLeaves,you wellcome bro! Huge yields and happy growing to you!!! I will follow your next grow brother, just notice me.
@CrazyDiamond, thank you! That's the best advice I've ever gotten. I'm really aiming to get the fulliest flavors, aromas and potencies that I can grow. I will take your recommendations to heart and use them for my next garden.
@DopeLeaves, all those things that increase yield increase potency as well. I know that if you wanna get the highest potency of the genetics you growing, you have to give the plants a UV-A and UV-B light. Some people say it stress the plants and decrease yields, but it is not so, cause cannabis is one of those plants that needs high UV light, aspecialy indica. Usualy good LEDs have the UV in its spectrum. If you think that cooler night temps doesn't sterss your plants, you're wrong! It slows down metabolism preaty bad. If you wanna increase yield, potency and faster growth - keep the night temps at 21-22'C. If you wanna make a plant to get that purple touch give them 17-18'C only last week before harvest. I've cheked out the info of your LED and it's not so powerfull as i though. It consumes only 185w draw from the wall. My recomendation is to give up the T5 flc and grow with your LED from seed to harvest. Just keep it at 50-60cm(22-24") away fom cannopy at veg and 25-30cm(11-12") at flowering. And buy yourself 15-20litter AirPots or SmartPots. Make your soil mix lighter by adding to it coco-perlight 50% to give more oxigen and space to the roots. Another thing - buy "Dr.Earth 69 metabolic tansformer" it's the best benifical bacteria & fungi on the market. And you will see fantastic results!
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Sillyasswhitedudeweek 10
@DopeLeaves if you get airpots they hold less than their equivalent...for example a 5 gallon super roots air pot holds 3.8 gallon actual is a link to the ones I'm referring too and what I am thinking about upgrading to...spend a little extra money now but save each time on a little soil...I would think these maybe a good investment and a way to keep overhead down my friend...I see some people using these pots and having great results and I'm thinking about investing in some myself but wanted to point out that pot size and actual size are different on the airpots so make sure to check that over before purchase...don't know if this allowed or not but here is a link to the ones I'm looking at and their specs and such...if these pots increase yields and save on soil consumption like advertised they would be well worth the money I believe...hope this is helpful and happy growing my friend!!!!!
@Sillyasswhitedude, Thanks, man but I'm not paying $64.99 for 6 pots when I can get 10, 5-gallon pots for $8 on Amazon. I do own those larger pots (not the air vent ones you recommended) and I've used them for my gardens before, but then I ended up paying much more for soil. Haha, I'm not rich and I grow for my own use. Having a high yielding harvest is not my reason for growing. On my first Grow Diary, I grew almost a half a pound of Masterkush and guess what... I still have a ton of it left. It's like a year old so I'm not really wanting to smoke it as much because I have way too much of it. That's a reason to switch to Autos. I could understand people wanting to get the biggest yield possible out of their plants, and maybe that's because they might be growing weed commercially or are a vendor to patients in need. In my case, it's just me enjoying it and my plants grow enough to last me for many months to come. Did you know the price for an ounce of recreational high-quality marijuana in Southern Colorado is $379 My whole setup: $40 for my used 4x4x6.5 grow tent, $25 for my 2 bulb fluorescent light setup and $120 for my 1000W King Plug LED light, $10 for my intake fan, $6 for 7 2 gallon pots, $70 worth of Advanced Nutrients (I used zero nutrients in my last grow), $35 for Fox Farm + Light Warrior soil, $5 for my used light timer, $5 for my used humidifier and less than $20 per plant on water cost me a total of: $336 + maybe a $20 extra per month on my electricity bill, which is still $50 less than one ounce of marijuana here. I do have to say that I'm grateful for your comment because if I ever decide to do this as more than a hobby, then I happily switch to those expensive pots along with buying a higher-end lighting system. Thanks again @SillyAssWhiteDude
GardenOfHerbsweek 12
i love those pot labels and your photo's! 😍 well done here she looks super frosty!
Sillyasswhitedudeweek 10
I not running the air pots but just got some fabric pots for way cheaper....ill probally still try to use my buckets as long as I can about quality too bro...and I did the same thing an invested about what I figure an ounce goes for here too...I enjoy growing autos because of the shorter life span and having a better variety...I think you can get a double pack of the pots pretty cheap without having to get 6 of them...sorry for the crappy link...I got some of the cloth air pots with handles that have deals built on for a SCROG for 15 bucks but they sent 5 gallon instead of 3 gal...but I saved money that way...I think ill use them to set some photos out in next spring...I will probably order two airpots for my indoor grow...we cant all have your troubles friend my last yield wasn't good enough to have any left..I sold an ounce to pay for seeds and one to get my money back out of my setup like lights and such...I think these marshydros I'm running aren't enough so I will probably have to do the same again to make some upgrades this time around too...but I'm confident that after my initial investment this is a hobby that can fully support itself and save me money by not having to buy smoke from people all the time...and I sell to my saves them money too and they get half the price of your area...I know people look down on selling here but when it comes to saving my family money and them wanting to invest so I can get different seeds and such I don't feel bad about helping them...but it is nice to meet another grower with the same outlook as I have and enjoys growing as HOBBY and a means to save've been in my follow list for awhile...much respect!!!
CaliGrownweek 9
Looks like going to be super frosty bunch of girls! Nice grow so far!!!
DabCrabweek 8
They are all flowering up so nicely! I can't wait to see them plump up in the coming days. Your training is really looking fantastic on all of your girls buddy, some real fantastic work!
biggreens420week 8
Loving the lst on these nice work bro
GrueneHandweek 4
Good luck bro!
Tryhardweek 3
best of luck dude on your adventure happy growing
Bongerweek 1
Good luck with your grow, im currently growing Ripleys OG from Mephisto Genetics they have some nice looking strains.👍
Blablablaweek 3
That's some slow start, I hope they'll fasten up.
@KonopCh, thanks bro. I already use a spray mist on the top of the soil, about twice a day. I also leave 2 small trays of water full in the empty areas of my tent. This usually is all evaporated by the time the lights shut off, so then I fill it again. Colorado is a very dry place, but I'm patient and the electricity is really cheap for the extra weeks these take to mature.
@DopeLeaves, try mist soil and plants couple of times per day. Also some water in tray or in bucket would help raising RH.
@KonopCh, I think they grow slowly in my tent due to the lack of humidity.