
Dark Devil Auto Outside UK

Approved by Sweet Seeds
5 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 3
17 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Commented by
Emery1991 Emery1991
5 years ago
They seem too be coming on a bit slowly, i've been looking at others grows outdoors with the same plant and they seem too be much bigger after 2 weeks. Not sure what i am doing wrong, i didn't have nutes too feed them in the first 2 weeks though but i got some and gave a little bit yesterday too start things off. Hopefully will see some improvement now. Im thinking of feeding them twice weekly but am a bit unsure on my feeding schedule at the moment, bit of guess work really. Not sure how much per plant they need either if anyone could help that would be appreciated. Got my first pistil on one of the plants day 20. I started using bio boost nutes on the one that showed its pistil on day 21. I will hopefully see first signs of pistil on the others next week. I also upped the vega dose and lowered the rhizo dose. Just experimenting really as this is my first grow in years and only second time ever using nutes, first time with liquid nutes.
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Grow Questions
Emery1991started grow question 5 years ago
I am a newb with nutrients and growing in general and i'd like too know how much too feed and how often for optimal results. I know this will depend on what nutrients i use and different species of plant. But in general how much is too little and how much is too much? Cheers 👊
Techniques. Defoliation
DILLIGAFanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hi @Emery1991 in general your plants only need a small amount of trace nutrients up until they transition into flowering . Then after the initail stretch is over your plants will need more regular feedings of potash (potassium) and phosphate to promote large healthy blooms. If using store bought nutrient mixes just use them at half the reccomended dosage Hope this helps

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Sweet_Seedsweek 2
Thank you very much for sharing a new diary with one of our strains. 😊 We hope you enjoy it. 😋 Sweet smokes, - Apolo
@Sweet_Seeds, No Problem. Thanks, I hope so too. 😀 So far there looking good and i am very much looking forward too trying this little devil. I should get some nice purple nugs as the temps here are quiet cool towards the end of summer. Sounds tasty as well by the description. All the best, -Louie
DDudeweek 6
They are shooting up nicely now! Really not sure about those calyxes though, at first sight they looked pretty much like the nanners I had on my first grow, could be completely wrong and I hope I am :) don't have much experience either so I wouldn't jump to conclusions... Great job on LST, turned out much better than mine. The stretch is gonna be nice since they usually double in size. Keep it up!
@DDude,Yeah i think it does explain it, it's mainly just pistils now. Haha yeah indeed there is, you never stop learning! They are indeed, quiet fascinating things. :D I am not surprised, plants have been around longer than humans. Yeah it does sound very unique this DD, i am very much looking forward now. The smell is coming out more now, smells lovely. That's an awesome collection of seeds you got there, fair play too you. Sounds very tasty. :) I done a g13 pineapple express years ago outside, and it was very nice indeed. Right, i get you. xD Yeah defo start lower, as its easier too fix an underfed plant than an overfed one.
@Emery1991, ah stipules of course, that could explain it yes, although I didn't know they can change color like that. There's a lot to learn! Plants are amazing organisms, very ancient, and sacred in practically all cultures around the world. I can't wait to try this strain, sounds really unique. Yes I have three more seeds, also got a big devil xl freebie, got a bunch of rqs seeds waiting their turn 😎 some gorilla autos, cookies autos, ww, critical, northern light autos, as well as pineapple express and malana bomb auto from barneys farm 👌 It literally means "with a grain of salt" , I meant it in a way of listening to the advice from nutrient companies, proceed with caution and always start with lower doses :)
@DDude, In botany, stipule (Latin stipula: straw, stalk[1]) is a term coined by Linnaeus[1] which refers to outgrowths borne on either side of the base of a leafstalk (the petiole). A pair of stipules is considered part of the anatomy of the leaf of a typical flowering plant, although in many species the stipules are inconspicuous or entirely absent (and the leaf is then termed exstipulate). Stipules are morphologically variable and might appear as glands, scales, hairs, spines, or laminar (leaf-like) structures. A relationship exists between the anatomy of the stem node and the presence or absence of stipules. Most plants with trilacunar nodes have stipules; species with unilacunar nodes lack stipules (Sinnott and Bailey, 1914, cited in Esau, 1953). Google Stipule and you will see what i mean. I think those things i thought were nannas were actually stipules. It makes loads of sense. Those things that you see on the stalk next too where the first pistils show up are exactly what they look like. Maybe that is were all the nodes are coming up in the top. Trying too learn to anatomy of the plant is interesting actually. I also wonder which will be strongest too, i got a feeling the skinnier one which started budding last will end up the biggest as it will have more time in veg stage. Yeah same here i like too grow beautiful plants, i like the purple ones too. Blueberry looks like a stunner too. But the dark devils taste sounds really good as well, i grew dinafems blue fruit years ago and tasted like lavender. Was really nice stuff and this is supposed too have an incense/lavender aroma/taste too it. Supposed too taste quiet unique from what ive read. Ahh so youve only done one dark devil this time round? Have you got more seeds of the dark devils then? I was also hesitant too do it myself what got me started was the fact that i had 2 seeds hidden away from some smoke i bought a while back. Then i was looking into low ryders as i started so late in the year. Was very spontaneous really. Came across the dark devils and thought id try them and then got carried away and got some blueberry and the others too. They might not make it, ive heard blueberrys often hermie on people and blue mazar is prone too bud rot after september time. But i will see what happens.. Need too try and sort out some shelter for them when they get too the last few weeks i think. Not sure how though. I also had a good feeling about this year as well, hoping for an indian summer. Last year it was sunny on christmas so hopefully be similar this year. Yeah definately, less is more in most cases. I think it depends on alot of things including the pheno, like one plants might need more of a certain nutrient than another. But only way too find out is through trial and error. Haha never heard that saying before. What does it mean?
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Hi @Emery1991 Please see above answer to your question mate
@DILLIGAF, Ok cheers pal, Thats what i gathered. I will just stick too the nutes i have the canna bio line. There quiet well known and trusted. Right i get you, i think canna bio boost has sweeteners and molasses in it so i think i have everything i should need in that case. It does mention it enhances the flavour and that too make the end product taste better. Thanks mate.
@Emery1991, hi mate a lot of what the nutrient companys say on their website is purely hype mate Also some of the "boosters" may even contain bad pgr's (plant growth regulators) the jury is still out on the possible negative effects of some of these additives so until they say otherwise I would steer clear. You don't have to use the molasses or compost tea etc I just mentioned these as an alternative to store bought so called plant tonics and sweeteners etc.
@DILLIGAF, Ok thanks, i have made a schedule for myself sort of following the canna guidelines on there schedule. But i have halved them. And also slowly increasing the boost, vega and flores and then also decreasing the rhizo to a 0.5ml per litre for most the grow. Also decreasing flores for the last 2 weeks. Its all a bit of an experiment, at first i was thinking more is better so i wasnt even halving the amounts but then i read somewhere that often less is more so ive decided too half the amounts now. Where it says too use 20-40ml on some of the nutrients i have started with half of 20 and slowly increasing it over a few weeks until half of the 40. ( so at 20 ml per 10 litres or 2 ml per litre ) I dont want nute lock out or anything. May i also add these are full organic nutes so from what i take they are actually slowly released rather than immediate. And actually benefit the soil over time as well. One other thing with the canna bio boost it states on there website that there are none of the main elements (NPK) in it and that there is alot of natural plant ingredients they have formulated into the first real booster with no NPK. It states it is not a nutrient. It says here in this link - Do i also need mollasses and compost tea you reckon or will the 4 nutes i have suffice? Im think the boost has some sort of mollasses in it. I also learnt that nutrients and fertilizers are different from each other and fertilizers help even more but im not sure what fertilizers i can use too make things better. Dont loads of reading through the internet but there is so much information its all too much. I think i should maybe just keep it simple this time round. I did read with the terpinator that it actually prolongs the shelf life of your finished crop and makes it taste and smell for longer and better too, but ive read some people saying it makes it all taste similar and some negative things on it too. Same with the PK additive as well as canna do a pk 13/14 but i am not sure if it is organic and some people say it makes the crop taste worse. But i would have thought it was give a nice increase in flower size again im not sure if i need that. In the bio canna line they have just the bio boost and no PK but maybe you can use the other PK with the organic line. I cant expect you too answer all this as you may not have used them before. Thanks for your time though any help is always appreciated.
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DDudeweek 5
Ah I can see the holes more clearly now, yep those where most likely made by insects. That green dude is a stink bug, you definitly dont wont those around! They can lay eggs on your plants so inspect them carefully. Grasshoppers can also be a really big problem, they can decimate a plant within hours :/ aphids on the other hand are super tiny, you can barely see them unless you look closely, so I dont think you have a problem with those, because they dont eat leaves they suck juice from the stems. But otherwise they are looking healthy and going well! LST outdoors isnt mandatory yea, but I dont think you can go wrong with it. If anything you could have a nice comparison and see if it really works out the way it should, so for future grows you will know if you wanna do it and you can start earlier :) Oh and my ladies havent started to flower yet, but by the end of week 4, which is coming up in a few days, Im thinking the bloom shall commence 💪
@DDude, Yeah it may well be, There is a slight difference between my 3 dark devils as well, the one in the biggest pot seems too be outgrowing the others. Also started flowering earlier. It also looks more green, the other 2 have had slight purple colouration in the stems and some of the newest growth. I am hoping they will all turn purple when they mature. I've now spent all my money i can afford unfortunately but i just ordered some Ecothrive biosys and ecothrive charge which sound promising. So i will sort them all out with this lot and hopefully get some positive results. Ahh really just a couple of hours, thats great. Yeah the other strains are looking nice, Im gutted as i lost one of my blue mazars which are supposedly one of the best autos on the market. I explain that on the diary lmao. Blue dream was a freebie but that should work out nice i think. :D Problem with outside is its hard too know if it will be a good summer or not, bit of luck though. August is usually fairly poor as well and i started all mine really late in the year, spare of the moment thing too be honest. Havent grown in years though and only done about 3 outdoor grows and one of them got nicked which was unfortunate... I dont have any lights so i have no choice too put them outside or the greenhouse if its really bad weather, we are forecast thunder and lightning in a few days and heavy rain so ill do that i think. Nice one ill take a look when you do so, good luck. 👍
@Emery1991, yep nasty buggers, and they stink if you touch them, hence the name xD but ye cannacure should take care of them. It might just be genetics regarding the size. One of my northern lights is huge and the other one is comparably smaller, same batch of seeds. Try giving them some algae, I feed mine with seaweed from GHE. It seems to be working really well, alegedly it promotes vegetation growth and strengthns stem cells. It also helps with nutrient uptake + its all organic, do check it out :) Preflowers in week 4 is usually how it goes with autos, so it means your doing great. Oh they recover quite fast from LST, mine bounced back in a couple hours. I've checked your other grow, some awesome strains! That blue dream is gonna be fire 🔥 you might as well try LST with one of those, would be interesting to see the difference. Yep the weather here hasn't been great either, cloudy and rainy for past two weeks. So the ladies have been mostly inside under leds, out in the sun whenever possible. I'm not at home atm so my brother is taking good care of them :) but as soon as I come back we are finally moving them to the final spot, the forecast is on our side for now. Gonna try to update with photos in a few days 👍
@DDude, Thanks alot for the information, i have never heard of the stink bug. Doing some research they seem to be a new pest in europe and can devour leaves of plants. Im sure it was that which caused all this damage.. Just one of them nearly destroyed a plant in a couple of days. Cheers, yeah there looking really healthy apart from that. Still a bit on the small side though. Im hoping i can squeeze a week or 2 in more of vegetation even though they've started too show signs of flowering. I wont switch too bloom nutes just yet although i am giving some boost along side the veg nutes. Yeah i agree i might LST one of them, although i have another grow on at the same time with other plants. Check out my other diary. There a few weeks behind though. Ive read its best too LST in the evening as they recover over night that way. Nice ure plants are looking really nice for the 4 week mark, they shot up pretty fast. One of mine showed its first pistil at the end of week 3. Im looking forward too ure next lot of photos. Hows the weather been with you? My forecast isnt looking great over the next 2 weeks.
DDudeweek 9
Have you maybe thought of doing some defoliation? It might help with the mold. I hope everything will be well, they are looking nice!
@DDude, Yeah i did some defoliation in the last few days until i had the most devastating thing that happened, basically they got taken from the police. So gutting, all 12 gone. So close too the finish line, were looking so beautiful as well. I didn't managed too taste the purple ones either. Only took the smallest worst one down a few days before due too the bud rot so i managed too try one of them. But thats all gone now, sooo gutting. The one i tried had really airy buds as well, the other 2 looked much better. Struggling too deal with the reality of what happened still. Thats the end of that one, lol. 😫 My dreams have been shattered into pieces. The police only came round because my brother had gone missing and so had too phone them too search for him and they had too check the house and garden. Could have hidden them as well if i was quick enough but i was stupid, i cant forgive myself for that. Only got a bit of leaf left too finish off now. 3 Months work on them down the drain. Yours are coming on well now, keep it up. Hope it works out for you. 😎
Gersoraweek 9
That looks Amazing props to you. Good job
@Gersora, It does, does'nt it. 😎 Cheers
Sweet_Seedsweek 8
WOW! AMAZING!! 😲 Purple leaves. How lucky you are. 😜 Sweet smokes! -Apolo
@Sweet_Seeds, Yes indeed i got purple leaves on one of them. 😎 That one in particular has showed signs of purple all the way through, it had slightly purple leaves and stalk in early days. It's also the tallest one, i think because the pot is slightly taller. Im a bit gutted i bought smart pots for some new plants. Would have been ace if they were in them 20 litre smart pots. Does smoke affect the buds do you know or the plants, there was a fire near them earlier for a few hours and loads of smoke hit them. I am hoping they are going too be ok.. Nice too have 3 different phenos though, and the other 2 are showing purple in the flowers alot now too just leaves are all green. That doesnt bother me though, they also look stronger at the minute. But the purple one was later flowering so i think it will end up the same. Cheers!
Sweet_Seedsweek 7
Did you upload photos? 😂 I saw a church... Dark Devil Auto near a church.😎😈 Sweet smokes! -Apolo
@Sweet_Seeds, Yeah i most certainly did. 😂 I lost myself a bit, uploaded a load of photos. May well go through them sometime and remove some, was easier too upload them all though. Just had too be done, haha. Nice Views from the Garden. They go hand in hand i think. 😎😈😇 I did name one of the pics "Dark Devil x God" Saw the moment and had too take the shot. Can see the purple beginning too take over all 3 plants now, one of them is more so but nice too see all 3 are changing. Had alot of rain the past couple of days and they all got wet but i moved them into the greenhouse, got a couple of sunny days ahead so that should be good for them. Cheers!
occultgreen420week 10
dude...sorry for what happened and 1st of all hope you found your brother!
Sweet_Seedsweek 6
Think about using preventives. Some plant has already been attacked by some type of insect. Sweet smokes! -Apolo
@Sweet_Seeds, Funnily enough i was reading about the slug traps lastnight, haha. I might well give that a go, sounds like it should do the job. At least bring there numbers down a bit. 😅 I think apart from the insect attacks and the odd spots here or there, they are beginning too look incredible. I cannot wait for the next few weeks now. I saw one other diary where they all went dark purple and these are some of the most beautiful plants going. Fair play sweet seeds, keep up the good work. 👍 The wind was pounding the last few days and theyve stood up really well too it. I was worried id go out in the morning and they would have fell off the wall or snapped into pieces. But the stems are solid. I am liking the bio canna line of nutes as well i think there doing there job well although i havent used any other nutes before so i have nothing too compare too. Ahh ok, i read about some homemade ferts for example egg shells. Will have too look into a bit more i think, probably worth doing. If the problem persists that is, as they arent looking too bad at the moment. And i dont want too make things worse by doing something wrong. But trial and error is the best way too learn i guess. Thanks for the info. 👊
@Emery1991, You can search in google. Use the word 'DIY', and you can find things you can do with very little money. For example, 'DIY Slug' or 'DIY Slug Trap', you will find traps for slugs. 😜 You can also use 'homemade', for example: 'Homemade calcium fertilizer' 😉 I hope it can help you. 😌😋 Sweet smokes! -Apolo
@Sweet_Seeds, I got some cannacure last week which i sprayed them all with. But lastnight i went out too check them at 3 in the morning and i found what i was looking for. 2 Slugs munching on the leaves, they come out at night. Got loads in the garden, not sure if its healthy too put slug pellets around the plants in pots. Might put them around the outside of them on the floor or something. I think it was a stink bug or something which made all the tiny holes in the leaves though as i found what looked like a stink bug on there, i got a pic of it somewhere. Whatever doesnt kill it will only make it stronger, im sure. Took a few too many pics i think i got carried away.. lmao. Hard too prevent them all though, they just keep coming back. Also spotted brown spots on the leaves again today not sure if its a calcium deficiency or something. But as long as it doesnt destroy the plant im ok with it. Cant afford anything else at the moment so cant get cal/mag or anything. I'm sure it will work out in the end.. Worst part is near the end line as bud rot is the biggest problem then. xD Cheers!
Emery1991week 5
Anyone got any idea what those spots are on my leaves? I have named the picture spots on leaves. Just wandering if that is a K deficiency and if that means i should switch too bloom nutes now? Thing is i want too keep it in veg for another week or 2 too gain some height. But i also dont like the look of this and would sooner fix the issue. Thanks, any help would be greatly appreciated.