
Mixed Selection outdoor grow

5 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 1
17 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
7+ conditions after
Commented by
Emery1991 Emery1991
5 years ago
I had a bit of a scare the other morning when i had to go too the doctors and i was in a rush and didnt manage too water my pots the day after planting them before they had sprouted. It was a very hot day and as i got back i went out and found all of the pots soil completely dry on top. I managed too get them watered and the following day 6 out of 8 have sprouted. I am hoping the last 2 sprout over night. I am very surprised the baby sprouts under the dry soil had survived as i assumed they were all dead. Well i dug a bit around the remaining seedlings which hadnt sprouted and i managed too find them but one has very yellow leaves and i hope it will survive. I think it needs some light so hopefully tommorow should fix it, I also uncovered it from the soil so it doesnt have to try too hard too get out. The other one however did not go well as i couldnt find it for ages and then i found a white stalk poking up with no head on it just a stalk. I did find the seed which was a bit deeper next too it and it seemed pretty tight together, so i tried too open it up but i didnt find anything inside. I may have knocked the head off while poking around trying too find it with a chop stick.. I couldnt resist playing about with it but i am near enough sure it was a goner. I carried digging and i found what looks like another part of a stalk with green leaves around the top but it was shriveled up quiet badly, this was a bit away from the other stem i found. I am not sure if it is just an ordinary weed or not but i have put its stem under some soil and left the head poking out and i will see what happens.. It may have turned around in the hole and came up the wrong way, i am not sure exactly what happened here. I was being very careful when i planted them but it may have dried up when i left them without water. I am a bit sad that it was one of the blue auto mazar's as they are supposedly one of the best auto's on the market and are heavy yielders. The other yellow seedling was also one of the blue mazar's, they looked really healthy after germination but seemed too have the worst start of all of the seeds. I think it was my error though. Could be a few possibilities as too what caused this. But overall i think 7 out of 8 should be ok. We shall soon found out..
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Grow Questions
Emery1991started grow question 5 years ago
Can anyone tell me if this G13 Labs white strawberries from attitude seedbank is 100% Male? Im sure it is but it is feminized seed and cant see any pistils forming. So gutting was looking really nice until i spotted these balls on stalks... Not sure if i should wait a bit longer.
Techniques. Defoliation
Majormolassesanswered grow question 5 years ago
Yup that’s a male see how it looks like a little 🍆🙊🙉🙈

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Cannibalgardensweek 9
Well best of luck brother..
@goarilla, Yeah i thought that as a possibility.. But as a matter of fact i dont think they do have a regular version. Infact it was actually a freebie with some other seeds i bought. They dont seem too sell them anymore either. Quiet a rare seed i think too. They are on other seedbanks for sale though as i had a search. But as far as i can find there all feminized. The fact that all my other 12 have come up female most being autos and 2 of them being regular seeds from a batch of bud i got off a mate last year makes it a bit unlucky that this one had too come up male.. I was thinking i was going to be really lucky and get them all female. I was expecting both the regulars from that bud i got too turn up male but was surprised too see them as females. It shouldnt be possible for this feminized seed too turn male though from what ive been reading a feminized seed can only come up female or hermie. But that doesnt seem too be the case here. Must be very unfortunate on this one, its a bit disappointing as it looked really healthy and very nice structure. Also was supposed too get some really nice colours in flowering. But oh well i guess its just how it is sometimes.. Going too have too deal with it soon though as it could potentially ruin my crop. But i want too hand on a few more days too see if it turns back into female. May try and pull the sacks off or something.
@Emery1991, if they have a regular version of the seeds it might just be human error or a seed jumping a basket.
@Cannibalgardens, Nah 100 % didnt mix it up, and i double checked it was a femd seed and it was certainly a feminized seed. And only lastnight we had really strong winds and it broken one of the 2 main tops on it but i taped it back. But apart from that theres been no enviromental stresses as all my others are all female and even the 2 regulars. And these pollen sacks showed up before this stormy weather just a few days ago they first showed up. Also bit late for pre flowering as its in week 9 already. Females supposed too take longer and even they usually show them by week 6 odd. Very strange indeed.. I may write too the seedbank and see what they have too say. How long do i have before any pollen could be spread too you reckon? Just wandering if its worth hanging on for a few more days. It would be very sad too have any of the females get pollinated though so may well be worth the sacrifice.
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CaliforniaOGkushweek 6
start feeding it some kelp Theres a couple good ones try to get the best one u can buy it will be worth it! ure plant will explode at this stage
@CaliforniaOGkush, I was just reading about ecothrive biosys and apparantly it has seaweed extract in there. Here is a link of it -
@CaliforniaOGkush, I dont have enough money at the moment too get anything else, i just have enough too top up my canna bio and rhizotonic as i think i am going too need more. I did get some ecothrive charge and there biosys they do. I think they have helped alot so far. Only got that last week and also cannacure. There may have been kelp in the ecothrive stuff, im not sure though. I am also wandering if its worth getting some PK 13/14 for week 8 but not sure if they will interfere with the life inside my soil. Would you recommend PK 13/14?