
Outdoor bagseed n.ireland

7 years ago
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Week 10
10 hrs
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7+ conditions after
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Newbie_uk Newbie_uk
7 years ago
Getting closer to harvest, buds have really took off since I took their heads off starting to fill out all over, still all cloudy trichs so hoping this week they start browning, being fed only water now so should start to see some yellowing soon, was planning on cutting next week , wel c how we get on this week! Does NY1 how long from cloudy to Amber roughly? Or is it all strain dependent?
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Newbie_ukweek 10
Cheers for that, thought it was cloudy to Amber! Iv been checking twice daily on her, so far so good with regards to any more mold! Weathers not to bad this week no rainy days and sun will b out, 10-11 degrees! Should get this week OK, then hopefully2 to go :) :) Ur jumanji grow was awesome m8! I take it it's legal were u are, there's some amount of grams/ounces there! How many grows a year do u do? U must just be gilled 24/7 lol unreal lol
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, maybe someday m8 lol :)
@Newbie_uk, 3 crops per year.
Newbie_ukweek 6
Wat do u mean trim her?? I thought it was bad to take anything off her during flowering apart from dead leaves but I'm all ears m8 if u can make it better lol u would know he'll of alot more than me lol yeah alot more leaves turned yellow on me this week I reckoned it was because of the new food I started giving her after abit of a mini flush I'll give it abit more tomato feed this week as its the first I'd left it out..I wanna try and support her abit as like u said with the wind but we're I put her at night I don't think I could get it in with added structure, my ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks again m8 for the input :) :)
@Ageddd, gonna get resourceful and put ur brainstorming to good use lol
@Newbie_uk, I really think trimming will help her as its early flower, she will be still growing :) Here to help as much as i can bro ! Looking at yor pot... I would say you can put sticks on pot corners an then use some kind of net around or horizontal sticks... that structure is not much bigger than your plant ...just my gardener ideas hahaha, i like to do things by myself and that idea is part of my brainstorm.
Newbie_ukweek 7
Cheers m8 :) yeah been bringing it into my shed at nyt and keeping it under a roof when we get a downpour which has been the last 5 days :( currently lashing with rain as I type hopefully get a bit of sun in the afternoon lol thanx for the advice m8 :)
Newbie_ukweek 2
Could anyone guess if this is flowering?? Complete newbie here..thanks in advance :)
You’re growing a Haze, they are mostly Sativa’s, you are far away to get ambers tric’s . By the way , Sativa’s are known for high THC contents , so technically you’re supposed to harvest when tric’s are 20% cloudy / 70% milky / 5% clear/ 5% amber, where THC level is at maximum. Not like Indica’s who are known for high CBN contents, where you harvest at 50% amber / 40% milky / 5% cloudy / 5% clear .
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, happy days, cheers m8 :) :)
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, cheers m8 :) so u think a few Amber tric's and I should be good to go? Sorry for torturing ya lol
Teamdirtbag2week 10
By the pics ( Which get cloudy when I expand them) I would say she can go longer. Just keep an eye on them always, things can change overnight. 👊😎
@Teamdirtbag2,it was m8, had to stop b4 i lost it, I'm over the moon, bit sad that it's over and I can't grow again until next year, 6 months we bonded don't know what I'm gonna do now, lol think I'm gonna do loads of autos next year hopefully finish end of summer! Just Hoping the smoke I have is ok, it looks well lol thanks again lads for everything :) :)
@Newbie_uk,it is time don't chance it. It's not a good bet to take.👊
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As it is an outdoor growth, it’s hard to tell when she’ll be ready. @Teamdirtbag2, is an outdoor grower , he could probably know better than me . For me I think she’s got 3 more weeks to go .
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, correct again 👍
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, will do, I'll go as long as possible :) going this long don't wanna Fuck it up lol thanks again for your help m8 :)
@Newbie_uk,I think that she might need this time to show some amber tric’s . But as @Teamdirtbag2, has said, keep on checking your buds ( take it easy , hold them gently , don’t destroy your buds 😉 ).
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Korferweek 7
Now that's a bush ! Nice strain too. But careful with the long flowering period, can you put it indoors during night times? Ireland's weather is not so clement sometimes
@Korfer,would u recommend removing most of the bushiness in the last week or so? Reading about defoliation and it has me thinking, but pistols are starting to turn brown so was thinking I missed the timing
M0J0R1s1ngweek 6
Newbie_uk you I agree with Ageddd you can trim whole branches to promote the upper buds to grow but 1/3 especially at 1 time might be a little much. Just like raspberries and strawberries when you harvest fruit they produce more. With bud its a little different but the idea is that when you remove a draw on the plant's resources by removing a budding branch, the roots and stalk have extra capacity that gets taken up by the remaining buds and growth increases faster. I used to be real impatient and harvest the bottoms of some plants all summer long and before the end of the summer those plants always had the biggest cola's and finished earlier. It works and pretty fast but if you have time to finish the top I wouldn't do it my yield suffered, and I don't trim anything except dead, dying, or done now. Most of the time buds at the bottom are done well before the top. They can easily get all they need from the plant and they are the oldest part of the plant too so they mature and swell first. You can take those branches no probs.
@M0J0R1s1ng, right, I was watering it every 3 days, I'll do that. It's class watching it grow hope it gets real big lol thanx again for keeping me ryt :) :)
@Newbie_uk, Yea I think for sure you will be good if you get 4 more weeks. They'll slow down a little in a bit but don't panic they'll then start fattening up. Keep up the feeding until the last week or so. If you have good drainage water every day it doesn't rain. They're doing great i can't wait to see them fatten up
@M0J0R1s1ng, yeah watched a few videos for help thou reading forums would put u crazy people saying yes others saying Def not, just took a chance lol the clocks go back here end of the month around 29th, hoping for another 4 weeks, u think 4 weeks could finish it?
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Newbie_ukweek 9
Yea man there was bits of gray black fuzz engulfing all them was starting mostly in the middle, and a load of dead material was appearing so just hacked it off, the rest of the plant is fine so far so gonna let it go as long as possible, I read on urs that ur lower buds seen a better increase afterwards so hoping that takes shape, think I'll end up just under an ounce dry off the tops and I'm OK with that, first time I'll b better prepared next year :)
@M0J0R1s1ng, Yea I opened the jar up there and it does have that 'green' smell, take it that's not a good thing? Iv left it open now gonna leave it for awhile, didn't know it could lose potency that way! R we trying to lose that moisture or is that the way we want it? It was pretty dry wen I put it in
@Newbie_uk,Open it and see if it feels moist again. It will rehydrate from the moisture in the stalk and inner most parts of the buds. it comes back out. If it does feel moist again then leave it open for half a day then close it again. Then later check if its moistens up again. If its just a tiny bit moist like you can just break the stock with a snap then jar it for good until smoked. But thats how I like it a lot like it way more moist. I dont like the "green" smell in my jars because I know it will only cause it to decay in potency if you store it like that.
@M0J0R1s1ng,yeah was raging I had to do it as I wanted to leave the heads as much as possible, but better than losing it, I'll compare the two smokes, use 1 for day and 1 for night, I have it in jars now, I read somewhere to open the lid for two hours a day would that be right? How has ur smoke turned out m8?
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The Trichomes goes from clear to cloudy to milky to amber. On outdoor growth in your location, I suggest you to keep an eye on the sugar leaves coming out from the buds, if you see any signs of a dying sugar leave just try to pull it off , if it plugs off easily check the stem and the bud for any rot .
M0J0R1s1ngweek 8
I see some purple starting on your tips of some of the bud leaves. Ive had some start on my fan leaves but nothing in the buds. That's really all I am waiting for right now. You've still got a couple of weeks but you're doing good. The yellowing has stopped so you got the roots taken care of and there is probably plenty of nitrogen in the soil so I would stop feeding now. Don't flush though let them use up whatever is in the soil for another week then consider flushing. It gets hard not to chop but wait you will be much happier.
M0J0R1s1ngweek 8
Yea I would keep feeding them a little longer. The rot happens because the bud gets just way to thick with plant material like lettuce. Its yellow in there because it doesn't see the sun. The mold starts in cool damp dark environments. Light is the best thing because if it can get light it gets air too so if your worried pull apart each individual bud in the colas just a little but so each one is not really touching the next. You can do this every day just by pushing apart with your fingers or a little tool, they will train that way too. or tie them apart. Promote air circ and light as much as possible. But your girls look good. My colas were thick like that for a month and that was just too long. I don't mind at all though, and you shouldn't worry too much either. Just take it as it comes and keep it going with whatever you can until you run out of time or the plant gets done either way you'll have good smoke. You plants are healthy and the sugars are there. They might only need 2 more weeks depending on your weather. If you get some rot I know you'll catch it early so just trim it out or cut some down to smoke. But make sure you throw out all the dead rot material don't smoke it or keep it around.
Newbie_ukweek 9
My 2 m8s work in a hydroponic store and one does part time in a seed shop, the seeds are sold as 'souvenirs' and they have promised me a handful to help in my quest lol
Newbie_ukweek 8
Yea gonna try n get that hooked up today, just got really worried as I remember u wrote that u had been checking yours and it kinda appeared over night so was worried incase it went all over, feeling more relaxed now about it I'll just have to keep watch, u think I should feed her 1 more week or start to flush? Looking forward to seeing urs now after what happened :)
Newbie_ukweek 8
That's another question I wanted to ask, glad ur online was freaking out all morning lol could I take the colas off or would it shock it aswel? I also know I could miss the big push , I won't ryt but for future reference incase I spot more
Newbie_ukweek 5
Lol I have no idea m8 lol it's been out from April and if got it in the best part of my garden were it traps the sun all day, also as I'm near the coast I think the wind is helping..I only used tomato feed outa pound shop up until last week lol hoping I get to the finish line..Wat would u guess I had left??
Newbie_ukweek 4
Or could I put a big black binliner over it? Or am I being stupid?? Lol
Newbie_ukweek 3
Thanks very much guys wasn't too sure just hope it can finish in time as I was told it was a sativa
islandgrows89week 8
Doing that outdoors that time of year it's doing really well. I used to have problems with the really frosty mornings. Maybe a lil bulb in your shed as a top up when it pissing down.
@M0J0R1s1ng,glad u think its OK, though I did notice a big enough line of fluff up one of the main stems, cleaned it up best I could, u think I should start the flush roughly 10.5 hrs of light when I can get it
@M0J0R1s1ng,Ano I wanted to chop everything today when I seen it as this is my only plant lol was waiting on u coming on lol
@Newbie_uk,They're doing great. Don't panic patience is the key to these guys. Im just about to post my pics for this week. You'll see why I don't trim and its hard not to. I have to restrain myself from doing little things to the plants every day. I wanted to trim the bottom branches to help the terminals but just look at what they produced. Some of the nicest buds on the plants. Plus if anything happens to your top cola the others jump right in and finish the grow.
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