
Critical 2.0 XL (First Grow)

5 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 3
20 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Commented by
garaging garaging
5 years ago
Last week was great for the plant. I saw a ton of new growth and everyday it looks like a new plant. I skipped week to update because I was busy starting some northern lights in Coco which is all new to me. Hopefully this tough little girl produces a good yield, but to be honest even if it doesn't it is such a great experience.
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Grow Questions
garagingstarted grow question 5 years ago
What is the browning on the leaves?
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 5 years ago
I understand that you've probably just found this site because you're looking for answers and worried about your lovely plant, but without the correct information the community cannot and will not help you. I will try.... 1st of all take pictures with the grow lights off and fill in your nutrients and correct stain and breeder so people who have grown this strain can compare. 2nd. Going by the info you've provided I see a few problems and don't worry we've almost all been there. 3. If your led is 1000w that is alot of light. Even for a Big space with a few plants. Having it 20cm is far, far too close! 4. Ph levels should stay between 6 and 6.5 ideally, it does make alot of difference for correct nutrients absorbtion. Once a week or two you must water without any nutrients to move any dorment nutes around. 5.we don't know what you're feeding schedule is either but I would say you are or were over feeding especially in nitrogen. 6.watering with 3.5 l of water per day is a huge amount, half of that should be ample or even less! 7. Temps are to low, that could also be stressing the plant out. Sorry if it sounds harsh but if all your data is correct then there are a few things to correct on. Happy growing 🌱😊
DankGardeneranswered grow question 5 years ago
Looks like your grow light is to close. With cannabis plants that have light burn, your leaves can sometimes become yellow or red/purple, possibly with brown spotting, often with burnt tips/edges and margins that stay green. Leaves may also appear generally burnt in places when there’s too much light, especially when combined with heat or nutrient problems. Just back your light up two inches and watch things closely.
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 5 years ago
just sseing a small part of your plant , and having no clue what you are feeding, if the other datas are correct... is a guessing game here. I see a number of issues, that are not as easy to solve. and in that state of grow arent solveable. growing is alot of learning. And i just want to say to you go and fill in your next grow all datas, write every acion down that you make on your plant ( watering, feeding, your nutrients etc........) only tht way we can look what is going wrong.. and you only can learn to avoid the same mistakes if you documet them.....hemp is very resiliant , you wont win a beauty contest with the plant, but she will survive and give you a harvest...... Happy growing

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Mr_Mary_Janeweek 1
Looking good!
@garaging, Of course! I am always browsing through here trying to learn. To be honest, I don't have an exhaust or filter yet. I am keeping everything really ventilated with fans and the tent ports. But, I will be getting the exhaust kit closer to flowering. Good luck!
@@Mr_Mary_Jane, hey, thanks! It is nice of you to stop by. I actually lost a plant when my carbon filter stopped taking in air and I came home to 99% humidity in my tent. Live and learn I guess. I am thinking of starting 2 more critical seeds since they came as freebies. We'll see how it goes from here. Take care!
Mr_Mary_Janeweek 1
I took another look at your grow info: How are you controlling the day and night temps with light running 24/7? Do your roots and soil have good ventilation? That's pretty important. I have some 5 gal cloth pots with a small fan blowing on both my pots. LED height has many factors. For week 1 and 2 (depending) I would raise it to 24-30 inch. I also have a 600W compared to your 1000W. It's better to have it high and adjust, than burn your plant. Watering: Did you soak the soil before planting? If so, should be good for the first week. But check anyways to see if top 1 inch or so of soil is dry. I've read some people let their pot dry out then water and some people water a little every day or so. It's all going to depend on the thirst of the plant and your environment. Again I am by no means an expert. Also on my first grow. I've just been reading a lot. Someone please correct me if I am wrong on anything. V/r, Mr. MJ
@garaging, Sounds like you've got it under control. I would also start watering away but around the base of the stem like a ring because you want the roots to search for water making them grow. The LED height can be annoying to figure out. Just have to play with it and monitor how the plants react. As far as the gnats, I have not experienced this. If they are flying I would suggest getting some sticky fly traps and hanging them in your tent. It wouldn't hurt. I've always said, there is no such thing as bad experience! I'm sure you'll do just fine! You're welcome, anytime V/r, Mr. MJ
@@Mr_Mary_Jane, So my tent is in my basement and the temps are mid to upper 60's. I believe my 1000W LED is more like 400 actual watts if I remember correctly and it runs super cool. I was actually hoping it would warm the temp more than it is. I tend to read about new things obsessively and then lose track of whats what, and that's how I went about this growing thing. I remember reading that autos, especially super quick growers can thrive in 24 hours of light, so I decided to give it a go. I did not soak my soil first, as I had read mixed reviews on it. Instead I just went straight to PH watering. I used a dropper to make sure the water was contained to just the root area and went easy. Soil monitor is reading the soil as moist, as well as the finger test. The height of the light had me perplexed the most. I have read heights that vary by 2 feet at this stage of the grow so I went with the middle ground. I have gone up and down ~3 inches but have not noticed much change. I am now also battling fungus gnats. Since the other plants didn't make it, I took them out, greatly reducing the gnats, and I also gently added Diatomaceous earth this afternoon. I didn't water for 3 days to try and stave off the gnats, but had to give some droplets to the plant today. I have the fan blowing as close to the plant as I can to dry the topsoil while still not burning the leaves. We'll see what happens. I am no longer hopeful for more than expensive education from my last plant, but I'll take it happily if it leads to better growing days. Thanks for checking back in and offering your knowledge and support. Cheers!
Litngrnweek 3
Looking strong!👍
@iLitngrn, I'm only just seeing your comment now. Thanks and thanks for stopping by!