
8 Ball Kush

Approved by Barney's Farm
5 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 5
18 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
Standard Hydroponics Ph Down
0.198 ml/l
Commented by
Jwjoh Jwjoh
5 years ago
CLONES: I boiled rocks from the driveway, steamed some new Canna Terra Professional Plus soil at 190F for 45 minutes (people were complaining about thrip eggs in the soil) then ran some well water through it to populate some "safe" bacteria and/or micronutrients (I did this with the other soil as well, lots of minerals in our water). I am a bit worried using this soil for my cloning medium, even though it comes highly recommended with good reviews there's absolutely no perlite in it! 😲 We'll see what happens. Took a healthy cutting with a fan leaf (which I chopped off half of to make it fit in the chamber) from each plant and set up the clone in a solo cup, with rocks in the very bottom for weight and anti-soil-erosion, then piled up with the Canna Terra soil. Used the Miracle Grow rooting powder with stems trimmed at a 45 degree angle or so. My whole setup seems promising, I just have to keep an eye on it! I gave a very small watering of 6.2 pH distilled water no nutrients, so I had runoff of the same pH coming out of each one. Didn't take long at all for the humidity to start building up in the chambers! Then I took care of the main plants. I'm giving the main plants and the clones 7 days to recover. I don't care if the main plants stunt for a week, I'm already running out of horizontal room. The ultimate plan for the clones once they are rooted and healthy, is to put them under a low level LED table lamp to keep them growing slowly while the others flower. If they are struggling, I'll put them in the tent for several hours a day as necessary. Plant A received some more LST. I also FIMmed the main cola, and removed a fan leaf which was hiding a bunch of other potential colas! Plant B also received some more LST. Instead of topping its main cola like I planned originally, I FIMmed. No fan leaves removed, it's a pretty openly spaced plant compared to A. Watered both with 6.2 pH distilled water no nutrients until 6.2 pH runoff came out the bottom. I also did a small watering in between for both plants, they are really sucking it down and it dried out about an inch in from the top mid week, AND was dry like that again today! No nutrients necessary, they seem to be taking off. Both plants are starting to stink a little, but my charcoal filter is taking care of it when they are in the tent. Side Note: I decided instead of using expensive nutrients in the flower phase, I'll use some 2-7-7 cactus nutes... It has the EXACT same micronutrient ratios as the miracle grow, but only 2-7-7 NPK which should be compatible with flowering mode. Combined with CaliMagic, I don't think I'll have any problems. We'll see :) Plus, I can finally feed those cacti we've been neglecting for years...
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Grow Questions
Jwjohstarted grow question 5 years ago
5 gallon pot, in middle of 4th week veg, roots already starting to come out the bottom drain holes! Should I be worried about binding? I thought 5 gal would be more than enough for the whole grow? What happens if too much root comes out the drain hole, do I clip it back?
Techniques. Defoliation
Wicked_Stixanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey there a 5 gallon pot will be plenty of space to grow them. You dont have to worry about the roots. They will naturally die off at the ends and branch out to find water in other places. You can look up info on "air pruning" the plant naturally does it when roots grow out of soil. Hope this eases your concerns. They look like they are off to a great start. Good luck.

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TrueNorthweek 11
👌👌 love the diary
@TrueNorth, thanks :D
Punchmanweek 9
Dope looking lady 👍🏽💯
@Punchman, thanks!! :D Just gotta try to keep it that way for the next few weeks.
Jwjohweek 4
Bought a 100 pack of 18oz "solo cups" for $6, two $0.95 2-liter bottles of soda that I may or may not drink, but plan to build "cloning chambers" for solo cups to sit in ;), and a $12 tub of Miracle Grow rooting powder (what can I say, Cheapee McCheapington is my best friend). Plan for the "cloning chambers", is to boil a bunch of small-ish rocks from the driveway. Cut the bottom of the 2 liter off about an inch or two up from the bottom. Fill the indentations in the bottom with rocks to create a level surface. Open up holes in the bottom of the solo cup, and put a few rocks in for weight/to help hold soil behind the drain holes. Fill with sterilized soil (I have some expensive cannabis-specific soil for this which has the nutrients to support clones through the first couple weeks). Transplant clone straight into solo cup soil after prepping (should work just fine, may take longer to root but I'm in no hurry). Force the remaining part of the 2 liter bottle down onto the bottom part (it won't line up perfectly but I can get a pretty good seal). Then I can open the cap to spray water down in or to air it out a little if it's too damp! I'll also drill a few small holes in the bottom part of the 2 liter before I put the rocks in, and maybe one or two small ones up top for flow, because I don't want to completely suffocate the clones. I'll be around to spray them a couple times a day or air them out or whatever needs to be done! Once they take root, I'm going to move them under a low powered light that will hopefully keep them growing slowly while the main ones flower. I'll prune fan leaves or whatever as I need to as well to keep them as small as possible for now. Will this work? I don't know. Is it worth a try with $20 of materials that would support 100 future clones without needing to buy anything else? Absolutely.
@Jwjoh, I bury mine about 2 inches. It wont cause any problems.
@Wicked_Stix, here's a cloning question for ya if you don't mind. Everything I'm reading says to bury about an inch or so of the clone's stem in whatever cloning medium I'm using. If I were to bury more of the stem, say 2 inches, for more support and rooting surface area -- would there be anything wrong with doing so?
@Wicked_Stix, I too try to use anything free I can get or have lying around, "MacGyvering" stuff is an art form LOL. I had to buy a decent tent/lighting/ventilation setup though because the only place I can grow in privacy, locked away from the kids who would need a key to get in, is an 8x8 office/mancave.
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Jwjohweek 3
The answer to my grow question was awesome! After reading about air pruning, I now understand that it's actually a GOOD thing if a couple roots poke out the drain holes here and there, it causes them to stop growing in that direction and branch out elsewhere, creating a healthy root pattern :)
@Wicked_Stix, :O alright, the new growth has all been pretty dark green up until this point. Thanks though, if you don't see a problem then I'm happy.
@Jwjoh, I dont see anything wrong with it at all. The new growth being lighter is pretty normal. I would flip to flower whenever you are ready.
@Wicked_Stix, if I might ask you another question please? I took a clone from each plant and then topped the main branch. I've read that topping the main branch will spread growth hormones through the rest of the colas that have formed. (I have 15 total between the two plants!) Three days later, I think there's a fair amount of growth happening at the other cola sites but it's hard to tell. On both plants, the new growth is yellow in the middle of the new leaves. The tips are still darker green. The old growth remains unchanged as far as I can tell. It almost seems like a nitrogen deficiency. Both plants are now sucking down water as well, the top inch of soil dries out in 36 hours after a run-off watering. Yesterday evening a few hours before dark period began, I topped them off with 1/4 strength miracle grow and calimagic, and I _think_ this started turning the leaves green about an hour or so later. This morning though I woke up and the yellowing has come back. My theory is that topping spread the growth hormone out so the plant is focusing on it elsewhere, causing all these extra colas to bloom out, which is sucking down nitrogen and possibly other nutrients... But I'm curious what someone with experience has to say!! I want to flick over to flowering this Friday but I don't want to risk it if the plants aren't stable :( UPDATE: I'm now thinking maybe an Iron Deficiency?
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Jwjohweek 8
Snagged up some Girl Scout Cookie and Bubblegum feminized seeds for future grows :D
Jwjohweek 7
Next grow, I will be more proactive and less reactive. Basically this time I'm just fudging my way through it, learning by reacting to situations as they occur rather than preventing them from happening in the first place. Fortunately for me, 8BK is very forgiving. To cure the deficiency/ies in plant A, I've ordered some Bud Blaster which is high in Phosphorus and Potassium, something like 1-51-34 if I remember correctly. Thanks to @BC_CropGoddess for posting a picture of the label of this stuff! I believe it is exactly what my plants need. It should be here Tuesday. Clone B is showing Nitrogen Overload, and clone A started curling up today. The soil I put them in says it has enough starter nutrients for the first couple weeks, well it's been a couple weeks. I think I had salts building up in the soil, so I flushed both solo cups. We'll see what happens. I have some 5-liter buckets coming too, which I'll move the clones to... I plan to mix the soil with a hefty amount of perlite, probably a 1:1 ratio. I also will be creating a new diary for them at the end of this week, as "week 1" for them since they're both rooted now (even though clone A rooted an entire week before clone B). Haven't decided if I'm going to keep these as moms and pull clones off them for growing... or if I'm just going to grow out these clones and then order another set of seeds. I think I'll know more about how I want to proceed once I see the yield of my work this time around. If I were to get several ounces between the two plants I'm flowering now (high expectations for my first grow but I'm staying positive), I'll probably just grow one more round of 8BK with the two clones and grow something different! My primary goal for growing is to eventually stop paying for cannabis. If I can achieve that result year-round, I'll be happy...
Jwjohweek 6
Middle of week 7: Still waiting on clone B, but clone A has rooted! It's perked up and the top leaves doubled in size in 24 hours. Also, the yellowing got even worse... so I fed each plant 10x the dose of miracle grow I normally give them, just for kicks (figured I can always flush out if I need to) and they are finally slowly starting to turn green again :)
Jwjohweek 5
NOTE: I must have FIMed my FIM, because the leaves just started growing back the way they were on both plants?!?!?!?!?!?!?! They just carried on like I did nothing. So, last night I topped them both. I also removed a second fan leaf on plant A to better help expose colas. I woke up this morning AND THEY ARE STILL F'ING GROWING like I did nothing at all to them (except of course now I've got multiple colas shooting out that also literally sprouted over night). 8BK is an amazing plant for the growing process itself. RE: Clones, I think they are both already starting to root. The day after I put them in the chambers, the leaves were curling a bit. Today, they've uncurled and look great. I swear there's also already some minor new growth on clone B, but that might just be my imagination.
Jwjohweek 4
Excited to spend my weekly fun time with the plants tomorrow. I'll be attempting to start my clones. Spent about an hour tonight reading up on cloning, FIMing, and topping as well as selecting my clone sites and finalizing plans. After setting up the clones and applying more LST as needed, I think I'm going to top plant B and FIM plant A. Then see where I'm at the following week -- if the main plants have recovered and the clones have rooted well, I may start flowering as I'm going to run out of horizontal space :/ Wishing I had a 3x3 instead of a 2x2!
Jwjohweek 4
Only at the beginning of the 5th week, but man... I thought plant A was going to be the amazing one because of the growth pattern. Turns out plant B is a rockstar. Plant A responds horribly to nutrients and to light. It's 30 inches away from the grow light and still wants less. Plant B is the "uglier" of the two plants but has turned out to grow like a weed. Resilient to light. spaced out nicely. After LST, plant B exploded (it's only about 30 hours after I bent the main stem over and gave it some nutrients, and it's bushed out like CRAZY!! Can't wait to share pics) If this keeps up, I'll likely just make multiple clones of B as it seems to grow well. (but of course still plenty of time to see what happens)