
First Gold Leaf for momma

5 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 14
12 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
MomnPoppaSeed MomnPoppaSeed
5 years ago
Such a busy week for this girl. Not that she needed much but I did add a bloom booster to her feedings and although she is still growing I have noticed a significant amount of change in her hairs. They changed from standing straight out and all being snow white, to now they are all curled in (with the bottom few being the exception) and beginning to turn an off white yellow color. As for thrichomes, they're about 50% cloudy 50% clear which is a good place for this part of her growth cycle. As for the amount, I'm some how shocked by how many she's got. At first bud I thought shed have a good amount but did expect her to be so full and how they're all nicely hidden inside the layered if sugar leaves and buds. Her scent is potent and beautiful!! I find her to smell like a stick of juicy fruit chewing gum. Sweet and floral with a fruity punch. I CANT WAIT TO TASTE HER!! She is almost done and I cant begin to imagine how she will be.
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Grow Questions
MomnPoppaSeedstarted grow question 5 years ago
How can 1 add pictures?? My plant is showing rust colored spots in between veins on older leaves. Her run off and water PH are always similar at 6.2 in her cocoa core/pete/perlite/casting medium. I just gave her a small taste of Epsom salts but need to fix b4 it gets worse
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 5 years ago
Normally i would say its a calcium def. caused by PH fluctuations... or nutrients that are not cooperating with the coco.look pls for the following syptoms Dead spots Crinkling Spotting / Mottling Small brown spots Stunted growth Small or distorted new leaves Curled tips Leaf die-off Affected leaves may appear green besides the spots............... I would go with acalmag product always with the feedings... and as the first step with the next watering.

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MomnPoppaSeedweek 1
Transferred to a 1 g bag this morning and so far she's taking the change fairly well.
Mrs_Larimarweek 8
Yaaay , she recoverd wonderful.Looking more like herself as you say....So dont give up... keep the track.
@Mrs_Larimar, well she will get cal-mag with every feeding plus some nitro for her upcoming stretch. Didn't want to send her into flower too soon but shes shooting new growth everywhere so I'm fairly confident in her strength. I do however want to finish her while she is well and not too space consuming. Thanks again for all of your advice and help. I am very new and the internet has far too many unreliable sources so I only become more confused when I attempt to research. But yes your correct, she wasn't pretty and was surely stunted for a minute but it is quite obvious she is back to health as she's grown 4 inches in less than 3 days. Tons of new darker growth and her fan leaves are getting big again. I love these plants and growing has been as therapeutic as the medication I produce. Cannabis saved my 3 yr old daughter from cancer after chemo failed and no other options were available. 3 yrs cancer free and 0 medication. CANNABIS KILLS CANCER!!
@MomnPoppaSeed, i absolutly agree. but as i said ( a few times^^) its way better to have a defiency.... it does not look so good but the plant has no dmage taken
@Mrs_Larimar, thanks I'm very pleased with her recovery. As a mom I tend to take it hard when my babies aren't thriving. But thank you so much for your help. Hopefully she will continue to recover. We're planning on switching her lights this week so hopefully she'll continue to thrive. I'll be sure and give nitrogen with the cal-mag supplement because she's going to need it and apparently she loves the cal-mag anyways. Shes the 1st plant I've ever done the small daily supplement feeds rather than a weekly soak as needed. Apparently it didn't hurt so now I have experienced based knowledge which is as helpful as experience based advice. Fingers crossed for a great yield with tons of thrichomes :)
Mrs_Larimarweek 13
you can go higher in p+k. and if the discoloration is only the topfanleaves its a lightburn but go higher with pk and get a booster from next week on
@MomnPoppaSeed, well thats great, thank you for the whishes... sme to you and your Family
@Mrs_Larimar,omg!! I ordered a bloom booster last week and because of the holidays (or whatever) it will be here Friday!! Could not come at a better time lol so anyway I'll give her a little tea I've been brewing in the morning that should keep her fed until the booster comes in. My space is beginning to smell like some just hit the bong in it every time I walk in the room and the autos I planned to harvest while I wait for these to finish, just started flowing which will make her a 14 week auto at best. It's crazy how my photo plants are going so quickly and my auto is gonna be slooooooow.. gotta love mother nature and her tricks.. Happy holidays to you and your family!!
Mrs_Larimarweek 12
Looking great...iam feeling like you, i dont like it taking away the leaves. but now she has avery good shape for flower...... she already shows a lot of them for week 2
@MomnPoppaSeed,i agree with the seedbank with 9 weeks...thre is no shortcut.. you have to participate in newbie of the month or growero month if you are ready... and lets go on per PM .. to talk
@Mrs_Larimar, I'm the same way when I cut my hair lol but usually after I get accustomed to the new look it's all good... lol.... But seriously though, as soon as I was done with the removal I could see the light shining through down to sites that would have been completely shaded had I not cleaned them up. It's just because sometimes we work hard to help her to grow so many big beautiful healthy leaves during veg only to turn around and cut them off once the flowers come in but every plant has its purpose and hers is to make flowers and that's why I do it. I'm kinda amazed because shes actually 2 weeks behind my banana and shes supposed to have 1 more week of flower as well but she's at least a week ahead in flower. I just hope that means she'll be done earlier than expected because she is even faster than the autos I popped while fighting that calcium deficiency. The seed bank said that I should expect her to be in flower for about 9 weeks but she went in really quickly. Banana said 8 weeks and shes not nearly as mature as GL for their ages. Anyway, shes stopped begging for supplements which makes me and my bank account very happy lol. Take care and thanks for the advice. You rock!!
Mrs_Larimarweek 9
So the Tree went to flower=? well done, She looks well prepared and wonderful green again
@MomnPoppaSeed,iam very sure you can bring your grow home by your own... but i will look once in a week....and if you have questions just ask... greetings
@Mrs_Larimar, not in flower but we just switched lights 2 days ago. When I seen her color was back and felt the strength in her limbs, I knew that it was probably a good time to send her in. So now comes the fun part. I'll be posting often so be looking for me lol.
Mrs_Larimarweek 7
Give her silica to strengthen the leaves.and Branches, and shes still low in nitrogen.... but its way better to low in nitrogen than to high.So everything is fine and you can fix all problems bfore going into flower
@MomnPoppaSeed, normally you can buy it in a drugstore as powder. There are products you can buy as liqiuid like silica blast / snowstorm... iam using the powder from the drugstore. but i think its better the liquid, because the chemical part are not so big.... just google it................. and its like i said..... its way better to go with alower dosage of nitrogen than to much......i just would can take 4 days until you see anything. And no i wont do a multi fertiliser... just look wait and maybe get a single organic fertiliser for vegetation....... if she looks green again switch to flower and using the multi fertiliser or anything you want... she was growing very vigor, thats why she had abig need for nitrogen. and to get it she cannibalised herself..... its not nice but no problem at all.......... ive just seen that yu got acalmag product,,, tht contains nitrogen too... you can start with that
@Mrs_Larimar, thanks, I just gave her tea that's got some of the funky fish fertilizer in it which is basically organic nitrogen. Would that be enough or should I add something a little more potent? And I have to ask, what is Silica?? I will go look it up in a bit but I'm not sure itll be something that I can buy locally (very small town problem lol) but Amazon is always an option. Thanks again, I do notice her limbs are strengthening up a bit compared to yesterday and always the pessimist, my husband's response was, "they dont seem flimsy to me" which means they are better today as he never felt them yesterday at all to compare haha. Thanks again. I'm debating between adding more fish funk today, adding fox farm multi nute, or just waiting to find out if the tea had enough nitrogen in it. What would you suggest??
Mrs_Larimarweek 16
She looks alittle like a Plucked chicken..... ( sorry for that comparison ) . But veery delicious too. It was the best way to save her. You can feed molasses too with your waterings. It feeds the Microbacteria, that help the plant to devour the nutrients
@Mrs_Larimar, hahaha, you're so right. I hated doing it to her and my whole dang grow but humidity dropped. As for blackstrap, I'll probably give her a little because I'm coming off bud candy and casting tea now. Of course my ever dismissive/skeptical husband feels its useless but his method is very minimal attention and nutrition. Just water and set timer lol. I'd never tell him this but his methods were producing small sickly plants. As soon as I've taken over the handling we are all big green and happy. So me using molasses will be our little secret ;)
Mrs_Larimarweek 14
Around Hlafway through Flower. she stacked up wonderful,,, but here is more to go..... Wonderful handling with tose Plants congrats
@Mrs_Larimar, thanks doll, I cant take any credit on these genetics. I think Mr. Bergman had the right idea with this strain. Once I got those nutrients right, she just took over and is the absolute most beautiful plant I've ever put my hands on. That being said, I'm one day from being without smoke. Once my edibles are done I'll be taking small bits to dry early (rather than spending $$$ on a lower quality bud which is all we can get here in this area). Any advice on "multi" chop because this will be my first.
Mrs_Larimarweek 11
And here we are... she was super fast in showing the Flowers....I hope your Growspace is big enough for her
@Mrs_Larimar, me too but the good thing about it is that as long as shes not over 9 ft we are okay because I can move them anywhere in my poolhouse if need be. I have it all blacked out with cardboard and mylar. I had no idea they'd go in so quickly. My banana is about 6 days behind her.
Mrs_Larimarweek 8
think about giving her a "corsage" to help her carry the flowers. she has alot of branches and some are looking very thin. Look at B4RNS Diarie he gives his girls nice corsages made from sticks and lines.....
@Mrs_Larimar, I will definitely be looking into making some because I do want her to be strong enough. I'm so accustomed to autoflower strains that I dont know what to expect but I will say that my banana kush has less branches but they're twice the size. I still have not switched the lights so she does have time but hopefully the "flower room " will be set up this weekend so itll probably be this coming week when we drop her. I will probably PM next time because I'm sure its easier anyway
Mrs_Larimarweek 6
You pictures look like a classy calcium defiency.....
@Mrs_Larimar, thanks, I wasn't sure because of spots but the yellowing did resemble what I've seen online as calcium. Of course I worry about lockouts so I hate just adding a "multi" nute
dianneweek 15
I just wanna squeeze one of those top buds and smell my fingers! Looking good!
@dianne, meeeowe!! ;)
@MomnPoppaSeed, It's like catnip!
@dianne, you sound like me. I try to find reasons to touch for a sniff fix lol Thanks
GrowAseedweek 10
Very nice how you got her back on track!
@MomnPoppaSeed, I find that photos are indeed easier to work with, having the choice to decide when the plant enters it's flowering cycle gives a bigger room for correcting deficiencies and excesses before switching. Lol that's an image that describes well what we do x)! Happy growing!
@GrowAseed, thanks I just in awe with how easily photo period strains can bounce back to health after a deficiency. This girl was easy to train but is still a glutton on nutes (I told my husband how it feels like I'm a drug dealer giving her a "taste" when she's feeling bad lol..This is my first photo crop so I am learning so much. Cant wait to see her finish because she's already beginning to smell floral
dianneweek 16
Thanks for the update. Looking delicious. Nice cleanup of fan leaves. I'll be doing that throughout my flowering - bud rot is scary.
@dianne, smart lady!! I absolutely hated it but I really think it was necessary. Just remember to keep the air flowing all into her canopy. It really says a lot about the density of this strain. I've grown in the same area for a year now and none of my other plants were touched. Also, its good to defoliate often so that we can monitor them on a closer more regular basis. Finding mine early made a big difference in how much I lost.
ShotGunBobweek 16
Wow, this girl looks tasty😍 respect!
@@ShotGunBob, thanks, I can tell you the buds I've salvaged from the bud rot incident were delicious. She had some finishing up to do but the sweetness was still there.
CrankledLarkusweek 15
Those are some nice bulbous buds.There's nothing like that good ol' skunk smell either! I just sent an original skunk no 1 into flower with hopes to achieve that classic skunk flavour
@CrankledLarkus, I had forgotten just how much I like that scent too. We used to tell granny she was smelling a skunk when me and the cousins uses to spark it up behind her house lol But yes she has stacked up nicely and now that my stash has dwindled I'm waiting for her to finish.
Mouseyweek 4
Looking really good!
@Mousey,thanks I really just want to skip to the fun part but shell be a kid for a while.
ReapwhatyouSowweek 2
Looks super healthy!
@ReapwhatyouSow, thanks I'm kinda dreading the transplant into 3 gl pot because she's happy now but repotting always comes with it's own risk.
Welovephattrees420ukweek 2
Now that's what I wished mine looked like dude, lushhh:)
Thanks, this is my 1st time growing any photo plant let alone GL but she seems to be happy in her environment.
KAC87week 11
Looking good.