
Glueberry OG Auto #2

Approved by Dutch Passion
4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 4
18 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Garden Prodigy's: Bio-Fizz
0.528 ml/l
DryPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
DryPart Grow
1.953 mll
Floralicious Plus - Terra Aquatica
Floralicious Plus
1.321 mll
3+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Kushlove420 Kushlove420
5 years ago
Week 4 Update : Dutch Passion really does have amazing,stable genetics ♡ Glueberry OG auto is growing into such a beautiful plant!!! She has made wonderful progress this week and is fully transitioning. She has really branched out nicely and looks like she will have many bud sites throughout all her branches.. I'll start giving her bloom nutrients next week. I've already started training the branches and I've done just a little defoilaton so far. I'm really excited for her to really start to flower ♡ I bet she's gonna look amazing!!! Well that's all for now, thank you for checking in on her ♡ I really appreciate it!! Please be sure to come next week to see the progress she's made.. ~Stay☆High & Happy♡Growing~
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GreenAutoConsumoweek 9
Gran variedad!!
BigDaddyKweek 9
Bro you have some fantastic grows , seriously impressed , if I could give you one piece of information that you will greatly benefit , add some mammoth p to your grows , you will get denser heavier buds 👍
@BigDaddyK, thank you so much, that means alot to me fr :) and I will definitely look into that. Appreciate the tip ♡ Happy Growing!
Inganjawetrustweek 9
Looks great ! Well done 👍 Enjoy ✌️
@Inganjawetrust, thank you
Agedddweek 6
She should gain a lot of weight in that flowers, waiting to see the final results :P Good workkk ^^
@Ageddd, glad to have you following along :)
Dr_Green_Thumb_420week 3
Hey, looking good so far, make sure you have CaliMag in your nutrients, or you will end up having lockout problems. I would also defoliate to remove any large fan leaves that are blocking the light to other tops. this will encourage more growth. Some LST training would give you more end product as well. Also, it is an Auto, Give it 24hrs of light, it does not need to rest like a photo period. If you have any questions, I can try to help. Good luck!
Hey, no worries, I agree, everyone has an opinion, and a way they like to do things, to each their own. When i give recommendations to people, it's not cause i don't think they are capable, I just want to see everyone get the most out of their plants with the equipment and nutrients they have. I've heard "I've been doin this for blah blah years", lol so many times, but i still keep an open mind to tips because you can learn soo much from the different ways people grow. I base my recommendations on fact and experience. When i mentioned about LST, it was only because your girls look nice and bushy and didn't look like they were LST'd. and proper LST (where you don't pinch and bend branches but rather bend branches early when they are soft so the plant is not stressed at all) will open up the canopy will increase quality and yeild. I do 90 degree training from week 2, where i pin every branch down flat until they reach outside the bucket, then i weight them down to keep them flat until budding, this causes every bud to turn up off the branch and grow exactly like a tight little crystally top. and as for the pruning, With pruning, I defoliate every leaf that is in the shade, or is creating shade on growth i want to flourish. this will cause the plant to accelerate growth on the tops to replace the lost surface area of the leaves. This is also true for budding, the more direct light the flowers get, the denser and more crystally they'll be. The reason I mentioned the 24hr light, is because alot of people that run less than 24hrs light, base it on the fact that photo periods need a rest or do it because they are running hot lights that suck up the power. The reason I do the 24 hrs of light is becauses the wild ancestor of every auto-flowering plant (“Ruderalis”) grows in the northern parts of Russia and will naturally experience nearly 24 hours of light a day in the summer. So it’s not crazy to think that auto-flowering strains will also do well on 24 hours light/day. Anyway like I said, to each their own. Just throwin out some ideas to experiment with. lol
@Dr_Green_Thumb_420, I do train my girls and keep them pruned best as possible. As for using 24 hours of light, all marijuana plants need rest and I've done tons of research into the matter but to each their own on the matter but I'll never do 24 hours of light. I was able to get over half a pound of an auto doing it the way I always have but I appreciate your opinions and thanks for checking my grow out
SmokinGranny56week 9
Happy growing
burittomizzleweek 9
Awesome grow! What is the smell like before curing vs after curing?
raptor65week 1
Looking great mate 👍, All the best in your grow and the new year,😉Hope you have a great harvest 😎🙏