

Approved by Barney's Farm
4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 1
18 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
Commented by
GhettoStyle GhettoStyle
4 years ago
hello everyone! The first week of my first diary! I hope I succeed!!!
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Grow Questions
GhettoStylestarted grow question 4 years ago
Guys tell me please! how to treat Calcium deficiency?
Feeding. Deficiences
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 4 years ago
well, its the lights that make trouble for your Plant, its alot of high quality light that shines on the Girl.. she grows very dwarfed with short internnods, that say to me... To much light// to close Follow my thoughts away from to close its possibly to warm too Growing with high end LED changes the growingstyle Rise the Light, and delute your Nutrients, so the plant soaks more Pure water. Because she transpirates alot, water evaporates and nutrient remain in the leaf and burn it too..... if you use solution in regular strength. happy growing..
GhettoStylestarted grow question 4 years ago
Friends tell me please! I noticed that the tips of some leaves began to bend down at an angle of 90 degrees! What can this be related to?
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Webbing
JohnnyGroweranswered grow question 4 years ago
Si la planta estuviera con un color verde intenso podría decir que es exceso de nitrogeno pero no lo es, es probable que sea síntoma primario de exceso de agua en la planta, si avanza se seguirán cursando hacia abajo y los brotes nuevos se verán distorsionados como "chascones" eso seria claramente exceso de agua en las células de la planta. Pero veo que tienes sistema hidroponico, me gustaría saber tus lapsos de riego y el tipo de solución nutritiva Saludos
GhettoStylestarted grow question 4 years ago
Guys please tell me what can give such a sediment? what should be excluded from the solution? Added Connoisseur Grow, Sensi Cal Mag Xtra, B-52, Tarantulla, Rhino Skin - All fertilizers and stimulants were added in the recommended amount!
Feeding. Other
NuggetPawnanswered grow question 4 years ago
I think the key to all your issues here is too high of an EC, a 4 week old plant shouldn’t really be on much higher than 0.8, 1.4 is much too high and can cause lockout of various elements. This will explain the issues you have, also make sure your PH pen is calibrated recently. At 1.4 your plant definitely have all they need so it’s not a deficiency for sure 👍 I sent you messages by the way
GhettoStylestarted grow question 4 years ago
Guys tell me what to do!? to cure the plant!?
Leaves. Other
Feeding. Deficiences
Feeding. Other
amon_growsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Looks like you need to bump up the cal mag a bit and possibly run less water cycles (looking a bit droopy). The cal mag will likely also have Nitrogen which will be good to bump up a bit more if you are going to continue more weeks of veg. I would also double check the PH to make sure its maintaining 5.9 and not affecting your existing nutrients and uptake. Looking like a great setup though!
GhettoStylestarted grow question 4 years ago
I use 0.3 EC tap water it should have enough Cal/mag in it! I don't understand why I recommend adding Cal/mag?!! And the second option is a block of potassium!!! help me figure it out!!!!
Leaves. Other
Feeding. Deficiences
Feeding. Other
blendmedmedmananswered grow question 4 years ago
hi this is a ph issue, in return you are getting lock out which show signs of a cal mag deficiency going on, so i would suggest this to fix, start doing a flush, flush until your run off ph is at a 6.0. then let the plant dry out for a day or 2 if not longer depending on the pot size. before you start feeding adgain you may want to grab some Epsom salts, this is magnesium in its pure form, mix 1 tbl spoon per gal of water and pour in to a spray bottle and spray the leaves on top and bottom, this will help the plant to receive the magnesium fast, now when you feed start your feed of nutrients at half of what you have been giving. add cal mag in to the food. check ph, water until you get a small amount of run off. after the first feed and if you do the spray you should see improvements with in 72 hours, the plant will bounce back and her color should start getting a healthy green look. last is some input, i would remove a few of the bigger leaves to open her up for light penetration as well as air that can move through the big bush you have going on there. by opening up the leaves you will improve air flow and by doing this you will also improve your bud sizes. hope this helps
GhettoStylestarted grow question 4 years ago
Friends! need your help! on my leaves, again, there is not enough power!? how to cure it! EC 1.2 ph 6/0
Leaves. Other
Feeding. Deficiences
Feeding. Other
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 4 years ago
I think blendedmedman has given you the solution in your previous question. Your plant is now entering the flowering stretch so its a perfect time to remove some leaves, you don't need this many it is just taking energy from the flowers. She will use more nitrogen now for a couple of weeks with the added need for extra P and K too. Are you definitely running on the correct pH range because of not this will cause all sorts of issues!

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