

Approved by Dutch Passion
4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 1
24 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
10+ conditions after
Commented by
TheUk420Show TheUk420Show
5 years ago
Will update with more Pictures decided on switching to more independent dwc system in individual 30L buckets. Will also share my set up and my perpetual set up :) Happy growing peoples. Update into my set up Stealth room set up for attempt of SOG the spacee left at the top of the door will be used for air intake and out take an LED light will be purchased as soon as able. I have an NFT tank that is perfect for what I'm thinking I just need to find a cover of somekind of plastic correx is what im thinking my nft tray could fit around 25 cuttings so I think if I do that amount then the ones that dont root should be no less that 10 I'm hoping. this is more of a project or experiment.
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Grow Questions
TheUk420Showstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hello Fellow Corona Comrades, It's a quick one but I hear this question is quite controversial so please don't shoot me but. EC or TDS readings Which are best to not overfeed or underfeed or is it nute Specific on feeding tables ?? I cannot find a feeding table for mine ? Ty :D
Feeding. Schedule
Feeding. Chemical composition
Wicked_Stixanswered grow question 5 years ago
Definitely a controversial is a controversial answer. Scrap your ec meter and don't rely on it to feed your plants. Start your grow with 1/4 recommended manufacturers dose and increase it to half around the end of week 2. Keep it there and monitor your plants leaves to see what they are telling you. If they get really light colored then they are wanting more food. If they get really glossy and dark colored then they are getting too much feed. In my opinion it is much better to monitor your leaves and learn to read what they are telling you than to rely on an ec meter. Different plants in different environments will require different amounts of nutrients so relying on a certain ec number can cause you issues. Learning to read your plants leaves will give more successful grows than shooting for a certain ec.
TheUk420Showstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hey follow growers, Quick question about stealth grows. Please see the last two pictures of this update, there is a unused closet in my room built in. Do you think if I lined the walls with silver sheeting and added a few led lights ? main concern is Airflow nothing there so ?
Setup. Ventilation
Setup. Other
OGgrowsanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hi @Uk420show aluminum paper does not work, you have to use white plasticized or mylar paper, you can find it at any DIY store for sale. The light from your light source when reflecting on the aluminum foil will create points of heat that will burn and damage your plant. if you are not going to have an air extractor, you should have an extra fan for air circulation and a dehumidifier because without an air extractor you will have high humidity during flowering. for grows without air extraction there is a good solution, 1 or 2 natural bags of CO2, you will find them for sale in any grow shop are a good help for those who plant without air circulation. good luck mate ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™
TheUk420Showstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hello again Fellow Growers Could you take a look at the pics here and opinions on if you think the fan leaves are showing early signs of Nute burn ? Ty Guys :)
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Feeding. Other
GRow_M8sanswered grow question 5 years ago
Morning m8, 1st thing to do, check your ph range. If it's ok, you should up a bit your nuts (need for cal/mag).
TheUk420Showstarted grow question 5 years ago
Possible Root Rot ? Advice please the plants are growing fine so I'm quite confused. The majority of the roots are healthy then theres that spot ??
Roots. Color - Brown
Roots. Other
1 like
Harrythehatanswered grow question 5 years ago
your highly unlikely to get root rot with an active system like a bubbler roots do discolour over time is the dark bit mushy consistency of egg yolk if it is pick it out an clean around don't know of any treatment for roots someone will probably know
TheUk420Showstarted grow question 4 years ago
Okay How do people secure or support their DWC plants ? With it just growing out the bucket the lack of support is concerning the only thing keeping it up is the netting is that my only option ? What do other people use ?
Plant. Other
1 like
Harrythehatanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi If your netting is independently strung from the pot then there should be no problem have string all over the place on my plants tying them up down and around, just pending there needs
TheUk420Showstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hi Guys Sorry to keep bothering you all but please see the pics the leaves are curling downwards and going this colour. temps are high at the moment but seems like an overfeed to me. Curruntly flushing with just 5.8 water for 5 days then will re introduce feed.
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
1 like
ijustdontgiveafanswered grow question 4 years ago
EC of 1.9 seems quite high to me, especially if they have already finished their stretching (usually during bloom you go down with the amount of feeding). Since you're in DWC, that should be quite easy to measure though (that's what i like about it.). What was the EC that you put in? What's the DC after a day? Did it go up? If so you're overfeeding (or there is a lot of evaporation). If it goes down, you should be feeding more.. if it stays the same, it's good. Measuring EC is the only way to know what works for YOUR environment. Following what the manufacturer say, is like following a dog-food manufacturers advice of 'give one can daily to your dog' without knowing whether you own a chihuaha or a rottweiler. ;) In my bonsai grow, if i go higher than 1.4 i get lightly burnt tips, so i know i have to stay below, but that's only under a 50W COB (wall drawn 50 watts.. not marketing 50 watts), and that was also during vegging. Did you measure the PH? In the past i had similar behavior (on my chili plants) when i didn't measure PH and EC daily, and didn't adjust it accordingly. I had PH drift, didn't catch it and then the plant couldn't uptake the nutrients correctly. DWC is in my opinion quite easy, but it requires a lot of measuring of EC and PH to ensure they stay happy.. i do it at least once a day.
TheUk420Showstarted grow question 4 years ago
Do these trikes look cloudy to you ?
Buds. Other
1 like
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
if i open the picture up and "+" zoom in to certain spots and repeat.. the middle looks like ~50% clear? the rest looks pretty cloudy. however, it's not quite a good magnification, and image could easily fool. it's alarming not to see any amber if so much is opaque/cloude or seemingly so.

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StunFlowerweek 2
All the best with your grow - I'm keen to see how your perpetual setup pans out. ๐Ÿ‘
@stunflower, ha thanks for the compliments.. Im still trying to figure it out completely. I am definitely going down to 3 plants in the 4x4.. my ladies needed to spread out more!
@stunflower, That's nice man all the benefits of topping without the stress you gotta love that bro haha lucky devil. I will have a little look my pots are 6.5 gallon so I'm hoping I could get 2 in one pot maybe. It looks like Scuz is a perpetual grower too huh very interesting :) Thanks for the name drop good luck with yours man :) I've not grown what you are growing nor havee I smoked any but I have heard the great things about the wedding cake strain a very unique taste I hear :)
@TheUk420Show, I've never grown multiple plants in the same bucket - the closest is the Grape Ape that I have growing that topped itself: it has two main stems and almost looks like two distinct plants - if only all my plants could start this way. If you check out the diary of @@motaman311 you'll see that he often runs multiple plants (same strain) in the same container but he grows in coolers that he's hacked for DWC. Genius.
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DutchPassion_Officialweek 15
glad you enjoyed her and congrats on a great grow!
@DutchPassion_Official, Thank you for your comment and making it possible. Great pheno. Thanks for all your hard work in the name of Cannabis. Continue to keep healing the world :) Wish you all the best in all your future dealings :) Stay safe.
StunFlowerweek 15
Congrats on the harvest!
@stunflower, Thnak you myyy freind will update the real weight in 2 weeks when other plant is dry 4 clones now been flipped so lets see what cop is really about eh :)
Mr_Miyagi91week 8
Looking healthy bro ๐Ÿ˜Š
@Mr_Miyagi91, It was nice im hoping to get some more before work :) Erm I'm going to switch to powdered nutrients after i had like 10 litres of hydroponic feed that went bad probably wasted about 100 pounds in nutes. so atleast the powder does not degrade as quickly as the liquids.
@TheUk420Show, Yes they seem to be going well from what i can see ! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ what nute line you going to work with bro ? How was that gorilla glue ? Haha. Thanks bro ! ๐Ÿ˜Š
@Mr_Miyagi91, only 3 days in giving them another dose of humidity for 12 hours while im at work tonight. I will check them when I get back though they are all stood at attention. None are drooping down so Im hoping thats a good sign :) Order the rest of my kit tonight including all new nutrients with pk boost ready for the switch tomorrow will pop an update on before i go work :) nice my friend is dropping some of that off for me to smoke in abbout 10 mins so i hope its nice too :) Keep up the greath work my friend :)
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motaman311week 1
Your setup looks great! A suggestion for your perpetual grow is to flower 1 less plant than you normally would to start.. (If you have room!) So in a 4 x 4, 3 plants at a time. You will still be able to harvest about every 3 weeks. 5-7 days before 1 of the plants are harvested, add in a 4th plant. Most strains only need around a 30 day veg with hydro and you will a good plant structure and great yields. Good luck!!
@@motaman311, Yeah I try and guess under so Im delighted when the scales say more :) It just a type of hydro system it combines every hydro system except airoponics you can choose which ever you want its just an expensive system for what it is especially when you could DIY it for much cheaper. Yeah hes very strict with his ec/tds wand he knows just what to add and when which is what we are all striving for I suppose lol Its all about finding that winning recipe that you can reuse over and over. you can never tell until the cure cause you never know how dense they gunna be lol
@TheUk420Show, 10-15 ounces is nice as hell, he must really have his stuff dialed in! I've never heard of the green man method.. im going to look it up, sounds interesting. Clones sound like the best way to go for sure. I use the same pots for plants early in veg, but once I hit week 3 or 4 of veg, I try to get them their own reservoir... I don't have the space to run an area for clones, veg and flower.. 1 day! I try not to worry too much about my weights.. as long as I have enough to smoke and give away to some friends ๐Ÿ˜. I've found if I try and guess, I normally over estimate and then get disappointed that the grow wasn't as good because I had some unrealistic yield expectation lol.
@@@motaman311, I understand yeah that sounds like good advice I mean my pots arnt small by any means around 6.5 gallon but i did read into that some strains can benefit from coexisiting with another root system bbut somee dont like it at all either way from what i can read the only way you could optimize it would be if both plants are the same strain. I mean i know its possible to grow different strains in the same res as I have done it with varying success only problem with that is one strain is inevitably one plant getting less or more nutes than it should. So i wont be doing that again lol. So really not gunna be able to tell until we are in Veg and Ive seen a few more of her pheno types I mean 2 seeds germed but only one has risen in the week of germination so i may haveto germinate 2 more seeds anyway but I'll give it another day or too and see shame to waste the seed :( but meh what can yah do lol. Going from seed I plan to keep them all as mothers but at different times and keep taking clones rather than the seeds. Them Yeilds are very impressive though my friend seems to get alot more from one plant he trains and tops and mangees to get around 10-15 zips from a high yielding plant though his system is the green man system. I think the yields come more down to training methods and correct nute balance as you say I pulled 3 per plant this last one the ak was around 2 though well i hope anyway. im sureee you have had more than 4 inn some though ?
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Mr_Miyagi91week 5
Nice job man ! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ˜Ž
@TheUk420Show, Thanks bro ! ๐Ÿ˜Š
@Mr_Miyagi91, Thank you bro best of luck for your forest :P
Garreweedloverweek 13
Lindo cultivo amigo
@Garreweedlover, Thanks man :) Can't wait until these 2 are down so i can try and get a nice neat looking tent :) bit chaotic at the moment there is bud everywhere lol. Thanks for the likes :) I'll haveto have a peek at your diarys :)
OutForRealweek 7
I'm dropping an info ( can be usefull or useless ) , I've heard that hydrogene peroxyde was a good treatment against roots rot , how to apply ? when ? in which quantity ? I don't know but google will ๐Ÿ‘
@OutForReal, I don't think its root rot I think its just staining off the roots II have dropped the nutrient that was staining the nutes so hopefully that will sort it in a few days only time will tell. That seems abit extreme but thanks for your input anyway glad to know there is a last resort if it does turn out to be rot. Hope everyone is doing well :) Gl with your plants if you have any going atm Spinnnn
Nebula420week 1
Good luck with the grow))) I love Dutch Passion strains, even when I was young ahah)) 1987)))
@Nebula420, Thanks man Ahhh you got 3 years on me bro Im a 90s kid :P It's my first time growing dutch passion genetics so I'm looking forward to it. Plus i have heard amazing things about thee yields of this strain :) more medicine the better :) GL with yours too man :)
Fungal79week 12
Looking good. I've been growing this one for a while now. Those damaged leaves, were probably from too much plant magic cal mag. They also showed some nitrogen toxicity. As the pm contains N too. I've been toying with a way to make my setup perpetual. But i think dual flower rooms is my answer. All the best with your harvest ๐Ÿ˜€
StunFlowerweek 4
Looking good. I see you decided to plug two plants into the basket. I'm keen top see how this turns out. Your roots seem fine from what I can see - can't comment on staining because I don't know what you're feeding them.
@stunflower, The roots have gone the same colour as the root stimulator I use. Yeah I decided what the heck I'll start training them separating as much as i can just hoping they kick back in now the root systems are doing well. thing is I only have 2 bbuckets at the moment and if I do wanna try get this perpetual system in gear I will need atleast one more bucket of maybe two depending on how many i intend to do in the next one but wee are still early days :) Yeah alot of the nutes I use seem to be unknown by this site sadly :( Loving the new sytem so far though only haveto check them once every few days no pesky feed pipes to check :) Hope yours aree going weell to man ill have a butchers in a bit :)
JinksyGrowsweek 1
Good luck my friend. I wish you a happy grow!๐Ÿ‘
@JinksyGrows, Ty my friend both have popped just waiting for tap roots to grow a lil bit will update picture later. :) GL with all your jinks must be getting close now bet you cant wait :P My widow is fully cured and wow certainly packs a punch :)
DoDrugs420week 15
Stay lit and you rock this Critical Orange Punch and any other strains that go thru your hands.
Tweezerweek 15
After checking out all your grows, I understand why you think its impossible to pull a pound off an auto. Keep up the great work buddy!!!