

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
4 years ago
Quick One
Royal Queen Seeds
Growing it
They have grow like i was expecting , different genetic inside this strain, but all with some good Buds, with better light and some good nuts, i could have a big yield here. With the conditions they got, they grown really good. Thanks RQS.
The Outcome
Week 14
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / watt
g / mΒ²
g / plant
plant / mΒ²
watt / mΒ²
Tastes like
Feels like
30% Sativa 70% Indica

Positive effects


Negative effects

Dry mouth
Reviews. Nutrient
They got all you need, of course you can complement them, but growing only with them its possible. I just think they should sell bigger packs of the Tablets. And shame on me for not using them for the entire grow.
Its good for the Veg of and autoflower, but you need to complement it with others, some PK per example.
I got the suggestion for using this from @Master_weeda and its far away the number one quality vs price i have ever seen , its organic what i like a lot, and my next grow will be full of BioBizz products, starting with the soil that i already love, and ending on the Top-max. Waiting now to see the results of them on my reviving plants.
Reviews. Lamp
Dont buy a budget LED, you can find good LED, for average of 100 euros.
Commented by
JacareGrows JacareGrows
4 years ago
This was my first grow ever. I decided to pick an easy and fast autoflower , and Quick One from RQS was my choice for this first try. On my tent 60x60 on the beginning i got the idea of putting 8 to 9 plants, but im glad for not doing that. 5 was already to much, because if you want to LST you will have a lot of trouble moving them around and trying to find to correct place for all of them for catching light. This 5 seeds i started, the 5 germinated at almost the same time, and they started very well on Light Mix Soil, inside of 7L pots, with almost 6.5/6.8 L of soil. I was watching different genetics inside of the same strain, some more small than the others and sometimes the smallest got a big boost, and the big buds size than the others. Only 3 of the 5 have arrived to the harvest at the same time, and now i will tell you guys what i have done wrong. First of all, the pot size, 10 L should be my Pot. Second, the light, 600W but a to week light that on Amazon on a rush for buying some light, but now i found better deals with Marshydro or Spiderfarmer, that will be my next option. Third, the correct pH, i got a pH meter, but i dont now if he is working good, it seems to be, but i always use tap water to water my plants, i only filter the water with this normal filters from home. Will be something to fix on next grow also, a correct pHed water. The last thing i think i failed, was on the nutrients, i started late with the Biobizz nuts, and they are really good, im recovering the last 2 of 5 that are still on flower to give them a boost, and already on the first days i saw one of them that was really really late on flower only with some pistils, showing a lot of pistils on the next days, and i think i will have a better harvets on this 2 than on the 3 i already harvested. So, today, 27/6 day 100, plant 1, 4 and 5 were harvested and set up to dry for 10 days , i will be checking after 10 days how they are. As you guys will see on the pics, the wet weight Plant 1 - 188g Plant 4 - 142g Plant 5 - 184g Total of this 3 plants : 514g wet weight Expectation dry weight: 514 * 20% = 102 grams what will be pretty good, but talking on an average of 25gr per plant, 75 grams should be the result. For this first grow i have learned a lot, of course with the help from Growers that i met here. Special thanks to @Mrs_Larimar and @Master_weeda. Update. They dry on the garage inside the carton box. But they where feeling too wet. And i found a bit od mould starting to appear on a top of a big bud. So i cutted away that bud and set for dry on the tent. I got to put the other plants outside until dry. They are drying fast because its 26 Β°C and 55% RH I checked today and the buds seems dry outside. I trimmed more 2 plants and then i figure out that they where starting to become wet again. Will levar for some more days on the like in the picture. On top of cartons hanged with wires. Will check every 12 hours to see the development Update: In jars for curing now I will check the humidity and open the jar every 24 hours. Now after 1 hour in the jar its around 53%, the problem is temperature, the colder i can get inside my home is 24ΒΊC on the bathroom. Total yield of 73 grams from this 3 plants first harvested. Now the 2 plants left can come back in tent, but i will just let them a little more on the balcony, i flushed them today because of some past nutrients problem. When fully dry i will water normally with water in the first days, and then begin with the feeding cycle, with the Biobizz products. For a first grow ever its not bad, i could have more, YES. But i fucked up the feeding during the flowering time, was only most with water, and a small amount of RQS organic grains that i added to the top. I fucked also the dry, because i dont have a good environment to dry, temp or to low or to high, same with humidity. I lost would say 5 grams because of some mold starting, when i got the weed to dry on the garage, after 5 days i found mold. We learn with errors. Next grow, will try to bring a better light, nutrient cycles, and of course good sticky buds :D I will come back with the taste e effects after 1/2 weeks
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Grow Questions
JacareGrowsstarted grow question 5 years ago
This my first grow. I watered the soil on the first day, then after 3 days i watered again with almost 250 ml , the pots are 6.5 L . Should i water the plants until water comes out under the pot ? And then water again when the top is 1 inch dry ? Thanks and good grows. πŸ˜€
Feeding. Schedule
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 5 years ago
250 ml should be enough for at leat 5-7 days. I do it like this with lil seedlings. i give tem every day a small amount and soe foliar feeding that means 20 ml water and some spraying with water and aloe( before Light turn off) correct waterregime is for me one of the hardest thing to learn indoors. I messed up my first indoor totally with overwatering To train your skills you can go with the Potlifting or pot weighing method. That means.... fill a similar pot with ry soil and try to remind that weigh ( of put it on a scale) you have your refeernce weigh if your pots with the plants and the water reach the weigh of the dry,,, you can water again Its good you took plasticpots, because here you get a good drinage. Smartpots are better for the Plant, but they keep the humidity and water very good inside ... bad if you overwater Iam sure you get used to your wateringregime, by using this technic. I know some more , if you are interested.
JacareGrowsstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi everyone. I'm thinking that the Led Light is to high, its around 70 cm from the plants, should I lower it down up to 50/55 or leave like that until Bloom, and on Bloom put it more close? Some more help on the grow its always appreciated. They seam really beautiful by now πŸ˜ƒ
Setup. Lighting
OGgrowsanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hi @jacare111 the power of the lamp is always a factor to take into account.In the vegetative phase of growth they do not need the light so close, and the higher the light, the more your plants will stretch the search for the light source to place at 50cm -120cm depending on the lamp power is more than good at this stage. in the flowering phase, place the led as close as possible to the buds 30cm-40cm always with a pointed bud and be careful not to burn the buds, to check if the led is close to the level of burning or not to put the hand stretched even by on top of the bud with the palm down for 1-2 minutes, if it starts to burn or you feel your hand too hot the same will happen to bud, it is the best way to check. good luck mate πŸ‘πŸ™
JacareGrowsstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi growers. I was reading some stuff about LED, about the light color. So i have veg and bloom switches, should i keep both on when growing autoflower? Or keep veg until start of bloom and then work only with bloom light ou even both lights on bloom? Thanks for all the help
Setup. Lighting
1 like
Greenbean15answered grow question 5 years ago
It depends on the age of your plant Seedlings actually need very little light. The veg light is fine for the first couple of weeks. I switch my plants to full lighting so they have access to the full spectrum available throughout the grow at the end of week 2. While red lighting is especially important for bloom, it is still utilized during vegetative growth as well. After the seedlings are growing for a few weeks turn both the lights on and keep them both on for most of the grow. The first few weeks of flowering your plant will stretch and put on some massive vegetative growth before throwing pistils. The veg light switch is essential for this growth. I keep full lights on until harvest after the first two weeks.
JacareGrowsstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi. Its now the 3 week, and i think they are not growing to much in height, did i have done something wrong with the light height since the beginning? Or its just normal for Auto flower, on 3 week a minimum of 5.5 cm its ok? Lack of water in the soil? Thanks
Plant. Too short
1 like
rhodes68answered grow question 5 years ago
On the plant size, they are not small for autos though thats just from the pics. Veg growth will pause in deference to root expansion at a couple of points along the way. Once done a spurt shows up. You are doing fine on the training, three weeks is about the time to do this if not earlier. All IMHO as always πŸ˜‡
JacareGrowsstarted grow question 5 years ago
About the LST, on plant 2 , i just got the feeling that i should start with some small LST, its ok, or too earlier, like i have done in the photos, its ok? i think wont damage the plant, at least i hope Thanks
Techniques. LST
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MiPotFarmanswered grow question 5 years ago
Your definitely not to early to LST ! One thing is for sure you need to be gentle but you can apply a little bit more of a bend to her! These plants are very resilient and you don’t have much to lose only gain from LST! Good luck πŸ€ i
JacareGrowsstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi guys. Today i found a problem in my room, i found this insects on the photos. I dont know which insects are they. I already killed like 5 of them, and i cant figure out from where they come, probably from outside, because i have a window opened in V, but the tent is isolated
Other. Bugs
1 like
MiPotFarmanswered grow question 5 years ago
It’s a stink bug! They have other names too! I do not believe they will hurt your pants at all but who wants bugs crawling around the house lol! These bugs are very common to come in homes during spring time and fall as they seek the warm controlled climate! Maybe get some organic spray and spray all the entry points to the room you keep your plants! Good luck πŸ‘πŸ€
JacareGrowsstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi guys. I have some doubt , should i defoliate some fan leaves? or that procedure is only on advanced bloom phase ? Thanks.
Techniques. Defoliation
Smokeys_Gardenanswered grow question 4 years ago
IMO I would not. If you feel you have to remove bigger ones from the bottom that aren't getting beneficial light that's ok, or that cover bud sites. If you take too many leaves autos dont have time to recover before they switch over. So the more leaves the better. Hope this helps
JacareGrowsstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi guys Should i Keep the Full spectrum, Veg and Bloom, Blue and red, until harvest? i have it on since the week 4. Now i am seeing some more vertical growth. Its the first time so, i dont really now the reaction of the plants during the weeks of bloom. Thanks.
Plant. Other
Setup. Lighting
OGgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi @jacare111 yes at all stages of the plant it is always positive to have a full spectrum light emission. the important thing is to recreate a light as similar as possible to sunlight. good luck mate πŸ‘
JacareGrowsstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hi guys.Some questions for the feed experts What you think about the organic nutrients from RQS will that mix with soil be enough to suport the entire grow? What you think about using the BIO NOVA auto flower supermix together with the RQS organics nutrients during VEG and BLOOM?
Feeding. Other
OutForRealanswered grow question 4 years ago
Yes you can do it , your promix for auto is not a super soil so it could be running out of nutrients before the end of the run so if you add some Rqs booster you can supply the plants needs until the ends of flowering , if you are using the bloom of veg tabs it’s the same. They are all slow released nutrients so with your soil mix you have a nice combo Γ‰dit : GHE Bio nova is a nutrient line that is mixing organic and minerals nutrients in the same bottle. Some soil are pre enriched with organic stuffs and people are using mineral feeding with it. Molasses are organic and bed used in conjunction with mineral nutrients.So they can mix together but can be hazardous.
JacareGrowsstarted grow question 4 years ago
What can these yellowish leafs tips be? Overfeeding? Heat stress? Or its normal on flowering to happen so early?
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
1 like
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 4 years ago
hey there Jacare , it's simple overfeeding, just take the nutrients down to 2.2 or 2.0 and it will stop spreading. Nothing to worry about, it's not major but it did happen. Hope this helps ! πŸš€
JacareGrowsstarted grow question 4 years ago
Looking on the pics i have, can you guys give me some hints about when flush? And what could be a flush, only tap water to clean up the soil until a good ppm? About the smell its normal to the smell only starts now to appear on the most advanced flowers? Thanks
Feeding. Other
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 4 years ago
There is no need to do a flush. Nutrients will break down in curing. Just let her grow for 2 Weeks longer and go on feeding with molasses and a PK product.
JacareGrowsstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hello. This plant is with the leafs like in picture for 2 days. I watered 2 days a go and watered today because soil was starting to dry on top. Could this be overwatering? I water the same as the other plants
Other. Other
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AmnZhzanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi mate, underwater and overwater are bit tricky. One thing is sure, from overwatering you can get root rot. So when I am not sure I let the medium dry out completely for a couple of days and then I start again. Within those couple of days if the plant seems more droopy and not healthy I know its underwatering, if it starts looking healthy while medium dries out, then I know I overwatered since there was not enough oxygen in the roots. If overwater is your case, I would suggest when you start watering use a light phed mix of water with h2o2 to supplement the roots with a bit oxygen.
JacareGrowsstarted grow question 4 years ago
the question is where to dry. Inside my room i can improvise some dark place but i cant garantie good temp and humidity because its summer now. I can put on the garage but i have only 18Β°C and 60Rh and no electricity, i have other garage with probably the same conditions.
Other. Harvest - Drying
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Fruitgroweranswered grow question 4 years ago
If you're just drying a couple of plants you can use an old cardboard box with holes and strings. Can be placed in a garage or cupboard, will smell a bit though. Not massively. But the best option is an empty grow tent with carbon filter and oscilating fan running. πŸ‘πŸŒ±
JacareGrowsstarted grow question 4 years ago
On the last days of the plant, i mean, close to harvest. How you guys water your plants? Same system only when the top is dry? or you guys let it dry more, or water more than per example 7 Liter of soil = 0.7 L of water ? And its normal that sugar leafs fade de color?
Other. General questions
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Fruitgroweranswered grow question 4 years ago
I like to give a heavy flood of water once I see Amber appear or at least all cloudy trichomes and then just water like normal, and try to let it dry out for 3 or 4 days until chop. Darkness is not vitally necessary but could perhaps have some benefits. πŸŒ±πŸ‘

Show by Week
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JacareGrowsweek 2
@MiPotFarm , @OGgrows , @Greenbean15, @Wicked_Stix , @Mrs_Larimar Thanks everyone for all the help on my questions, i will keep this updated . Everyone that comes around to have a look, please comment with some suggestions if you have. Btw, im already thinking on trains, i think i will try LST of course , and in one plant, the most small one will try to top it. I know that is autoflower but i want to see the result :D
JacareGrowsweek 1
@Trueorganics84 Im using Light mix for soil. i asked my local growshop and the guy told me that this is a good soil, and for the first 3 weeks i dont need any aditive, only water.
@JacareGrows,Its a very good soil i started growing indoors with that mix.. always worked out well
Mrs_Larimarweek 7
Looking good here, big progress
@Mrs_Larimar, yes i see. Thanks for all the help. Wich you good luck with your blues and watch out with the cats πŸ˜„
@JacareGrows, Normally you will need dehumifider in the winter time..... I dont use them, because i havent found agood one^^.... and i just let the tent open for more air
@Mrs_Larimar, I am asking myself now, why i havent bought one of that lights in the beginning πŸ˜‘ Both the spiderfarmer and the marshydro seem good to me. next grow will try to get one of these. i think i will buy the spiderfarmer. Now i cant get a bigger tent, my apartment is small, and my girlfriend already told me the maximum i can get is that one i have πŸ˜‚ Oh yes, next grow i will buy this controller and the humidifier, everything with good prices yes. So if i get a humidifier, i also need to get a dehumidifier ? or in a small tent its possible to control it only using de humidifier and then with the ventilation ON everything will be on control? Thanks for the help.
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Mrs_Larimarweek 1
Happy growing, i hope you are a fast learner.... wateringregime is one of the hardest thing in growing ( in my Opinion)
@Mrs_Larimar, Yes will look on your diary. Thanks
@JacareGrows, the other is the " knuckle method" insted of weighing. Start wth 100 ml ( a cup) and wati until the soil is knuckledeep dry , before you start wateriing. But i would go in the beginning with the potlifting technic You can look into my diary " cookies for me" there you find more....
@Mrs_Larimar, Thanks, and yes you can give me some more technics πŸ˜€ I will take care on the weight of the pot.
Mrs_Larimarweek 12
Your Plnats are fine. You are close to harvest, and plants showing this ... dont woory eve4rything is allright
@Mrs_Larimar, thanks one more time for that Master grower look. Wish you good grows full of Blue G's
IndigenousOrganicsweek 4
I think those were weevils you had, not stink bugs. Beware of them eating roots. Apply nematodes if you can.
@IndigenousOrganics, yes , i forgot to mention that, actually its really weevils, or curculionidae , i found the source of a lot of them, it was a little of corn that i got in a bag, and that bag was full of that. After i eliminated the corn they disappeared, i hope not to see them more in the future :D Thanks for the help.
CRiSPrGrowweek 6
hey there, hope i answered your question, anything else you need just let me know πŸ‘Š
@CRiSPrGrow, thanks a lot mate πŸ‘πŸ‘
Mrs_Larimarweek 5
Yay, Those Cats LOOOve your Weed thats for sure.
@Mrs_Larimar, yess, every morning i have to be care because after they eat they always go to the plant to eat some leafs πŸ˜‚
Johnny420_ptweek 3
Looks good πŸ˜„
@Johnny420_pt, Thanks bro. Just hoping they gain a little more height πŸ˜ƒ Bons fumos bro
JacareGrowsweek 1
@OGgrows that is also a good point, i will give less quantities on each time. thanks everyone for the help.
Thewendigoweek 16
Plants look great and the purple stems might be from cal mag deficiency
@Thewendigo, sounds a good way to grow. thanks for the tips :) will follow it on a next grow.
@JacareGrows, you can do a 80% coco/20% perlite the bigger stuff. As for doing extra I recommend rinsing it out just in case there’s built up salts and you have to treat the coco with a heavy dose of calmag right before using. And you don’t have to feed each time I only feed once a week on Wednesdays.
@Thewendigo, ok ok πŸ˜…πŸ˜… i wont remove the leafs. Yes actually i was thinking on changing my medium on a next grow, i was thinking on coco, but on coco you need a mix extra stuff at the beginning right? Or like every water with nuts? I need to read more about different mediums, that dry more quickly yes. On a next grow will look over that, a mix of coco with a light mix for example would be good idea?
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Mrs_Larimarweek 13
Looking good!!! Buds are maturating now, maybe 10 days more... sometimes the trichomes change overnight
@Mrs_Larimar, yes the light also not help much
@JacareGrows, Maturating is not a question of fertilisers ( or in last place)......Its Time, Light mainly
@Mrs_Larimar, yes they are looking good. And the smell is sweet citrus, I love it. Little by little I understand why to give time to time, plants need their time depending on the growing conditions. I will leave it for 5 days and then start to check the color change every day. I also hope that with the help of Biobizz products the two most delayed ones will start to bear fruit 😊
The_House_Of_Weedweek 14
Hi mate good grow and congrats!! To be honest... I think the way they advertise these seeds are a bit wrong. They claim u can harvest it after 2 months.... That is a really quick flowering seeds... But come on... i am growing them and for me and for you it seems that its pretty similar speed as all autos..... Cheers and congrats.
@@The_House_Of_Weed, yes, the speed they tell us can be true actually,. But you need good grow conditions, light, temp, RH, probably instead of soil using hydroponic. Can depend also on the trainings you do to your plant, probably with zero training they can come faster, the genetic of the strain can also be a point to think of. Thanks, and good grows mate
decamweek 15
Sieht mega gut aus πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ
Inganjawetrustweek 15
Coming along nicely good luck πŸ‘ 🌱 ✌️
skebyweek 14