
Indoor/Outdoor Critical Purple

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 6-9
weeks 9
weeks 9
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 9
17 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
1+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
PoleKat PoleKat
4 years ago
Day 72 Well, end of another week. I think things went very well! Cal mag seems to have helped the girls, they were pretty happy the day after I added that to the mix. Carbo blast is really working for trichome production. Sugar leaves pretty sparkly at the end of this week. Buds are growing very rapidly! Very excited to see what next week brings. I’m sure it’s going to be unreal! Posted some more pics of the buds from today. Have a great weekend people!
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Grow Questions
PoleKatstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi there, just looking for some watering advice on these brand new little seedlings. My pictures have the info as to my method so far. Any help would be great appreciated! Thanks peeps!
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
OGgrowsanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hi @PoleKat Until the first pair of real leaves is born, the ideal is to gently spray the entire surface of the substrate, in small quantities and several times a day. the substrate cannot be completely stained, the roots to form need water but also oxygen. Keeping the humidity at 80% -90% is also a good help for germination. the seedlings must be in the dark and only put them in the light when the plant breaks from the soil. lucky mate 🙏👍
PoleKatstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi, wondering is you guys could look at my enclosure and give me some ideas as to when and how I should provide some air circulation to my seedlings? I plan to keep them in here for the next couple weeks like a small grow room. Also, do they look happy for day#3? Advice? Thanx
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Setup. Lighting
Setup. Ventilation
OGgrowsanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hi @PoleKat you can make a hole in that box and adapt a Pc-type sunon extractor, you can also put a small foot support fan inside, you can find in DIY stores. good luck mate 👍
PoleKatstarted grow question 4 years ago
Was just wondering with these more mature seedlings I have right now if I should be skipping nutrients to every second watering at all? They seem to need a good drink every 4-5 days on average right now. Also started watering borders instead of direct stem area. Thanks guys!
Feeding. Schedule
1 like
MisterSixanswered grow question 4 years ago
My advice is water every 3 days for this pot size. You start water less then increased through the process. I ussally water 200-250ml at this stage and wait around 2 days for it to dry in my condition
PoleKatstarted grow question 4 years ago
Any ideas as to when I should transplant these plants? Will be going into 4g final pots. Also, when do you think would be safe to start making the transition to outside? Currently under 3ft T5 single bulb fixture. Thanks in and Vance!
Setup. Outdoor
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MadeInGermanyanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey growmie 😎. First of all, your plant looks very beautiful 😍👍. You can repot when the whole bale is properly rooted. You can easily test it when it is ready by letting it dry a little, then stretching the pot a little, and then slowly pulling it upwards on the thick stem below without any force. If it doesn't come loose immediately and comes out of the pot, wait a bit :-) Keep it up, the grow will be mega 👍😎🙏🏻
PoleKatstarted grow question 4 years ago
So, I am on my last day of week 5 with these auto’s. They are still aggressively growing upwards. Was wondering if now would be too late to start some LST with them? Pros and cons? Thanks guys!
Techniques. LST
1 like
Jef79answered grow question 4 years ago
Hello.. Hope you are well.. They look nice and healthy.. Great work.. Never 2 late for low stress training tbh.. Its more of a fail safe aswell.. If u need headroom cuz she's 2 tall lst-ing is always best option in my opinion.. Obviously u dont wanna top autos so if she's outgrowing ur tent then start the technique.. Stay safe n gud luck with her around harvest.. 👍🍀
PoleKatstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey guys, just wondering if someone would be willing to take a look at my plants and let me know if this looks good for LST? We are at Day #37 and it looks like everyone has entered the preflower stage beginning of week 6! Thank you!
Techniques. LST
1 like
Jef79answered grow question 4 years ago
Hello.. Hope you are well.. From ur pics it looks like u did a great job.. Well done.. Stay safe n gud luck with them around harvest time.. 👍🍀
PoleKatstarted grow question 4 years ago
Just wondering if anyone has any ideas as to when I should start switching these critical purple autoflowers to flowering nutes? As I understand it should be a few weeks after preflowers start? Hard to tell when vertical growth slows when doing LST. This is my first grow ever!
Buds. Other
Feeding. Other
Techniques. LST
ijustdontgiveafanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi there, even with lst it should be good to see when the plants stopped stretching and start putting their effort into budding.. in most of my grows this is usually around day 10 (+/- a few days) after flowering kicked in.. and it doesn't have to be perfect either, it's just important that they still get their fair share of nitrogen in the beginning. I know people that use bloom nutrients during the whole lifecycle and their plants also survive (whether they are maximizing yield or whether i would recommend that is a different question, but they survive ;)) happy growing!
PoleKatstarted grow question 4 years ago
Was wondering when doing LST with these autos if I should untie them at any point? Stop forming them at any point? Stay on it until they are done? I have been going in and kinda re-rigging them every few days but just wondering when to call it a day? Thanks guys!
Plant. Other
Techniques. LST
Jef79answered grow question 4 years ago
Hello.. Hope you are well.. Yes u can leave ur lst tirson all way thru to harvest.. U can continuously do lst technique until harvest if required.. As her flower's develop over the wks it will get harder to bend her over but just b careful n is still possible.. Stay safe n gud luck with her around harvest time.. 👍🍀
PoleKatstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hi guys, just moved the girls outside to finish the grow and was wondering how cold is too cold for night time temperatures? I live in Canada southern region and the temps at night are currently between 10-14C. Thanks guys!
Setup. Outdoor
MadeInGermanyanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi buddy everything under 18 degrees is not so great anymore but it works, everything under 12 degrees is really very critical and you can possibly stop your growth completely :-)
PoleKatstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hi guys, just came across this leaf today one of the lowest ones on one of my plants. None of the other plants seem to be affect nor any of the other leaves on this plan. Can’t seem to find it on list of deficiencies as it presents different. Any thoughts? Thanks guys!
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 4 years ago
Looks like she's just getting ready to self prune that leaf off. It's reached it's usefulness. Leave it as right now it's still helping that girl grow. Really thou it's up to you as to when you will want to remove that dying leaf! Other than that she's one healthy looking girl. Great job!! Cheers and happy growing!
PoleKatstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey there smart people! I have about 3 strange coloured fan leaves on one of my 4 plants and I’m not really sure what to make of it. To me it doesn’t look like any deficiencies that I came across per say. All other leaves look nice and healthy. Kinda randomly scattered. THX!
Leaves. Veins - yellow between
Leaves. Color - Yellow
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
is that under a wooden trellis? maybe the sun only hits in that stretch of the plant? if so, light burn is possible? (you'd know if they are acclimated to full son or not... also if east/east was perpendicular to a trellis, lol, probably be a more even sun throughout day) easy stuff: pH? recent change in behaviour etc... rethink the last couple weeks to help eliminate possiblities. if always low on plant, likely immobile, if a nutrient related issue. the worst one is kinda mid-plant, eh? Starts at tip... Zinc def? but, i don't see other symptoms of that, i don't think If it never approaches petiole, Manganese deficiency is a viable option no spots, so that eliminates some. some of those look pretty advanced and should have shown that sort of thing by now i think. (like zn, mg... Fe goes margins to tip, i think... ) Manganese is my 2 cents, lol. check your labels to rule it out.
PoleKatstarted grow question 4 years ago
So quick question... how would I go about raising PH of my soil. I just took a reading about 5 mins ago from my runoff and it was like 5.8!?! It’s never been 5.8, and I do have a little issue with 3 of my fan leaves on one plant. No soil PH meter. Just flushed them 5 days ago...
Leaves. Veins - yellow between
Feeding. Deficiences
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
no, it's not accurate.. it tells you the direction it is going.. realtive information only. so, if lower on runoff, you can assume it's even lower in the soil fairly safely, but i wouldn't venure to guess how much. it's a logrithmic scale, so it takes a lote to drop 1 pt on scale and more each successive drop. Garden lime will raise it, but maybe not fast enough? if it happens again, add instructed amounts when you mix the pots relative to soil volume. alkaline water will be temporary and impossible to guesstimate with accuracy what you need. maybe, give them 7 and not push it for now. Do you fertilize every irrigation? if so, don't do that in soil. sorry if basic, but .. it's possible and could be part of the cause of pH imblance.
PoleKatstarted grow question 4 years ago
So, when a seed bank says 11 weeks of flowering time are they referring to first signs of pistils to harvest. Or is it from seed? Sounds like a stupid question but I am seeing a lot of CP autos harvested at around 11 weeks. Think I’m week 6 of flower from first sight of pistil
Plant. Other
Rush2112answered grow question 4 years ago
I was always under the impression that flowering time refers to once flowers start forming after the veg phase ends and not the total time from seed but I’m new and could be wrong.

Show by Week
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PoleKatweek 1
So today was interesting to say the least. I have certainly learned a lot. I started noticing that my leaves were starting to look slightly droopy this afternoon. I didn’t like that and wanted to correct the issue before it got worse. Nothing changed too dramatically, humidity down to 65 instead of 75. And raised the plants 2” closer to light fixture. I think what was really the culprit though was that I was under watering them. I watered them yesterday continuing to use the spray bottle method (lightly) and today this happened. Anyways I contacted my local grow shop (Quick Grow) and they advised me to maintain the light gap I had before, increase humidity to 75 or 80%, and water them but this time in a 1” circle (which I had been doing) but not with the spray bottle. I measured out some ph 6.4 water (50/50 tap/distilled) and started direct pouring it as advised with a small medicine cup from like a children’s Tylenol bottle to ensure I didn’t over water it. I think the lesson for me here anyways it that spray bottles are really good for germination/popping the seed from the soil. However, once that plant is sprouted and looking for light and root development you need enough water at a time to penetrate the medium to the bottom of the pot. I would think this is especially important when growing small plants in a larger sized pot. Also in larger pots do not soak the entire medium at this stage. Anyways, low and behold about 3 hours later with these changes made drooping has resolved, leaves turned upwards, nice and lime green not as dark. And everything seems happy in there for now. Funny thing is that I was almost confident that I had given them too much water and that was why they were doing that. Anyways, I think it’s important not to over water; but don’t be afraid to give them a decent drink like that when you do water. In my case about 90ml per plant!
PoleKatweek 1
-Day #2 Pretty happy little babies this morning, looks like all of them have now turned upwards, including the one outside my enclosure. That one is really looking for the window for that extra light. Seems to change every couple hours and I have been rotating it making it work lol! Gave them a light misting around the plant itself as the top inch was starting to get dry. Didn’t water the whole pot this time to avoid them suffocating. Thanks for the tips people really appreciate it!! And anything else as always is greatly appreciated!! Also was wondering when I should think about adding some vents to my enclosure or if I should bother? I do lift the dome once per day right now so I would imagine that would help with oxygen. Humidity still seems pretty good!
AWistfulNihilistweek 7
Looks great dude! This strain really exploded for me during flower right around where you are. Huge stretching setting up for fat buds. I'm at about 74 days right now and I think I'll be harvesting before 80. I'm fascinated to see how these things will react to sunlight, can't wait! Going to follow!
@PoleKat, oh man yeah, the smell is outrageous, the description in the GCS said it was floral and rosey. I think it's more like a fruity potpourri with dried roses in the same room as a pile of wet nugs 🤣
@AWistfulNihilist, thanks for the reassurance brother. It should be really interesting for sure. Wet days ahead next 3-4. And then it’s supposed to get really nice here so I will make a move on the last gloomy day not to shock them right away. So far this strain has been amazing for me. I will definitely be growing them again probably all indoor with a tent and all that. As for now they have to go outside because they are starting to make my house smell and I am not equipped to handle that at the moment lol. I’ll follow your grow too, nice to see people having success with the same strain! Hope you have an amazing harvest my friend. Looking forward to mine!
Athosweek 1
100 cc of water, around half a glass each. I would have started them un party cups, easier to water.
@@Athos, I have some new pics up from today. They have all opened up now was just wondering if you could tell me how they look. Thanks again!
pizzaman841week 8
hey, just fyi, I too ran into a pH issue with this strain, indoors though, about 3 weeks into flower. Had Many leaves show (P) and (k) deficiency, and determined it was due to pH. I finally gave up trying to adjust it, and since then the buds have really bulked up. I have a diary going for my outdoor of this strain, but put a couple pics from her indoor sister as a ref since there aren't a ton of diaries on this strain. Yours look Bueno...good job!
@@pizzaman841, thanks for your input. You are right, not a whole lot of information on this strain for sure! The medium I’m using is supposed to be PH balanced with limestone and whatnot. Doesn’t seem to matter. Is what I found is that the few leaves I do have that have changed are either a minor magnesium deficiency or that it may just be light stress due to me moving them outside a couple of weeks ago. However, they are doing very well otherwise. I am going to try some low dose cal mag and see if that stops it. Seems like whatever was happening has stopped for now. Also only affecting one of my four plants. Good to hear that it’s working out for you even despite minor deficiencies. Makes me feel better. Just keep doing my best and hope to make it to harvest. I think it’s inevitable at this point anyways. Girls seem pretty happy otherwise. Thanks for your 2 cents though I do really appreciate you taking the time. Have a great day, yours look amazing also!
DoDrugs420week 9
Beautifull choice on that Critical Purple Autoflowering.
PoleKatweek 9
Well, day 64 and I have no idea what happened but just today randomly the smell is outrageous. Really weird because they were not near as stinky yesterday.they smell amazing though omg 😍!! Buds are growing extremely quickly, so I would say straight flower nutes are definitely in order from here on out lol!
PoleKatweek 7
-Day #47- Moved the girls outside this morning.... and ima scared... lol 😐