
First time grow April 2020

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 5
weeks 6-8
weeks 7
weeks 7-9
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 10
20 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
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Grow Questions
Stingray99started grow question 4 years ago
Fan leaves are growing steady but actual branches are barely even developed, nothing more then a tiny leaf. This seems very far behind does anyone know what might be causing this?
Plant. Other
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Spyder7answered grow question 4 years ago
You've answered this yourself in your grow journal: too many weeks with the humidity far too low relative to the plant's actual needs, and after 4 weeks of growing you still haven't stabilized it and are seeing daily fluctuations as much as 20%. Given time, and if you avoid high stress training techniques which aren't supposed to be done on an unhealthy plant (as you have here, unless your aim is to kill it more quickly), the plant may still recover if you get on top of your environment problem you've had for four weeks (the humidifier doesn't fix it when your plant is experiencing 20% fluctuations, which you need to fix first before deliberately using High Stress Training techniques). Better still: since this is your first grow, your plant is unhealthy, stunted, and you still don't have the humidity dialed in, would be to go with gentle LST when the plant has enough height and is looking more healthy. You may have some stagnant water in the soil and poor drainage from your choice of pot as well. I've covered how to fix this. Something you can try next watering is to mix hydrogen peroxide 3% (2 tablespoons/gallon) to the water as it will kill any root fungi and harden both the plant and roots against fungus plus improve aeration of the root zone, something your choice of pot doesn't do well. You only need to do this one or two waterings. And its worth looking at how you're watering as a common newbie mistake I've also made is to over water. though I didn't do too bad there. A last question: have you used a fan on your plant at all? You spec your setup but I don't see it in your photos or notes and since you added things as you needed them (which I did too) its not clear if you ever added a fan. If you have no fan on your plant then its going to develop weak stems as a fan serves as training weights, though the trick is not to use too much air (which I did my first weeks). Most growers use a 6" oscillating fan, though I went cheap and mine doesn't oscillate. Something I did early to compensate was to regularly rotate the plant. Though it still developed wind burn just from having even a small fan blowing very gently on it, and a refinement I picked up this grow is to not run the fan 24/7 but to cycle it on and off instead (more off than on during the first days). Though I'm not trying to dishearten you. My advice is to keep it simple. After 28 days with no tent you're either going to have to buy a tent, or try other methods to stabilize your environment problem. And if you haven't added drainage and a fan, you need to so sooner than later - this is fundamental stuff. I would worry about getting the fundamentals dialed in and would not do any HST - your plant has been stressed enough. Gentle LST when the plant is ready is a better alternative. And next grow I would ditch the bucket (I have one just like it I use to feed my plant in to keep the tent clean) and get a fabric pot. Until then, its still soon enough to salvage provided you get the environment and pot situation fixed and don't make the other common first grow mistake of over-feeding with nutes. Less is more (make sure you are ph testing your water: 6.5 is ideal, though 6.3-6.8 is acceptable for soil).
Stingray99started grow question 4 years ago
Need help with seedling. Grown in peat pellet, on seedling mat, under 90W light, 60%H, misting with water every 24H. new growth was yellow and now new leaf growth is almost 0. Stem grows strong, normal colour. Leafs now shrivelled Other seedlings no issues with same conditions
Leaves. Color - Pale
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
light burn, maybe some overfeeding too... leaning toward nute burn, though. possibly concurrent problems going on here.
Stingray99answered grow question 4 years ago
@MadeInGermany No nutrients used yet on this plant. I thought maybe it was a nutrient deficiency due to only being in peat so I transplanted into a seedling potting soil. Leaves have gotten some colour back but started to shrivel. This was the strongest of 4 plants, sprouted and grew at 2x the speed. Now is way behind. I thought also could be over watering so I haven’t watered in 2 days. How long would it take to recover from one of these 3 Problems to rule them out?
MadeInGermanyanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi buddy :-) Since your other plants are very beautiful under the same conditions 😍, I would have typed first that it may be genetic. How high is the ec of your feed?
Stingray99started grow question 4 years ago
Is this a male plant? Was a feminized OG Kush seed but it now looks like a male. Just started forming on the top of each branch. All other bud sights show female.
Buds. Other
Bloombusteranswered grow question 4 years ago
Привет, друг! 👋😇 Да, это мальчик. Сочувствую! Скоро и на нижних ветках и междоузлия появятся "шары". Такое бывает, когда в пачке, на которой написано FEMENISED, попадаются Regulars. Не расстраивайся, в следующих растениях повезёт с девочкой! 👌 Удачи, друг! ✊😇

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JuicyBuds__BLMweek 1
Looking good so far. Hmu if you ever need any advice. Ill do my best.
DoDrugs420week 11
Gotta love that Super OG Kush.
Spyder7week 1
Royal Queen Seeds recommends 65-70% Relative Room Humidity (RRH) for the first week, which is about on par with what they all recommend because the seedling has no roots, so it transpires (breathes) mostly through the leaves instead. 65-70% is optimal to do that; more and the leaves "sweat" just as humans do, and it is similarly stressing the plant as you go above 70% in week 1; less and it doesn't get enough of one of the things it needs for photosynthesis: water as humidity that low this early is also stressful. Humidity is one of the easiest things though, and also fundamental: get it wrong and you will see the effects on the plant as it grows both in appearance and yield. With my first grow, I got it wrong too far the other way because I thought my hydrogometer was faulty and didn't put it in the tent (though I did recoord the values from outside the tent and I wound up with two hydrometers, 1 in and 1 next to me, and I could retroactively work out how high the humidity really had been the first three weeks (too high, though I don't think it ultimately affected my yield as I got on top of by week 3). Then you progress downward about 5% a week, aiming for 55-60% through veg and into early flower. where you begin lowering it again by about 5% a week aiming for 40-50% by mid flower and as low as 30% in the last week (by decreasing slowly week by week). Though without even a cheap humidifier and dehumidifier combo this can require more work to try and get close to. When I began, I started (and still have) a very modest setup: a tiny tent, a 150 W LED, etc, but I got good results my first grow despite the inevitable mistakes. Other than that, your start is good.
Spyder7week 2
I've seen a lot of new growers run into problems growing in buckets like yours because they neglect to add the drainage they need, which if you don't add yourself, will create problems fairly soon as water, because it can't drain through, creates pockets of stagnant water below the soil. This leads to different root issues (not uptaking water nutes right, possible nute lockout from salt build up, mold, etc) and you can even get mold below the soil in the roots themselves. Fabric pots plus some perlite in the soil solve this and prevent the plant becoming root bound and they're cheap: about $3 for a 2 or 3 gallon pot that you can wash after each grow and reuse. Though its not worth transplanting again this late I don't think. If you drilled holes in the bucket for drainage and neglected to mention that, then you've covered that so you're good there but if not you need to do it and sooner is better. Though its late to drill with the plant in the soil: I wouldn't want to use anything that create plastic bucket shavings that go into the soil, so instead I'd punch some small holes as close to the bottom as possible: enough and larger enough to allow water to leave the bottom of the bucket instead of becoming stagnant there, but not so many or so big that they allow the soil to fall through (maybe a little bigger than the size of a ballpoint pen for each hole and at least 8 of them around the bottom of the bucket spaced apart). With regards to growth: that could be because the light isn't close enough and this is a tough needle to thread as you want the light as close to the plant as you can get it, but without burning the leaves (which usually can't be noticed until its already close enough to bleach or stress them). Though looking at the heights that other growers with the same light are using as they correspond to your plant's stage can be one method to narrow it down (the other is to determine PPFD output from the light and adjust accordingly: most LED brands publish this as a chart that gives PPFD/PAR at different heights.
Spyder7week 3
Your early problems look directly tied to the low humidity. You've solved that part for this and future grows so really, there's not much to be done from any stunting that results there and that's par for the course: I think the first grow is more to become familiar with the process and the benefits of the journal is you can combine what you observed the first time with notes and photos so your second grow is more dialed in. That's what I'm trying to do this grow. Also, even when it looks bad, keep going as any grow that finishes is a success because of what it taught you. There were weeks late in my first grow where I was really worried that my grow would be among the single digit gram yielders because it had so many nutrient deficiencies on top of newbie mistakes; but I got 30 grams off it so it wound up over-delivering despite the mistakes. You're identifying and correcting issues as you find them which is a huge part of this first time around (and documenting it as well).