
Green Gelato Auto GG1 - 1st try

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 1
20 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
Commented by
Grrrower Grrrower
4 years ago
germination seems to have been successful, I hope it continues like this! I am watering with 1/3 glass of demineralized water without fertilizers and I am using a soil composed of 60% biobizz light mix, 30% coconut fiber and the remaining 10% perlite and vermiculite. during the first week I realized I had a soil with a pH around 8 so I immediately proceeded with a light flushing with demineralized water at pH 5.5 (lowered from 7 through pure tartaric acid), which I am now continuing to use for watering.
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Grow Questions
Grrrowerstarted grow question 4 years ago
how can i make sure my plant doesn't grow too slowly to be an autoflowering? I ask this because I see from the other diaries that after a week more than two leaves generally appear and become very large, unlike mine
Other. General questions
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Bloombusteranswered grow question 4 years ago
Всё отлично, бро! Растение хорошо развито для первой недели, немного задержался "подшлемник" на растении, это случается и это не критично. Судя по последнему фото - у тебя всё в порядке, бро! 👍 👌
Grrrowerstarted grow question 4 years ago
is there a method (which does not involve the purchase of a rather expensive device) to measure the lumens present in the growbox? I would like to make sure that the LEDs that I bought have the same performance declared on the package 😕
Setup. Lighting
piritinoanswered grow question 4 years ago
If you don't have a lux meter, you can try downloading an app that performs this function to your smartphone. it is not 100% reliable but you can still get an idea if you have a good smartphone. in the first days your seedling needs at least 4000/5000 lux to grow so I advise you to approach the lamp and try with your smartphone to help you adjust the distance.
Grrrowerstarted grow question 4 years ago
I just received my first real pH meter and by testing the water with which I usually water the little one I discovered that its real pH is around 4 ... having a too low pH can be a problem? and how can I raise it without increasing the tds too much?
Feeding. Other
MadeInGermanyanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey buddy :-) you should raise the ph as quickly as possible. I do it with Canna Ph + :-). There is a suitable agent from every manufacturer :-) Keep going Your plant looks great 👍
Grrrowerstarted grow question 4 years ago
I discovered that I had irrigated with water at pH 3.5 for at least 5 days. yesterday I used water at pH 5.7 and today I think it will increase to 6, but I noticed that burns are already starting to appear so should I continue like this and hope for the best or do a root wash?
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Feeding. Other
ijustdontgiveafanswered grow question 4 years ago
I think the only way to know is to check the runoff when watering and see what PH it gives you.. if it's in an ok range, then just leave it (don't try to compensate), as the damage was done and you don't want to push it the other direction, possibly making it worse.. the marks on the leaves will not recover, but check the new growth to ensure that this is fine moving forward. If you're in soil, i'd rather err on the higher side, so around 6.3, as 5.7/5.8 is more for hydroponics.. you might want to check out this link too:
Grrrowerstarted grow question 4 years ago
advice on how to start fertilizing? I read on some blogs that it’s better to water first with demineralized water and then give some with fertilizers, and on other blogs I also read the opposite (first the water with fertilizers and then the demineralized one). opinions? 🤔
Feeding. Schedule
Feeding. Other
Spyder7answered grow question 4 years ago
You're looking for a third opinion? What exactly are you growing in? If you're taking the minerals the plant needs out by using demineralized water, what's your plan to provide them some other way, or do you have one? Last grow, which is curing now (my tent is now just waiting for the bean to sprout in its paper towel before it gets planted), I used Pro-mix "Premium Potting Soil" with plain de-chlorinated tap water for 21 days before adding anything, and the only stress to the plant during that time was of the type I created through making some early mistakes early, though the grow turned out well in terms of pure yield per watt used relative to my running it with almost no nutes (as close as I'll ever come). This grow, I plan to add a kelp based phytoplankton soil conditioner with an NPK value of 4-0-1 as my main veg nute (I'm only using it for veg) at 1/4 strength on day 7, half strength on day 14, and full strength on day 21 which is where the strain I grow begins transitioning to pre-flower, so I want to experiment with adding a little more than it strictly needs because in looking at other grow diaries, it seems like this strain might be okay with it and I'll be looking for any signs of nitrogen toxicity and I'll be prepared to flush and adjust if I'm wrong there (and I'm more familiar with it now that I've grown it). If you're three weeks in, and if that's an auto, you're probably close to early flower now and your plant should be ready for transition nutes and then bloom nutes. "Transition" nutes just reflect that because of the pre-flower stretch that's coming, you'll still need a lot of nitrogen and more then you'll find in a pure bloom nute as after the pre-flower stretch (after week 4 or 5), nitrogen needs taper down pretty quickly while there's an intermediate need in weeks 4-5 for more phosphorous, and past week 3 it'll also begin needing more and more potassium: the farther you go in flower, the greater the potassium need while the need for the other 2 falls off over time. This is the big three NPK ratio, and you need enough of each, and at the right time, plus calcium, magnesium, and several other trace elements. Now is the time to pick a nutrient schedule and brand and start feeding it, and also a good time to begin bookmarking resources on nutrient deficiencies/toxicity so that you know what to look for so you can catch either early. These nutes can be in liquid or powder form, and some are used only once and may be added into the soil directly as "top dressing," or mixed in periodically (weekly is normal for most nutes) with your watering, except for the final week or 2 where you only give plain water to flush them out.
Grrrowerstarted grow question 4 years ago
I got a doubt (probably very stupid) and it is: photographing the plant with the flash in the dark hours do not risk confusing and stressing it?
Other. General questions
Other. Other
Mr_Hazeanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi fellow grower, sweet grow you got going there. It's actually a pretty common question many people ask themselves before actually doing it being concerned for the plant. Taking photos in the night wont stress or confuse the plant or the plants light cycle. But messing around with the cycle for more than 1-2 hours can make your plant stress and hermie. It happened in my first grow long ago. But to answer your question shortly, no, it wont interrupt your girl if you take photos.💪🏻 Goodluck with the rest of your grow !
Grrrowerstarted grow question 4 years ago
the large leaves seem to be fine, but the small ones between the internodes are developing several burns Soon I will proceed with the washing, but what could it have been?
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
MadeInGermanyanswered grow question 4 years ago
Don't worry ;-) looks great ;-) Assume a lot of food because it's so dark :-)
Grrrowerstarted grow question 4 years ago
on the premise that this is my first experience, should i already try low stress training? or maybe I risk having more harm than good? also, which site would you recommend to inquire about the LST?
Techniques. LST
1 like
Shagrathanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi! I think LST is really really simple technique and I can recommend to everyone. You can search million of different styles to do it from the internet but it really does not need any instructions. You just bend the top part down and tie it up, then you watch how the side branches starts to grow more and they become the new mains. Then after a while you can bend all the new tops down and tie em up etc. Just go slowly and feel the plant while you bend so you wont snap it. You can get more elasticity to the plants stems by wabbling them back and forth between your fingers and proceed slowly! Good luck and don't worry! 👌
Grrrowerstarted grow question 4 years ago
the leaves below are starting to turn yellow and curl ☹️ I'm continuing to give 5 ml / l of fertilizer for flowering and now it should also have more light available since I moved the other two small ones to the other growbox I don't really know what's going on ... should I do a root wash?
Leaves. Dropping off
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Leaves. Color - Pale
Bongkhananswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey mate ;i went through your diary ;found that you are giving only ph perfect bloom since weeks 5 and 6. I use the same line of products and believe me ;those concentrations are way higher then required and also you need to give all the 3. Say it is your 6th week ; give 1.2ml each in 1 liter ;mixing in order as micro , then grow and then bloom. Also give this feed 2 times and then one full phed 6.0 plain water feeding. Doing this ;you would not lose a leaf till the end of harvest or till you flush them.
Grrrowerstarted grow question 4 years ago
it's been almost 6 days since I washed the roots and the pot continues to seem heavy (even touching the ground you can feel it is still wet underneath) Do I keep waiting for it to dry completely? is there any trick to speed up this process?
Other. Other
Roots. Other
Feeding. Schedule
versace_growanswered grow question 4 years ago
Wait until it naturally dry. Roots are going to suck all the water inside flushing their nutes. You shouldn't have any problem. I have some plant which take 7 days to completely dry and some others which take just 2 or 3 days. It depends on how many roots there are and how big is the plant!
Grrrowerstarted grow question 4 years ago
in the lower part of the plant some leaves are yellowing, others are drying out and even detaching. can it be due to the fact that since flushing (a week ago) I have not given anything to the plant anymore? I hope this does not compromise flowering
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Dropping off
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 4 years ago
The lower leaves will always die off first. Its normal. They don't recieve much light anymore but if its happening aggresively and to lots of leaves, the plant is searching for nitrogen and can't find it in the soil. 🌱👍
Grrrowerstarted grow question 4 years ago
the leaves have been turning yellow and falling faster and faster, especially those below; the upper ones curl and become burnt with dots and turn yellow should I try to put the lamp higher? (I haven't given fertilizers for a week)
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Leaves. Curl up
Leaves. Color - Mottling
Fusionanswered grow question 4 years ago
Correct the pH and should be good until it finishes. Water is probably really high
Grrrowerstarted grow question 4 years ago
what do you think is the best way to understand when it is ready? I don't want to rush things too much, but theoretically the green gelato automatic should end in 70 days
Buds. Other
Other. General questions
Other. Other
KenSpliffeyJranswered grow question 4 years ago
Trichome is your best bet if you don’t know how to “feel” for a ripened bud. Breeders will ultimately have the fastest POSSIBLE flowering time listed to help sell there seeds. If you go an extra week to breeder recommendations you should be in the right ball park. Most people say a jewellers loupe is how they check. I bought one and I’m returning it. Can’t get a good enough look through the 60x to really tell. It’s a pain to get a good look and you need to check the plant as a whole really. I just invested in a USB microscope and it’s key. Happy growing
Grrrowerstarted grow question 4 years ago
some pistils have turned yellow-amber while others are still transparent should I wait or simply resign myself to the fact that I have compromised its growth and therefore it will not improve? 😭💔
Other. General questions
Other. Other
Plant. Other
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Experimentgreenanswered grow question 4 years ago
She's looking great. The harvest window is definitely open. Beautiful orange pistils and some very nice looking amber trichromes. I'd say give her the chop this week when you're able. 👍 happy smoking

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Growgirl1114week 11
Love your grow✌️🌱✌️
thanks 🙏🏻 I never expected to receive all this support 😁
Cocomeroweek 1
HI Emmma, I would increase the humidity a little. Since the root system is not yet developed, the plant grows better with a humidity of around 65 -70%. furthermore, the stem, before the transplant, seemed very elongated. Maybe you're holding the lights a little too far. Try to approach them a little at a time
@Cocomero, thank you very much for the advice, I will immediately begin to increase the humidity. as for the lights, for germination I was using a 23 watt blue led, while now I have moved it under the actual vegetative lights, but if I saw that it continues to lengthen even now, I will not hesitate to approach them
Stoner_INDICAweek 6
Great job! Keep it up!
Jef79week 3
Hello.. Hope you are well.. I just saw ur question n 4t id let u know that silicon raise ph and is beneficial for plants health and immunity.. Also.. Wen in veg, rhizotonic is a root stim that will also raise ph.. Stay safe n gud luck with ur babies.. 👍🍀
CRiSPrGrowweek 3
if you had a pH of 4 there would be many problems you can already see... so if you dont have any problems, and you dont means the expensive pen is wrongly calibrated. now you need to buy a calibration kit... that's why i use strips... no headaches always fine, i dont have enough time to calibrate every time... plus it's really easy to fully break these pens if you put them in too deep. Hope tihs helps !
DonTomazoweek 2
Looks good!
CRiSPrGrowweek 3
you pH pen is wrongly calibrated, since this number is close to hand soap i guess