
First grow auto Big bud & Northern light

4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 3
18 hrs
Light Schedule
14+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
ursamajor1703 ursamajor1703
4 years ago
The 2nd set of true leaves are still growing in but all is going well at the moment Day 16 I've had to prop 2 of them up cause the stem was struggling to support the extra leaves I used chopsticks so I hope the roots aren't affected DAY 17 THE GROW TENT ARRIVED !!! Day 18 or whatever we're on now the plants are doing well and are growing more leaves soon they will be ready for reporting. I've ordered an extra light and a small fan to assist growth and air circulation. Day 21 got another more powerful light and a small fan and also a new friend !!
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Grow Questions
ursamajor1703started grow question 4 years ago
Do u the leaves look slightly droopy to any of you? Is it a problem? How do I fix it?
Leaves. Wilting
ijustdontgiveafanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi there.. the leaves look wet, which means you just watered them, right? I wouldn't do that when the lights are on (or try to avoid getting water onto the leaves), because just like when you use a magnifying glass in the sun, the droplets can burn into the leaves and make marks.. The soil also looks quite wet, but it can be because it was just watered. Overwatering can lead to droopy leaves, so i would wait with the next watering until the soil is totally dry again, and then just water a little.. such a small plant doesn't need a lot of water yet. happy growing :)
ursamajor1703started grow question 4 years ago
I don't have a way to measure ph levels but I just used potting soil will it be ok or is super important?
Setup. Substrates
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
pH problems can potentially cause any and all nutrient deficiencies and toxicities.. so, kinda imporant. Soil is more forgiving due to its microbial content. If you have RO, you are probably fine without ever checking or a second thought about it. Although your fertilizer could be a problem if extremely acidic when added to RO as opposed to a ~8.0-8.4 alkaline tap water you typically see. Some ferts are actually expecting you to use that 8-8.4 instead of 7, which would potentially result in a very acidic irrigation. It's just chemistry. At various pH levels the plant's bio-chemistry simply won't work. Just like if you start pounding water you will die from hyperhydrolosis. your body's chemistry will simply fail to work - due to concentrations rather than pH but same fundamental concept. a plant's processes require a range of temps, pH, pressure, etc... all are important, but usually you don't have to worry about many at one time. pH strips are cheap and can resolve down to .1 pH, which is more than good enough. Get 100 for $7 on amazon. Test your water.. if city water it'll be consistent. If well water, you probably want to test occasionally and especially after heavy rains. Know what your ferts do to pH too... after a while, you won't have to test at all. The familiarity you gain will be enough. measure and be consistent. it'll always balance out the same because it's math/physics/chemistry = reality.
ursamajor1703started grow question 4 years ago
What are essential items for a super basic budget grow tent? I have a tent 60x60x90cm and I have lights not very big ones) and ofc plants, take a look at my grow diary a tell me what you think many thanks
Setup. Ventilation
occultgreen420answered grow question 4 years ago
looking very well, congrats! depending on your budget and your priorities really... Always I would recommend Air pots for plants - look them up, they will increase your yield and this was proven. You need a fan to move the air and make the stems stronger. I would recommend a small extractor fan connected to a carbon filter. This will eliminate any unwanted smells and also suck out the evaporated water. As you know, cannabis is hydrophilic, loves water in large quantities, therefore you will need air movement and extracting power for a good grow and now you can get them for different sizes tents. Get a small pH tester, the cheep one is fine. In case any problems, start by checking ph of run off water. Have a spray that you can fill with water and spray daily your plants (but make sure to be careful with the light and electric installation) If you feel more confident or adventurous, get a scrog net also. Have good quality (organic imo) soil and nutrients. Good luck!
ursamajor1703started grow question 4 years ago
Leaves are turning yellow from the bottom up and I'm not sure if it's the natural death of unessery lower leaves or a nitrogen deficiency. It's not a ph problem. Thoughts?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
URbanGrownanswered grow question 4 years ago
For auto flowers you want to place your seed in the final pot size, they don't like transplants. From looking at your photos your temps / humidity seems fine as well as the light they seem to be building nodes at a healthy height and not bolting. Yellowing on the lower leaves would suggest that it is a mobile nutrient issue, if nutrients are your issue. Mobile nutrients are Nitrogen / Phosphorus / Potassium / Calcium and Magnesium The other types are Immobile nutrients which show on newer top growth leaves. Immobile nutrients are Manganese / Iron and Sulfur there are more these are just examples . From looking at the leaves it would suggest a very mild potassium or nitrogen deficiency but at this stage i wouldn't worry to much as its mild and you dont want to over feed them. Make sure you are not over watering or under watering as this can cause problems as well that look like other issues. Good luck and happy growing 😊
ursamajor1703started grow question 4 years ago
How would you go about maximizing harvest at this point, I was thinking of scrogging but idk if I have enough time. Thaughts and suggestions pls
Techniques. ScrOG
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
yeah, tie'em down, or top them. I'd wait for 6-7 nodes to top, but you can lst the moment their roots can handle it... so err on the safe side. An ancher tie-down in opposite direction of the bend can help alleviate pressure on roots... keep it low on trunk and have it slightly taught to start, before you bend the plant. bend it down between the axial growth. they grow out and 90-degrees from each other - this allows all an equal chance to grow north... otherwise, a few loop around and stretch like crazy, at which point even if they are the highest branch, they won't dominate growth due to limited vascular tissue leading to it. use a stake or another tie-down to prevent any arching in the trunk (apical meristem). that'll promot even growth. Anything below the bend is likely trash. can cut it off now. so, after it's bent down, make sure none of the growth takes the long way, so to speak, in the coming days. Keep everything even height.. if one shoot dominates, bend it down lower for a day.. doesn't typically require a tie-down, but that'll make it happen too. release them when things catch up. at this point, i maintain my plant's height until i have a base large enough for vertical shots to fill evenly... it's in bloom at that point or shortly after..
ursamajor1703started grow question 4 years ago
I'm worried that my plants will grow too tall for their tent. Is there anything I can do about this?
Plant. Too tall
1 like
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hello, For more room you can see how high the lights can go, get a bigger tent(but that's not always do-able. But to the plant, I would try to keep doing as much LST as possible to start it flat before hitting the screen. Then I would do some super cropping, where you'll pinch the tallest branches and slowly weaken their stem and slowly start bending it over, being very careful not to snap it. Being still in veg nows the time to try anything you can if height is a big factor in the grow. I know many people will say to be careful of any high stress methods because it's an autoflower, but your plant looks healthy and can handle a fair bit of stress without any negative effects. Otherwise you could start weaving through the screen as soon as it will reach and continue to weave the branches in and out and it'll keep things pretty low and even. Happy growing. ✌️
ursamajor1703started grow question 4 years ago
Did i LST correctly? Focusing on the back two since the they're the biggest!
Techniques. LST
Techniques. ScrOG
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 4 years ago
Looks good, just keep tucking it along as it grows so they all become new tops.. stop when you feel you have as many as you want! Happy growing! 👊
ursamajor1703started grow question 4 years ago
Brown spots, burns or bites?
Other. Bugs
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi My guess would be a burn... or sometimes a finger nail can do that type of damage if it pinches leaves. Any chance you could snag a photo with a regular light on? Maybe out of the tent or bring a lamp near the door so we could have a more clear idea what you're dealing with?
ursamajor1703started grow question 4 years ago
I accidentally broke a leaf of while tucking hope that won't affect the plant too much but it also gives me a n easy opportunity to show you the spots that ha be been appearing. Thoughts?
Leaves. Color - Mottling
BudEnthusiastanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi, just to say one leaf in wk7 is nothing to worry about. As to the spotting... All depends on how how widely spread it is. I found a posted video on YouTube showing most deficiency patterns and what to do about it accordingly. But then again if spots are only visible on singled out leaves and in such small proportions as in image I'd say you are fine.
ursamajor1703started grow question 4 years ago
One of my plants hasn't started flowering yet (front right) but otherwise looks to be healthy bar a couple of lower leaves yellowing and drying up ?
Leaves. Tips - Die
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Plant. Other
Bud_Di_Spenzaanswered grow question 4 years ago
I think most of us had an auto not auto-ing. If that's the case you have the choice to either set the whole grow to 12/12, or let it veg and set to 12/12 after the flowering autos are harvested. Good luck :)
ursamajor1703started grow question 4 years ago
Is it normal for autos to lose a lot of leaves during flower?
Leaves. Dropping off
Leaves. Color - Yellow
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Normal for all plants to lose leaves nearing the end. Cheers
ursamajor1703started grow question 4 years ago
Ready to harvest?
Other. General questions
Bloombusteranswered grow question 4 years ago
Привет, брат! 👋😇 Производитель твоего штамма заявляет о 11 недельном цветении растения, для того чтоб называть его спелым! 👆 Я посмотрел твой дневник и ты не совсем верно ведешь отсчёт недель цветения! Цветение у тебя началось на 6 неделе роста (а не на 8, как у тебя в дневнике)! У тебя сейчас уже идёт 8 неделя цветения! Считаем 11-8=3 . 3 недели тебе осталось до снятия урожая! Это значит что ещё 2 недели ты кормишь удобрениями и 16 неделя роста у тебя будет неделей Flush! Ты промывать её будешь всю 16 неделю и в конце снимешь урожай! Она будет вполне спелой девочкой! Она и так уже красавица, а станет бриллиантовой дамой! 😇👌 Удачи, друг! ✊😇

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Smokin_Joeweek 4
Hey, see you solved your own issue RE: needing to transfer. Classic root bound signs, just got done rectifying the same problem for some broccoli that decided to grow monstrously sized roots unbeknownst to me. Wouldn't wait for that third set, unless you can turn up side down and get some more soil in the bottom of the cup or something. Best of luck my friend!
@Smokin_Joe, yeah i moved them over yesterday and they looked pretty rootbound glad I didn't try to push them
Lowkey_Docweek 16
Great content here🔥🔥 The grow looks awesome, Keep up the work🤙🏽 Happy cultivating.
Smokin_Joeweek 16
Gotta be close at 54 days into flowering, happy harvesting!
Ferencweek 15
Yes, they are. Good job @ursamajor1703
Tweezerweek 13
Very nice looking ladies!! Great farming, and good luck the rest of the way!!
DoDrugs420week 22
Something about this one just makes me hyped.
AuldKeltweek 16
My goodness, what a thing of beauty. You have done well. Enjoy the fruits of your labor!
ursamajor1703week 3
had no idea about the damage spraying the leaves could cause ill stop doing that immediately, I water them with a spray bottle wetting the area around the plant whenever it dries out. I'm not using any nutes so I can't be using too much and my lighting set up is not the best I have two 20w LED,s about 20cm above the plants but they're in a small space with white walls which I'm hoping will boost the effect... I have a small grow tent on the way if anyone can recommend some decent lights that won't break the bank that'd be awesome. Tent is L60cm W60cm H90cm so doesn't be anything too powerful. thanks
ursamajor1703week 2
(Day 14)They all drooped slightly over night I'll give them a drink and see If they perk up