
Maine Outdoor 2020

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 1
weeks 1, 10
weeks 1, 16-18, 20, 22-31
weeks 1, 10, 16
weeks 1, 10, 14-20, 22-31
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 30
24 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
2+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
masterofsmeagol masterofsmeagol
4 years ago
LAST FEED 9/14 9/15 I fed yesterday and continued flushing the mendo pheno's that flowered early. Trichs are beautiful!! I'm very excited. I also checked the trichs on my "runt" mendo that I never thought would even make it. The Trichs on it were the furthest along! All cloudy with some amber. I prefer a little more amber but I really needed the room and that tiny plant out of the way. Plus I wanted to try it at the stage seeing it's a clone of the bigger ones. You can't even tell it's missing! Cant wait to see how it turns out. My Slurricanes are enormous and flowering fast. I keep thi king about how much work its gonna be to trim this shit. I also found a couple small patches of WPM in the back. I mixed a gallon of water with a tablespoon of baking soda, dawn and vegetable oil. I'll continue to monitor. 9/16 I didnt water today as the medium was wet. I'll check again later when I check my trichs. The pm wash did good where I used it but I didnt use it on those mendo breath phenomes that are ALMOST ready for the chop. Looks like I'm running yo the store for green cure today. Sucks. I wanted to stay home. UPDATE: Went back over and found some WPM on the top colas that I couldn't see. I had to get a ladder. Anyway I tal kn ed to several growers and I decided to spray it all with the same mix I used on the rest since it seems to work. I'm planning to check tomm and if things are cool I'll be rinsing off that soda spray and yelling TIMMMMBER!! On those mendo breaths. Sorry I've been gone the last few days. I'll upload some pics. We got a frost last night but the girls loved it. I chopped three mendo breath that were maybe 20 percent amber. Once its dry and I can trim and show the harvest I'll update. Watered today. Plants are turning all kinds of crazy colors. That mendo breath turned out amazing! I took the runt earliest and kept some out to dry so I could smoke some. I was incredible happy. Burned with white ash too. Looking through my loop it looked better than the shit i got at the dispo. They only had two kinds though and most of the time i cant compete with indoor but this mendo breath blows the indoor triple chocolate chip I bought away! I cant wait to see what slurricane brings. Still have two mendo breath plants that are a different phenome. I'll take pics tonight or tomm and add them.
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Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hello fellow growers. My slurricane and mendo breath were transplanted outside in Maine. I've since experienced high winds and very low temps at night. Last night I moved them to the heated barn with two 150hps lights above them. What can I do to help my girls along. Thanks every
Plant. Wilting
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BostonGirlGrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Down here is mass :) I don’t move the plants outside for another few weeks due to unpredictable weather. Keep them warm and safe, until it’s at least 45-50 at night where you are. Don’t want to risk stunting them and your harvest, or worse. As far as wind, I’ve used 3foot bamboo stakes, or even if a pinch- a chopstick to support the stem. Just do it sooner rather then later, as there will be less of a chance you will damage any roots on the way down. See me critical purple diary for pics :) Happy Growing 🌱
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
I live in maine and have several plants approximately 6ft tall in a fence that I made. However I'm getting lots of wind and trees block some sun in the evening. My question is should I move plants, dismantle my fence to move them closer to the house for direct light and wind blok
Setup. Outdoor
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NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
if it adds hours of light or you think the wind could cause damage, i'd say it is worth the effort. How much light and how much danger? how difficult to move the stuff, etc. If not a ton more light, can put up some wind blockers.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
My outdoor grow is housed in a fence/building that's 12x12 and 8ft high.(See diary for pics). Since the trees have filled out they are blocking some direct sun. If I moved EVERYTHING over it would be a huge pain but would receive more direct sun. What would you guys do? Worth it?
Other. General questions
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masterofsmeagolanswered grow question 4 years ago
Thank you for your answers. The structure stays where it is. They get approximately two hours of shade or "ambient light" before the sun is back around. Seeing that I've been dealing with heat and light stress I'm glad I kept it where it was. I've thinned put some trees which also allows for better placement of additional cameras and devices. I also have poles that can be thrown on top in a jiffy if needed and a tarp that can go up quick. I also took several air mattresses and cut them apart and zip ties and gorilla glue/taped them. It's big enough to throw over the top. If we get hail or other horrible things I'll be ready I'm glad I did this as the first tornado I've heard of touched ground about half hour away.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
Anybody use preventative sprays? Considering using BT to proactively control pests. Anyone else proactively protect against pests? What products do you use?
Other. Bugs
DeadwebsiteBoringcommunityanswered grow question 4 years ago
I don't know I'm an indoor growing and I like to lean towards a non spray pure flower if possible type deal.... But if I was in an area that was known to have problems.. I'd do whatever it took for the ladies right.. So norcal is probably giving you the best advice there for sure.
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 4 years ago
I personally use a Neem oil mix with Insecticidal soap. All organic. Spray every 7 days up untill the last 3 weeks of flower. Working great for me in my yard, Neighbor who didn't treat his isn't doing so well.. Happy growing! 👊
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hello Buy some dr bonners castile soap, and make a water/soap spray(its basically homemade insecticidal soap) it works amazing and breaks down the outer body of soft bodied insects. I also recommend getting old stages green cleaner because it kicks but on any mites and also fights pm like crazy.👍 *i usually keep neem around also because you can use alone or add to the green clean for about 2 months of cure.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
I have a clone I had taken and it's doing good. My garden is enclosed in a 12x12 locked fence. I'm wondering what size size I should transplant this clone into or go in ground. It's in a 3 gallon now. My others are in 30gallons-100 gallons. Would 10 be enough?
Setup. Clones
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NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
kinda depends on region and how much vege growth you are going to get - all about size of the plant at the end as far as what you "need." i know at smaller sizes "they" say 1 gallon per 1-foot of vertical growth, but not sure how well that translates to larger plants outdoors. If it's growing taller than 4-5 feet, i'd go with a 20-gallon. you can assess rootball and how much it filled it out when you harvest and determine if you can go down a size or not based on comfort of the roots in the pot. (ie not rootbound) outside you should be thinking kg not g. 😁 muahahaha!
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
I check my plants multiple times a day every day. I found this spot and I'm hoping someone can identify the type of pest. I treated pillars with BT a few days ago. This was not here last night. It had also been raining of that helps. Thanks in advance.
Leaves. Other
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miggsanswered grow question 4 years ago
candy striped leaf hoppers leave identical scarring on my girls , only thing to do is safers or some other insectcidal soaps before buds form.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
Name the deficiency. Plants are healthy and six months old. Grown in 30g happy frog/ffof with off nutes. Haven't seen many others like this. Just a dying leaf? Everything else looks good.
Leaves. Other
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Bloombusteranswered grow question 4 years ago
Привет, брат! 👋 Я вижу твои растения уже взрослые! 💪 Если ты заметил такое в нижних уровнях растения, не на макушках, то это естественный процесс взросления, бро! Ей может не хватать удобрений для наращивания новых точек роста и она их заимствует из больших веерных листьев, как у тебя на фото! 👆 Не стоит переживать, если это наблюдается внизу растения! 👇 Удачи, братан! ✊😇
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
My mendo breath is beginning to show preflower. Plants are 6 months old. Even some of the 2nd gen ones too. When should I switch to flowering nutrients? Just small preflowers right now but very noticeable. If anyone has time check diary. Thanks so much for all the help.
Feeding. Schedule
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Experimentgreenanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hello If you were going indoors you'd go off the light hours and start bloom at 12/12. But with us outdoor grows i would usually bring in the open sesame as soon as there was a good boost of preflowers but in nice low doses once a week or two weeks. My outdoor typically starts to flower here at the beginning/ mid August, so i would go ahead and start the tiger bloom at some low doses now until you see the flowers develop and then start using full doses.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
Would you consider this in flower? I call it preflower but I'm wondering if so should I switch up nutes? I'm using ff line. Most of dirty 12. Happy frog/ffof. Mendo breath. Thanks. Happy growing! If photo doesnt upload please see diary. Tia
Buds. Other
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Barbieslapping808sanswered grow question 4 years ago
i would say preflower aswell
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
Would you consider this in flower? I call it preflower but I'm wondering if so should I switch up nutes? I'm using ff line. Most of dirty 12. Happy frog/ffof. Mendo breath. Thanks. Happy growing! If photo doesnt upload please see diary. Tia
Buds. Other
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GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
She is starting to flower. Go half veg half flower nutes first flower feed,,at veg rate. Next feed time go to reduced flower feed. Half what the label says. If u see they need more then increase a little each feed. Mid flowering is your max nutes, but not what the label says., by what your girls tell u. Late flower, decrease back to your start of flower amount. Nice looking girls. Cheers friend
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
I applied spinosad tonight and after I finished it started to rain. I used a drop of dawn as well. We even had unheard of tornado warnings. Will I need to reapply? Thanks everyone.
Techniques. Other
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hello If you're having heavy weather then i would suggest reapplying your treatments. I personally have had the best success with making a soap water spray but i use Dr Bonner's castile soap, something about Castile soap has a better ability to break down their outer body...yes regular soap works too but consider getting some dr b. The soaps have to be used several times as they are a pretty gentle method and wash off easily. If moisture is a concern for any PM or things like that you could invest in old stages green clean which is very good at battling pm and mites and some other bugs too. Good luck with the tornado's, your outdoor is looking beautiful. ✌️
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
Quick question. How do you outdoor growers feed. Ex.g, Say I feed a gallon of mixed PHed nutes to my crop. Do you water as well? What if the soil is already wet like from a rain? If so before or after the nutes? I've looked online EVERYWHERE and cannot find an answer. Thank
Feeding. Other
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey friend, So i think it's open to interpretation, that's why there isn't a lot of specific guidelines like indoor. I've done grows where i top dress the dry amendments once a week or once every two weeks and then it breaks itself down into the soil with every watering. It worked well for the most part. Then I've done liquid nutrients and when i do that i have my days of plain Ph'd water, and then the days where i feed i just mix up all the water i need with all the nutrients and soak each pot entirely. Either using a 3 gallon bucket or a 5, but you can always do 1 gallon especially if you notice one plant is needing more or less of something than the others. Rain water is so good for plants, so don't let that disrupt your schedule unless it's been raining so much for many days to where the soil is basically all wet. Because then you might end up over watering. But definitely take advantage of rain when you can. It's higher in oxygen and helps free up many micronutrients. 👍
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
I'm in central maine. We have trop storm warning w high winds 40-50mph. I was thinking if things got bad enough I could put tarps or something around my entire fence and secure them while also staking and securing the entire structure. Pic is structure months ago. Thoughts?
Other. General questions
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masterofsmeagolanswered grow question 4 years ago
Tropical storm warning was canceled last minute. We got some hard rain but it just did my plants some good. I have them pretty well supported as is. Not even a broken branch. They actually looked BETTER if anything lol.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
I found WPM on a few leaves. I was spraying spinosad at night. I stupidly thought spinosad would take care of that to. LED light showed much more PM but early stage. In A.M. sprayed 1tbsp baking soda, soap, veg oil per gal. Used 2 gallons. Will any of this interact? Thanks
Leaves. White powder
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hempy4meanswered grow question 4 years ago
I use those ingredients per 1 gallon. I also rotate sprayings with a 1 part water to 1 part milk. I also spray varients with mineral oil and cold pressed neem oil. You may not ever get rid of the mildew, but you can significantly control it. Cutting off affected growth using sterilized methods keeps it at bay also. Don't help spread it.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
I may over did it with nutes. Upped dosage from one gal to two than 3. Added beastie bloom. I'm losing some leaves and see signs of var def ilike i'm in lockout. I'm hesitant to flush and hope goes back with low nutes later on. anyone willing to look through my diary and advice?
Feeding. Other
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masterofsmeagolanswered grow question 4 years ago
@Gmslave thank you for your considerate and respectful response. You are right I need better equipment and it is much easier to rectify an underfed plant. I have an anxiety disorder that makes me second guess myself. Im usually my worst enemy. It's nice when folks take the time to help others. I love this group. Thanks you so much. I'll leave the question open just to see if I get any other good tips.....
DrJynx86answered grow question 4 years ago
Seems you know what you're doing, why ask if whatever the reply is you're expecting to do something already? You know the answer, flushing, and stopping to give higher nutrient dosages. Why the question? Happy smokes!
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
You need a ph tds reader to feed the proper amounts, keep an eye on the amount of ec coming from your runoff and ph is in proper range. Nothing I see looks to bad, just water for a week or 2 until your ec lowers if you feel safe to do so, if not then flush them and feed at half the rate. Less is best, you can easily remedy underfed plants. Pain in the arse to fix overfed plants and it hurts your final yield. Cheers friend
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
Ok so we had sheet rain here. I took everyone's advice and took this opportunity to also flush my plants. What's next? When do I start adding nutes again and at what reduced ratio. Thanks to any that reply.
Feeding. Schedule
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The8thChevronanswered grow question 4 years ago
If you're flushed, then you can start feeding at a regular amount. Once you've brought the ppms of the runoff down to or less than your feed, then you're all set. If your runoff ppms start climbing again, you're overfeeding. In a perfect world, your ppms would be the same going in as coming out so aim for that.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
Does anyone have experience with foxfarm products like beastie bloom and cha ching? I've tried to use them at 1/8 dose and still got burn/possible lockout. What is the proper amount to feed of the solution once mixed also? TIA
Feeding. Schedule
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DeadwebsiteBoringcommunityanswered grow question 4 years ago
if your using it at 1/8 and still getting burn and lockout.. IT's time to think about using a different product... Green Planet maybe? Or Gaia Green.. Definitely don't use anything by companies that start with A.....
The8thChevronanswered grow question 4 years ago
General Hydroponics Trio works well for me. Bloom boosters are famous for causing lockout and their effectiveness is debatable. All evidence is purely anecdotal. They're great for quickly fixing deficiencies quick, but I dont put much more stock into them.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey Guys! Still dealing with WPM. I've been using a few different methods. I have 3 mendos in late flower any recommendations?
Other. Mold
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DeadwebsiteBoringcommunityanswered grow question 4 years ago
Harvest Miracle.. Contact your local grow store and see if they stock it. It's can be used on flowering plants and is a big seller.. it works.
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
40% homoginized milk 60% water and spray the affected areas. Reapply as needed. Wont hurt a thing. Cheers
Chucky324answered grow question 4 years ago
Hello. I tried something new this year and was happy with the result. The product is White Wash a frequency altered water. Yes it is a bit pricy if you only use it once. But if you put a large tray under where you sprayed, you can catch the runoff and reuse it till you have no more, with no drop in effectiveness. Good Luck. Chuck.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 4 years ago
Can I use the mixture per gallon of 1 tbsp of baking soda, veg oil and dawn on plants in late flower? I only have a couple weeks left. Buddy said I could and just rinse before I harvest.
Buds. Other
1 like
jovasgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
you can, but its increases chances of budrot so id avoid if possible. but theres pests also posing risk it is best to do what you can to control them. i would do a water cure in this situation at harvest.
masterofsmeagolanswered grow question 4 years ago
Labossanova there is no "ONE WAY" to combat ANYTHING. No you didnt come close to hitting the mark of answering my question. Your "advice" was shallow uninformative and your tone seemed to be "talking down." You even had to leave a comment saying, "I hope I answered your question" from a long time ago that I already fixed on my own while I had covid. I'm a psychologist. Please don't speak down to me. This isnt a place to stroke your ego.
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 4 years ago
the only way to combat bad bacteria is with good bacteria, next time add beneficials throughout and it will naturally take care of itself. Does that make sense? Hope this helps ! 🚀

Show by Week
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masterofsmeagolweek 11
The temperature dropped to 29 degrees F. last night. Luckily my father helped move them to the barn where heat was applied and 2 150 watt hps lights were hung. Weather looks unseasonable cold. I need to work to bring these plants back.
masterofsmeagolweek 16
Harbringer I love your name! NorCal thanks for taking the time to respond. I personally am not a fan of neem oil. However it sounds like you've got a great system going. I think I'll start my preventative spray tonight. I'm in Maine most dont start until June 1st. I got antsy and got my clones in February lol. Way to long of a veg but instead of putting out 12" clones I put out 6ft clones. By harvest I'll have had so much time invested that I'm not going to let some bastard moth or something ruin it. Happy growing everybody and thank you all for the advice.
masterofsmeagolweek 15
6/5 watered everything mowed inside the cage and added more zip ties to secure the fence a little better . Yesterday three more Slurricanes were added. 2 more mendo breath and one more slurricane will round the garden out tommorow. I've given clones to neighbors to help secure my shit. I have cameras and audio but having good neighbors really helps.
masterofsmeagolweek 14
5/31 and 6/1 tarps were placed up as wind breaks. Considering moving plants to more secure location with more sun and a better wind break
masterofsmeagolweek 12
Checked moisture on 5/12. Medium needs sometime to dry out. For the most part the plants are improving. On another note 3 cuttings I took have rooted and placed them in 1 gallon fabric pot.
masterofsmeagolweek 12
5/11 We went from extreme cold to having some decent sun it was in the 60's and plants received several hours of sunlight. Once the weather stabilizes I will look at putting plants outdoors. In another note I've seen the first of several roots on the cuttings I took may 2nd.
masterofsmeagolweek 11
After a large wind storm I was forced to brace my plants. I will try to upload a picture. Luckily there was minimal damage from last night. There have been unseasonable strong winds. I also fed 1tsp per gallon of kangoroots, microbe brew and unsulfered molasses.
masterofsmeagolweek 11
Thanks for the kind words. I still have work to do and cages to put up bit I'll get there. This seems like a great tool and I look forward to learning from you all!
Inganjawetrustweek 24
You are going to have some beasts👹👹 there 👍 best of luck ✌️
@Inganjawetrust, thanks for the kind words. They are already getting out of hand. That fence is 8ft high. I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch though. ;)
Experimentgreenweek 22
your plants are looking amazing! I'm so jealous! I was way late getting my plants out doors and now they won't be nice 6+ feet tall beasts.☹️ but I'm still lucky to be outside at all.
@Experimentgreen, I've browsed your diaries and coming from you that is a great compliment. Thank you so much, you made my day!
SegaYGriegaweek 31
Привет бро, не забывай отвечать на комментарии ! Успехов 👍
CRiSPrGrowweek 31
hey there, hope i answered your question, anything else you need just let me know 👊
Ferencweek 27
Inganjawetrustweek 21
Nice looking garden🌱best of luck ✌️
Growingkittenweek 16
Looking good! 😺
Ginger_gnomeweek 11
Love the outside garden set up. That'll help keep the animals out forsure.
MadeInGermanyweek 11
Nice garden
masterofsmeagolweek 17
Hope you guys like the video. It takes forever for me to upload those. It's good to have it all in one place anyway.
DoDrugs420week 31
Slayin it, the best of the best.
@DoDrugs420, thank you my friend! Happy growing!
gottagrowsometimeweek 31
Should be very proud with what you've done buddy. Been scanning your wks. Had high temps like you had in week 17 here 2 but I was indoors was hitting 33c someday inside my tents. Have to try that BT stuff. Dealing with gnats myself as I have lots of nice fungus. Anyways, enjoy the rest of your grow. Some lovely fade on that girl. You timed it perfectly. Some top class looking bud. Enjoy pal. I'm the same BTW. I won't hit the harvest button anymore until I taste as I unfairly marked a strain on her finishing badly but turned out to be nice stuff and can't change it upon smoke report. Enjoy your bounty.