

6 years ago
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Jaindoh Jaindoh
6 years ago
Two aren't finished. Sorry for terrible pics, I have a lot of family stuff going on. Hospital on one side, cancer on the other. I only took 4 shots of each and then took the least-blurred, apparently I needed to take eight. Tremors. Need a better auto-stabilizing camera. They bulked better than I thought they would in the end and they're fairly dense. I still don't expect yields to be like they had for the last couple months but this will last my mother and I until the big CBD crew plants finish. Under all that, roots were exposed and I couldn't see it, on multiple plants.Couldn't have topdressed anyways, too low. Potassium silicate kept heavy gnat problems at bay but I couldn't fix drainage issues caused by the white powder mold that grows on these fabric bags when you overwater. Iso washing all my bags right now. No pics of the second one I already harvested, only first. Left it in the dark and it finished purple and had a wave of resin, but started dying at the tips. Nebula says 1-3 days after you would harvest a THC plant for peak CBD, so I wait three.
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Grow Questions
Jaindohstarted grow question 7 years ago
Emergency options in coir for pH pen breakage w/ minimal damage? I will end up getting a backup, but i bought a $50 nice one off amazon that will be here Monday. I have baby fert (and germing seedlings to use it on as well, sigh) and distilled water. Brand/type of water? RO?
Techniques. Defoliation
4Ganicanswered grow question 7 years ago
I use lemon juice and Baking soda in a pinch, using litmus papers will help A LOT if your pen breaks, i always keep some in stock just in case. But in a super pinch you can take soil samples from your plants and add vinegar to one sample and Baking soda to the other (after adding a bit of RO/distilled water to the sample) If the sample with vinegar in it fizzes your soil is to Alkaline, if your sample with Bicarb fizzes your soil is to acidic. If nothing happens that means the pH is close to the pH of the Vinegar or Bicarb. This wont tell you exactly what the pH is, but it will give you an idea of how acidic or alkaline it is. Hope this helped

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Jaindohweek 16
yeah the LST / topping both reduce stretching, making the nodes denser... as well as opening them up to more light and air so that the bottoms develop better... getting all of the plant evenly under closer light helps a lot too, so they accomplish many of the same goals. it also has to do a lot with i take a lot of nodes as theyre growing to try to keep my sucker branch / larf / lollipopping to a minimum, not waste all that energy. this plant grew a lot of nodes on each cola that i took because i thought it was just going to grow out into a spindly thing that mostly blocked sun and air while taking too much resources for the bud it was going to make. my pruning technique is still evolving; these stretched in such a way i didn't have to take rear facing nodes for the top few inches, should help add a bit of bulk.
Horantuweek 20
Sorry to hear about the gnats. You crop still looks good. I had a little trouble with gnats at the start of my grow due to soil storage. I found that essential oils helped me immensely with both the mold, and also insect repellant. I used 8 drops each of Peppermint, Lemon, Rosemary, Lavender and Cinnamon oils all added to a 24 Oz. spray bottle work wonders. The down side being they can be a bit pricy depending where you get them. It may be worth it though if you're looking for an organic repellant that won't harm the plant or alter you ph. Hope all goes well. Cheers
@Jaindoh, you're right, I assumed the white buildup on the bags was salt as well and was trying to figure out how to get it off. Thanks for the advice. I'll have to try that when I get home.
@Horantu, Thanks! Will keep in mind. I'm still pretty sure the potassium silicate has my roots resisting the gnats, I had just wanted to kill them before they got out of hand and couldn't -- I'm figuring the lack of drainage was the real culprit; if they drained like the other batch they wouldn't have gnats. That said, that's a great recipe I will be keeping and probably making. Once I realized it was probably that white mold -- which like many growers I had thought was salt -- many of the guides said to use isopropyl. Which does work great, in between grows. But I didn't want to use it while the plants were still in the bag. Your recipe I could have at least tried. Need to get some neem too.
Quexosweek 11
Nice bushy little plants. Since they seem to be photoperiod, are you going to flip them soon? What are you looking for in your grow that signals that you want to flower? I've seen anywhere from 3 weeks of veg to 8-10 weeks. You have been in veg for a long time it seems. I flipped my plant, but I couldn't find a ton of info about when to flip and why.
@Jaindoh, Thanks a ton! That is a great amount of valuable information!
@Quexos, Forgot to mention its also cause I have exactly 6 of most of my seeds and need them to fill the tent. Going to buy 5 gallon bags and coir when I can afford it, to this end. As far as why I do longer veg, yes it works. 6-8 weeks in coir seems to be as quick as i can get a plant as big as it wants to be, soil seems to take a couple weeks longer. Basically, when I ran 10 pots in the same space it wasnt as critical to get them big and trained.
@Quexos, Yeah the COB tent just gives that much more weight of bud that its worth waiting for my meds sake. You can flip quickly, most definitely especially if you have a lot of smaller plants in the same space and especially if yo can get your first 3 weeks to be explosive growth. That kind of growth in three weeks is less "autopilot soil" (though I've seen good veg vigor and speed in living soil)... more like transplanting in coir with root additives and foliar misting and good light, or bubbleponics, or something. If i had ten 2gal pots with these things in it i could have easily flipped after 3-4 weeks. Many growers start dense sogs under 12/12 in the first place for short grows.
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Quexosweek 20
The buds look great on your plants! I know they aren't very large, but there are a lot of them and they look pretty dense. I thought those canvas bags were mostly disposable. I thought about reusing them in the future, but I'm not sure how they would hold up through multiple grows. Horantu has some excellent ideas for ridding your grow of pests.
@Quexos, Yeah, I am already going to order 5 gallon bags. Not only that, now that my perpetual harvest is going, I shouldn't have the plants sitting around so long. I expected the autoflowers I harvested to take 9-11 weeks, not 14-16. But you're not wrong, and everything should be peachy keen going forward =)
I think that the 3 gallon canvas sacks are too small for such a long photoperiod grow. In the future, I will use 5 gallon sacks for my photos, but I'll continue to use 3 gallon sacks for any auto I grow. I think maybe a shorter veg period that would result in fewer bud sites, but larger buds in the end. It just seems to take too long to develop the plants in such a small container.
@Quexos, Yeah, I am super hopeful. This is exactly what happened on my very first grow when I topped too many times; once the plants stagnated their vegging, I thought the buds would be sure to be huge on that many branches. Turns out I've just reached the limit of a 3-gallon root ball and needed to have trimmed even more heavily. The bags are definitely re-usable, and now that I'm adding an isopropyl wash, they come out pristine after some rinsing. If I can avoid over-watering, I should be able to keep the white stuff at bay.
Quexosweek 24
Nice little harvest . Well over 28 grams per plant. I know its not what you wanted, but the buds are awesome looking! They are very dense and that purple color is very nice! Overall, despite human and insect interference, you have a successful harvest.
@Quexos, I appreciate the support! I'm very happy with the end results as well. Waiting the extra days past when you'd harvest for THC made them very sleepy but they're really good medicine =)
Quexosweek 18
There seems to have been a lot of bud development over the past week! The photos look great! I think you will get a great harvest out of this grow. Its amazing, a little tiny plant is going to yield sooooo much!
Quexosweek 16
Thanks for the close up of the individual buds! They look very nice! I'm wondering, do you think all of the LST and topping changes the way the buds form, or is it mostly a genetic thing? We both trained our plants a lot, and our buds are looking very similar. It could be the strain, but I've noticed other growers that use a lot of LST have similar flower production patterns.
CBD_Swedenweek 11
CBD strain and i have missed this diaries, but im going to follow the rest of this grow. Good luck and happy growing.
Jackhazeweek 24
well done buddy! this is amazing! good luck for the rest...i hope you and you're family will do it great :)
@Jackhaze, can i get a secular amen =)
@Jaindoh, I feel you, my mum is having the same problem buddy... I really can feel you man. It’s not easy but we’re stronger!
@Jackhaze, thanks man, its up and down but we'll be ok
Quexosweek 17
Nice looking canopies you have going there! The bud shots are really nice! Is it a characteristic of this strain to produce those golf ball shaped buds? Everything looks so round! You gotta be close to harvest. Is that why you switched to molasses?
@Quexos,afaik the silica strengthens everything from the roots to the leaves to the bud and the potassium is what makes the stalks larger. I give the molasses to sweeten the flavor instead of a more expensive carb supplement. The potassium and other minerals are more of a side bonus. Buffers the pH which can make balancing it a pain when you're eyeballing the dosage like I have been. That little bit of sweetness goes a long way to make otherwise subtle flavors pop.
@Jaindoh, So the molasses acts to give them finishing nutes and flavor? What does it do to your pH? I am going to be using Overdrive soon is that similar? That max silica contains Potassium. Is that keeping the roots strong, or the stalk structure?
@Quexos, I think this is the beginning of week 6. Will have to check. If I shaped them right, I'm hoping they'll bulk quite nicely with that time. Yeah, figured I'd get the molasses in a few times before I forgot. It's kind of a pain sometimes pH wise considering I eyeball it =p Been running max silica as well from time to time to try to keep them sturdy. Will taper off of that soon as well.
Quexosweek 15
Very nice canopy. Any photos of individual bud sites? I'd like to see their development. How much trimming and defoliating are you doing right now? I am doing a lot of leaf tucking to get light to my bud sites, but I'd love to trim off some of the big fan leaves. So far I've kept my scissors out of the grow tent. Any thoughts?
@Quexos, nope! a) start defoliation much earlier and gradually, helps a lot with shock b) be aware that idk 6 weeks into flower the plant basically stops making leaves c) leave enough for "armor", i.e. if there are deficiencies to pull from there d) decide how much after the "no more leaves" point is safe to trim, you can take a lot because the plant is basically done... if it can handle it seems like the flowers grow based on hormones, like based on how much air circulation and light theyre getting, more so than the pure "solar panels" of the leaves
@Jaindoh, Thanks! I like looking at the close ups so that I can have something visual to gauge my plant's progress. Your plants are real similar in development, so you are a great benchmark. So you have no issues with trimming off leaves at any time during the flowering process?
@Quexos, did quite a bit of defoliating during the beginning and end of the stretch with a few touch-up jobs during the stretch itself. After this, I'll mostly continue keeping an eye on what's being shaded (anything i didnt lollipop I want to develop) then give one or two good rounds specifically to keep mold chances down and increase circulation later on mostly I was too conservative again with how many actual branches I took and they're a bit crowded; should work, just need to make sure they get sun and air... the nodes all in the middle of things might end up more bare but it's that or chop more of them will try to get better photos, they have itty bitty buds and some good pistil formation
PussyWagon6969week 21
Dang dude, I didn't know a plant could take up to 3 months to flower!? Also, do you start trimming leaves more and more as it begins to ripen? P.S. Looks frickin amazing BTW!
@PussyWagon6969, Oh also yeah i definitely do a lot more defoliation, instead of: A) No defoliation B) Big waves of defoliation at specific times. Before the flip, then after they recover from it post-flip, and finally after stretch. I choose: C) Always be pruning, up until the last few weeks. It won't grow any more leaves after a certain point. Then, cut the leaves partially bit by bit day by day until theyre almost trimmed... but while they're still on the plant. One of the main things that makes each node grow larger, denser buds with better resin is: airflow to the bud sites. The other is light reaching it. On the other hand, needing to grow more leaves, when done gradually, does not seem to slow it down at all.
@PussyWagon6969, lot of old strains like pure hazes do i changed the journal to flowering when i flipped 12/12 not when the flowers actually showed, so cut two or maybe three weeks off it other than that it's mostly that i'm waiting until 25-50% amber because supposedly higher CBD if you harvest 1-3 days later certain light spectrums have longer flowering periods, these were under my mars hydro reflector 144s instead of my roleadro 400s for a while. half their flower, under the same lights i always got 10 week finishes on "8 week" strains.
Quexosweek 22
Excellent grow! The shots aren't too bad. Maybe invest in a little tripod? How much did you yield on this little girl? I see trainwreck in the dispensaries a lot. Its a pretty heavy hitter. You are going to be very pleased!
@Jaindoh, Like you said, you've had a lot going on. I would call it a day, and relax.😁
@Quexos, I always forget that my phone case has a tripod spot, that's a great idea. First yield is 33.5, I get that much out of 2 gals and every 3 gal from my last batch had 42-64. I'm happy to have the medicine, and blame myself not the strain, but I'm disappointed. Particularly because I took two of them to be mothers, one of these Medical Mass (which are Critical Mass x Lagrimosa IIRC, not trainwreck ;P) and a candida. Then I accidentally killed two of them on sip-feed with the fan premature =( It makes the reasons behind my overall yield more acceptable, but I'm glad the other crop is a faster finisher. This wasn't my best work.
Black_Magicweek 20
I think you did nothing wrong They are just to many buds
You need to wait after curing , maybe they all will be stone hard and sweet My bag seed have same thing Not shure shuld I trim it away or let it grow to end Don’t wanna stun I think I will just let her
@TomatoloverBoy, yeah the weird part is I did thin the tertiary nodes extensively, trying only to leave enough to not waste any area. you're probably right, though; I imagine this shape and a larger bag would also have done better, for the same reasons.
Quexosweek 14
Beautiful canopy Jon! Now that they are flowering in earnest, how long do you think those buds will get? I'm wondering how all of our topping and LST is effecting the final size of our flowers. I don't think it would effect the flavor, or potency.
@Jaindoh, Can't argue with success! I guess what we look for is maturaity in the plant after all of the training. I think in this grow I wanted it to be done so I didn't give it as much time to mature before flipping. That might account for the 3 weeks it has taken to show flowers. As usual, your explanations are excellent. Nice blend of botany and experience.
@Quexos, well i am hoping for coverage of the lights' hot-spot first, a certain density of colas second... then as much weight on each cola as they'll put on after that, and then as long as possible as the final goal. So I'm maximizing the area the plant has first and then going vertical. This way when they gain length theyre already as bushy and thick as makes sense; every inch in length of cola after that is maximized. I'm okay if the colas aren't 24" long so long as theyre big and thick, made of well-developed nodes that were only the nodes receiving more light and air. This will lend to diameter much more than length. I believe these plants capable of anywhere from 1oz to 2, probably closer to 2, each, so i'm shooting for 8oz minimum and the closer to 12+ oz i get the happier I am XD Got 52g off an indica Alien with same area, light (1sqft, 50w of the cobs), which were nowhere near as large going into flowering
bobo420week 12
They seem ok, just exhausted from the stretch, should be fine in a day or two, looking forward to seeing them under those COBs and in full flower mode ;)
@Jaindoh, yeap, they sure are ;) as for the counting of flowering cycle and stretch I always count it from the start of actual flowers appearing know a lot of people that count it from when they flip them
@bobo420, oh yes they have recovered and are loving life XD
Quexosweek 6
That is a considerable amount of training? Training pictures always look strange. Next time, could you pull some of the trained plants out of the light? The purple hue makes it difficult to see your training methods. BTW, hope you are recovering from surgeries.
@Jaindoh, Your plants are filling in nicely after the training. You are doing an "Edward Scissorhands" type job!
@Quexos, thanks! yeah usually after all the bending into the tent to train im done-zo but that's cause i'm dumb and dont remove the plants to a tall surface to train in the first place. taking them out for pictures would solve both problems. I'm actually planning on doing videos at some point of the training I just don't have a great way to do that as I need both hands.
Horantuweek 24
@Horantu, Thanks man! These really helped in terms of having CBD instead of not. Free from the CBD retailers now too XD
Quexosweek 24
This will be a nice harvest. I'm sure it will more than make up for the lower yield on your other harvest. They are very dense buds.
@Quexos, Oh yeah. They might have taken a couple weeks longer, but they didn't just bulk -- they also got rock hard, much closer to the other strain. I'm looking forward to it =)
Quexosweek 23
She is going to look great curing in mason jars. Those are really nicely formed buds! I can certainly see why you train your plants so much. There is no wasted space, or little popcorn buds on the bottom. Everything is clean and tight! I think this has been a fine grow. Your yield isn't too bad, and none of it is waste! 😁👋
@Quexos, Thanks for the support! I like this training scheme, it's just labor intensive. I'm going to do it on the lithium but try just hst+fimming the 00 NL i just germinated, theyre not going to have a whole lot of time to get them into any particular shape. It's going to be like a DBZ fight. You haven't even seen my final form! XD