
BKG on AH 1gal vs. 3gal Comparative Grow

7 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 4
18 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Expert Gardener Cal/Mag/Zinc Time-Released
2.604 ml/l
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
1.321 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
1.321 mll
1+ nutrients after
Commented by
BudKingsGrow BudKingsGrow
7 years ago
Heyo GD Community! (Be sure to spread those Good Vibes and Cannabis Love whenever and wherever you can) Here we are at Start of Week 4 for this Expert Seeds Amnesia Haze Auto Comparative Grow! This Grow is documenting 2 Amnesia Haze Autos planted in 2 different size smart pots. 1 in a 1gallon pot and 1 in a 3gallon pot. Both were planted and grown with the exact same method and fed the exact same nutrient regime (with the obvious exception that the smaller pot receives a bit less overall liquid due to size). At first, The 3gallon pot showed much taller and spread out nodal growth with the 1gallon pot being shorter with a tighter internodal spacing, but once Week 3's 3rd node Topping was completed, These Ladies both recovered to darn near the same looking profile! The 3gallon pot's Gal is slightly more advanced in my opinion, but they are much closer at this point than I would have imagined them to be!! From this point forward, I am not going to do anything with these Gals. The 3rd node Topping done last week is all Im going to do - Want to get good results on this test 😉 Very excited to see how this one goes from here and if the end results are very different or if they stay as similar as they are now! I just cant see them staying this close for much longer!!! Note: I re-did my DIY CO2 Generators at the time of doing this GD... It was supposed to be done weekly with my Amnesia Haze #1 Diary, but I was lazy that day and pushed it off till now! On a Side Note to this Note: I changed the recipe I use for my Generators from sugar water and active dry yeast to dry malt and beer yeast at @Quexos' suggestion! Its been running for about 2hrs now and seems to be going good! I'll update next week on how this recipe performed against previous!! Thanks Quexos for the great idea 😀 Thanks for all the likes, comments and support!! My Girls and I truly love the Good Vibes you send our way 😍 Until Next Week, Cheers! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expert Seeds - Amnesia Haze Auto After Haze genetics (Thai, Cambodian, Lao and Jamaican and Hawaiian Haze strains) arrived in Holland they were crossed among themselves resulting in several hybrids. An American expat blended one of these hybrids with a male derived from seeds of an old school Haze to create Amnesia Haze. They guys at the Expert Seeds laboratory set about crossing this super plant with Ruderalis genetics to give it the autoflowering gene without losing any of the characteristic taste or smell of the original. By crossing and re-crossing up to nine generations, we came up with Amnesia Haze Auto; a second generation automatic plant that grows taller than its predecessors and has fewer automatic characteristics while losing none of the sweet sativa taste and preserving the resin and flower yields of the original Amnesia Haze. In northern climes, this is an excellent option for early summer harvests while in a Mediterranean climate, two or even three crops a season are possible. Genetic Background: auto sativa Lineage: Amnesia Haze x Ruderalis Yield: Indoor: 450-550g/ m2 Yield: Outdoor: 60-80g/plant Flowering Time: 60 days Harvest Month: 80-90 days from seed THC: 21% Taste: sweet Haze, floral Odor Level: fruity, floral Effect: euphoric, relaxing after a while BioBizz Nutrient Line Info (Note: Only other supplement needed with BioBizz Lineup is Cal/Mag/Zinc): Root-Juice allows an optimal development of the roots of the plant. It moreover stimulates the growth of the plants that are already rooted because Root-Juice imitates the natural life of the soil in the surroundings of the rooting. Through the strong growth of the roots, the plant is better prepared to absorb nutrients. Bio-Heaven improves the effects of all foliar sprays and fertilizers used to feed the plant. At the same time Bio-Heaven rids the plant of toxins, it repairs the chlorophyll production and restimulates the plant. By using Bio-Heaven the plants’ energy will be increased! Use during the entire grow and flowering period of the plant. Besides, it can be used on every substrate, on coco and in hydrosystems. Bio-Grow is a liquid growth fertilizer which can be applied to most types of soil and substrate mixtures. Bio-Grow activates the bacterial flora in the substrate thanks to it basis of 100% Dutch organic sugar beet extract, commonly known as vinasse. Vinasse is syrup that contains sugar. Fish-Mix enables substrates to stimulate bacterial flora and accelerate growth. It is an infusion of organic fish emulsion from the North Sea mixed together with extract of Dutch sugar beet. Fish-Mix boosts growth of all living organisms in the substrate, as well as improving and stimulating production of microorganisms and useful bacteria in every type of soil and coco-based substrates. Alg-A-Mic ensures green leaves, by stimulating the absorption of chlorophyll. Alg-A-Mic contains a low level of NPK, therefore it is impossible to create an Alg-A-Mic overdose. Bio-Bloom is a complete liquid organic fertilizer which contains a small amount of nitrogen and enough phosphorous and potassium to ensure exuberant flowering. Trace elements and hormones of vegetable origin are also added to improve the flowering process. It also contains enzymes and amino acids, which work in harmony with the soil to promote flowering and fruit production. Potassium helps the forming and flowering of petals and bulbs. Phosphorus gives the nutrients that are necessary to make the calyces and the petals grow. Top-Max is a 100% organic flowering strengtheners which has the threefold purpose of increasing the actual size and weight of clusters of flowers, leaving a sweet, smooth taste in the finished product and facilitating the uptake of nutrients by the plants. Top-Max liberates ions like calcium, iron and magnesium, which stimulate the metabolism of the plant. Cant recommend BioBizz Nutrients more!! They work well every time 👌
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Ripperweek 1
You are off to a great start. Good luck
@BudKingsGrow,my pleasure bud
@Ripper, Thanks for stopping by Ripper!
Tazardweek 3
Thanks for updating. Love me some sativa.
@Tazard,Definitely not lol!
@BudKingsGrow, wife and I together use about 6g/day not quite commercial level 😂.
@Tazard,I hear you! Prohibition simply needs to end so Cannabis cultivators and consumers can feel safe in their own homes! You need to start a massive commercial grow to move through that many seeds any time soon lol!
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Quexosweek 4
Beautiful little plants Bud! Thanks for the shout out! I think that you will have better results with dry malt and beer yeast. You should get more vigorous carbon dioxide production, and it should last longer. I like your container test idea. If I could grow in 1g pots then I could put more autos in a tent... I'd like to see the root ball when both plants are harvested. That might give some telling information. Otherwise, you have already touched on water usage, and schedules. Any changes on nutes?
@Quexos, DIY might end up with the win for me too!
@BudKingsGrow, You are right. I had several sets of tubing that I would use when one was clogged with Calcium, or whatever nutrient my reef tank needed. I cleaned them out and kept rotating them. Since I couldn't afford pumps and timers, cheap tubing and plastic valves did the trick.
@Quexos, Sounds amazing! I've looked at a few DIY options, but feel as though the organic nutrients I use would clog up those systems in a heartbeat. Will need a heavier duty, pumped feeding system. Even with the professional systems, a lot of growers on here complain about their auto-feeds clogging 😔 We will have to see though, because it's too early to tell yet from the pot size challenge!
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Tryhardweek 1
I like a experiment am goner do a 12/12 from seedlings
@@Tryhard, Ooohh! That will be an easy follow, especially in your garden 😀
@BudKingsGrow,I might do it with my mandarine fast flowering photoperiod
@@Tryhard, I like it! What genetics are you thinking?
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Jaindohweek 4
very interested to see your results on this comparison!
@Jaindoh, I think if the small pot shows out good with a small profile, I might try for a 10 Lady mini SOG grow in my 2 x 4 room. I would definitely make an auto-feeding system for that grow that can be activated at any interval... Cause I believe you're right about the watering multiple times a day. Some of my 5gal bucket Ladies clear out 1.5gals of water a day! But thats why Im testing the method - I want to know for myself what I can get out of it! Love learning Cannabis Cultivation 😍
@BudKingsGrow, same time seeds arent THAT expensive you can just sog that bad boy! you may end up needing to water more often though. I'm afraid if I tried this in coir i'd need twice daily for 1gal
@Jaindoh, Me too!! If If I can get good results from my growing method out of a 1gallon pot, I might just switch over to running 1gallons for all my grows! I mean it would drop the cost of growing medium, nutrients needed, and space in my Grow Room! I will have to admit though, I dont think the 1gallon is going to perform as well despite their closeness up to this GD Entry - Even since this Entry, the 3gallon has outpaced the 1gallon fairly dramatically. We will have to see!!!
Zannabis7week 4
They're looking great. Nice tight internodal spacing at week 4 and the leaves look perfectly healthy. Watched the video and enjoyed your cinematography! Continued best wishes on the grow!
@BudKingsGrow, That's so cool that you're doing this comparative grow. Thank you for that! I am going to say the 3 gallon pot will win in the end! I will be following along for sure!
@Zannabis7, I'm very happy so far on this Comparative Grow!! Healthy Ladies and a tight race make for a fun challenge!!
Dankdreamerweek 5
trained up nice! You keep excellent diaries✌️
@Dankdreamer, Appreciate the encouragement! It's been a rough start to the week
Jaindohweek 6
good size on that 1 gal curious to see how it fills out afaik thats all on feeder root volume/mass also flipping a bit early sounds about right with what ive seen people speculate; "autos switch on when they fill their pot". thoughts?
@Jaindoh, I'm very curious too. I feel like the 1 gallon is in perfect form for good Budding with staying fairly small profile. I could get 10 of these in my Grow Room 1 if they're this shape/size! I'm not sure about autos and pot size for flowering... I've had autos like @Fast_Buds C.C. engage flower at week 3 in a 5 gallon Pot with only minimal roots making it to bottom and then ive had this grow where it seems clear that She knows there is no more room for Her roots and decided to engage flower earlier. I think there's a plethora of variables like stress, pot size and genetics to name a few.
Tazardweek 5
Looking great this week!!!
@Tazard, Thanks 👊
Zannabis7week 1
Looks like you're off to a great start. Looking nice and healthy. Best wishes on the grow. - Zannabis7
@Zannabis7, Thanks for swinging through Zannabis7!
Tazardweek 4
Looking great!👍
Zannabis7week 3
Looks like we're both running Hazes. I am a few weeks out in front of you. I will be following this one for sure. Continued best wishes on the grow.
Zannabis7week 1
Of course, will continue to swing in as well...
Herbalizeweek 6
Amnesia Haze, what a tasty strain! I wish you the best for flowering 👍