
Strawberry Cough - Rabbit Organic v2.0

Approved by Dutch Passion
4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 4-7
weeks 4-7, 9-10, 13
weeks 4-7
weeks 4-8
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 12
12 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Corn sst
92.46 ml/l
Organic molasses
13.021 ml/l
0.528 ml/l
5+ nutrients after
Commented by
OrganicRepresent OrganicRepresent
4 years ago
If You planning to get any led from spider farmer please support my job and buy it from this link: Use code : ORGANICREPRESENT for 3% discount also. D78. I can see nice progress after yesterday feed hopefuly today will same as feeded with corn sst. Enzyme inside of it should stimulate stem growing, so it can get more nutriens to buds and get stronge to keep more buds on so basicly should affect yields. Also should be giving up to 4th or 5th week of flowering. So will do at least another batch. Good luck everyone. Some smell showing up. Pot 1 earthy, pot 2 lemony, haze pot 3 bit of earthy and bit lemony, but more earthy. D79 flowers getting bigger. Good well happy about it. No feed today. LAB made of rice water is in milk now so maybe up to 1 week and should be ready to use hopefully. Turning girls about 90 degree everyday as well. D80 today feed with calmag, molasses, root juice. Girls getting froste. More likly tomorow will feed with LAB as look nearly ready.goood D81 last night i have feed and spray leaves and flowerse with homemade LAB just befor lights (uv is killing bacteria) off, today just spray with it. Rest of lab mixed with same amount of molasses and keep in fridge. Today also prep up feed for tomorow: 5 tea spoons bat guano (P and bit K) 2 grinders of rabbit poo (NPK plus micromacro) 5ml/gal of root juice (fluvic and humic acids) 5ml/gal seaweed (NPK plus micromacro) 2 tea spoons of palm tree ash ( K) 50ml of comfrey extract (small amount of NP and quiet good with K, plus small micro macro elements) 3 tea spoons of organic molasses (bit of N and lot of K plus other micromacro and sugar ) Will aerenated for 12 hours. Feed 2morow morning). D82 feed with mixture and corn sst+lab molasses. 2gheter over 2.5l per pot. Feeled a little wet from bottom its mean that medium is quiet dry so mayby will have increase amount of teas and waters. Will see... what You think? Also start another sst made of mung beans its have a lot of p and k so should work out nicely. D83 not much to say. I think there is small progress with fatting buds up. Hope its not my imagination;) mung beans will be ready in 3 days hopefully. D84 last day of flower week 4. Good progress i think im quiet happy even if i dont know if going good way, looks good enough. Today just ph water a lot again to rise bottom of pots as well. Also starts workin on hemp sst (whole aminoacids inside). Niceeeeee. Take care everyone.
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Grow Questions
OrganicRepresentstarted grow question 4 years ago
Anyone tried SST? What is Your opinion? Would You recommend it to speed up veg? Any more organic ideas with help You?
Feeding. Other
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 4 years ago
Never used it. Found a cool link about it thou. Hope this helps! ✌️😜
OrganicRepresentstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hi there i have issue with one of my girls and start similar issue with other not sure of what defiecity is it? Or underwatering? New leaves seem to have it as well. What issue can this be ? Can You help me please. Thanks.
Leaves. Curl up
Leaves. Curl down
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Bloombusteranswered grow question 4 years ago
Привет, бро! 👋 Похоже на общее недомогание растения. Тонкая листва, идет обесцвечивание и некроз. Нехватка cal/mag в поливе провоцирует общее недомогание, недостаток элемента азота (N) не даёт растению полноценно преобразовывать флорофилл. Твои признаки возможны так же из-за недостаточной освещенности места выращивания. Измерь освещенность люксметром в районе растения, если показания будут меньше 2000 lux, то увеличь мощность лампы или опусти ее ближе к растению, чтоб было от 2000lux до 20000lux для твоего возраста! 👌😇👍 Удачи, бро! 👋
OrganicRepresentstarted grow question 4 years ago
How much watering and how ofen? At the moment its about 1.5l every 2 days. I have fabric pots. Av temp is betwen 23-25 at night to 29 at day. Intake, outake, 2fans inside Humidity 60-75 With large dehumidifire its lowered but temp rise to 31. Any ideas how to lower humidity?
Feeding. Schedule
Feeding. Other
DoDrugs420answered grow question 4 years ago
Yeah, putting the fan pointing somewhere else besided the plants would be a good first step, then add some containers with 1kg of rock salt, place some loose paper towels in the ground and keep the air flowing fast, that means pointing the fan upwards or sending the air under the plant, just don't point directly at her, it also causes wind stress.
OrganicRepresentstarted grow question 4 years ago
Not sure if is issue yellowing leaves on my pot 3. Same strain pot 1 got slowly bottom leaves yellowing, pot 2 have nothing yellowing yet just pot 3 accelerate with it. Pot 3 veg with indica flower as sativa crazy genetics. What can be issue? Its end of week6 flower.
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Weedosaurusanswered grow question 4 years ago
Some leaf just go old when they receive less light growing. Overall your plants look really nice and as it just affects some bottom leaves and the top is still good, I dont think there is really an issue there except that these leaves are dying from elderness.
OrganicRepresentstarted grow question 4 years ago
Im in week 9 of flowering with should be last one. I think most of trichoms are cloudy but no amber sign yet. Anyway thinking about 11/13 in last week? Or 2 if i will have to keep them longer? Whats is Your opinion is anyone done it in last 2 weeks? Thanks
Other. General questions
Techniques. Other
Mr_Motalovahanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey! If what you looking for is a strong sativa high then you don't need to wait for amber trichomes. CLoudy trichomes are at the highest THC level and with few amber trichomes those are great for a sativa high. I've used the 11/13 on Super lemon haze and amnesia haze to help them finish off.. strong sativas sometimes need that to help them finish off. I noticed no difference in potency with the plants I harvested before prolonging the others with 11/13.. yield was about the same too maybe 6-7 grams diffrence. Hope this helped. Good luck and happy growing!

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Calveenoweek 4
Hey there! Your plant is looking pretty healthy! I'm growing a Cough as well (2nd round) and it's arguably the best anti-anxiety strain out there 😊 Best of luck and wish you a bountiful harvest! 🙏👽
@Calveeno, Hi Calveeno, yeah they are ok maybe bit slowy but i think its because of mainlaining. Still got 1 more cut 2go fully veg for maybe 2-3 weeks? What is HEC? can You explain please. At the moment i use DE + cinamon from on top of clays, also mix 2 levels of DE under. mix with feed as well so its will go deeper and whents dry hopefully kill them c@@ts;) I have neem oil but i will use it later on once every week to spray, not for soil its will killl beneficial good stuuf in soil. I think its also need to be carefull as pests can get use to neem and it will not killl them anymore. One day we all gonna meet in heaven, hope they have Strawberry Cough up there:) Im back work from next week so hope about progress soon back on track:). Thank You my friend. Its huge diffrent that in here We can chat to so many good people while on fb earlier we could gate hate from other people lol. Hope You will get great yield mate. You plant look fantastic, my 3 plants are 3 different phnotypes 2 more likely sativa 1 likely indica. Did You used bat guano?or with guano? i Have decide finally what i will use for flowering and it will be bat guano (3 -15 - 4) support with comfrey concetrate and molasses. Good luck and take care!
@OrganicRepresent, Thanks for your reply, Matt. Hope all is well with your plants. I like your addition of HEC and DE to minimize the gnats. I had to use DE and yellow traps on all of my other house plants and I finally have them under control this round. Since you're still in Veg, I strongly suggest getting your hands on some Neem Oil (health food stores usually have it). Literally 3-5 drops, dash of natural soap, and filtered water in a spray bottle and go ham on your plants, soaking the tops and bottoms of your leaves. This can also be applied to the top of the soil to kill off any larvae. Gnats hate this stuff :) I last grew Cough exactly 4 years ago in a DWC Hydro setup! Funny how our experiences with Cough lined up there lol and I agree - smell and taste were superb! I tried a 3-toke test with a good buddy of mine (RIP David!) and we were both gleaming with happiness :) Won't ever forget that experience. Also, I sincerely hope things in your life make a turn for the better - it's all about Peaks and Valleys man. Sounds like you're in a Valley now, but rest assured you will hit a peak before you know it! Thank you for the kind words. I started to embrace organic growing - the taste and smells have been superior to my previous Hydro grows. That was only a couple years back, so things may have changed since (I read of Organic Hydro setups but haven't done any further research. That just seems like the best of both worlds, quantity & quality!) I aim to keep growing Cough for the remainder of the year so I can master it. Be well and Stay Blessed 🙏👽
@Calveeno, Hi there. Im not fully happy about pot 2 as its did have some spots, but newest leaves(befor cut) did look lot of better. hopefully after topping will be the same. And pot 3 bit small but hopefully will get there;)(its about 1-2 days behind). Last time i had strawberry was about 4 years ago and it was awsome smell and taste. As well need that anti anxiety anti stress as not very good time in my life. Check Your girl and look awesome as well. Do You do organic? I did read that strawberry cough love organic and it get really good sensitive smell by doing it this way. You have not far to go, does it have nice strawberry smell ? Good luck to You also!
Betageminiweek 13
Holy moly this a beautiful strawberry grow!🍓I'm looking forward to smokereport because of pleasant high.
@Betagemini, thank You will fo report of everything. Hope will keep going till harvest nicely. Take care.
Eauderayweek 3
Hello there! Looking good in your grow space! And your babies too! Do not worry, in the beginning, it is always slow growth on the outside, but in the soil, those roots are working hard! I personally prefer to start on 18h light cycle because they are so small that i assume they do not need the extra 6, especially if they have been stressed priorly.... As soon they grow their true leaves you can increase if you want. Good luck this week!
@Eauderay, Yes right sometimes even they say is organic but its not. Life is full of bollox unfortunently. I will look for that barley flour in shop tomorrow and will use it as well. That dr forest is good as well but smell after 3 days of boobling and keep it shut is just mad lol really strong. when i did mix poops with molasses the molasses did cover a little bit of smell but after half day smell is gone mostly. Yeah i think my rabbit got really good diet but as well more liekly the getting fresh veg and herb as to much sugar is not good for them. How do You feed Your rabbits? its funny when i look in bag of poops and some of them are covered like in little white hair i think its some king of fungus helpfull fungus as well. My gf mum using rabbit poop as well but for normal indoor plants and she said that it did give them good kick. Im just bit stressed if it will be really enough. Also comfrey have a lot of microroganism as well so maybe changing once this once this will support it even more? With wood charcolls You would just mix them with poop and leave on top of soil? good luck my frind!
@OrganicRepresent, Hello there again😄, WOW! Awesome rabbit manure! If you give fruits and herbs/flowers you might not need anything else but banana skin ashes/ovendried. Not even comfrey just 1% barley malted flour for funguses! I have doubts about raw bananas, because even if they say those are organic, I do not trust them enough knowing well how conflicts of interest works when bills start Pilling... Lol so I will use locally grown wood charcoal activated with rabbit manure and some fruit worm casts from my neighbour... I would be interested to know how much NPK in your rabbit manure if you feed fruits? Let me Google that lol, see you😄
@Eauderay, Thank You for Your advice. I have 2 rabbits so free poops all the time;) i dont feed them with the pellets even. What they getting is fresh herbs, dry herbs, hay, some fruits and veg (dry n fresh) so fully organic poops;). This banana and comfrey as You said keep it intact in water You mean? Will do it this way, still few weeks to have a think, and 2 more cuts for mainlining. Thank You very much.
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Ferencweek 17
@Ferenc, thanks my friend.
Inganjawetrustweek 17
Good job with the grow now you can enjoy the fruits of your labor 👍 ✌️
@Inganjawetrust, thank You, will do;)
Ferencweek 16
Impressive. Really cool mate good job @OrganicRepresent
@Ferenc,thanks do all best i can;). Good luck
Inganjawetrustweek 14
Looking good man
@Inganjawetrust, thank You.
Ferencweek 13
Great farming there! @OrganicRepresent
@Ferenc, thank You.
Inganjawetrustweek 13
The plants are coming along nicely . I find organic gardening to be a lot simpler than the other methods and the final product is actually better in my opinion. Keep it green🌱 Peace
@Inganjawetrust, not sure if is simpler ten buttles nutriens to be honest. I think sometimes its take a lot of time a specialy when im doing most of my feeds in aerenated teas(it would take a lot of more time to do top dressing as have clay pebbles on top) , and then im doing it 1st time so not sure about amounts of indegriands i should use in different times of Girls life. But im really enjoying it a lot of more knowlage whent into my brain i think more then in biology lessons in school lol. Take care and thank You for Your opinion.
Inganjawetrustweek 10
Looking good man👍
Ferencweek 17
Nice dense girls! Keep up! @OrganicRepresent
Inganjawetrustweek 17
The girls are looking real nice 👍✌️
Eauderayweek 4
Awesome! Soon they will take off! 🌟🔥
Burmeseweek 11
Hey there,They are looking great.Organic growing is never let us down.I am also using only organic matter for blooming stage.Happy growing.. ✌️
@Burmese, its look realy nice i think i may go for reveging but not sure if one or all of them. Im not happy about pot 3 with was indica like and then on stretch it catch sativa pheno but we will see. You will defo get bigger yields after reveg now. Good luck budy.
@OrganicRepresent,Hi friend, I can’t scientifically prove to you about benefits of coconut water but I can tell you that you can check out there are too many articles about coconut water benefits for cannabis.And also they keep my pH right on the spot.Firstly I made my potting mixed recipe for full circle of grow ( I upload in my week 10 of Re-vegging after harvest diary).Then I used Fish Amino as my main vegetative nutrient and Coconut water as my main blooming nutrient along with EM-1 solution ( Effective Microorganisms ).Epsom salt and Crush Egg shell with vinegar as Cal-Mag supplement.By combined them, they give me a perfect grow.For corn sst, I haven’t done that one.Good luck and ✌️...
@Burmese, helo budy. I have checked Your one and look really good as well. After mt first time when i waisted one plant i was affraid to do it 2nd time but decide for organic mainly home made again and happy that i have done it this way. Are You happy about Your coconut water? I used it once during veg but not sure if it have good impact as use many other fings as well along with it. Did You ever used corn sst? It is what im planning to do for next 2 weeks of flower as its can have good impact on final yields. Happy growing to You as well.
Athosweek 10
It's hard to say how much water it needs, it depends on your unique factors, temperature, humidity, light watts per se ft, plant size, etc. The water should last 1 to 4 days, anymore and the soil will be waterlogged. As for your other question, humidity can be lowered by increasing the exhaust