
First Grow - BSK_Auto

Approved by Sweet Seeds
6 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 7
18 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
2+ nutrients after
Commented by
Eryan Eryan
7 years ago
Day 42 - Kinda crazy how fast it's gotten to be day 42 (the meaning of life - *) in the grow. Haven't watered yet. Plan on doing that with the above nutrient schedule tomorrow or the day after. And I think that might be the last time I give any nutrients to the plant. Pistils are beginning to curl, and I've seen (just a few) amber tirchomes on one bud. I want to harvest on the earlier side because I don't want this harvest to have a big couch-lock effect. Prefer a more cerebral high, although some bodily relaxation is nice too. So I think I will be harvesting at the latest by April 10th (Day 56). Of course I will continue to watch how the plant develops and if no further trichomes are turning yellow/brown in a week, I'll wait longer. The trichomes on the sugar leaves have a wonderful lemon citrus smell by the way. Not what I was expecting, but that's fine 😛 Day 45 - Made a video of the trichomes. They definitely look cloudy enough to me. No more nutes for sure, harvest in 10 days max I think.
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Grow Questions
Eryanstarted grow question 7 years ago
See the last photo from Day 24. There are a few spots on this one section of one leaf. Because it's limited to this one area, I'm not too concerned. But I would like to know if someone thinks this is a nutrient deficiency/excess or something to be concerned about.
Leaves. Color - Mottling
Athosanswered grow question 7 years ago
Without more information about your nute strength, and quality of water you are using is hard to diagnose what it could be. Since you are not posting either pH or EC/PPM, my first guess would be that the pH of your water / nute solution is way off. Before adding anything, get a cheap pH pen and check your water.

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Eryanweek 4
Thanks for all of the answers @@Athos @Jeff123fish @Hellhazard. Fair enough about not posting the EC/PH values. I did measure the water being used once after distilling it. EC values were 0.4 and PH slightly alkaline around 7.1. Only using Root-Juice as nutrients for now, the soil should have enough nutrients for the most part. Will eventually check out the soil PH once there's time enough to. Root-zone shouldn't be getting cold since there's a heater right next to it during the night now.
Sweet_Seedsweek 7
Lovely pictures and very healthy plant, keep up the great work! jaypp
Eryanweek 5
@Perth, @CANNASIM, thanks for the advice. I'm curious why you both think over-watering is happening? I'm actually a little worried about under-watering, the soil was already fairly dry yesterday (one day after watering), and today was fairly dry even past my second knuckle. I can also see the bottom of the container because it's clear, and it did not look moist. Drainage is good enough I think. I normally have been watering every 3 days or so, but today on Day 30 is only 2 days since the last watering. @CANNASIM, you're right about the container size I think. I didn't measure it but rather went off of what I thought were the measurements on the under-side of the container. But now that I actually compare it with a 1L measuring cup, this container is probably only 8L in size. Too late to change now though I guess... I will be using something like air-pots in my next grow, this grow was to just see if I would kill the plant straight away or not. PH used to be around 7.2 for water (until Day 28), but I've been lowering that now to around 6.3. I think you're right about the calcium as well, because the spotting pattern doesn't seem quite the same. But I'm still unsure what the issue is then...maybe nitrogen abundance? Btw, I've tried closing the growing question but that seems to be impossible and growdiaries doesn't respond to my message, so yeah...if anyone wants to continue to add advice though feel free to 😂
Hey @Eryan I have ran girls in a critical point and as you are going to see Cannabis is very resistant, generally is hard to kill :) . In my solution I suggested to have a look on the water practices, to make ensure, and make sure, because of the looks, if your pratices are on point that is the important thing. 👋 You have to feel and find the balance based on your current plant state, in time that becomes natural. In my case i have to water every other day, i feel the vase weight and top with my finger, if i'm uncertain I use a soil meter to check, you can also have a look on that is like an antena you stick in the soil. Generally speaking to have a good root mass is what what will regulate that too, for that I suggested the use of the bennies, that is nice to use thru out the grow. The PH bonces also are not ideal, in my opinion, and that kind of deformed leafs some rustiness i have got in the past when not ph'ing properly. Autos do not like to be transplanted, there are a few that do it, I just don't like stress during the grow, that is very personal, stress = less time to grow with autos or during flower, basically with the photosensitive you choose the time to flip, and you can play around and let them recover. For the pots, you will find much easier with the Air or smart pots, saves a lot of problems like root bond and is easier to water(more frequent too), growth is faster too. Solid color vases are Ideal too. As for the N toxicity, i don't think so, they get very dark sometimes with plastic look. At EC 1.4 is hard to burn. Good luck happy growing! Cheers
Hellhazardweek 6
According to the Sweet Seeds timeline you are around 20+ days away. I say that is with perfect conditions (light,nutes,environment)..Your should be a bit longer. I never read before about cutting tops to make other buds more strong. If anything, taking away bottom popcorn buds should allow the tops to grow fatter and more potent. Mine is still green. I dont think it will change
@Eryan, You'll need a small microscope to see trichomes properly. Many growers purchase 60x scope which can be found fairly cheap on the web. There is loads of reading on the net about when they are ripe, when to harvest ectect by looking at trich colour. Some of your bud will mature at the time the plant is still budding hard, so its subjective still. I think you'll have a good gut feeling when it is done by following the timeline, growth/stunting. Try to time in a great flush and fade ( the hardest part to do as a new grower, myself included)
@Hellhazard, yeah that's what I would like think too, that it's still a ways off. That's why I gave the worm tea and other nutes, because I'm not sure those fan leaves yellowing and the necrosis is natural at this point. However, looking at the trichomes I'm not so sure that there are still 3 weeks or more to go. Still hard for me to tell since this is my first grow, but they look cloudy to me. Just kind of in wait and see mode at this point. Cutting the tops of those buds is supposed to make the cut buds produce more trichomes, not the rest of the plant. I remove only a few millimeters of material, so I feel it's less drastic than removing the popcorn sites. But unsure about messing with it too much either, so that's why I did it just on three sites.
DaGrowQueenweek 6
She looks a lot better than she did last week & you're right the buds have fattened up a little.For your first grow i think you're excellent.If you plan on growing more in the future I'd get a better grow setup & invest a little more money especially on a light.You have to ditch those CFL's.
@Eryan, LED's in my opinion is a good way 2 go when & if you decide to grow again.I use LED's & they've always been good to me & my girls.I 2 plan on breeding & creating my own strains one day.Working in the marijuana industry has become a passion of mine.
@DaGrowQueen, Thanks for your comments 😊 I don't plan on getting any other lights at the moment until I've finished certain other things in my life :P But, if everything else goes well then maybe a year or so from now I will be using LEDs. Yield at this point is not very important to me anyways since I maybe use 2g of bud a month , I'm in no way a heavy user 😂 It's more about the quality for me, and also that it's just cool to watch a plant like this grow. Making my own seeds eventually also seems interesting.
MadMamaweek 8
Your photos are stunning. Growing this strain a second time but the phenotype is so different this time, using your Grow as a guide. This strain was my first and will probably be sweet spot for me always.
@MadMama, Thank you 😊 Yeah I chose this as my first as well because of the looks and size. I just wish there was a regular feminized version so I could grow a huge aromatic black bush. The smell is definitely amazing, matches up with what you said in your last journal about the strain :) I will be growing it again for sure if the high is good enough...then maybe try and cross it with another strain to get the autoflowering out but keep the color + taste.
Hellhazardweek 8
She is coming along perfectly IMO. If you look at your plant's leaves compared to mine you'll see that yours is much more Indica and mine Sativa. You also have the Red genetics whereas I dont. Your girl is going to taste very sweet judging by the fade on your leaves now.. :D
@Hellhazard, Yeah I've definitely noticed that with yours, also when one looks at the stretch. Phenotypes eh. Pretty sure you'll get a lot more yield though 😉 Although half of that is to do with me probably stunting this one. Yeah she was switching between lemon and lavender in the last couple of weeks, but now it's mainly a sweet fruit / lavender scent when one rubs a few of the trichomes.
Bones_1986week 9
One of my favourite diaries this is, great effort mate. Love your dedication. Impressive stuff especially for your first grow. 👌🏼
Hellhazardweek 9
After watching your grow for so long I feel sad I can't have a taste and sniff right now. sounds excellent and looks even better.
ParadiseCrewweek 7
DaGrowQueenweek 6
Oh & I love the color of the buds :)
Athosweek 4
My tap water EC is really low (0.05EC/25PPM) so I always use a Calcium & magnesium additive to compensate. I use GROTEK Cal-Max. If you start using it be careful with the amount you use, I gave my seedlings a bad burn with a 0.4 EC solution. I would start with a 0.15 to 0.2 EC worth of cal mag additive (in my case this is 0.4 to 0,5 cc/liter and see how they react. My first symptoms are actually not rust spots, but purple stems and/or petioles than I have come to associate with Mg deficiency. What I can say is that the development of my seedling this time was a lot faster than the last time (without cal mag additive)
Hellhazardweek 9
Those trics are ripe but you have hardly any golden ones. Could have used a few more days, And what the hell was that alien running across them!!!???
@Hellhazard, yeah but you also see a lot of the ambers, right? I also thought it was strange they don't seem to be yellowing and then turning amber, but eh whatever. Prefer a more cerebral high anyways 😄 And I kind of want to know too, but at the same time not really 😬 After drying I'll be sanitizing everything with rubbing alcohol.
Hellhazardweek 6
Glad you got a "bloody" pheno.
@Hellhazard, Yeah seems like I did. The color didn't really start to come out though until after a week of flowering. So maybe the same happens to yours still.
Athosweek 4
I always thought that measuring pH and EC values was too much, and grew a couple of crops without them, until I had a problem like you and just had to get both of them and realized how important they were. What kind of soil are you using? Using Biobizz soil? light mix? all mix? something else?
@@Athos, thanks for your advice. I think you're right in conjunction with the other answers about a calcium deficiency, see the comments for Day 26 and a recently uploaded photo showing what seems to be progression of the rust spots. The soil mix is Atami Bio-Growmix, the plant has been in there for about 1 and a half weeks now. I guess it actually is a good idea to add some more nutrients though soon, perhaps calcium indeed because the soil is only fertilized for the first 3 weeks or so 😅
Hellhazardweek 4
Those "rust spots" are very hard to evaluate and diagnose. If searched the answer is Calcium deficiency but it can be a host of issues. Cold rootzone will cause this, having your pots on concrete or feeding with cold water. PH fluctuation will cause this also. I've had it happen (way worse than yours is showing) to one plant and the plant next to it with no issues at all. Same environment/feed/temp ect..... I often wonder if it is just an issue with the Sweet Seeds genetics, I've yet to end up with a Red plant from the red family of seeds and always get this issue with at least one plant. Anyhow congratulation on your flowering, my BSkunk is around day 60 with only preflower and very little pistals showing, its a massive bush Ive started to force with 12/12 to get on with it. Good Luck, hope she turns blood red!
@Hellhazard, Thanks for the advice. I hope she turns bloody too 😄 Good luck with your bush, the stem on that thing is amazing :)
GmansGardenweek 9
Great Looking Purple Buds
jourelemodeweek 9
Is this strain good for a beginner?
Sweet_Seedsweek 9
Nice plant and a very good harvest ;) I Hope you enjoy it! Thanks for posting, you did a great work. Sweet smokes!! jaypp
Hellhazardweek 9
Dried buds look excellent