
First Time Growing Mary Auto Amnesia

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 3-11
weeks 6-11
weeks 6-11
weeks 6-8, 10-12
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 8
20 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Siriuz Siriuz
4 years ago
Started week 8 Day 52 We are excited to announce new growing light setup coming soon for the ladies, we want to make them grow big a better so we gonna be adding 600 watts soon! In the meantime, we continue outdoors From 6. 30AM til weather gets too hot Once it reaches hot temperature and low humidity we bring them back indoors for CFL lights and Air conditioner plus fan Since it's so hot in where we live it's tropical weather, we always have to keep an eye to the hygrometer and the weather in general. So far so good, they're flowering and taking their time but day after day new buds are coming up, we've done some defoliation as well to get rid of those old leaves and the other ones that are too low and not gonna make it so the plant can return that energy into several buds that are already developing. Thank you so much for your support, we continue to upload content and update daily if possible, sometimes we busy and can't do it at the same time but have no fear we got you cover, not gonna miss a thing tho! Day 53 Ended up feeding them1710ppm per gal So 300ml/3.79lts Each plant plus 900ml of water PH 6.2 Looking neat Day 53 Felt like recording some videos today also the girls were looking good so why not Great Weather great day today They're happy and comfortable Growing good :) Day 54 Hey guys what's up? We've upgraded to a new set of lights Yeah dude they rock! Day 55 All day indoors since we've got those new baby's we running them on 700 watts VEG ON + BLOOM ON Day 56 Now please take a look at those thricomes they are very good looking and we still have 5 weeks left behind til harvest day Hell yeah :)
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Grow Questions
Siriuzstarted grow question 4 years ago
I've seen people who starts feeding them at day 7 when they're seedlings, they haven't showed their true leaves yet, I'm waiting until day 8 so I can start feeding them, however any tips, advise, recommendation about it, will be welcome, thanks again for taking the time to read
Feeding. Other
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
I use floranova grow and in bloom, floranova bloom. I also use massive bloom formulation in flower. Phenofinder is correct, if your using amended soil nutes are already present. I recommend when you start feeding in soil to go real easy, you really need a tds and ph reader. You should start feeding at about 250ppm 0.5 ec and only feed once a week. If your soil hasnt dried an inch or 2 down then wait to water again. Make sure you have runoff coming out after watering and check the ph coming out and the ec coming out after watering or feed. If you have a tester now you can check to see the runoff ec and see what is available to your girls now. Luck friend Cheers
Siriuzstarted grow question 4 years ago
I have myself a question, i plan to use flora Nova for the vegatative stage, now question is, how much? Should I used only 0.5ML (flora Nova) into 1 (US gallon of water) 250ppm And once it's all mixed up How much quantity per plant once it's all mixed up? Thanks i appreciate it
Feeding. Schedule
Bloombusteranswered grow question 4 years ago
Привет, друг! 👋 Я использую удобрения Flora Series, но классическую схему из 3 компонентов (gro, micro, bloom). Твоя Nova это более адаптированная, более простая, более удобная и включающая в себя всё необходимое! 👌 Если ты выращиваешь в почве, то сразу выставь ph 6.0 на старте посадки растения! Смесь можно приготовить: Керамзит - на дно горшка (помой его перед этим)! С почвой его не мешаем в тазу! Берешь таз, насыпаешь туда 50% почвы и 50% перлита - это хорошая базовая смесь, что бы начать выращивать в горшках! Перед заполнением горшков, на их дно добавьте слой в несколько сантиметров чистого перлита или вымытого керамзита, чтобы обеспечить дренаж. Постепенно увеличивайте размеры горшка, по мере роста растения, а не переходя сразу к большому, это поможет обеспечить равномерное распределение корней по всему объему горшка! 👆 Первую неделю не поливаешь удобрениями, а только водой с ph 6.0 по кругу от растения, чтоб корни росли в ширь в поисках влаги! для первой недели хватит 100-200ml 👆 На второй неделе поливаешь удобрением NovaGro 1ml/l. Если можешь, приобрети бутылку с cal/mag и если ты используешь мягкую воду (250ppm и ниже) то ты добавляешь 1ml/l (cal/mag). Если у вас жесткая вода (250ppm и выше) то используйте, при необходимости, до 0,5 ml/l добавки calmag! 👆 PPM пишу в коэффициенте 0,5 для ec! 👆 Когда растение отрастит 5-6 пар листьев, тогда можешь дать NovaGro - 2.7 ml/l, На цветении уже по-другому будешь кормить, но до него ещё очень далеко, ты ещё успеешь не раз задать новый вопрос, друг! Я уверен в этом! 👌 И не забудь выбрать лучшего автора ответа на свой вопрос, бро! А то ты сейчас пропадешь с этим рецептом и появишься только через месяц 😉 Это важно для сообщества и для наших соревнований, бро! Спасибо! Удачи, друг! 👋😇
Siriuzstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey there guys, I'm on day 25 and this girl was doing awesome until today, on day 23rd I had to change her to a better and bigger pot, also fed her and I noticed her cotyledons started turning yellow, they say thats completely normal idk I'm on week 4 what do u think?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Plant. Other
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 4 years ago
This is normal as they have served their purpose and will Soon wilt and die off. Grow on! 🤟😜
Siriuzstarted grow question 4 years ago
Wondering what is the right PPM for the remaining weeks? Im on week 5 and i added 7.5ml of floranova bloom thats like 1300ppm thats what my TDS reads So i am wondering if you are supposed to keep those levels or raise them weekly until the end?
Feeding. Schedule
Fusionanswered grow question 4 years ago
I'm in around the 1500 for pre-flower and 2000 mark during the overdrive.
Siriuzstarted grow question 4 years ago
Just noticed some scratches on her main stem, probably I did them accidentally while performing LST but I'm not sure, any doctor is able to look at her and tell me if she's alright? Other than that she's good tho
Plant. Other
DBannedanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi, I did the same and your plants will be fine. in fact, I used some dollar store wire and it was damaging the stems. One of the wires was Was cutting thru the stem. I took out all the wire from lst and the stems are healing up. Happy grow🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱!!!!
Siriuzstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey there, she's doing Great lately but today I noticed on her first leaves the ones after it's Cotyledons, I don't know why but it's the only leave showing this kind of black dots, at least three of them on the top surface of the leave and many of them below, lemme know guys
Leaves. Other
Other. Other
DoDrugs420answered grow question 4 years ago
I had this too, never knew what it is but it didn't affect the plant at all. I would say ignore it.
Siriuzstarted grow question 4 years ago
Alright guys I think she's all set She was flushed on Monday Lowered to 200ppm Plan on to harvest next week at day 89 Or should I start before? 4 days ago started flushing Trichomes are 50/50 right now Should I wait few days more what do you think guys?
Other. Harvest - Drying
Other. Harvest - Curing
Other. Harvest - Smoking
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey there, as you know you should harvest based on trichomes. Problem is that you can't actually eyeball it , you do need magnification. Below 40x magnification trichomes always look white so you do need something like 40x or 60x minimum to figure it out. Clear trichomes are empty, milky trichomes are full of THC, amber trichomes are oxidiser/rusted because their membrane has been degraded so what I like to do is to aim for max potency by harvesting when there are no clear trichomes, all milky , few ambers. After the chop a lot of them will turn amber anyway so i never really try to get many ambers . Anyway i hope this helps you get a strong smoke out of it. 🚀

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CRiSPrGrowweek 1
great work growmie ! 🚀
@CRiSPrGrow, thanks a lot for someone that's growing Ina very illegal country believe me we trying hard and we love Mary and God bless you all who's here supporting this great and humble cause
heizenweek 13
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
@heizen, thanks a lot we doing our best to make our diaries look fantastic :3
CheckThoseTrichsweek 8
Looking good so far! Keep up the solid farming. Cheers,
@CheckThoseTrichs, Awesome dude thank you so much for taking the time to check on my diary!!!👍
ganjaqweek 8
Loooking good 🍀👍
@ganjaq, Thank you for your support. happy growing to you as well!
Lowkey_Docweek 5
Looking good, Keep up the work! Happy cultivating👊🏼
@Lowkey_Doc, Hey thanks a lot dude, right now im having a doubt about feeding schedule, wondering what is the right PPM for the remaining weeks, im on week 5 and i added 7.5ml of floranova bloom thats like 1300ppm thats what my TDS reads So i am wondering if you are supposed to maintain this PPM levels or should i continue to raise them weekly?
Inganjawetrustweek 3
Off to a nice start 🌱👍✌️
@Inganjawetrust, much appreciated my friend I'm doing my best since it's my first time trying hard to get good yield
Garreweedloverweek 1
Buena suerte amigo y con las auto menos es mas , te agradeceria si puedes visitar mis diarios , saludos.
Thank you dude I appreciate that, will take it easy on the ladies do not worry, already schedule to start feeding them at the end of the second weel or the start of the 3rd week, meanwhile they will continue to feed from soil nutrients, fox farm ocean forest, perlite, clay Peeble, black n wolf soil and roots and Coco coir mix, if that isn't enough nutrients to keep themp happy until week #3 then I don't know what else can!!!! @Garreweedlover,
CRiSPrGrowweek 13
hope you win this newbie contest growmie, you deserve it ! 🚀
CRiSPrGrowweek 12
hey there, hope I answered your question anything else you need just let me know 👊
Thatsmyfirsttimeweek 2
Hey :) she's doing great! I don't know about the nutrients because I don't use them sorry ☺️
DoDrugs420week 13
When can Auto Amnesia and I run away toghether into the horizon?
DoDrugs420week 13
Beautifull choice on that Auto Amnesia.
Siriuzweek 12
Very well, thank you so much community, I really appreciate your help and it has been 12 weeks from seed and going to 13 weeks starting on next Monday, honestly I will have to buy a magnifying glass for the next time so that way I'm not uncertain about the trichomes but since I have 2 amnesia right now, what I'm going to do, is that I'm going to start feeding the other one and will wait for until week 15 which will give me a total of 4 weeks of veggie and 11 of flower and I think she's going to be all set, didn't know they could last longer than 13 weeks but now I know it's something that you could do.... Well thank you so much everybody I will keep you posted and will upload more pictures and videos soon!!! I guess ima start feeding amnesia #2 again and will start flushing at week 14 to check on the difference between potency and highness and yeah I do like a potent high smoke so yeah I'd rather keep waiting if that's what I'm going to get at the end of the road!!! Yo you guys rock for real appreciate the help and your time to write me down some good piece of advice!!! Happy growing everybody, will definitely continue to upload content and grow more Mary, definitely yes!
Siriuzweek 2
Here we go, Day 8 for the Amnesia Probably 80 more til we taste those buds