
RQS Quick One Auto First Grow

4 years ago
Storage box micro grow
Room Type
weeks 10
weeks 2, 4, 6
weeks 4, 7
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 5
22 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
2+ nutrients after
Commented by
NorthernStar20 NorthernStar20
4 years ago
Seems I have managed to nurse plant 2 back to better health, even after snapping a stem. Plants getting much bigger now, however I have realised that I had the plants too high up in the box so wasn't getting a good light spread. Perhaps a bigger box and light will be needed.
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Grow Questions
NorthernStar20started grow question 4 years ago
My head room is small in this grow space, max height about 50cm from floor. When should I start to LST them?
Techniques. LST
blendmedmedmananswered grow question 4 years ago
there are several way to keep the height down, one you could take a small weight put it on the floor get some string and find a good area to wrap the top with the string and the other end to the weight , now this will bend your whole plant with out much damage, and get all those lower flowers hit with light so you get bigger buds, the plant will continue to grow the top until it reaches the height of the lower branches if not bigger. you can keep doing that, move the string that's wrapped around the plant and keep raising the string and put the weight ack on the floor, it is an easy way to train your plant that is easy and keeps things low, or you van top your plant when you have 4 or more nodes, topping is pretty easy you cut off the top above the last growth, you top and all your side branches now become tops and perhaps increase yield , if your growing a auto you have to watch the topping cause some times autos dont like to be topped and you could end up with a lower yield, next you can start training the plant using garden ties, this is where you tie each branch in like a flat pattern and this will expose all the lower flower sites for a great yield, when you do this you have to be careful not to snap a branch off as some strains just dont like being tied down. but if you want to lst the plants start at about 4 weeks- 5 weeks, that way the plant has a little bit to bend on
NorthernStar20started grow question 4 years ago
The leaves on my plants seem to have some markings appearing, I havent yet given any calmag. The plants are in their 4th week from planting seed. Also seem to have some nute burn going on. I do have some biobizz calmag, should I use this and if so at one strength?
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Leaves. Color - Mottling
The8thChevronanswered grow question 4 years ago
Looks like a slight nute burn and, yes, she needs calmag. Check runoff and make sure its between 300‐500 at this point. Feed calmag as directed on the label (one of the few nutrients this is okay to do). If your runoff is much higher than 700, do a flush.
NorthernStar20started grow question 4 years ago
So I checked runoff on watering today and PPM is between 100-150 on each plant. Should I give more nutes on next watering including calmag? Was thinking of going to 1ml per l now?
Feeding. Deficiences
The8thChevronanswered grow question 4 years ago
This means you can feed it a bit more. Your feed should probably be in the 400ppm ballpark right now.
NorthernStar20started grow question 4 years ago
When should I start giving bloom nutrients and stopping the veg nutrients? Also can I switch my light cycle to 24hrs to increase the temps and maximise my yield? Or will this mess with the plants?
Setup. Lighting
Feeding. Schedule
The8thChevronanswered grow question 4 years ago
I don't start bloom nutes until after the stretch. This usually takes place 1-2 weeks after an auto first show calyxes. You'll recognize it when your plant doubles in size (or better) in one week. I personally prefer an 18/6 schedule, I think the plant benefits from dark period. This is highly debated though, and if you want to go the 24/0 route, just increase her light by a half hour every day until you hit 24 hours. Autos have ruderalis which is accustomed to 24 hours of light in it's natural habitat, so you won't hurt her. Honestly, you could probably just go right to 24 and not notice any I'll effects, but I think you can avoid shocking her if you ease her into it.
NorthernStar20started grow question 4 years ago
Can I prune the very lowest nodes off of my autos at this stage? They aren't going to receive much light so I'm thinking it would be better to remove them so that all the energy goes to the upper sites. Any pearls of wisdom on this front?
Techniques. Defoliation
Justa_Retardanswered grow question 4 years ago
I'd recommend you don't do more cutting into her.. It's week 4, Quick One should have started sexing by now. - Even more so, since it's your first grow.. If you want to top plants, start with photos until you know what you're doing. Keep with the LST.. If you cut her now, she'll spend the energy you're trying to save, on healing the cuts. you might even end up with even less of a yield..
NorthernStar20started grow question 4 years ago
My baby's seem to be bright green in the middle of the latest growth but then a darker green elsewhere, is this normal? Also what should my run off PPM be around this stage?
Leaves. Color - Pale
Plant. Other
TheSlimeGrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Thats normal, new growths are always lighter color than older leaves. They will darken as they grow
NorthernStar20started grow question 4 years ago
Can someone please give me some feedback. Leaves seem healthy, can't see any signs of deficiency or disease or even stress. However the branches are thin and im concerned because the plants are beginning to flower. How's it looking?
Plant. Other
TheSlimeGrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Don't think I see any noticeble pistils yet from the pics you uploaded, but if you can see em In person then your plant is in pre-flower. If you want stronger stalks, next time, have an oscilating fan in your grow area gently blowing across your plants to help them to help them develop strong stalks while in veg phase. Your light also may be a little far from your plant so that's why they've been stretching trying to reach the light source. Your plant should be fine as long as you keep giving it the optimal conditions! In flower, I'd move your light closer than it was in Veg so it gets all the light it needs,
NorthernStar20started grow question 4 years ago
Had to move my plants to a new space and under a better light, can see taco type appearance to leaves, I'm assuming this is due to light stress? I've lowered the plants and also turned the light down a little until I know what is going on.
Leaves. Curl up
CheckThoseTrichsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Heya! Could need some time adjusting to the new light. I often get those taco symptoms when the light is too close or hot. You mentioned you backed the light off a little, let the plants sit for a couple days at that height and then you can slowly start adjusting your light lower if you'd like. Just watch the plants and keep an eye out on how they react. Cheers and good luck!
NorthernStar20started grow question 4 years ago
What is the best way to increase heat in small grow space (2x2x4)? I'm running an LED light, maybe should have gone HPS but it is what it is. My area is in an outbuilding with poor insulation. Temps keep dropping below 70, I'm using an oil filled radiator placed next to the box
Setup. Other
Justa_Retardanswered grow question 4 years ago
Do not spend money on a heater, until you've insulated the building. You'll only be paying to heat up the air flowing outside.
NorthernStar20started grow question 4 years ago
Not sure whats happened here, is it Nitrogen toxicity or over watering?
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
CheckThoseTrichsanswered grow question 4 years ago
heya! That would be nute burn sir! That would be represented by the burned tips on the leaves and the nitrogen toxicity is shown from the leaves dark green and clawing at the tips. I see you fed at the same ppm as last week, check your run-off ppm value and see how close it is to your input ppm. You most likely have a salt build up and needs to be flushed. When the soil is dry enough to water again, flush it with pH water until your ppm is lowered to the desired level and resume as normal. You mentioned over watering, some leaves are drooping a little, could be from the excess nutrients or a little bit of over watering. Just make sure the top two inches are dry before watering again. Good luck!
NorthernStar20started grow question 4 years ago
I've no idea whats gone wrong. Plants are 8 weeks old, thought they would be nearly done by now. They look sad and droopy, But do still seem to be budding. I'm thinking of starting over, what should I do?
Plant. Wilting
Justa_Retardanswered grow question 4 years ago
You might be watering too often, or not often enough. - Symptoms are the same, so you gotta use your memory as to when you watered last. Tho it could be other things, but it's usually one of the two. If you're truly considering starting over, when they've just started to preflower, then take a look at my Quick One diary and compare it to yours.. I fucked up really bad a few times lol. You'll see how good yours actually look. ^_^
NorthernStar20started grow question 4 years ago
I'm honestly thinking about binning and starting over, plants just seem droopy. I've checked PH and TDS runoff, PH is 6.5 and TDS is around 800. Been waiting until the soil is dry before watering this last week, plants still budding but still looking sad. Are they done for?
Leaves. Color - Pale
Plant. Wilting
ADHD2THCanswered grow question 4 years ago
Definitely overwatered and very likely overdosed on nutrients. Not enough oxygen for the roots causes the leaves to droop. Never water every day, and don't use your nutrients every time you water. If you water more than 2-3 times a week, it is very likely you will see this every time you try. DON'T BIN THEM! They are still very salvageable right now if you take the right steps!
NorthernStar20started grow question 4 years ago
Should I be removing the tiny little sprouts right at the bottom of the plant? Also what about removing dead leaves?
Techniques. Defoliation
Viridiosanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi.. Yes definitely ..the bottom leaves and growth are just eating energy that could have been of better use higher up. Also the bottom stuff will never really mature cos of lack of light. I would say clean everything from the bottom up to the 4th node ot your side branches. Happy growing
NorthernStar20started grow question 4 years ago
How do i know when to stop feeding and start flushing? Plants are 10 weeks old now, thought they would have been done by now but looks like another few weeks to go maybe?
Feeding. Schedule
1 like
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hello With how much white pistils you have I'd say there's at least another three weeks to go. Id keep feeding for another 2 weeks and then evaluate again. I usuly like there to be about 40-60% of my pistils change colors . and shrivel up before starting any flushing.
NorthernStar20started grow question 4 years ago
So I've made lots of errors on this first grow, including cutting in to autos at the wrong time. One plant seems to be budding better than the other, has this second plant gone Hermie on me?
Buds. Not fattening
Plant. Other
Canadamade420answered grow question 4 years ago
Hey it doesn’t look like she is turning hermie yet. Give her a few more days and if you see any bananas coming in then she did. She does look good with that little bit of purple coming. Happy growing
NorthernStar20started grow question 4 years ago
How long do you guys think they have left to go and when should I stop feeding?
Plant. Other
Feeding. Schedule
Techniques. Other
Canadamade420answered grow question 4 years ago
Hey based on these pics, it looks like your light might be too close to the plant. It looks like your hairs are burnt a little bit on the tops. And for the timing it will depend on a macro pic of you can then you can see if your trichomes are cloudy. I would say still a few weeks for sure. Happy growing
2020Groweranswered grow question 4 years ago
Hello friend from the looks of it it looks like you need at least a couple more weeks. The white hairs on the buds need to turn a bit brown-ish color. Are you feeding any molasses or some overdrive? If not you should this fattens up your buds last couple of weeks. I wish you good luck! 🌱

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Tweezerweek 4
Very nice looking setup and grow! She looks happy and healthy, great work!! I almost gave up on my nebula auto as she was very sickly early on, but she rebounded and I just chopped her yesterday, she gave me just over a pound wet, so don't give up on her yet!
@Tweezer, Thanks, I'll hold out. I have a bigger box coming so I plan to move these in there for flower and then i can start my next lot off in the little box, get a cycle going. I reckon I'm going to need all the medicine I can get with the way the world is going. Peace ✌️
L0cKoWe3Dweek 3
You are doing nice job there, i like the amount of nutes u are using, many growers overnute plants and that causes many problems, keep up mate! P.S as i see those photos aren't from 1st week
@L0cKoWe3D, Cheers man. Yes I've been cautious to avoid overfeeding and overwatering. No the photos are from the end of the second week of them getting above ground, I only started the diary then. Not sure how to change the weeks.
Tweezerweek 3
Nice looking grow! Good luck the rest of the way!!!
@Tweezer, Thanks dude
Athosweek 3
I grow in a space like that, check some of my diaries if you won't. TOPing and LST are your best bet and un case of emergency Super cropping
@@Athos, Cheers man. When can I start topping and how should I do it?
Mrs_Larimarweek 7
never give up on aplant......they dont look happy yes,,,, but you got to be able to reflect your actions you have taken......over and underwatered plants nearlylook the same... every grow is alesson to learn...
NorthernStar20week 3
Thanks for the advice so far. As this is my first attempt and with these being autos I was riding on the side of caution regarding carrying out any topping etc was just gonna stick to LST. Can anyone give me advice regarding how to carry out topping please? Also due to the design of my grow space its going to be hard to get a fan in there for circulation.
@NorthernStar20, I'm sure they're going to love it. ^_^
@Justa_Retard, Cheers. Just ordered a little fan with hook, will take a look online for videos on how to top.
@NorthernStar20, Sterilize a scissor, and make the cut so it takes a tiny bit of the top of the stem, not just the leaves, but the actual stem. - If there's leaf left, it'll still try to grow them, wasting a lot of energy. I recommend googling to see pictures and videos of how other people do it, before you start.. Cannabis might be hard to actually kill, but since it's an autoflower, setbacks will take from the end result and give a slightly lesser yield. The fan I'm using, is barely 10x10 cm, it's small enough to just hang in a thread from the roof of your grow space. It doesn't need to be a huge fan, just something to simulate a bit of wind.. Otherwise your plant might not be able to hold the weight of the buds during flowering, and the stem could end up snapping..
CRiSPrGrowweek 9
hey there, hope i answered your question, anything else you need just let me know 👊
@CRiSPrGrow, thanks man
heizenweek 12
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
Ninote45week 5
Salut c'est quoi comme nouvelle lampe que tu a mis ? Car je crois que la mienne est pas terrible . Merci
Ferencweek 5
Healthy! 😍 @NorthernStar20