
Kush e WW auto (first grow)

4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 7
22 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
10+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Statman Statman
4 years ago
Dovete scusarmi se non ho le caricato le altre ma ora c’ero e praticamente hanno 49 giorni. Ho dovuto far un trasporto perciò non so che stress avranno avuto.. accetto consigli 😎 Total 5 🌱
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Grow Questions
Statmanstarted grow question 4 years ago
Come mai non crescono?
Other. General questions
rhodes68answered grow question 4 years ago
First off they are not too bad for 1 week. Second they are stretching badly they need more light. You can top dress these to a an inch or two make the stronger for now. No info on your soil or nuets so may need to introduce light nuets soon
Statmanstarted grow question 4 years ago
Ragazzi aiutatemi a capire come impostare la % della mia nuova MarsHidro TSW 2000 (modello 2020 )
Setup. Lighting
Setup. Other
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi, the Percentage you let them run// or the distnce you give to them depends in the growingstage, and the size of your Tent The Light has 620 very Powerful LED Those Quatumboards give you a very bright Light and a high DLI Normall< you find recommendations for your Light in the users Manual--- depending lightintensity and distance....... I going to check out, because iam growing atm with asimilar board the SP-300 wich has 300 watt and adimmer too... aim answering in the comments
Statmanstarted grow question 4 years ago
Mars hydro TSW 2000 con dimmer regolabile luminosità da 10 a 100% Fino a ieri era impostato : 70 centimetri e 100% luminosità e mi ha bruciato il fiore centrale e si è chiuso come scudo... Ora è impostato sui 70-75 centimetri e percentuale luminosità 35% Help me My first grow
Plant. Other
Setup. Lighting
Setup. Other
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 4 years ago
Iam growing with somwe of these powerful Quantumboards... Ihave the ts_1000 with 150 watt... and I start my Plants in about 75 cm if i calculate now, I would go with75 percent distance and 50 percent, for the Seedlings
Lillauanswered grow question 4 years ago
Surveiller leurs lux aussi
Lillauanswered grow question 4 years ago
Vous êtes en croissance don 40_60% à 40_50 cm du haut de la plante
Statmanstarted grow question 4 years ago
Fertilizzare crescita o fioritura??? Mi date un consiglio? Sono a quasi 20 giorni... domani dovrei fertilizzare? Siccome sento già odore di ganja... volevo capire se devo mettere fertilizzante crescita... o fioritura
Plant. Other
Feeding. Chemical composition
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi there Statman, i dont really like to fertilise autos before end of week 4 , usually it will lead to over fertilisation. if you really want to add something try to add a chelation agent which is something that breaks down the nutrients in the soil for the plant, for example CANNA BOOST, or BIOBIZZ TOPMAX, actually it's also a good idea to add beneficial bacteria which do create a "soil matrix" and stabilises the nutrition of the plant , for example bacillus subtilis and trichoderma harzianum, this will help feed your plant without actually adding nutrients... for now. So i would say wait a bit before feeding, and for sure dont forget cal mag, because cannabis plants always need cal mag even in soil. Hope this helps , growmie ! 🚀
Daironanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hola, sube la EC deberías estar usando 0.9, y aproxima la iluminación lo máximo que puedas a las plantas, lo que puedas aproximarlo te lo dirá el termometro, para cultivo en led la temperatura optima es de 26º, un saludo
Mr_Motalovahanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey! She's still in veg so if you use fertilizer use growth not flower yet. You can start using flower fertilizer when she starts flowering, that happens when you start seeing those white hairs (pistils). Happy growing!
Statmanstarted grow question 4 years ago
LST? Quando lo applico? Ho provato a farlo ad una pianta Ps. My first GROWBOX INDOOR
Techniques. LST
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 4 years ago
hey there again statman, congrats on the first growbox, it is a lot of fun but sometimes it feels like a sport, if you know what i mean? Anyway to answer your question : start as early as possible, for example now is a good time to start. For autos you do want to start early . that's because autos have a lifecycle where the stems and stalks start getting stiff/hard around week 3/4 so it becomes difficult or impossible to do LST after a while. Also if you start LST too late on the auto it can lead to loss of yield because the flower nodes dont develop correctly. So LST is used for two things : increase yield and manage height. It increases the yield by encouraging lateral growth. So what you want to do is create a lever or an anchor by supporting the base with a hook then bending the plant over the hook using ties. So tie the plant in two places : 1. at the bottom to create a little base/height at the bottom, and 2. bend the top down and tie it to the pot. Based on your video, you did a perfect job ! Dont forget to follow the growth of the plant and make adjustments ! Hope this helps !
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 4 years ago
there is so much to say about trining i just recommend you to look into my // or other diaries andlook into this site , its very helpful and you can start now to do LST on your Girls, Aöll Automatics respond very good to this technic
Statmanstarted grow question 4 years ago
Salve perché sta succedendo questo? La lampada tsw2000 mars hydro messa a 50-60 centimetri è davvero così potente? Con 60% di dimmer luminoso? Ho messo acqua in più? ( 0.3ML ACQUA ) a pianta Ho applicato LST
Plant. Other
Setup. Lighting
Techniques. LST
1 like
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 4 years ago
yes you burnt them... those burning wont heal,,, just give more distance or dimm your Light my 150 watt board is running on 100 percent on a distance of 75 cm Those new Quantumboards are super powerful, its enough to let her run on 50 percent in your Distance for seedlings. and if you cant dimm it give more distance, The plants dont need that much light in the first 3 weeks If they grow with a internodial distance with around 1.5 cm they are wonderfuk in distance... if they grow with more than 3 cm... lower the light( but ima sure no need) iam having a similar board and for seedling i start with at least with 75 cm and i dimm at 50 percent Play around alittle rise the light and you will see how plants stretch and new growth will look good Watering is very important too with those lights, and i would delute the feeding too. Its better to control . So its better to delute the nutrients and water moreinbetween
Statmanstarted grow question 4 years ago
Quanta acqua devo mettere? Hanno fatto i peletti bianchi... sto dando alle piante 0.5 ml di acqua ogni due giorni.. vasi da 16... help me grow 😎 look my diary
Plant. Spaces between nodes
Plant. Other
Setup. Substrates
MangoDuduanswered grow question 4 years ago
Ciao , le tue piante adesso sono grandi quindi puoi dare acqua fino a che non esce un po da sotto il vaso e annaffiare di nuovo quando questo è secco e leggero. Credo tu sia italiano quindi se vuoi ti ho scritto in italiano altrimenti attiva la traduzione ✌️🏽
Statmanstarted grow question 4 years ago
Ragazzi come vanno le mie piante? Gli sto dando 2 litri di acqua a pianta Una volta a settimana trattamento : BIOMAGNO FIORITURA 0.2 ML diluito in 1.5 L di acqua + 1 litro di acqua ( PH 6.4)
Plant. Other
Techniques. Other
MangoDuduanswered grow question 4 years ago
@horsemouth i did not agree with u, i give nutrient (300mS,800mS,1200mS,1800mS) in relation to the stage of the plant +- , so seedlings , veg, stretch, flowers. In soil ,nutrient and then 2 or 3 times water based on how much the plants eat and maybe your water source. With half dose he can have the same problem and burn the roots if the soil dries out with to many nutrients ( the ec rise up) and that’s why a loot of new growers overwater their plants, cause it’s the only time they see them a little bit healthy. Soil is not inert like coco,is much better to alternate water and nutrients. Why you don’t like to soak all the soil? Poor roots, you have to water untill the runoff to have a good root structure inside your pot, and then eliminate the runoff after the soil have soaked up all he can. Then u wait obviusly the soil to be well dry , u can check it from the weight of the pot from top to bottom.
horsemouthanswered grow question 4 years ago
ciao, non sono totalmente d'accordo con mangodudu. a parer mio è meglio dimezzare i nutrienti piuttosto che alternare un'irrigata con e una senza. ti consiglio di non bagnare troppo il panetto di terra e di farlo asciugare per bene prima di ribagnarlo. se non l'ahi ancora fatto porterei la lampada a 40-50 cm al massimo della potenza. buon proseguimento
MangoDuduanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi man, you can click in show original for the italian comment. Stanno bene , dovresti solo alternare i nutrienti con solo acqua perche piano piano si stanno formando accumuli dentro il terreno anche se la dose è minima ma ricevendola ogni settimana alcune si stanno stressando un pochino. Belle bimbe però 😊✌️🏽

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