
fast buds gorilla glue auto

6 years ago
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Week 2
18 hrs
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9+ conditions after
Commented by
Gl420grower Gl420grower
7 years ago
Hi guys Sorry for my lack of updates on everything, on my diaries lately I have just had some personal stuff going on.. so will update as and when I can. This gg auto was potted 15 days ago into a 7"pot with John innes seedling and cutting soil, she surfaced roughly 4 days later so that's where I have started my diary from. roughly just under a week after that she was transplanted into a 20l pot of biobizz lightmix, I know a lot of people would advise not to transplant an auto.. how ever it's more of a comfort thing for myself as I seem to have a pretty good germination rate using that starter soil! Anyway she was then placed under a 300w led for veg, and continued growing in no time, she had her first feed of bio grow at half strength yesterday and at some point during her next couple of feeds I am going to try and introduce bio silicon.. other then the bio silicon though I intend to just stick with biobizz nutrients on her. After hearing from several people that This is quite a fragile auto I am unsure if I should try any training on this plant but I guess I will just see how she gets on! Thanks for checking in!
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Grow Questions
Gl420growerstarted grow question 6 years ago
Hi guys could someone that knows their stuff please take a look at the pictures marked d55. over the past week this has come out and feel it maybe slowing her down, do i have calmag/zinc def.. I have heard this happen a lot with biobizz at this stage but I've not much experience?
Leaves. Other
FlavoursUkanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hi buddy, Now, I'd say be very careful. Sounds like you should of just flushed her with straight pH'd water as you already have nutrient burn. Instead of me going into all the problems here, i'll give you the solution. At this point, FLUSH with plain pH'd water, only when growing medium is dry.. Get your run off water somewhat clear as I bet it won't be due to the amount of nutrients built up ( this will eliminate any potential problems later down the line in flower which could be a big problem for you and could cause major problems at the roots, nutrient lock out etc. Then give her time to perk back up as she will droop after flushing. This could be a day or 2. Theres NO point adding nutrients when she is already burned, back them of and she will thank you for it. After a couple days see how she is and give her another water feed before then giving her a less than half strength dose on the THIRD watering. Things should get better, keep it simple. When things go wrong, go back to basics as all a plant really needs to grow is, water, light and fresh oxygen... It will ALWAYS grow without nutrients. Less is always more. Hope this helps. Good luck!

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FlavoursUkweek 8
No worries at all buddy. If I'm totally honest, I think its an iron deficiency. ( Do a google image search and you'll see that it's what I said). Iron deficiency, also called iron chlorosis or lime chlorosis, starts with a yellowing of the leaves in between the dark green veins, giving the leaves a spidery look. Over time, the leaves become whitish and start to die back, eventually resulting in stunting and dying back of the entire plant. 31-32 is a bit hot. I'd say to not go above 28 Degrees, especially in flower or you'll get fox tailing which is another issue caused by too much heat. If you can turn it down to 400w (If dimmable) that would help a lot, or if you cant raise up the 600w to around 55-60cm away and do the hand check at the top of your plants.. if its too hot for your hand after 10-15 seconds, then its too hot. Do this till you get a not to hot but not too cold distance.. that is the sweet spot. I would say 5.9 is more for a hydro set up.. soil pH can be anywhere from 6-7 pH.. with 6.5 being close to perfect for soil as its what mine is at. I hear what you're saying buddy, but 9ml is a lot, is that every feed? -Or every other feed? as I'd say you should feed as follows.. Water, water then third feed, nutrients. Its just once you've burned them, unless you quickly act on it, it gets worse thats why I say to flush. But instead of adding all those nutrients, you could of just added what was needed until the deficiencies show, which can then be corrected if that makes sense. When I say flush that is with plain water, yes.. But of the correct pH (6.5) Check what your normal water pH is. The only nutrient line I know that you don't need to correct the pH is Advanced nutrients. Not sure about bio bizz, and at 7.2, I've never given my plants anything that high. Yes, so if your pot was 10 litres.. you'd flush through 30 Litres of water. But as you are so far into flower, just do twice.. and you'll see how much run off is nutrients and the salt build up, get it as clear as you can then start over. If you check my grow, i flush while entering flower to get rid of the excess Nitrogen and after boost up the P K.. with very little N.. I completely cut out the nitrogen by week 3 of flower. Check my (Stardawg and Girl scout cookies grow) All the advice I give you is what I use myself. So I hope it can be of help, proof is in the pudding ;) If it helped let me know. Hoping you sort this out buddy! Sorry for the rushed reply, anything I didn't cover just let me know! Goodluck
@Flavoursuk, 100% man for sure, I am very greatfull for the advice as dispite still having lots to learn.. and all the time to learn it... i was really looking forward to this harvest, so any result is better then no result! Plus if you are right then its highly likely that you have just saved my next run that are veging! So I will flush her, add a small feed at the end at a reduced dose and then will let her dry out, water, water, Feed bio bloom grow and activera, water water feed top max and algamic, water water and alternate like so, if all of the feed isn't added into the same mix and is halved between two feeds like so.. what I add each time keeps my ph in range if that makes sense.. its just when everything is mixed together it drops too low so as i increase the dose i suppose it will only get worse! I only fed on ever watering as that's what someone from biobizz told me to do. And as I am using the light mix most people I have seen use it advise to start feeding after 2 weeks, the lower leaves start to yellow slightly around that time too so that's when I will start the grow nutes. Thank you so much for the help and I will update as soon as there is any changes
@@Gl420grower, Hi mate, I had a look. Thats the run off you want to get a little clearer. Its fine to use the pH down when using just water and no nutrients. Your feed is dropping it down, do you want to put it back up with the pH up (when using nutrients then). Yeah bud, thats exactly what I meant.. split the feeds. But due to the stage you're at I'd give two plain waterings at 6.5 for every one nutrient feed. I made the same mistake giving nutrients on every feed with my first grow awhile back and they got real beat up, but they pulled through. Never go by what they say as its never right, your soil alone would of had nutrients in that would last 4-6 weeks from seed depending what soil you use, so you may of been over feeding early on. Always use half or 1/4 of what your nutrient line recommend and built it up as every plant is different right? -Different tolerances etc. No two plants are ever the same so just bare that in mind buddy. But yeah you can water, water then feed the first lot of nutrients... then water, water, then other nutrients and alternate like that. should do a world of good. In terms of the flush, if you have a 10 litre watering can, put that through your medium 2-3 times an see what your run off looks like.. you just want it less concentrated yellow and more clear.. that will let you know its flushing right. If this helped any chance of picking my solution as the answer (Only if it helped of course). Let me know how it goes for you!
@Flavoursuk, I have also added a picture of my runoff if I add the same amount of water without nutes/additives mixed in.. and measured ph of 6.5 when I add nutes though it looks almost the same.. just a little cloudier.. unsure of the ph though as my tap water is on 7.2 and with feed measures 5.9.. so would it be worth splitting my feed between two watering, giving just plain water in between? So for example grow bloom and activera one feed.. then plain water next wagering, then topmax and activer on the next watering and then just water again.. and keep alternating like so? is my runoff meant to look like plain water?
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RachlsFarmweek 10
those buds are looking good man!
@RachlsFarm, considering how she filled out even though she wasn't trainer I am quite impressed with her to be fair.. rather looking forward to the harvest! To be honest I couldn't say.. I haven't been able to smell anything properly for a while to be able to describe the aroma in detail... so at the moment it just smells really really skunky the second I open the tent! I will get back to you on that though as soon as I can smell properly again haha
@GL420 they look alright man still, id be happy if mine turn out like that! what do they smell like compared to the original gg4?
@RachlsFarm, thanks dude.. they aren't as big as i would have liked them to be but they are pretty solid sticky and stinking so I can't complain.. and there is always next time 👌
Eauderayweek 10
Hey! Wondering how far your light is from canopy? It could be light bleaching, so maybe pulling light higher or buying one of those light you can lower the watts from 600 to 400 w.... I advise you to lower nutrients and try to reduce heat in your box also. Still, your buds look lovely and you will have a nice harvest! Good luck until then!
@Eauderay, alright man.. I hadn't realised I didn't update that part of my diary mate so I do apologise.. unfortunately both my hps lights are magnetic but I have already switched back from the 600 to the 400w which helped to keep my temps down a bit.. the 600w was around 20" andthis light is at 12", any other time though I have had it upto 8" and it's been fine, and it's not too hot if put my hand above the canopy, I think it's down to ph to be honest as my meter is a load of shite I just can't replace it till next week so reducing the feed as you said is about all I can do right now
FireKingweek 8
I have two gg’s growing at the moment on day 46 and they look on course just like yours. Will follow this so I can see what to expect in the following week lol 👍🏻 I topped one of them and have done a fair bit of defoliation sonit will be interesting to see the difference
@FireKing I didn't really want to try anything with this to be honest because I read a few times that it was quite a sensitive to stress strain.. after getting this far though i wish I had low stress trained her atleast as she seems hardier then I have her credit for in the beginning.. personally if I was you man I would check out @Hawkbo .. he is doing a diary on this too at the moment and is killing it to be fair! Best of luck with yours man!
MarLezweek 4
i think this is what i had. I'm currently growing something that was stated to be gorilla glue.( freebie) well it started flowering on its own and it is very short
Fast_Budsweek 1
Thanks for growing our genetics, good luck!! We’re really looking forward to it!! Enjoy Growing Faster.
Gl420growerweek 8
@@@Athos first of all thanks for taking the time man I appreciate it.. I have not been measuring ec/ppm or ph to be honest because when I started everyone advised me not to bother when using organics such as biobizz.. how ever the more I read up about things the more I regret listening to some advice.. everything started before the Epsom salts, if anything it actually picked her up a bit until the next feed, and I only used 1 level tsp per 4l of water which from what I read is spot on.. biobizz advise to feed with their nutrients with every watering and to water 2-3 times a week.. i water every 3 days and I ease them into the feed by starting nuts at smaller doses then what's on the schedule.. and i am in lightmix, I am not arguing that I haven't over done it on something.. the tips and edges that are burned though have only been recent.. the rest looks like p or k deficiency which is also symptoms of calmag def and ph fluctuations if I'm not mistaken and only started after I started on the bloom nutes, and from what i have seen and read, what iam suffering with isn't uncommon with biobizz at the stage im at now. personally I believe the issue is down to my ph and or calmag/zinc from being in soft water but I can't be certain till my meter arrives I'm just after a second oppinion.. the way I look at it though is I don't have any issues through veg.. and only get a problem after the bloom is introduced and I hit the 3rd week of flower.. and as the more bloom is added the lower the ph goes..
@@Gl420grower, yes I use All-mix and regular pH down, the rare time I've had to pH up I use baking soda. If you are worried about pH down been too harsh, the organic alternat1ive is to use apple vinegar. For the cal/mag additive, I use Grotek Cal-Max, because that's the one I found when I went to the shop I usually go to, no other reason.
@@Athos, may I ask what you use to supplement cal mag and adjust ph with biobizz? I have shogun calmag to hand and ph up & down but I have read the ph up down is likely to damage the microheards in the soil.. and from what i understand shogun isn't organic so I don't know how it would effect her. Also do you use allmix soil? I have always fed after the first 2 weeks with light mix and if you was to scan through this diary you can see how healthy she was from this in veg.. I had no problems at all until a week ago, Also I'm only watering this frequently now as that is how long it takes for the pot to dry out for me at this stage.. and I give her 4l per watering. when there is less roots it takes a bit longer but at this stage that's how quick it dries out.. I am currently veging 7 other strains that only need watering as little as once a week at the momemt as that's how long it takes them to dry out.. they too got nutrients after the first 2 weeks and are also pretty healthy.. as I said my problem starts when I get a couple weeks into flower and the bloom is Introduced.. even with photoperiod plants.. no matter how long I veg for it starts after the bloom is added, this is why I think it stems from ph and soft water causing deficiencies..
@@Gl420grower, I know where you are coming from. I use both Biobizz soil and nutrients. I also didn't measure pH or EC at first, but like you, started having lots of trouble. Let me save you a couple of headaches: First, always measure pH and adjust accordingly, even if you are giving them only water. Second. as for watering frequency. Don't follow a set schedule, water as needed (when the sol is dry), that could be every couple of days, to a couple of weeks. If your plant is in a container appropriate to it's size, it usually takes 4 to 10 days, if the pot is too large, it will take longer. Third, first feeding on soil. Only start feeding when you notice your soil is getting depleted of nutrients, not before. You will notice slight deficiencies. I start feeding at 8 weeks from sprouting (in a 11 liter pot); at that point I notice some kind of deficiency, usually phosphorous (since by that point I'm in the middle of flowering). For a 25 liter pot, you can probably wait a few more weeks with no feeding. Fourth, feeding frequency. When you do start feeding, always remember that on soil the plant takes 7 to 10 days to react to the feeding you gave it, so that's how long you need to wait for the next one. Even giving the plant a mild feeding, you could burn it by giving another one too soon.
Gl420growerweek 8
@flavoursuk fisrt of all thanks for taking the time mate! And secondly I apologise in advance for this essay haha! Do you think it's likely to be excess p or k? And if so would this explain the yellowing at the top? It's not nitrogen because she is showing n deficiencies.. so will that not progress if flushing? but also has spots on leaves similar to calcium deficiencies.. all this started after I added my 600w hps.. my temps this week have rocketed up to around 31-32 degrees because of how warm it's getting due to both light and weather.. on top of this when I mix my feed with what I am currently putting in my ph according to my current meter is 5.9.. so temp and ph fluctuations I think are the cause of these problems.. and if I am not mistaken can make it look like I have nutrient burn? I am not arguing that I haven't burned her because I might of.. I honestly believe though it's down to temps and ph causing deficiencies ECT.. With biobizz soil they say that a ph of 7.2 is perfect as the soil bufferes it down to the right ph level once the feed has been added, so would flushing with straight tap water do it? I only have normal ph up down so I don't like the idea of using that with biobizz.. my run off looks like my feed going in but more diluted. Is it not meant to be like that? so is it worth just flushing till the run off is clear again or should I actually flush with 3 times the pot size? Taking into account that I am 22 days into flower with an auto? Or does that not matter?
Gl420growerweek 8
To add more to my question.. I have had trouble with heat this week and this has stressed her a little but it's looks more like she is lacking something.. I have been reading about this a lot at the moment and it appears that biobizz nutrients tend to cause calmag and zinc deficiencies around this stage when using soft water and I am in a moderativly soft water area acording to the water company that supplies us.. aka I understand this can cause p& or k deficiencies too.. I am un able to test my ph accurately though for a few days as I have had to order a new ph meter.. but is it likely to be lacking from the soft water or low ph or does this look like something else?