
RQS Easy Bud - First Grow

4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 2
18 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
11+ conditions after
NPK 1:1:1
0.13 ml/l
Hydrogen Peroxide
2.5 ml/l
Humic Solution
0.13 ml/l
1+ nutrients after
Commented by
GreenFingeredLT GreenFingeredLT
4 years ago
Day 13: Bit of a panic the past few days which is why there was no daily update, two main problems; SunBurn: Noticed the tips of some of the leaves were going lighter green, this has turned white overnight, at first I thought Potassium lockout because I watered with tap water and my tap water is quite high in calcium minerals, watered with distilled water to see if this rectified the problem But I also know my lights had been quite close for this stage, so I lifted them up about 10cm they're now 20inches away from the canopy and the discolouration has stopped, not 100% sure what the problem was but i've stopped it Plant Fell over πŸ˜ͺ I'd been worried about the girl getting top heavy for a few days, lots of leaves and a very thin stem. This morning the plant just toppled, I'm HOPING it hasn't caused any damage underneath, to rectify this I've propped up the plant with multiple skewers and also topped up my soil so she's now short and bushy, I guess we'll see in the next 48 hours or so if this fall has caused any problems This morning I watered till run off, may have been a bad move if she's damping off but I have been cautious with water and regularly treat the soil with H2O2 so can't see that being possible, I suspect she got top heavy because I'm not finding many examples of a 14 day old seedling with this much growth going on, provided around 500ml of water I won't be watering for another 2 days now PH at runoff was 6. Tonight to give her more incentive to grow I'm going to foliar feed with a Humic and Fulvic acid solution, this stimulates photosynthesis as well as encourages cells to grow, but it's beneficial to help a plant deal with stress, hoping the fall hasn't stressed her too much but if it has I'm hoping that the Humic and Fulvic acids will help her bounce back quickly Day 14: The fall doesn't seem to have caused too much of a problem, the new leaf growth is continuing and now we're starting to get leaves forming on the nodes, I sprayed last night with Humus solution just after the lights went out Seriously debating installing more lights just to ramp up the light for when she flips to flower, but that's 2 weeks away yet Day 15: Watered again today, with very diluted H2O2 and Humic solution, we're talking a few drops of each in Distilled water, added the grow question to confirm I'm correct my lights were too strong, PH at run off was just under 7, lots of growth going on at the nodes that have fully formed, hoping by the end of this week I'll have around 5 nodes ready to start LST Day 16, growth seems to have slowed a little but this did happen last time I fed the roots with H2O2 previously, I think using a diluted mix of H2O2 Gives the roots a big hit of oxygen and the plant focuses on root growth (fairly essential part of the plant after all) Got loads of new growth going on at the nodes, I've lifted the lights higher (not measured yet) just to convince her to stretch a little bit to catch up from when I had to put more soil in the pot. Today is a drought day for the girl but the soil is still damp, seems to be every other day she needs watering, she's 100% growing I leave the fan blowing just above the canopy to get a little bit of movement come back and she's grown into the wind and the fan needs re adjusting, Nothing much more to report, 5 days until week 3 and if she has another growth spurt tonight (which I expect, at this stage applications seem to take about 24 hours to take effect, so I figure today she's using up all that heavily oxygenated soil from the H2O2 to get her root growth on then tomorrow that root growth will turn into leaf growth) Tomorrow will be a simple clean water day just to offset whatever is burning her tips, need to order some bloom ferts but I think i've another week until she goes into flower Day 17, I was expecting to water today but the soil is still pretty damp, perhaps I over watered the other day, she'll have another drought day today to make sure she's not being over watered before giving a clean water "flush" to clear out any excess nutrients from the feeding that might be causing the tips to burn, this hasn't progressed so I feel like I've fixed the problem for the time being From Grow Question about stem wall (can't find how to directly thank people on the question section) reassurance given, I was fairly certain that was the case that this was a natural thing it just came a few days after she'd gotten too top heavy and fell over πŸ˜‚ Over protective of this little girly Day 17 update: 2 hours before the lights are due to go out, the top soil is now completely dry, Going to let her go without water tonight to convince those roots to grow more then give her a good old water tomorrow, I lowered the lights today now that the burning seems to have stopped, I think this was a touch of overfeeding because of the Humic and Fulvic acids making the nutes much more available to the plant - Over the course of today there's been some real growth going on, as always I'm excited to go to bed and wake up to view her progress tomorrow morning for watering time :D She's started to pick up a slight aroma, which I'm taking to be a good sign :D I'm so excited to start LST, he bud sites are already growing out and I want to get them exposed to the light to maximise this girls yield Day 19: As much as I wanted to choose the answer to my grow question that gave me the answer I was looking for, I'm concerned the girl is short, if very bushy, My PH of water is about 6 (distilled water) but the runoff can vary heavily between 6 & 7, I see other Easy bud grows where at this point they're about this short and then they stretch, hoping that's the case here, I guess we'll see really soon Today I did some light LST on her, the stalk is really firm so I settled with a bend at soil level and Hopefully I've not broken anything, she used to fall over a lot and continue growing so I feel like it went okay, either tomorrow or the day after I get a bulb splitter and I'm gonna install 3 32W 2700K CFL lights to ramp up the wattage for flower, as well as providing some bloom nutes, next feed might get a mixture of bloom and growth because it's been pointed out a few times she's looking pale, this is mostly on pictures but it is starting to show on the leaves a little in person, so I guess she's starting to get a tad deficient, it's a water day tomorrow so i'll give her a small amount of feed, because of the LST I was considering giving her Humic and Fulvic acid foliar feed, but I put a LOT of this into the soil yesterday when I watered Tomorrows Water I'm gonna go around the outside of the pot as someone suggested to convince the roots to grow more might help her do some more growing and avoid nute burn
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Grow Questions
GreenFingeredLTstarted grow question 4 years ago
I'm not giving her too much water at the moment, she's definitely growing and I'm conscious it's only been 3 days since she was put under grow lights but thought by now we would have had more growth
Plant. Too short
Setup. Seedling
1 like
Esoteric_growinganswered grow question 4 years ago
I think that growth is normal for such a early stage. In future i strongly recommend starting in a small pot and then proceeding to a larger one once it has rooted out. Be careful with the watering as it’s such a small plant and can be over watered easily. You can always add more but can’t take away. Hope this helpsπŸ‘
GreenFingeredLTstarted grow question 4 years ago
I've been slowly lowering them as the plant grows, now I'm starting to get nodes but they're pretty close together (see grow question image) Wondering if I should lift the lights to encourage stretching or leave them alone General health check would be awesome too πŸ˜„
Plant. Spaces between nodes
MaxGrowCanadaanswered grow question 4 years ago
That little girl is looking great! I'd say, your lighting should be fine at that height. She doesnt seem stressed at all. Some plants start out with tight internodes like that, even different phenotypes, under the same lighting, can produce vastly different spacing. I have 2 criticals from dinamed growing that show this off very well. Cheers and happy growing
GreenFingeredLTstarted grow question 4 years ago
I've not fed in 5 days and this discolouration only started 2 days ago, I'm really thinking it's light stress, I've already turned off one of the lights instead of lifting the lights, more looking for reassurance I've DX'd the problem correctly :D
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Shagrathanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi! In my experience light stress looks a little different. The leaves might start to droop and the green healthy color starts to fade to lighter green in the top parts where the light intensity is the strongest but I don't think it will make the tiof of the leaves yellow only. So i'd say it is something else but you should not be worried 'cos she's still young and fragile but I'm sure she will grow out of it if you just give her time and keep growing her like you used to!
GreenFingeredLTstarted grow question 4 years ago
It seems like my girls stem has burst out of it's outer layer, is this something to be worried about? I feel like it's because she's just had another growth spurt and in a few days this will heal over, new grower so naturally paranoid about everything, uploading todays pics next
Plant. Stem - Weak
MrGreenMananswered grow question 4 years ago
Bro it’s healing you’re doing good. This is natural happens to us all. The stem is just growth thicker and thicker and the other layers are dying off. Got nothing to worry about and happy growing!
GreenFingeredLTstarted grow question 4 years ago
So I know auto-flowers grow short, but she's still about 10cm tall and smashing lateral growth Do any auto-flower growers know when the height starts to come? I'd be worried she was stunted if it wasn't for the new node forming quickly once again looking for reassurance
Plant. Too short
Ferencanswered grow question 4 years ago
Let's say she could be taller..... What about your PH? Sometimes the nature of the seed is like this but most of the time it is on us. In this case I see the light colour of the leaves that means nitrogen deficiency. Nitrogen needed to grow properly and in this case I think the problem is the nitrogen. She will flower soon. I highly recommend higher dosage of bat guano or whatever that can provide good amount of nitrogen. PH imbalance also causes this that's why I asked because the plant roots can not absorb nutriteint when the PH is improper. Hope helps. :)
GreenFingeredLTstarted grow question 4 years ago
Stepping up the lights and LSTing has made a huge difference, as well as a healthy application of Humic acids Anything I can be doing at this point to help her on the way to a bountiful harvest?
Buds. Other
Burmeseanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi there, Maximizing yield is the goal of all growers.As you are growing Auto, they’ve very limited amount of time to maximize.LST for an auto is all I would do to make her bigger.The less stress the better for an auto.If you don’t have any plan to use better equipments, you can maximize your yield by nutrient.Proper feeding and use of booster can make you big difference.For now, stay on your LST track and spread the branches as many as you can before it shows any pre flower.When she goes into flowering circle, use flowering booster like P/K booster, big bud, bud candy, etc... to boost.At the end of flowering period, use nute like overdrive will make your plant,the biggest one.Happy growing... ✌️
GreenFingeredLTstarted grow question 4 years ago
images in the diary show how she looked this morning Today I gave a good water with a weak dilution of H2O2 to balance PH + add oxygen , I also brought the lights a bit closer Am I correct in thinking shes had a hard day building food for tonight growth?
Leaves. Curl down
Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
After looking at your diary, I would stop with the hydrogen peroxide(!) and I would suggest never giving your plants distilled water. Distilled water has nothing in it, such as dissolved salts, calcium etc. and when applying it to your plants can actually "suck" these dissolved salts out of your plants cells via osmosis. If you are concerned with chlorine etc. in your tap water, just fill a bucket or three with tap water and let them stand for a couple of days before using the water. Leaving the buckets of water to stand will cause most of the chlorine and any other chemicals to evaporate, leaving you with well balanced and clean/chemical free water. Your babies will pick up in a few days and continue growing normally. If you are really keen, you could give them some sort of seaweed extract/tonic, as this will really pick them up quickly and is also good to use periodically as a soil stimulant. If you live where you get pretty warm in summer or quite cold in winter, using the seaweed tonic a day or two before the extreme weather hits, will help your plants battle through those temperature nightmares. Hope this helps... Organoman.
GreenFingeredLTstarted grow question 4 years ago
I've got 2 bud sites that are covered by 1 leaf, I'm itching to take that one leaf away to expose those budsites as I can't bend it out of the way because the stem is still too short, will this shock the plan at a critical stage? Am I better waiting a few days?
Leaves. Too many
russrahlanswered grow question 4 years ago
Your not in the flowering stage yet and that plant is gonna change it’s structure drastically between now and when those bud sites are gonna need light, that leaf is not gonna be there come bud time as the plant will stretch out. best to let her grow and do the pruning of leaves like this just before flowering flip or just after, but be very selective on what to remove, because these leaves do feed the bud sites there connected too later on in flowering. Cheers!πŸ’¨
GreenFingeredLTstarted grow question 4 years ago
More a question out of Idol curiosity, I've managed to train an even canopy with what will hopefully be 7 main colas, and there's a few sites that aren't in the top canopy that look like they could do well Will the stems continue to thicken with a fan on them when flower starts?
Buds. Other
Plant. Stem - Weak
Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
Your plants know what to do, they will be fine. More of a problem with stretched plants growing without not enough light. Yours seems quite stocky, so should cope with flower weight.
GreenFingeredLTstarted grow question 4 years ago
Is a night time temp of 15degrees the cause? I can't keep it up without making it too hot, or could this just be a phosphorus def.? I fed her well yesterday and yet to see any difference, as far as I can see this isn't typical for the strain
Leaves. Color - Dark-purple
Frigaultanswered grow question 4 years ago
Many strain that don't have purple trains in them, actual have a little purple hue when expise to cool temps. Some nutrient becimes les available at lower temperature. A plant with temps below 20 degrees can express color change at the tips of theire growth going from cool to hot during night and light exposure.. has long has night don't get below yiur 15 i would nit worry esoecialy if day time is warmer. Since it can start affect growth eventually. Try to get something to raise nightbtemos in there 20 if you can. I tiny space heater on a control timer wirks great. You make it turn in when temps are below a certain temp and turn if when it reach a proper level.. you can get the heater for around 20$ on amazon. The temp controler will be a few more bux but well worth the $ in my opinion and can even be use with a cooler djring hit summer.
GreenFingeredLTstarted grow question 4 years ago
Uploaded a full photoshoot of everything going on with the plant. Based on the images from my grow I'd love some feedback/input about how she's looking. Is the Yellowing of the leaves the normal yellowing? (except the nute burn) Should the Pistils be going brown already?
Buds. Not fattening
Buds. Other
Other. General questions
Troy_Farmsanswered grow question 4 years ago
She is small, but only 3rd week of flower and an auto so no worries! I would recommend Defoliate some of the undergrowth, definitely the yellow leaves, and remove some other choice leaves that are blocking lower bud sites to allow light to access deeper and allow for buds to fill in more. To help with the same idea of letting more light into deeper parts of the plant, I would also use some ties to space the branches out as much and even as possible. Combination of those two should help make the most of this girl. Leaves should not be turning yellow as she is still early flowering. However your plant is pretty bushy so the bigger lower leaf might go, nothing to worry about as long as the other leaves are healthy. 8 weeks of flower is average. Hairs will go from white to orange depends on the strain, but it happens near the end of flowering, as that is the last stage for the pistils, but usually after 4 or 5 weeks of flower they will have a few, sometimes more and sometimes none at all, sometimes it takes 7 or 8 weeks. Depends on strain and growing conditions. For your girls here, I would guess pistils will start to orange over in another 3 weeks or so.
GreenFingeredLTstarted grow question 4 years ago
I've just defoliated and noticed a white/brown film on my stem, I think this is normal?
Plant. Other
Roots. Color - Brown
Feeding. Other
1 like
Stonerdanswered grow question 4 years ago
Totally normal! nothing to worry about its just residue from the stem's development. Plant looks great!! I'd suggest just increasing the amount of water you're giving her to reduce the salt buildup you have in the medium (make sure there's at least 20-30% runoff) Besides a little Phosphorous and Potassium buildups, which are probably due to the banana tea, your plant looks very healthy!! try not to defoliate any more at this stage of flowering since you need those leaves to produce energy which produces buds!! Hope this helps! Good luck and happy growing :)
GreenFingeredLTstarted grow question 4 years ago
I think we've made it! It's been a long slog and a serious learning curve but by golly she's looking delicious and she's swollen loads in the past week or so, her lowest leaves are going yellow despite being fed every other day, is she getting ready to go lights out? 😍
Buds. Other
Plant. Other
Robertsanswered grow question 4 years ago
If you want more couch lock then wait another week, maybe a little longer then do flush and 2 weeks ph appropriate water while it fades. If not start flush now and 2 weeks. Looks delicious and enjoy the harvest. Great job happy growing πŸŒ²πŸŒ²πŸŒ²πŸ‘Š

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Ferencweek 0
First like and good luck! @GreenFingeredLT
@GreenFingeredLT, Well, no worries if you update your diary i always look back so if I see smthg or you might have a question I am here to help if I can mate. Happy Growing :) Feel free to contact me in case. Cheers.
@Ferenc, Thanks man :D would appreciate any input and advice you might have as we go along :D
MasterKushOGweek 4
Looks amazing 😍 Keep going in same way πŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ”₯πŸ’£
@MasterKushOG, Hey man thanks for the kind words! Yeah I'm getting really excited, four weeks today until Christmas I'm hopeful for a Christmas Harvest but expecting a new year one
DreamITweek 3
Enjoy Growth πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘½πŸ€ŸπŸ€
giggiweek 7
Congrats! She looks very nice! how many weeks left?
@giggi, yeah I'd say it's about 50/50 now on average all over the plant, but every day new white hairs on the main cola so I think she's still going strong
@GreenFingeredLT, Yes I mean pistils, I noticed they are longer and get brown earlier than mine. The plant will continue to produce constantly white hairs, you have to trim when 75% of pistils are brown. In last 2 weeks I noticed that buds gets thicker, good luck!
@giggi, You mean the pistils? (the white hairs?) if so I was a bit confused they were going brown from very early in flower but she keeps producing white hairs daily so I think she's still in active flower maybe 2 more weeks? I'm just balancing a K deficiency at the moment so hopefully there's enough time for a good growth spurt, seemed like yours put on a fair amount of weight towards the end?
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heizenweek 6
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
@heizen, Hey man thanks :D Not long to go now! any criticisms or advice would be welcomed :D
PurpleWorshipweek 7
Nice one for a first grow mate :) Especially since you performed LST for the first time too... Great. "I'm mindful of not defoliating at the moment because she's obviously running a def" Definitly a good decision ^^
@PurpleWorship, hey man thanks for the kind words :D I've made some very rookie mistakes this time around but I've learned a lot :D
homerjgangiaweek 5
Good luck with your grow mate!πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
@homerjgangia, Hey man thanks for the kind words! Really getting excited now ;)
Taitoweek 2
Se ve genial!πŸ˜ƒ Suerte con el crecimiento πŸ˜‰
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ @Taito, I put the entirety of the blame for the growth on two things (and they're sure not talent and experience!); 1. Humic solution (Humic and Fulvic acid) - She gets her first foliar feed of Fulvic acid tonight should be a serious stretch session tomorrow ;) 2. "Feeding" the roots oxygen with highly diluted hydrogen peroxide every 3rd water or so
DrMunchiesweek 1
Good job on the first two weeks! She's looking nice and healthy, I love the daily updates. Good luck!
@DrMunchies, hey man thanks for the kind words 😁 the daily updates are the only thing keeping me sane on lock-down haha πŸ˜‚ Been going to bed each night hella excited to wake up the next day it's like Christmas morning every single morning πŸ˜‚
homerjgangiaweek 5
Good luck with your grow mate!πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
DreamOnweek 4
Nice job, looks great! Good luck with the rest of the flowering and have fun! 🌱😎
Stoner_INDICAweek 4
It looks beautifulπŸ‘ŒπŸ˜
The_Bearded_Growerweek 11
looking good πŸ’ͺ
Smokwiriweek 11
Plant looks sweet, keep up the good worxπŸ‘Œ