
PANAMA x MALAWI ... single strain

4 years ago
Opulent Systems 24x24x64
Room Type
weeks 5-7
weeks 6-7
weeks 7-15
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
charcoal ash
Grow medium
Grow medium
Shrimp compost
Grow medium
Fox farm Ocean Forest
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 13
12 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
Organic Molasses unsulphured
0.7 ml/l
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
1.5 mll
RapidStart - Terra Aquatica
1 mll
4+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
1Right_Angle 1Right_Angle
4 years ago
Week starts strong with the R plant in full stretch, slowly catching-up to the larger L. Stretch for the Left plant may be coming to an end as the average Branch height is now 33”-34” above the soil. Head-room will be a problem soon enough with the Lights. Bending buds to one-side is next on the list as they all near their prime. Light has about 8” yet. 19th, finds me wondering why I removed Medi-one during week 3 of flower. I did as recommended and dropped its levels during the first two weeks of flower. Then stopped completely once Massive Bloom was fully introduced!? Here 2 weeks later I am going to re-introduce a small amount next feeding and p/u where the nutrient calculator states. -will update tds with the medi-one addition (1027ppm) -Finding the Bud/branch tips are getting extra Heat-exposure from the lite, vs the rest of the canopy. (I’m Not used to seeing such a tall reach) I am using LST and the average upper-leaf temperatures, to adjust the height of my CMH lamp. Heard some great advice about “Not letting your plants top leaves, get hotter than the room temp”. Real simple. - Room is 27c; top-leaf temp of 25c would be perfect. (~25.5) Looking for a degree or two below St/Pt from here on in. Will raise or lower the lite accordingly. (Having a laser thermometer in the bag, makes it very easy to monitor how much nrg is landing on the plant. Super accurate & instant temp. readings. Move the lite or plant a half-inch, there will be a measurable difference) 20th ** and as I was closing-up the tent last nite, I noticed ONE bud with Shrivelling Orange Pistils *** will follow-up on that tonight and hope there are a few more. Yep, pics to follow ** -sneeking a gallon of water with Medi-one/Ocean Magic @ 6 ml each, between the plants. re: getting medi-1 back in the mix, ahead of the Next scheduled feed on Fri. -1 gallon will just wet the appetites. Might delay normal dinner/nutes till Sat... (yes) -trimmed bad foliage for the last time and any new tiny buds low in the branch structure were removed Sat Jan 23 - big feed tonight after a long dry week. (1 gallon mid-week top-up; O.M. & Medi-1 @ 6ml ea., last reg feed was last Sun) - Increasing Ocean Magic application above marked & stated Volumes on the products. ie: current 2ml/gal., increasing towards 8ml/gal as per Company Officials. Because I’m using other G.P. products, there are confirmed safe & proven results at this higher ratio. **Ocean Magic Container labels state 2ml/gal for Soil use.** This 2ml recommendation to the masses, relates to mixing O.M. with Other Companies products; G.P. want no Culpable mistakes associated with their products and general grower nutrient issues. “If your using Ocean Magic, along with the rest of G.P. products... the company states it can be used @ 8ml/gal (2ml/L) in Soil via their Nutrition Calculator.” I’ll post it... - (per litre) & its recommended that way. I’m making the jump, not having full buds in the past few grows, makes this an easy path to follow. Look-out tds ! No fiction here, it took 3 emails and resulted in a direct phone conversation with Mark @ Green Planet. Thanks again!! -People fear failure and in this case unfortunately, I think it has affected how Green Planet communicates their products potential successes. I am making the insider-move from 2ml to 8ml. I think they are missing a big boat by not openly sharing this beneficial info on product labels. To see this info, you must FIND it online! My regret is that while continually trying to improve my own efforts and create an organic environment the last 2 or 3 seasons, this product has always been under-applied by me... by 75% !! Product Label instructions ! “Use @ 2ml/gal for Soil and root feeding” But, if you look in the right place (on-line nutrient calculator) ...“it states directly to use Ocean Magic@ 8ml/gal.” That is what has me shaking my head. I’m not bitter, just sharing the facts & Trying to finish with a strong grow. Fear Not GREEN PLANET, I’m not going anywhere ! (I’m Going to raise your Ocean Magic sales rates though) cheers Nutes: - dinner tonight has lots of everything re: 1270ppm TDS, without molasses. Adding 2 Tablespoons took it to 1360ppm. Close enough for today. Fed and done Sun 24 - rotate the plants and mesh the canopies & supports together for another week. LST as needed - dropping the humidity a bit as we approach week 6. - Tent @ 25.5c. New R.H. target = 53%
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Grow Questions
1Right_Anglestarted grow question 4 years ago
Understanding that it’s still early in the game, Is this an actual Pistil, to the right of the Stipules? There does not appear to be an obvious Calyx... so is it too soon to call it a Female?
Plant. Other
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Chubbsanswered grow question 4 years ago
It's looking like you can see a couple white pistols but still a little early to tell forsure.
1Right_Anglestarted grow question 4 years ago
Heading into the last 2 weeks of Veg, are there any suggestions for things I should consider doing to help maximize this amazing grow so far. First ever attempt at super-cropping, and it’s my 5th indoor project. Never had such a low lush profile. Looking forward to Flower
Techniques. LST
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DoDrugs420answered grow question 4 years ago
Probably not if the conditions are already perfect, you could always top, fim, suppercrop again, do some more lst, you can always do more and more stuff, but one guy will tell you it helps, another one will tell u its prejudicial. You can always defoliate a couple of healty leaves to trick the plant into thinking that producing leaves isn't a viable option and spends MORE energy (not all energy) into bud production instead of leaves. But then again its not scientifically proven, what is scientifically proven and increases thc production is use of Uv-B supplemental lighting and a drought period during later flowering. Here, i will even post an article, you seem like you are interested in a good read: They seem about all healty and perfect already. good luck, and stay lit growmie.
1Right_Anglestarted grow question 4 years ago
Is it enough or should I add more?! Famous questions for sure, but I am at a critical stage in a “best-yet” grow, and I want to make sure the plants are getting Enough Water. How do I make sure they are getting as Much as I can give them. Alternating between 2&3 day feeds
Feeding. Other
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sativamananswered grow question 4 years ago
You can water your soil untill it is just about to see run off. You do not want any. I am also in 15gal container and a good watering is about 2gal. A deep watering help to assure that all the soil is moist. My ACE plants are a little bigger though... I water twice a week. Second watering is done 4 days later with about half quantity. Water uptake depends on RH, Temp, plant size, air circulation and stage of growth: not saying you should do a copy paste but it can help. Key is to no water again until soil is getting dry 3-4 inches on top and container is getting light, still before plant start to drop. Hope it helps!

Show by Week
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DreamOnweek 5
Good luck with the grow mate! 🌱😎
Ferencweek 5
Happy Growing! @1Right_Angle
Ferencweek 11
Happy Flowering @1Right_Angle
DreamITweek 6
Enjoy growth 🤟🍀🤠
GuerrillaNo_4week 14
Damn looks like a sea of green nearly. How many plants are you running?
@1Right_Angle, looks it man, I'll be waiting on your dry weight post anyway. Best of luck my friend
@GuerrillaNo_4, Thx again. Definitely best grow to date.
@1Right_Angle, You must have trained the crap out of them. Thats crazy coverage for 2 plants, your gram per plant count is going to look really good 😂
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Organomanweek 16
Congratulations on taking the journey of growing an extreme sativa from Ace Seeds, she is known as Malawi Killer for a reason and when combined with the Panama Goddess, you are in for an out of world experience! Having grown this strain before, I can assure you, life will never be the same! Just make sure you have 4-6 hours of no commitments before sampling any flowers! Congratulations too at not being afraid of waiting so long for maturation, this plant is the one to give to any "expert" and to try and see if the "expert" really knows anything at all, also one to blow indica lovers out of the water with, they will never be quite the same again either. However, DO NOT give this to any newbie or "lite" smoker, they WILL NOT cope!! Cheers, Organoman.
@ORGANOMAN, with a Columbian Gold and an Acapulco gold hitting week 3 soon, you can see where my priorities lie ... fraternally
@ORGANOMAN, talk about making my day. Thanks. This grow has been a dream for a couple years now, and can only lead me further along the beauty of Landrace genetics. Yep, I can call myself olde-Skool Patience and a history of popcorn indoors is showing me I have put something together this time around. I will keep you posted on these ladies. Thanks again ! Try and finish strong ~ d
Inganjawetrustweek 19
Pretty lady
@Inganjawetrust, prettier every day ! Thanks Tonight’s the last lite. Picture time
MyGrowweek 15
Very nice picrture you used for the contest 👍 I must admit from details to color it's a beautiful picture. Well done 👏
@MyGrow, thanks a lot! Your comments are much appreciated. It’s gonna be beauty finale. I kinda specialize in close-up stuff, will be fun! Cheers
Smokwiriweek 14
nice progression 💪
Smokwiriweek 12
nice progress, keep up the good work mate 👌💪
SegaYGriegaweek 19
Looking Real Good! Massively Stacked Colas!👍👍👍
@SegaYGriega, its the grow I’m gonna refer back to, and build from. Good details all over. Thanks for noticing !
DoDrugs420week 19
Pretty nice job on picking Malawi x Panama!!
@DoDrugs420, Dream-grow so far… still learning from it. Next one hits H20 today!
Smokwiriweek 19
nice looking plant mate
@Smokwiri, Thanks, thats much appreciated.
ToastFarmerweek 19
WoW, I've got this reg seed cultivar in my 5x5 right now week 2 of flower. Can't fn wait to see it flower. Your comments are amazing and so are the pics!!! Gonna make some seeds also Rock on!!!