
My 1st try

6 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 8
20 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
1+ nutrients after
Commented by
BucketBrigade BucketBrigade
6 years ago
Started the third week of flowering. Somehow, she is still growing. About to hit 60"...5 feet tall! I have not added or changed the nutes since siphoning off half the liquid and adding water. And I've been adding water ever since. I am refusing to raise the light, and she keeps getting closer. Somehow, she seems to be able to absorb much more light than ever before. Her scent is also still cigar like but pleasant. Nothing pungent. I hope that's ok. I only worries are if those colas will fill in and if I need to add any nutes. Based on the previous over feeding, I am fearful of adding any. Finally, should I prune those very low but flowering branches? Will eliminating those encourage more flowing above?
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Grow Questions
BucketBrigadestarted grow question 7 years ago
The GH label states that the nutrient solition should be changed weekly. That seems excessive. How can one tell that it's time to change the solution or just add to it?
Techniques. Defoliation
FlavoursUkanswered grow question 7 years ago
Hi mate, If you want to do things right and achieve the best results, you should change out your nute mixture every week. Wait a couple weeks after you introduce the plants into the system before you change it out the first time. You should check the pH level every day, that is the most important factor in hydro. It needs to be between 5.2 and 6.3, and shouldn't vary more than 0.5 in 12 hours- you don't want to shock your plants with a quick change. Also, if you don't have a ppm meter your pH can help you determine how much nutes to use (your babies are ready for a low concentration nute mixture when the second node appears). If the pH is rising, your plants are using up nutes and you should add a higher concentration. If the pH is dropping, your plant is using more water than nutes and you should add a lower concentration or just water. So all in all, it’s the plants that will tell you what you need. Although being in hydro,when things go wrong it’s already too late. So take your time and regular checks on your girls. Slow and steady wins the cultivation process. All just advice at the end of the day, free to do as you wish. Just giving you some knowledge from my past experiences. Hope this helps. FlavoursUk 👌
BucketBrigadestarted grow question 6 years ago
I'm in week 3 and she's starting to smell. Today I walked in and the smell was unmistakable and ramping up from just a few days ago. What does this mean? Does it indicate some kind of change in the plant I need to be aware of? Do I need to take care of anything differently?
Techniques. Defoliation
FlavoursUkanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hi, As its an auto they flip to flower by themselves, so in the very early stages depending on the strain you can sometimes get a mild cannabis smell, but you know its the plants getting ready to produce some pre flowers then to be nice big buds. Looking at your stats everything looks healthy and on the right track so it couldn't be anything else. If you're worried about the smell have a look into getting a carbon filter. There are also odour gels you can get to control the smell from your local hydroponics shop, or online. Hope this helps

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BucketBrigadeweek 8
@Flavoursuk, @PussyWagon6969, @Coopman, @Squirrel_Master, @Dunk_Junk, @Lou_Grows, @iDontEvenGrow, Even crazier things happen. Those clones I pulled from her while she started flowering? Today, I checked because they were not looking so great, and the tap root finally appeared! So, I'm planting them to see what happens. I'm not expecting much. Have any of you tried?
@BucketBrigade, Do it man!! I am all for experimenting and learning! At least you might get a few buds off her!! 😍
@BucketBrigade, I'll be curious to see this one! Let me know if you create the diary for it, would love to follow the experiment.
@Dunk_Junk, I think you are correct, but think of it as an experiment. I'll post some photos next week to see what happens to these clones. But everything I have read states the same as you. But I never saw someone try. Keeps me busy until I can sprout the next seed.😀
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BucketBrigadeweek 8
@Flavoursuk, @PussyWagon6969, @Coopman, @Squirrel_Master, @Dunk_Junk, @Lou_Grows, @iDontEvenGrow , Everyone, disaster struck! I had to move the plant out of the basement due to a surprise visit by a service contractor. In moving her, I tripped, fell and she landed very badly. She snapped low in the trunk. I'm not sure whats worse, the sprained toe or the destroyed plant. I'm traveling next week and once I get back, I'm starting over! Though devastated about the loss, I learned many lessons and will apply those to her sister who I'm sure will be better and stronger. I really can't believe this happened! 😫
@BucketBrigade, Goodness, I hate to hear that brother. Both for her and the toe ! And you have to travel :( I sympathize with your disappointment and hope you get right back in the saddle !
@BucketBrigade, did she snap all the way? I mean the trunk was completely separated root and top? I have broke many stem before and as long its not completely broke you can still save it
@BucketBrigade, Damn, bad deal for the plant and your toe. Good luck with your next grow!
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BucketBrigadeweek 8
I added another 9 photographs to this week. These plants start to take over your life!
@BucketBrigade, amen to that lol
Dahoolaweek 1
good luck with your grow!
BucketBrigadeweek 2
@bobo420. Thank you!
Lou_Growsweek 5
Your plant is very healthy and beautiful as well. If you are planning on defoliate her which I advise you do, do it after the 3rd week of flower so you don't stunt her stretch. Take only the big fan leaves with a few cm of stem
@BucketBrigade, she seem to be very branchy once you defoliate light should be able to reach the lower bud sites. I think that will give you better yield. Buds develops when they get light and wind on them. Your plant is very tall maybe you can try to tie down a few branches so the footprint of your light get more even on the canopy
@Lou_Grows, I've got fast growing branches from the base of the plant. They have flowers, but smaller than all the others. Should I prune these branches? Will pruning these help the bigger flowers near the top grow faster?
@BucketBrigade, what I do is measure from the top of the bucket all the way to the top of your tallest cola and keep doing that until you see the stretch stoped. How long of a flowering stage your plant has? Being sativa she might keep stretching for a couple more weeks.
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Coopmanweek 5
Looks heavy on nutrients. Tips turning yellow and clawing down. It’s amazing how different our plants look from being the same exact strain and Breeder. Your leaves look much larger and fuller than mine. Mine grew so compact and all have skinny leaves. I’m still trying to figure out why my bud leaves are drooping. I have tried lights, less water, more water. I flushed this morning an dppan on going only water for a while. Good luck with the rest of the grow!
@Coopman, I'm still trying to figure out why my plant looks so different. I can't find any photos of this strain being so large. A genetic mutant? Mostly water is really the way to go. She is much happier.
@BucketBrigade, I flushed my nutrients out too. Have been only water for the past couple days and my plant looks much better now. I’ll be doing mostly water for now on.
@Coopman, I switched out the nutes for flowering per instructions provided by GH. The next day she clawed badly. I drainied half the nutes and topped her off with water. The last 8 photos are the day after. She seems to have recovered, but has some more recovery to go. I think from now on, it's going to be half strength.
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PussyWagon6969week 6
Looking really nice dude! Healthy AF!
@PussyWagon6969, The 8 new photos are post water top off, a day later. Seems to have recovered with the half strength nutes. You can see the bleached tips from being too close to the light.
@BucketBrigade, not sure if the pictures are post water top-off but she seems healthy. Hats off to you going hydro, I got enough anxiety growing out of soil lol
@PussyWagon6969, Thanks so much! That said, I'm afraid I over fed her this week.. Last night I drained half the solution and topped her off with water. I think she is recovering. I'm still worried that she no longer has that wonderful strong pungent odor. Hopefully it will come back.
VT420week 7
Your plant is huge and I'm thinking it's a good thing, more bud sites. Mine looks somewhat like yours at week 7 just much shorter in stature. Your's is an NBA all star height! I pulled a lower branch of my Critical Purple that was rather spindly for a trial after reading you did it. It didn't even wilt and we are on day three.
@BucketBrigade, This is so true as I went away for the weekend and found a clothes drying rack fell on my bubba kush. She recovered quickly except for one wilted branch, which I soaked in water 2 days, then cloned.
@VT420, I think it's important to remember this is a weed. They are very hard to kill and they survive in tough conditions out in the wild. They are used to low nutes and rough treatment. I assume they can handle more than non-weed type plants. They can deal with a lot. I find myself wondering if they are like grape vines used for making wine...the best grapes are produced by vines that suffer the most. When it's a good year for a wine, that same year was extra tough for the vine that produced those grapes. 😊
Coopmanweek 7
Mine are pretty much growing all the way up the entire branch. All the flowers are filling in and growing into a bigger bud:
@BucketBrigade, mine did however go through a pretty big stretch the second to 3rd week of flower. Any new growth that occurred I tied down
@Coopman, So hopefully she won't grow much taller, but flowers will grow in to fill in the cola. Thanks very much for that answer! I'm going to train the next one. I can see where it would be helpful.
iDontEvenGrowweek 4
in comparison, when mine went into flower it went from having a 262 watt light over it in veg to a little over 1100 actual watts.
@iDontEvenGrow, I just posted a photo that shows the LED lights up above. Half the COB LEDs are visible from this view.
@iDontEvenGrow, So you switched from one bulb type to another?
bobo420week 3
Coming along nicely, looking good, green and healthy ;)
@BucketBrigade, you're welcome ;) Patience is something you should develop :) good things take time ;)
@bobo420, Thanks very much. One of those early leaves looks a little malformed, but all the new leaves seem to look perfect. I'm hopeful for a good outcome and very impatient about it!
VT420week 8
What happened, did the mother get destroyed?
@VT420, Yes, the plant in these photos snapped in half. I should have tried to repair with tape or something, but at the time I thought I had no options. So my second grow actually consists of two clones from the original monster plant. Everyone is telling me and all over the web it's being stated that you can't clone an autoflower in flower, but it's starting to look like thats bad advice. When you get the chance, have a look. I'm hopeful they will make it to harvest!
Dunk_Junkweek 8
Dude you are growing a monster as well!! I think you are doing everything right, feeding light nutrients, nice light @ 20 hours. I wouldn't try doing too much else if this is your first grow. You have a couple of weeks or so before harvest so keep doing what you're doing and she will take care of the rest. Happy growing!!
@Dunk_Junk, Thanks so much for the good feedback. Looking forward to a harvest!
Coopmanweek 4
Looks like yours has a bit more growth than what mine did around this time. Keep it up!
@Coopman, I'm looking at your colas and wondering. Do they start at the end of the branch and grow upward (flower on top of flower), or do the flowers fill in all the empty space on the branch between nodes? I'm a little concerned about the height and growth of the plant and how those colas will fully form.
iDontEvenGrowweek 3
looking good! cant wait to see how it goes for ya. i started my autos out at about that level of hydroton as well, and when they grew, i added more, it definitely has helped them be more stable. i like how you have put the airline down through the bucket lid inside....please let me know how that plays out through the grow and if any roots begin to grow and end up crimping the line at all, that would be my only concern. since i abused my autos, your plant on week 3 is actually about the size my cash crop was on week 5.
@iDontEvenGrow, Thanks so much for the encouraging words! So far, I have (what I think are a lot of roots) and so far no air tube crimping. I figured I either needed to drill a hole for the air tube or simply place it under the lid which made it sit unevenly, but this seemed like the most practical path forward.
Lou_Growsweek 3
your plant is looking healthy! how is armor si working for you? I haven't try it but I use hydroguard by botanicare. really good. it helped me get rid of pythium after I got infected with root rot.
@Lou_Grows, Thank you!. I've been using the armor si for a little over a week now. I honestly can't tell. However, I'm also growing Basil, Cilantro and Kale to which I've added the Armor SI to as well. I saw a video where someone added it to their basil and it made a big difference in how the plant carried itself and grew. One plant had it and the other didn't. The difference was very substantial in how it held itself up. So hopefully the same for the girl. I wish I was growing a second without it so I could see the difference. The one downside is it's a strong base. It took much more acid to get the water into the proper PH level.
MichaelMoweek 3
in trying to wrap my head around all the data in gathering on my dwc bucket. Do you take measurements each day? and when you do, do you measure, ph top off water, fill, bubble, re measure? I'm not sure if it is because I only run 1.5 gal in my reservoir or what but I've yet to have to top it off, however I am running a 7 day reservoir cycle.
@@MichaelMo, I measure the PH each day. However, your plants are still at the seedling stage and won't require much right now. If I would have not adjusted my plant's height, I have not had to adjust the PH or add water at all. My plant is just getting to the point where it will become important to check daily. Also, A large bucket does provide more stable nutrient solution since the liquid or nutrient levels don't change so rapidly. I grow Kale in a 2 gal bucket. Once it gets about this size, I'm adding water every 2 days and then as it gets larger, up to 2 cups per day! I add the water 1st, and then check the PH after letting the plant sit for 10 mins or so before measuring the PH to make sure the new water has mixed well with the existing and the PH level has stabilized. I leave the bubbles on 24 hours a day. In addition to splashing and adding oxygen, it helps mix the liquids rapidly. If you need to add water, add it 1st and then measure PH. Also, my tap water is very basic, so I have another 5 gal bucket that I have tap water added where I let it sit for a few days to eliminate the chlorine and I also pre-adjust to eliminate the high base. This makes sure I have de-clorinated water that doesn't raise the PH always ready and available and at the same temp since it's in the same room.
Lou_Growsweek 3
Hey @BucketBrigade. here checking your diary. looking good. how big is your reservoir?
@Lou_Grows, It's a 5 gal black bucket. I'm actually considering how to make it 10 gals as I travel alot and I worry if I'm out for a week, how can I keep the liquid within PH while I'm away and the water level in the right range. Actually considering joining 2 5 gal buckets to make sure it has plenty of reserve or moving to a 10 gal tote with a single growpot on the lid.
Dunk_Junkweek 8
Put some pictures up of the damage. Don't underestimate nature and how she heals herself. Have a look at the Stardawg I grew. At some point in her life a limb ripped off halfway. I spotted it way after it happened so I decided to let nature take its course. Well she repaired herself good, the limb was perfectly healthy and the plant yielded almost 8oz........... Before you panic I would try splinting it as @PussyWagon6969 says, give it a bit of support and see how she does!!