
  • Fast Buds related Memes only
  • Multiple entries allowed
  • Must have at least 3 diaries on Grow Diaries (most recent diary no older than 2 months)

Fast Buds Meme Contest!

Shipped by Sponsors
91 Photos participating
4 months ago

Summer is around the corner, so time to bring the heat to this contest!


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don't waste your time with this contest they will pick the same people every month and they are almost all fastbuds sponsor growers, you don't believe me? go look at the names of the people who have won this contest for the last 6 months, you might see a lot of the same names... then go look at their diaries they are sponsored by fastbuds lol๐Ÿ˜€
@Mateo513, Thanks for the idea. Dear @Fast_Buds, I'm a huge fan, please sponsor me ๐Ÿ˜‚
@Mateo513, I'm sorry if you don't agree with this contest, and again, I know some winners repeat, but they are fairly voted on by staff and then by our instagram followers. The voting is done blindly (meaning neither staff nor the followers know who created the meme because we do not label them in order to avoid a 'popularity' vote or any bias) Please feel free to check out our instagram for further information or to follow along : Which months have you entered in that you feel you should have won? If they made it through the first selection, I'm happy to review the meme(s) and let you know how the voting went on it amongst our followers. I can send you screenshots of the vote as well if you'd like.
@m0use, so true ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘ŒโœŒ๏ธand so sorry to say it.
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Some one just take others pick!!!
@Nicogreen, Some advice to create winning memes would be to have a look at past winners and get an idea about the type of memes we and our followers find funny. Like this, I'm sure you will create something that has a chance to win. Good luck & Thanks for always joining!!
Memes are up for vote. @Grandmas_Boy vs @m0use @ChitownCannaChica vs @SmokingTiki @Ninjabuds vs @Fizwig @Mo_Powers vs @Naujas Be sure to check out their Instagram too vote & see vote totals 2nd round will be the winners from the first round against each other. 2v2 3rd round will be two winners from 2nd round for 1st and 2nd place, both losing memes fight for 3rd The rule [Must have at least 3 diaries on Grow Diaries (most recent diary no older than 2 months)] should be amended to "3 completed diaries + any active diary in the last 2 months" Would also like to see meme limit reinstated to 3 or 5 to prevent spam. but I guess this is free content for FB so why not more. Good Luck!
@m0use, Let's go!!! Good luck everyone!!!
@m0use, Good luck boys! ๐Ÿ‘ฝ
Good Luck Everyone. Thinking up a couple of good ones for this month ๐Ÿ˜‚
@Fast_Buds, the problem of this contest is multiple entries why u always see the same ppl go hard need rent momney lol jk
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Good Luck Everyone! Hopefully no one will be trying to scam this contest like last month. We all know who you are... just look at last months contest for a break down its all in the top few comments lol.
@ChitownCannaChica, this is in regards to the crew of people who spammed the meme contest and uploaded just shy of 50% of the memes from 4 or 5 accounts that where all faked for the month of may. I made a massive post of it in last months contest. just scroll to see it. I linked their account names and it explains everything. thought it was clear. It was also 9 days ago, so have to account for posts that are newer.
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@m0use, what do you mean by that?
congratulations to all ๐Ÿ‘
This contest is the first MEME I've ever made/posted in the time of my existence lol. I guess we will see how I did ๐Ÿ˜„
God Luck for everyone ๐Ÿ€ Squirrel amount
@m0use, Bro you people are so CRAZY like wow. This whole essay you wrote here is all based on you ''OWN OPINION'' I did not get kicked I did not get banned. My account is not FAKE. I'm getting sick and tired of reading yall hate comments. I saw the meme on google and I edited it photo shop to suit the theme of fust buds. Fast buds choose my meme with others to compete for the prize, I simply forwarded the link to my friends and family and asked them to vote for me. I DID NOT CHEAT AND FAST BUDS DIDNT FAVOR ME. I am a new grower I started last year. I am not a professional, I practice through trial and error. The reason my meme is not on my account anymore is because the diary that I posted it on the plant died from heat stress and nutrient imbalances. The 2 remaining diaries are the 2 plants I have remaining. I changed my name because I wanted a more professional name and wanted to create a logo and instagram page as well. I'm so over you people and these contests. I'm just trying to be good at growing document it properly and share my progress. So much unnecessary hate for a freaking meme contest. And this stupid @ChitownCannachica person is just a bully telling me my account is fake etc just because you lost. You have so much trophies on your account and want to bully me for winning my first trophy. I'm honestly so tired of all this shit.
@KushClicks, whatever ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก. Keep up the stealing and cheating
@KushClicks, It did. when you clicked on it, it went to a blank page not loading anything. and that is what happens when a users is banned or deletes their account. It seems to have something to do with growdiaries and what they do when a user updates their name in the system. You have no been here for a while, it used to operate differently. Lets say the old name was @123 and the new name is @abc All older posts would kept the @123 tags and when you clicked on the old tag it would forward it off to the new profile of @abc, this worked from any old post on any page like contests or your own diaries. The only time this would not work, is if someone else took that old name and registered a new account with it. and it only worked on one name change, if you change it a bunch it only works on the last name, other wise it goes to a blank page on all older posts of any of the previous names/handels. we used to have trolls who would do several name changes in a weekend to avoid detection so they could continue to troll and not be linked to their old account. Its a dumb feature and enabled a lot of chaos for trolls. While helping out a few who needed new names. Now it seems GD goes back and retroactively changes all the old tags after the fact. so your old handle of @kinggojo was still active despite you changing over to @kushclicks. and it did not switch your old tags over to kuchclicks right away and it did not auto forward it off to the new profile like it used to do. So this is why I thought you where ban or deleted your profile as GD does not do anything with logic. Or let anyone know of any system changes in a log of any sort, ever. you likely never noticed this because you are the account holder. but it did indeed happen. everything is mostly normal now from what I can tell. The only trace of kinggojo is in the URL for the diary names. It used to still show kinggojo replies and avator in your diares when the kushcliks profile did load, but that seems to be all fixed.
@m0use, My profile didnt disappear I UPLOAD EVERY WEEK!
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told yall the winners would be the same people as the past contests... all are fast bud sponsor lol ... and of course i was right
@Mateo513, We do not sponsor any of the growers who won actually. Unless my sponsor folder is incorrect, none of their names come up as recent sponsors. Only one of them was sent seeds to test (not sponsored, technically), but it was years ago. What makes you think they are sponsored, and even if they were, why do you think that would make it unfair for them to win a meme contest or otherwise? Apart from that, and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, I believe most of the winners here are new winners. Only one repeat winner, who happens to win a lot because she always enters fresh, funny content to each contest... which gives her a chance to win often.
Apparently there are technical issues going on making it difficult for Grow Diaries to send us the winner's information. So once they have resolved those issues, I will be reaching out to all the winners. My apologies for any delays.
Good One @GSRYorker, Life is indeed much better on grass
Good luck every1 :) Kinda new here, but I believe my entry has potential lol. I'm just sad I couldn't find the exact font Fastbud's logo uses.
I thought there was only 3 places, why does it show 4 winners? One of these days I'll win a Fast Buds contest, just have to rethink what funny is I guess lol. I can confidently say Fast Buds Strains have never been in the area I live, not even on the menu.
@Fast_Buds, ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
@Newt_Loop, In terms of 'what is funny', since we run them through a vote among our instagram followers, generally speaking trending memes of the moment do well. Figure out what's going viral at the time, and modify the memes from there.
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@Newt_Loop, 3rd Place resulted in a tie, the exact same amount of votes, so we had to choose both of them as winners.
@KushClicks, must be a girl with no buds..a real big baby. so we all copy meme from online and that officer why your engine so loud his popular image. you no you did not create it chicacanna like come on @chitownCannachica proof you just a hater
@Ninjabuds, whatever bro. This site has gone down hill with bots, cheats, and morons. Glad you input your two cents on something thatโ€™s irrelevant to you ๐Ÿคก
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@Ninjabuds, They are not DM's or private conversations. @KingGojo was writing that on a public facing page and then deleting their comments, this is a common behaviour of a troll. DM's do not have the option to "translate" "like" or "reply" as footnotes on a message, only public posts do, its one easy way to tell where the source is, also if a user is harassing you/anyone in DM's it should be posted so others know wtf is happening, fuck em, there is no NDA's being signed here lol. Take a look in your DM's to see the difference and how they look vs the screen shots uploaded. Also it appears that account KingGojo is now removed/disabled/inactive, kinda weird course of action after all that's unfolded, if someone was truly not in the wrong why would they do this? Maybe GD kicked em for the messages they wrote or they found something shady or maybe they disabled their own account after they got the cash and said fuck it? Who knows, GD does not communicate anything they do. I understand @ChitownCannachica frustrations with the situation, the right meme and the wrong time vs Gojo right meme right time, but I also don't think memes can be stolen as they are all using borrowed media and its done in a satire way, likely falls into parody laws about copyright if I had to guess and why no one is going after meme account holders. With that said it is a grey area when it was as similar as it was, Or if you took the images and it is one of a kind, but the meme in question has been seen before with the same wording on different sites and similar images attached to it, so its just an unfortunate similarity I feel with some hurt feelings and as soon as you involve money it gets messy. Many other times in the past I have seen memes not win or even get voted on one month and the next they will win or be in the top 8 for voting. Its backwards. Also how fast buds decided what ones to pick is a bit Bias, they said they have a vote of their office staff with out any ID's attached to it to avoid favouritism, then it hits Instagram. But who are their office staff and whose to say their sense of humour is any good... I like really dark humour memes and they do not from what I can tell. The audience of their insta page also seems to like average run of mill memes. They don't want to post anything to risky as it can get their account suspended and that's hard to fix on Instagram. Its also a contest they can run any which way they want with no repercussions as no one can hold them accountable if they break their own rules. its far from perfect but I don't think ChitownCannachica is the villain and I don't think KingGojo is either. I feel Fast Buds could do better but not my brand or money. It's just a shit situation and emotions got involved, tempers flared, people made some mistakes and they moving on from it. I have gotten worked up before about dumb shit like this, no one immune. Hopefully we'll see some of your memes in the final vote this month :)
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@Astroboy, yeah the @chitowncannachica is now screen shot personal conversations with people on gd and posting them on the meme contest it's like he thinks cause he's had an account for a wile he is the only not fake account. Why do people not realize there are states legalizing weed every year. We all don't live in cali. Like Ohio just legalized home grow in Dec I agree @chitowncannachica is a
O fuck I just accidentally hit withdraw. @fast_buds @Growdiaries The site has no confirmations anymore and my screen was dark. When I hit the the mousepad to wake it up the cursor was over the withdrawal button and regrestered as a click. ugh.
@m0use, I notified Grow Diaries of your comment when I sent them the winners, They informed me it was fixed. Congrats!
@m0use, Dont worry bro, you still got second place (check their insta) ๐Ÿ˜Ž