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Grower of the Month October 2022

Shipped by Sponsors
30 Growers participating
2 years ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
  • THREE winners


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Good Luck Everyone! Lets see a good clean match.
I bow out, good luck to you all. Enjoy the contest guys. I have enough seeds. And just doing it for the merch. While taking the award from ppl that needs it. I don't need to do. And hey. There's a lot of newbies I really think that should be allowed to have the fun. That and I'm not in the humor for a race to 1st. Good luck.. Also, I got 1st 50 to reply sweet seeds pic. And I got a cool t-shirt, a key lanyard, (chain) and great seeds. SweetSeeds rocks.
@AsNoriu, Please DM me how you store. I'd be a fool not to listen. I'll split my seeds into 2 dif storage ways. Thanks. BTW, I didn't clarify.. it's a wine fridge. But not used for that purpose. I open it every time I need to do a grow. And even so. All seeds are kept in plastic containers. I store my seeds the way seedbanks do. They have to open fridges (cold storage) to take out seeds. They have them in sep containers.. so even, so air temp doesn't change much. If at all But, in saying that. I'm always willing to learn. Thanks AsN
@AsNoriu, fair enough, I've had some in fridge for 3 years and still no issues germinating, but whatever works!
@gottagrowsometime, @LottaBuds i know everything, you both on same wave as : i am not stupid, but : wine still is been taken from time to time, i like white whine, German Riesling is my fav, white, should be chilled ... BUT i am here to tell MY story , i tried to keep in fridge, rare used, back shelf, extra container, but even after half year storage i had 10-11 from 12, or worse if time went longer I started to compair old ways ... while keeping in dark, dry draw, with stabelish temps - brings sometimes still 5 out of 5 after 3+ years keeping ... Just personal .... there is MANY ways to Rome !!!!
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final week of contest, folks, time to act a fool towards eachother πŸ˜‰ please comply
@CRiSPrGrow, Are you cheating again???πŸ‘πŸ‘ You got this...πŸ˜‡
@m0use, it's honestly better that way, i'll be honest, nobody needs negativity, and you can better want to get to know folks if you feel they're a positive influence... DMs usually change that up right quick tho πŸ˜†
@CRiSPrGrow, IDK, anyone doing anything but saying "happy growing" is getting slapped with bans now a days. I'd be careful, this might be linked to inciting a riot.
Good Lord Almighty! What is everyone yabbering on about here? As far as I'm concerned, I'd rather experienced growers answered the questions so newer growers could learn something... and if that means more experienced growers actually win the contest, so be it! Good luck to everyone competing... I would only wish this contest on my worst enemy! LOL!
@GrowingGrannie, nice use of the word "whit" there , that's lit
@GanjaReaper, he was just an old-fashioned sicko... and I don't count sickos as my enemy... did I like him? - nope, not one whit...
@GrowingGrannie, Like Dutchdoobie?
damn, those prizes look sweet, loads of small birthday presents to friends ;) big saving ! ;))))))
if only Creepy_Secret would not be told by NobodysLips this event could finish without drama ;))))))
@AsNoriu,Yea GTOM was botched as the hyper link/image was never published to the giveaways homepage. So no one knew it was a thing. it had like 3 people for the first week or two, then went up to 10 and now 18.
@AsNoriu, Yo, I'm good, still cant reply to DM's sites broken. Will try again in a few days and see if its fixed.
@Sciolistic_Steve, Good fisherman always gets BITE quickly ! ;))))))) I know few good places .....
Diary of the Month October: 😘
OKAY FOLKS. Since CS has replied to what up. (Bases on his own opinion of how it say it, Which is fine) But all I was doing was putting up my option. That do this constant (and sponsored) ppl that compete really need to. That's all my point was. Not rules not condemnation, as who am I to set rules on GD ones. (Which I wasn't) but it is flawed. And us as growers standing in the shoes we once did when we started growing with our 1st kits idk about you. But it was hard until I seen my bounty. And was nice to have a jump on it by getting my 1st reward. But my point was I am bowing I have a fridge load of seeds. And have a prize on hold from FB. So, do I need another award, (in reality no, could someone that needs it, do something better with it other than growing plants, no, but they can do what they want as you did say, but my POINT WAS, why, when some1 that doesn't have what us few growers have no share,). But why throw a bottle of o2away, or do whatever with it as CS say while you have what you need and the guy (grower next to you can do something better with it) you have enough and the person next to you needs it. Me, I give it. So, in no way am making rules. And if someone wants to stores seeds upon seeds and not use them maybe that's their choice. But I'm just pointing out a different option and that's my right, as it is if you want to join the comp every 3 months to come within 3rd more power to you, That's just not my style. Anyways. I hope you see my point. I'm not judging I'm just trying to make it fair for ppl who don't have what we have. FOR COMMUNITY INFO if its not down below. I have 6 fastbud strains left..2 seeds for each. So any who needs some DM. I've sent out many so you don't have to about discretion. I have others to. Happy growing guys. Hopefully this will be the only bit of drama for me on this month lol.
Last day!! Who's going to grab the top spot?! The countdown starts.....
@GMSgrows, πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@GrowingGrannie, I got this...1 solution should take it..😎
I am not able to join, I don't know why...
@Sciolistic_Steve, From the noob of the month to Master, many steps 😎... Then I will try to give my wise advices 😏Like your complete answer 😘
GUYS. Can the ppl who join every 4 months like clockwork please stop. As you are getting the exact same prize FROM FB..Sorry but @Organoman you won the GOTM with me last time. And the FB 1 before that.. Do you really need this prize bro.? And that goes for ppl who join it regularly All your are doing is taking seeds from new growers that can use them. Within weeks of getting them. You, me and others. Do not need the seeds. But, I know when starting off my 1st fb prize was a gift. As it allowed me to not purchase seeds but invest on upgrading my grow room. Just a thought, just ask yourself. DO YOU NEED THIS PRIZE. and even if you do WANT IT. why not wait until the month or 2 before then do a contest. Anyways. My point, give it to the ppl that need it. I'm not saying stop offering help. But, pull yourselfs out guys so ppl like that need these can get them. Anyways. That's what I'm doing. So, good luck to you all either way, if you stay in or not. I'm not judging I'm just making a valid point.
@gottagrowsometime, Just to be clear here, it's not that people join every 4 months... if you win a contest, you can't compete for three months... so folks showing up on the leaderboard only once every 4 months might have been answering questions and helping others out but haven't been awarded any points in the month's contest because they're ineligible... I won in August and I've been answering questions and getting selected in September and October but my name has not and will not appear on the leaderboard as being entered into the contest. Just sayin' .... You really can't infer someone's motives for being on the leaderboard... they may just want the prize - they may just want to help - it may be a combination... I think we all ought to just cool down and compete if we want (for whatever reason - prize? medal? bling?) or NOT compete by taking ourselves out of the running if we find ourselves on the leaderboard and don't want to be there... No harm, no foul...
@Chow_13, I don't know what u trying to say. So, let me repeat THIS AGAIN. I GAVE MY OPNION ON IT. And CS gave his. And that was it. No way was it me setting rules. And I've no clue what you trying to say. But I gave my opinion on it. And maybe it was wrong of me to bring organ into it. As he is probably 1 of the most decent folk on here. That doesn't get evolved in stuff.(drama) My point was, showing it as an example. Wasn't pointing him out, just as an example the same ppl going for it every time its there chance when needed, (but if they need the seeds then ye, go for it. My point was ppl who just hold onto them) I probably should have clarified more. I just used myself as an example. Like @Roberts does it, but he doesn't do it every time his turn is up. Only when he needs it. That's the point I'm trying, or was trying to make. Sorry Roberts for bringing you into it. I'm just trying to point out my point. You don't have to join every 4 months, just cause your up, (it runs every month, so when needed do of course, or even if you are throwing them away, that's your choice, I am just trying to say, ppl that need them could use them). Give others a go. But, again. Wasn't in any way, guidelines it was an my opinion. Just as you have put your 2cents in. I don't want drama. OK.. I mes creepy Steve and explained to him what I meant. Again, if i have offended anyone, or made them feel in any way mean or me projecting anything like that towards them was not my point. My point was to just say. If you have seeds and really don't need them. Just give it to the ppl who need. (Or if some1 wants the award to build up profile, do what xbuds did.) Give your prize away, and take the award. Anyways. I hope I made my point. And good luck to you all. Sharing is caring, that's all I was trying to put across. (Badly). And for that, my bad.. Happy growing and have fun on the contest.
@gottagrowsometime, Really. @Organoman has 4 trophies. And by the looks of it he would do a single prize pack in one run....which calculates out to 4 months!!!! Or what if someone want's to collect the whole collection. They are sold as Souvenir.
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Y isn't it seedsman. Loads of FB. but that's not bad merch. Good luck to everyone.
@gottagrowsometime, lol slow down there your talking logic on grow diaries... that is not allowed! BHAAHHA I agree some sort of "Up & Coming" thing would be nice so we can tell who's who or what's what. Or a list of brands that will be featured but when will still be a mystery. Agreed for autos, fast buds are fine, all autos are in the same boat to me. I feel older content should be allowed if it follows the guidelines. Some people save diaries just for this opportunity. But I also like the idea of fresh content from current grows. Maybe have a side prize for legacy grows and a started time line for growing out a plant. But i best this comes down to profit/cost thing for the host and GD to feature them for extra long.
@m0use, yeah I seen they are running a lot of contests. And also FB is. Would be good if they brought in sponsors who hold comps like dutch and rqs to sponsor G/D/P/NOTM. Maybe seedsmafia will be up next. I have loads of auto seeds. Trying to move away from them if I'm honest. But, FB do have some lovely ones. So, a prize is a prize, so who knows. Might throw my hat in the ring. I like the merch.. and I've no t-shirts as you robbed mine πŸ˜‹ Would be nice, if they had up. Up & coming contests like a couple weeks in advance. Like some they run like RQS and they only hold 70 day ones. (So it's y we've so many ppl adding old diaries) but when we get 170+ day contests like the rare/tiny seedsman contest. Still 1/2 of the ppl joining are adding 3yr old winning diaries, and not following clear rules like full plant&pot pics, but then, you would know more than most how often GD bends rules to suit who they want to win, dyno contest as example. But, a bit of info in advance to allow us to buy said sponsors products and to allow to get a full auto/fem grow in, which sometimes can be under 70 or even stretch to 90 days, and far beyond if a fem
@GrowingGrannie, It's all your fault GG. you bring out All the jealous heads, as who wouldn't be J of u 😊. You rock. So expect more haters girl. But, yeah. I'm sure them ppl who we all know who caused shit, are back up on here, 'lookin and fingers are pausesd waiting to attack., "mum shouts down to basement, ...... (won't say any names), you want me to run your bath",, poxy keyboard warriors. I'm sure they here watching.
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Ok i had 13 point but i can't see the winners, why?
@Sciolistic_Steve, ahahaha omg you were right ahaha
It’s saying Oops Error when I try joining
@TheBluntBeauty, it automatically enrols you into the contest when your answer is picked by the inquisitor. Only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted.
Good luck Growmies 🌱
It was 24:20, now 23:20 ... ;))))))
@Sciolistic_Steve, no, it was Organoman vs You, his score dropped ;))) Not far till the Win hun ??? ;))))
GOTM November link posted below: not seeing it on the main page. Same prize as this month, plenty of chances to win it if you lost last month. Good Luck!
Congratulations to the winners! Well done!!
The clocks all seem to be of pushed forward. Could of sworn it said 13 days to go 2 days ago. That, or I've had a wicked sleep. Good to luck to you all.