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Grower of the Month December 2022

Shipped by Sponsors
27 Growers participating
2 years ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
  • THREE winners


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👏👏👏 2nd place @nugsery. Nice tactics answering questions, belittle the other answers and keep deleting your answer and re posting it so it's top of the list. Very sportsman like and great community spirit.
@GrowingTranny, I would like for you to show me the proof were I am begging them.. I send everyone a DM with the same thing that I copy and paste, and it looks exactly like this, [Let me know if you need any other help with your grow question. **QUESTION URL*** Don't forget to select a answer to close out the question when your satisfied. Cheers] That is not begging, its following up. Most people don't know they have a DM inbox let alone do they close out questions. I do not say select my answer and I do not beg. When asked by users if they should pick mine, I say its up to them and they should pick the one they feel helped them the best, I also had an offer by a grower to ask/create more questions and they would select my answer, I said don't do that, its cheating and can get myself and them kicked off the site. There have been others in the past who have wrote "feel free to DM me once you select my answer". This is not something I have done and that was the actions of a prominent "guru" grower. guru in quotes as rank means jack shit on this platform. Funny enough though to your original point, I have been informed by another grower on how you are trash talking myself and asking for points in the the DM, saying I don't know what I'm talking about, how I copy and pate from google and that I'm only doing this for seeds in a dumb contest. I will say this, I am going for gold, I am completing in this contest, that's nothing new, I reference sites and give links/credit. If I recall correctly you were called you out for legit copy and pasting from a grow weed easy article with out giving credit to the author, they even found the page from which your took all the info from. so maybe google "define hypocrite" If you truly wanted to help everyone you'd answer all the questions, not just the ones that have a diary attached. So what are you really doing? I have at least answered questions not linked to the contest point system. I don't calm I know everything and I certainly don't. You have given some relay bad advice and then delete your answer chance course and copy others, then you keep deleting and reposting them so they are on top of the pile in hopes you get picked. Meanwhile you delete your replies to things on this page and shit talking me in the DM's to random users with out ever reaching out??? to what end, whats the point? I talked to one person who said you where shit talking me and I told them what I thought of you. I don't control what GrowingGrannie does as she is her own person be it sometimes aggressive.. This contest can be quite toxic and most people are wary of new users as it almost always tends to be a troll returning from the dead. So... why are you like this??? I'm not saying your dutchdoobie, a known troll who's profile got banned from previous contests, but your actions match there MO perfectly. Why delete replies, why be shady, and why are you only making contact now end of the month? In the end I'm not a fan of your advice, or character from what I have seen, I don't think you have grossly cheated but some things where questionable at one point. Maybe in time I will see your grows and change my mind but as of right now your not worth any more of my time after I finish hitting send on this post. Good Luck!
@GrowingTranny, as you are a new member of this site you wont have seen the pattern of what goes on in this competition. Certain growers always help out with questions, mouse and granny are 2 people that help out regularly, there are many more. What you have done during the month is low, you started off dismissing other answers, then you kept deleting your answers and re posting them so they was back Top of the list. I do answer questions from time to time and if I see someone has put what I would have then I will also say that person is correct also. I haven't done this with you because your morale compass is none existent. I have also noticed you give a bit of shit back to people then remove your comment, this is very similar behaviour to someone who recently got kicked from this site.
@GrowingGrannie, all 3 winning medals and prizes just for him/her/it.
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Going to give @Zurban_Poison a huge shout out here... There's a question from some poor bloke who was looking for free seeds... I saw there had been one answer and was expecting it to be a sort of "piss off" type of response but no... @Zurban_Poison basically said "Sure, mate... what do you want? I'll send you some!" In this day and age of everyone angry with too many people looking out only for themselves, it was so refreshing to see someone being so generous. Man Of The Year in my book...
@GrowingGrannie, Ja Kumpel da stimm ich dir auf jeden bei. Leider ist sowas die Ausnahme geworden, in der heutigen Zeit denkt jeder nur an sich.
@Hashy, or trade seeds! They are considered souvenirs and collectibles by most countries, so there shouldn't be a problem with trading them, you would think.
@GanjaReaper, that thought had occurred to me as the site being the middle man, but it looks like the team running the site have enough to deal with just keeping the site running. Would be good to have a section where you can select the seeds you want to give away and someone could have them. The site probably relies heavily on advertising for the breeders. The more people exchange the less seeds these breeders sell, the less revenue for the site.
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Awwwwww... @m0use @AsNoriu @Hashy @Sciolistic_Steve @GanjaReaper @Ezzjaybruh @ernstwwgg @Chow_13 ... Happen to notice @GrowingTranny lost a couple of points over night?? ... wonder what happened to that Wizard of Cannabis that he would lose points DURING the month? Bit of cheating going on that GD found? The dutchman never learns.... And have you ever noticed how if the question does NOT have a diary attached, he never bothers to try to help a grower out? Gives you a good insight into the soul of a person... and it ain't pretty...
@m0use, nuggsy has deleted most all of his comments (if not all) and - surprise, surprise - changed his name to (choke, gasp, tears-running-down-my-face-from-laughing) - wait for it - giantnugs !!!
@GrowingTranny, He was last online 3 days ago, same age as that reply, no read receipts on this platform so maybe he has not seen it yet?? bit of an overreaction possibility? Its also up to him and not a guarantee because you asked, he does this out of his own volition. You where also offered many free seeds from a fellow grower on here, why not take the offer if you need beans so bad vs shit talking @gottagrowsometime ? Seems odd. Me and GGS have butt heads in the past but we resolved our differences. Pretty descent guy from my experience.
@GrowingGrannie, GG. love yeah. Always shines the light on rotten fruit. Or just loves a barney 🤣 either way, much respect. I got fed up with this contest long ago. But, if they keep putting up new breeders that have decent fem strains, who knows I might darken this drama show for a few weeks again. And yeah, nug or whatever or whoever you are. GG was up like 17Q a few days in. She'd of smoked everyone. But, I'm sure a little @m0use would of had a thing to say about that. Congrats my friend. Another award well deserved. Got my seeds today from these. Got 3 nice fems. Look forward to trying them. Never had garlic cookies. FYI. if anyone would like seeds. I've loads. All diaries I've up you have choice of. Have about lots of FB autos and lots of other autos. Have a super collection of fems. Have 70+ fem strains. Most aren't up, but just shoot me a mes and tell me what you into and I'm sure I'll have something(s) for you. They from 8-9 dif breeders. No Charlotte's Angel CBD left. Enjoy the New Year guys. I've someone to ship to this week. So, will be sent out by Wed. Will be snail mail. But, my country is pretty quick at delivering.
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How funny would it be if mouse got 1st with 56 points. Chow get 2nd with 8 points and 3rd place gets split between zurban and ezzjay with 3 each.
@Chow_13, that would be funny.
@Hashy, Or even better the top 3 all drop out. Then it would be a tie for first, tie for second and everyone else gets third. I will do it if @GrowingTranny does. And I am sure @m0use would also.
Hmm!!!! I go away for a few weeks and come back to this...Sorry I missed this one. Congrats on the win @m0use, and your bump up to GM....Is it to late to call cheats??? Ah, it's never to late... I smell a rat.., wait, maybe it's a m0use...😂
@GMSgrows, You smell only what the dark lord wants you to smell! and its discontinued Little Debbie Cakes & Snacks only in CANADA!
How many golden trophies you need to melt to get one solid mouse trap ??? ;)))))
Interesting... it's 1/1/24... @Hashy and @Organoman and @Chow_13 and I are still in here helping growers (or trying to!) .... @m0use is, I'm sure, chowing down on some well-deserved cheese and sleeping it off.... but DutchDoobie, I mean nuggsy or whatever name he's going by now, is nowhere to be found... much as I expected...
@Chow_13, @mouse - oh damn! Got a bit ahead of myself, didn't I?! hahahahahahaha! Time flies when you're having fun!
@GrowingGrannie, oh shit. Got stoned and deleted my comment. Yep I've been answering questions here and there. Not sure if I still will be answering in 2024. But as an old saying I say is that time will tell. It always does.
@Chow_13, I'm thinking they meant Jan 1st 2023, 1/1/23. Good weed indeed.
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Os deseamos mucha suerte a todos en el concurso, ojalá que podamos ver nuestras genéticas en vuestro próximo cultivo!! 😃🌱
@m0use, prize pack #3 looks awesome. That's the one I would take, for sure.
@m0use, We are very happy you like our selection!🙏😊
@Pure_Instinto_Seed_Bank, holy shit that's an amazing selection. Please post this on all the contests your hosting this month so users can see. I thought it was just the two options in the picture. A+ Stuck between prize #3 and #19 maybe I'll change my mind IDK.
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Got some drama for you guys. So after many months since May, when i first started joining this contest and should had taken the 3th place and it got stolen away from me. I still try to figure out what happend? I had a nooby/Apprentice status back then, after that, i have seen many people with the same status winning 1-3 place as well. So no excuse of having a new account, so that can't be it. I still have more answer points then the guy that got the 3th place instead, no answer where trolled/removed. So i gues some of the same people competing over and over again, tried to F me over and reported me for nonsence lol. Thanks for that👍 I was very actieve with answering back then, maybe they want to get rid of the competition and only let their Discort friends win😵
@Hashy, 3rd place is 5 solutions. Easy to take if the time is right. wide open for now. IDK how the holidays affect questions. are they busy? do ppl ask a lot aorund xmas and stuff? I know Jan is popping or was.
@Hashy, nah, that point is 7 month old cheese ;)))))) I heard some cheesy rumours too, think you still have huge chance ;)))
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@Pure_Instinto_Seed_Bank, What would you say your most unique strains "smells / terpene profiles" are on the prize list? Are there any strains high in CBD or CBG or any other cannabinoid worth nothing like THCV? Cheers,
@Chow_13, Hi there! Sorry for the late response, we made a mix of prizes with all our genetics so all of those strains are included in the prizes :)
@Chow_13, These are all the prize packs available. They have such a large assortment. 19 different options.
@Pure_Instinto_Seed_Bank, Does that mean strains like "Lemon Storm" or "Cherry Cookies & Shiskaberry" are in the prize list? Or were you just listing the top sellers.
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Os deseamos mucha suerte en el concurso, ojalá que podamos ver nuestras genéticas en vuestro próximo cultivo!! 😃🌱
@Ezzjaybruh, yes, we do 🙂
@Pure_Instinto_Seed_Bank, you guys breed all these in house?
@m0use, Sorry, we thought we still didn´t comment in your profile and we wanted to make sure we did in each of them so you all get our equal suppport 🙏
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Jeeezzz look at m0use go 🏃‍♀️ 💨
@m0use, 😂 i think you will definitely do that 👌
@Anonymous_2022, get me that cheddar
Christ on a stick, these rolling 7hr bans are getting to be a bit much. Can never tell if its fully over until you try and post something and then bamb everything greyed out again. Might not be able to post this and if I can I might not be able to reply to this for 7 hrs. Also something smells fishy and its not the trout..
@m0use, nah - he's great at deleting shit... I've got a plan for next time... he's just a wee little shit...
@GrowingGrannie, I don't see anything? guessing they deleted it?? this was Dutch's MO very much last time we dealt with them. I'd suggest taking screen shots. or if its still in your notifications to take a snap of that and upload it.
@m0use, @Hashy, @Ezzjaybruh, @gottagrowsomtime, @Crazy_Steve, look who's outted himself! Only DutchDoobie, DutchDoobie 2, GrowlingGrannie or mQuse would make that last comment to me... He's getting VERY desperate.... couldn't beat me in August and he can't beat m0use now!
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@Sciolistic_Steve, and btw, I think the infamous DD is back... disguising himself (not very effectively) as another newbie - Nugsery... Writers have distinctive styles and this guy sounds EXACTLY like DD... so watch for some alter-egos to erupt this month... sigh....
@Sciolistic_Steve, didn't you know.... ????!!!! Weed is a "gateway drug" and you've now landed in a pool of Margaritas! Or is this a Lime Rickey?
@Sciolistic_Steve, bwahahaha!!!
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@GrowingTranny, "... I regret replying to this negativity in the first place" you realize you started this from your crappy sportsmanship and shit talking people in the DM's right? I will admit some users came at you a bit aggressively, you did not handle it well, your trying to play a victim again and its sad. If you cared to learn and help people you would have admitted when your wrong and not used such tactics in the the contest... IDC what you say here, its never honest and chances are you will delete it later, your actions speak louder, they are that of a troll. Good Riddance.
@Sciolistic_Steve, nah... DutchDoobie/GrowlingGrannie/mQuse/DutchDoobie2/Nugsery/Giantnugs (oh god, I can't stop laughing at that last one) surely isn't m0use... btw... I didn't know m0use liked to chew on a rats ass... but sure did the job well! Kudos @m0use! Hey! I know the perfect new name for him... Giantnugs needs to become SlimeBallz... Cm'on! Change your name up again - but don't forget to delete all your comments here...
@GrowingTranny, Maybe you should go back and read the history, I was new to this contest in Jan when I first competed and every month I have competed there has been trolls like you shit talking anyone in the DM's. I was awarded Feb in error because this site is broken, I offered that price to the person in 4th as it would have normally went to them if it was not for said error. You would have noticed that if you took to doing any form of research. There are many more users wining much more then myself in the contests. Its a social media platform designed for marketing and free advertising. The host does not control what GD does they are just sponsoring it. last i checked I did not DM any person with the purpose of shit talking you, yet I have had multiple users tell me you have and you went on quite the rant about me. Did not know I occupied so much of your mind. I did not write inflammatory comments later to delete them like you have on others grows and on this contest page. I did not delete my answers then re-post them to be on top of the list so I was more likely to be picked, but you did, almost every time. I did not delete my answers when I was wrong and then copy others suggestions like you have multiple times. I did not change my name like most trolls do, again something you have done. I did not assume just because someone had offered support in your favour they are automatically cheating or grouping up against anyone. Sadly you have done this. I also did not DM other users tying to get a information that would set off a reaction with others, you requested info on how to set off a fellow grower offering seeds who was not replying to you from a completely different user who has had beef with that person in the past? WHY? whats the point of this? you think they will reply back to you now if you piss them off?? The other users or friends as you call them all offered their support because they felt you where in the wrong, I never asked them to do this, they did it on their own accord because you have a bad attitude, poor conduct and your charter is sketchy at best. They have all participated in this contest and won in the past, they understand how one troll "yourself" can dominate and wreck the atmosphere for everyone else. Most people tend to ignore it for fear of getting banned, causing a storm on the site can lead to that, I call it out because I'm sick of it, they need to do better. I did follow up with every user I provided an answer to and informed them it's their choice to pick whatever answer they think is correct, no begging, no shit talking other contestants and no sus behaviours like you did all during this contest. If fact I shut one user down who was conspiring to create a bunch of questions for me to answer. it did not go well with my "moral compass". that's an inside joke for my friends on here. I did participate in this contest for the prize of 1st place, I also enjoy problem solving so it went hand in hand, Plus I thought the seeds looked interesting even more so when I found out they are breeding them in house. Meanwhile you said I was only doing this for "stupid free seeds and have no idea what I was talking about" However there where many answers on witch you where dead wrong and then just copied google answers once you realized your error, again you need to look up the definition of a hypocrite. So why are you doing this? If the seeds are "stupid" your words, why are you pestering the breeder @Pure_Instinto_Seed_Bank with your short comings? You don't even respect them and you expect something good to come out of this?? Slimier to the other person you think if you piss off enough will reach out to you with free things because they offered them? You have really bad insight into things. Every person who has reached out to me about you has been confused why you are so negative, I prefer if you stop playing games and grow the fuck up. You remind me a green thumbed individual who has the same stick up their ass.
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The cheddar awaits, @m0use! Congratulations! Well done!!!!
@m0use, LOL! Take your gold medal, m0use.. !!
@GrowingGrannie, A lot can happen in 7hrs. Maybe @chow_13 gets 31+ answers lol We all did good this month. mostly.... If a few users did not pull out we all be at way different score points.
Congratulations, @m0use ! Way to kill it again and help out the community. Well done!
@ernest_twwg, Thanks Mate!
Methinks it's going to be a sloooooooowwwwwwww month...
Let the fun begin 😎 🍿 🥤