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  • at least one of your answers must be picked as a solution to a "Grow Questions" by its inquirer
  • can win once in 3 months

Grower of the Month January 2024

Shipped by Sponsors
101 Growers participating
9 months ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
  • THREE winners


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How about a "we fix the site" contest. that would be really awesome
Website updated or demoted is weird
@Stork, Think sum1 mixed it up. Some1 clicked implement the downgrade Instead of upgrade.
Hi guys I've been out of action for a while thanks to some undue attention by mr policeman. I havent competed in one of these for over a year its nice to get back at helping growers. Wish all the best of luck to everyone in the contest.
@gottagrowsometime, I don't know whats going on with this comp its completly changed from the last time I competed I do understand like repetitive winners I do think it becomes and addiction. the 3 month rule is good but i think there should be like a minimum diary count of like 15-20 grows before someone can be considered for this contest as anyone can claim to have the knowledge only certain people have a good grow profile proving they can grow. I try not to bute to people as its just what they want.
@TheUk420Show, Its the same ppl all the time mate. I know that DutchDoobie and the likes of him plauge this site. With their sticky phones and crusted tissue lying around their rooms. Nothing better to do, than pull themselves off, then try and pull a scam off. Maybe they should just pull themselves closer to an actual life.
@Incognitus, RIP AC Infinity Integrity as well.
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Congrats to the winners. @Organoman won't be allowed this month as he only won in oct. So theuk, asH & scrubby (who might be passed. But defo top 2 have it locked down. Congratulations. Looks like an awesome kit. If they do another one I'll defo throw my hat in the ring. Very few answered questions. It has to be with this new update. Now 90% of the Q the growers aren't adding their diaries. (Most haven't a clue as to why they're getting bombarded with answers when they attach a diary)
@gottagrowsometime, cheers buddy though i dont think its set in stone yet i got 5 in one day no reason why someone else cant do the same lol I just hope i get atleast 3rd or 2nd as i really need any equipment i can get lol
@gottagrowsometime, noone won or secured place. Been deducted twice this month, something fishy happens as always... You care so much, so if in POTM or DOTM i win second, ill post you it for free.
@gottagrowsometime, I'd say top 2 are nailed down but 3rd could sneak up from anyone with 2 points.
Here's some fun information regarding historical data on GOTM. It only dates back to Feb-2017 using the follow weblink style old style[THE MONTH]-[THE YEAR] [Lowest win - 3] [Highest win - 234] Prizes where great pre 2020, stating to taper mid 2019. Lights, Nutrient lineups, massive seeds and merch from other breeders not just fastbuds. Fast Buds was some of the first breeders to give smaller prices when others where giving larger ones. 2017 had contests and no posted results, this was the same for the first two months into 2018. In 2020 there where 4 months straight of 100+ answers each. Not on trend compared to any other month/year. Rummored this was the time questions where being asked by robots. Others have commented about this in the past but it has yet to happen again. The top comment on Nov 2017 GOTM contest page sums up the reality of this site and how long its been happening with no real solutions 5+ years. Quote [this site is turning into a joke used to be good with top growers but now its just people forming groups to like each others stuff to win and people making fake profiles to win then you just get people spamming the shit out of stuff to win grower of month no wonder most of the top growers have left its not even about winning cuz most of the top growers dont need/want the prizes as they got plenty of seeds and sponsors but just do it like i do for the love of it . you only have to look at the top 10 growers on here most are only in the top ten from spamming for likes sad very sad get a grip] Results Below: Averages Following Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | 000 | 000 | 008 | 020 | 008 | 041 | 022 | 041 | 021 | 048 | 019 | 038 | ====2018 266 total, 22.2 Q/M Average 060 | 035 | 059 | 033 | 039 | 038 | 080 | 086 | 051 | 044 | 039 | 049 | ====2019 613 total, 51.1 Q/M Average 035 | 021 | 048 | 113 | 138 | 155 | 234 | 127 | 076 | 075 | 086 | 059 | ====2020 1,167 total, 97.3 Q/M Average 046 | 003 | 079 | 052 | 068 | 055 | 054 | 033 | 032 | 040 | 076 | 049 | ====2021 587 total, 48.9 Q/M Average 204 | 062 | 031 | 040 | 054 | 048 | 031 | 072 | 031 | 024 | 033 | 056 | ====2022 686 total, 57.2 Q/M Average 081 | 042 | 048 | 026 | 055 | 022 | 048 | 044 | 022 | 041 | 014 | 044 | ====2023 487 total, 40.5 Q/M Average 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | ====2024 TBD 71.0| 27.1| 45.5| 47.3| 60.3| 59.8| 78.1| 62.1| 38.8| 45.3| 44.5| 49.1| ==== Average per month Fun Fun So it seems things are trending downwards, one note on the results of totals., Nov of 2023 the total of 14 was an estimate as I did not record the data and asked others in the contest if they could remember, only one person got back to me and that was their answers from what they could recall. Might be different. All entries before I started logging in Jan 2022 are subject to change as GD did not lock the answers in and total could be changed if growers removed their account linked to the question after the fact so the numbers could be higher then what was recorded.
@TheUk420Show, I update it once a month and cataloguing it took about 1hr initially but after that its easy.
@m0use, Wow thats alot of info that must of took you along time to compile buddy :)
@gottagrowsometime, the ad's where always there before they are just more streamlined, its how the site makes its money. they will never go away unless someone pays them the difference and even then will still be aorund. Just need to use some sort of program that blocks em, a browser extension even, and if it misses them hopefully that extension has an ability to highlight custom content and block it. IDK maybe something like U-BlockOrgins. but last time I mentioned this my comment got deleted right away. As for starting new diaries I have not done one in a bit so I'll have to take your word on that, does sound annoying. Mot of the issues I have reported are fixed. They are working on stuff but no word on what they are working on or why, and if they are not told its borken they won't know, I don't think they are searching for errors on their own just waiting for others to tell them whats broken. Zoom still works for me. If I click on an image I get a little magnifying glass+cursor and if I click the image again it zooms it in by 50% i think. maybe 100%
@m0use, more like a downgrade @GrowDiaries tbh. The ability to not zoom in anymore. And adding diaries to my profile pushing products. Well, its more geared towards profit than ppl use imao. Bring bk the zoom process. And overall pic Quality has dropped dramatically. The new way of adding ur lights and nutrients. U type in power roots and everything with power / roots comes up and at the end theirs the product you use to be easily able to add. Its much more annoying and time consuming. Really don't dig it. Really some1 needs to dig a hole to put this upgrade in the ground. Buried and gone. #Out with the new, in with the old
Hello and welcome. I'm glad to participate in this competition and wish everyone good luck. May the best win.
Dear growers, a huge thanks for spreading the knowledge and making our community a better garden. You're the shining green stars in our sky!
Good Luck Everyone! Interesting Prize this month. Tech vs seeds :D
Good luck to all Also.. to any leader in this months competition. If you're in the top 3, take your diary out of DOTM as only 1 unit per person. So no point using up that, as we know, they can only be placed once in GOTM
@Incognitus, Yeah, yeah. Another poxy input from a dumpy account for the real idiot that thought they'd have a chance of winning 2 units. Greediness as usual on here. Never stops. Seriously the amount of effort put into your fake accounts to get seeds, you'd do better mining satasios, or mining tokens on your 'sticky ass phone than putting the effort into this.
@AsNoriu, If you read it pal. All I was saying. Is the top 3. At the last few mins. Pull there diaries of they're in you can't readd that diary. And it's pointless to lose it AS YOU CAN ONLY WIN 1 UNIT (anyways y would some1 want 2. I think some1s just pissed i brought it up). Anyways, I was not saying the top 3 now atm should pull their DOTM i meant at the end of the contest.. Think you misunderstood anyways ash Y the big input. Omg unreal ppl Ffs some1 annoyed I pointed out the obvious. And to anyone who took me up wrong. I only meant the top 3 at the end of the contest. If that wasn't clear well, maybe that's my fault for not explaining more. I jst thought it'd be clear.
@gottagrowsometime, thats not wise or smart. Firstly - you never know will you win here. Scond time i have overtimes and and heavily busy, stopped answering for a bit and my numbers drops , so here you have 0 guarantee ... Plus for last win i got 0 still, in November Heater promised to send tracking, but i didn't got anything. Time invested never pays out, i personally do it from sincere will to help, looking at few others ussual suspects - they act same ...
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Half way though the month and the top place is only 5 answers deep, its still anyone win at this point. Going to be a tight race to the finish me thinks.
@AsNoriu, every month is a glitch if you look at it in the correct light.
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@m0use, 2021 was glitch, so should not be counted.
@m0use, I think your right buddy must be a problem with the site sucks ass. @gottagrowsometime, they should splash out on server space the amount of money they charge people to be listed on the site you would expect them to have gold plated server rooms lmao.
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Ok... so I've come back to take a look at what's going on and I'm flabbergasted (not happily) at the changes I've seen... we'll start off with the "sponsor" of this contest.... where the hell did the seeds go?! But congrat to @m0use! Still rockin' it, I see!
@m0use, ;)))) means two places suspicious ;))) I talked to third, after it he never logged in ...
@AsNoriu, the thing with Organoman is because they won in Oct 23' GOTM. So they can not place again for 3 months. [oct]-nov-dec-jan, I have a feeling they will be bumped down on this months leaderboard just as they where with last months. Whats new is it may still allow your score to show but just can't win with it. Maybe, all a working theory on this site now with the update. I think he real troll was in 2nd place. new account, no diaries, answering only questions with diaries linked, a deeper understanding of the contests when its almost always misunderstood as the written text is not great and the spamming for likes, it was a manufactured account for a win and now its almost all but gone dark.
@GrowingGrannie, nobody gives a smallest f@ck here about any order. Mars hydro wins fake account, Exotic buds cant see difference between summer and November, last month GOTM 3rd place is taken by "fake" acc, despite Organoman having same amounts of points, but way more answers and was keeping answering.... Platform functionality issues will be sorted, but such things becomes ugly habbit ....
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16 winners .... its like 5$ on Alibaba ? ;)
@AsNoriu, Yes, 5$ with a minium of 5000units maybe, then the vat based on unit price not bulk. I think its a very nice unit. And nice to see other sponsors coming in other than offering us seeds. If u not tat gone on it, and think its only worth 5 dollars how about withdrawing and giving it 2 sum1 who would appreciate a free unit..
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299$ on amazon, The 16 winners is for all the contests combined. 10 DOTM, 3 POTM, 3 GOTM = 16 winners.
Well done growdiaries for sorting the results out, and congratulations to the winners.
@Growdiaries Are you sure these awards have been handed out correctly? I'm pretty sure one of the competitors should not have won because they won late last year. Why state the rules in the competition if you don't enforce them? It seems mine and my fellow growers pleads to help Asnoriu get back into the contest have fallen on deaf ears. Asnoriu was 2nd in this months contest and a glitch on the site made him withdraw please could you correct this as I don't think its very fair.
Omg GOOOOOOOOD, touching while scrolling withdraw you without any other warning, absolute stupid system, to join you press 3 times, to go out - enough just to have sticky fingers ....
@AsNoriu, I've had a company wait a month before reaching out to me about prizes. Hopefully you will hear from these people soon!
@ernest_twwg, i dont know yet, got trophy, never got banner about win with addresses and rest. Still noone texted or emailed, so thanks for greetings , but i want prize too ;)))
@AsNoriu, looks like they fixed it for you. Congratulations on the win!
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@growdiaries, the grower named @Asnoriu, was in 2nd place and accidentally hit withdraw. Could you please sort him/her back into 2nd place. 1st was theuk420, 2nd should be Asnoriu, 3rd should be organoman. Thanks.
@Hashy, aw fuck your right, need my glasses 22 not 23'
@m0use, organoman didn't win at all in 2023. I'm fairly sure he was withdrawing last year.
@Hashy, organoman won GOTM Oct 23' and can't place for 3 months after, Nov-Dec-Jan, their next qualifying month would be Feb 24' Technically Scrubbyjimbob should be in 3rd if the rules are in effect. I think with all the updates all the old rules that were automatically applied are no longer a thing. However they have removed GOTM for Feb so they can fix all that, They said its scheduled to return for March however they might not bring it back depending on how it goes in the questions part of the site while its down. If trolls and spam contuine then they may axe it, or bring in something diffrent.
Well done top 3
@gottagrowsometime, from what I can tell it is done. It took a break for Feb 24' and they where to rework it or replace it with something else. As of now none of the other regular monthly contests have been populated so there is still time. Given how the site is running atm, I would say it prob won't be coming back anytime soon. maybe April if they get their shit together. Need to fix all the other errors. like why can't I open any GOTM page from a hyperlink. it errors out, but if I click the GOTM icon from the contest page it works.... its dumb.
@m0use, Any word on future GOTMs?
I half expected I would get a few answers but not that many. @AsNoriu well done brother :) I thinbk we are both in with a shot this month :)
@TheUk420Show, on a month i am not trying to win, i answer more questions than now. I dont mind to have such equipment for free, but i am a bad helper this month, too busy . Good that platform brings new waves of helpers, people really needs good advices. Nice too see fresh names in answers.
💚💚good luck💚💚 Check out the new Diaries MAC and RED WINE from Seeds Genetics Co. 💚💚