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Grower of the Month June 2021

Worldwide by Sponsors
100 Growers participating
3 years ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
  • THREE winners


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Like I said in my last post about half hour ago, I didn't realise I was in this competition, its nice actually finding that out. So I been looking at it and it looks like with 4 hours left I might win it. With organoman 2nd. Then its real tight for 3rd place between spidermite and inspireme. Then it's real close between B4rns and Gmslave. From my working out each top 3 get 12 auto seeds and 12 photoperiod seeds. I have no need for all them seeds. If you could I would take a pack of 4 auto and a pack of 4 photo seeds and you can distribute the rest to the people who didn't quite make it.
@hashy, I'm not on here answering to win. When I do win I pass the prize on. When ever I get close, I sit back and let others take the win. I only answer over top of people when I know their answer is incorrect. I'm not in it to win it. I am just here to show people how easy it is to be a successful grower. This is why I push the KISS method. Keep it simple stupid. Congrats to the winners. I have enough people sending seeds now. They don't even tell me their sending, they just come in the mail. New ties, new socks. Love the stealth shipping lol...
@hashy, great gesture bro. I'm with you on that. If I win, I'll just take one pack of autos and one photos and do the same with mine pleaseπŸ‘Œ
Damn shame some here just give an answer regardless if being the right one...
@@@NobodysBuds, Thanks for tip about DM, didnt think of that :P About your encounters with disagreeing growstyles, I guess its like grandma's applepie. Every grandma makes it 'the best way' :P I like your diary on Ocean Grown Cookies and your way of reporting. The results on that grow with a 200 watt light are supernice! May I inquire what lights they are? As (what I interpret) to your approach of the organic vs inorganic grows discussion: in the end nitrogen, phosphor, potassium, calcium, magnesium etc aren't they all elements? What some organic growers care about is the source of the readily available elements. So their HCL watersoluble form can come from: a/ petrochemic industry b/ mining c/ composting and soilmicrobes. If you don't mind using petrochemics or mined phosphates (also still called organic, by the industrie) then grow with these. For me I try to find the middle way, the more I generate in my garden, less trips to the growshop, less chance to get caught. And my opinion after growing and smoking hydro and 'as organic as possible'? The latter has way more taste. Have a good one!! Do you have another journal coming?
@HighRoller909, Hi thank you for taking the time to answer. In the meantime I'm just enjoying my visits here, learning from the other growers. I think for the most part there is no malice involved other then people trying to win a prize. No one seems out to purposely give wrong answers from what I saw and Ive probably been wrong a couple of times (although unlikely :). However I do find it annoying that selected answers count, regardless of being the right one. And I saw the occasional answer just to answer try and up the score. After my remarks, it seems the helper in question seems to do more research before answering lately. No reason to name names. I also understand that it is impossible to check all selected answers for being right. But What I do miss is a way to object to the selection. So the grower with question knows one or multiple answerers do not agree with chosen solution and might elaborate for reconsideration.
@BioBuds, this is too generally speaking and you are just 1 month old here.please elaborate some. Not all answers have to be correct,people are still trying to help each other. I've seen ridiculous answers since question section has started but didn't care that much.I've seen people commenting "plant is good,keep doing" on very sick plants yet the grower chose that answer.or I've seen people answering "your plant is starving" for a plant which had seriously burnt leaves and that answer was picked as the right one.Weird things like this happen all the time here,no surprise for me but I'm really curious about your claim.You can contact me through pm if you want.And yes like mate said,some funky answers won't hurt anyone as long as they don't misguide growers.
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Hi @GrowDiaries. I would appreciate a Genderneutral Icon for this Contest. Happy Gardening 🌴
@@BraveheartGenetics,it still a male=?
@Mrs_Larimar, He could be wearing a skirt...You never know?!
@@NobodysBuds, Get woke, go broke...
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Big appreciation to @GMSgrows. He only participates to Help in every month...........πŸ™πŸŒˆ
@GMSgrows, finally someone who walks the talk πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
@Mrs_Larimar, Well thanks ML. It's what I've done all my life and love to show people how easy it really is...I try to hold back in answering so I don't take peoples wins away...Cheers to all you guys and gals that help when you can...
I only realised the other day I was in this competition, I had lots of spare time this month and thought I would help out growers. A few days ago I spotted a post and thought I know the answer to that I had that problem a few years ago and only managed to figure out what was wrong until it had done lots of damage to the plant. Then I thought or is it that problem so I googled it and low and behold it was that problem and the plant looked just like the one in the picture. Then I looked back at the other picture and it was an identical picture. The person had clearly lifted the picture from the Internet. Since then there has been people asking me if I have seen any cheating and yes I think I have. There has been a few other posts after that one where the picture has been lifted from the Internet. This is supposed to be a community where people enjoy looking at other people's plants and methods. When people need help then the experienced growers can assist them and help them enjoy the hobby. Listen if your reading this and thinking of creating fake accounts to win seeds don't. Just put your hands in your pockets and buy some seeds. Perhaps this site needs a section where you can donate seeds your not going to use so the tight people can get free seeds instead of spamming them.
Some really obvious cheating here reported to growdiaries. Spidermite has been making fake accounts, posting questions and selecting himself as the answer to score points. Heres evidence of one -Image used -Questions he got selected for Theres been multiple other brand new accounts posting 1 photo and then asking a question minutes later, surprise, surprise... spidermite is always selected. This cheater needs disqualifying.
@@NobodysBuds, @inspireme : LMFAO @spidermite wins by two points @doctorgreenthumb blows his cover and asks two bullshit questions to tip the scales in his own favor at the very end lol never seen such a brainless cheat before and i've seen a small handful on this site... man thinks he's so entitled and smarter than folks but his cheat account has no pics on it and his real account has scraggly looking plants on it. Go figure : the "man" seems sad at home πŸ˜†
@@NobodysBuds, you're suggesting that I may have made a mistake, which normally starts an argument. Hence why I said I'm not arguing with you. I know for certain, its blatantly obvious. That's why I announced it publicly. I had my suspicions for a little while, but didnt announce it as I had no real proof. White knight in shining armour has come to rescue the spidermite with his integrity 🀑. I obviously expected people to comment and see this, you'd be a fool not to. You keep stating the obvious bro.
@@@NobodysBuds, he's used pictures from popular weed sites, multiple times. Guess who gets selected... the same guy EVERY time... spidermite. If he cant do that properly then he isnt going to be masking his IP. I cant he arsed arguing with you about it. GD will catch up with him.. cheers for your 2 cents though
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What's going on with this site? Every Friday when I need to update my diary, the questions and diary section have stopped working from the Thursday. Guess I will wait to update the diary. Any other good diary sites out there?
@Mrs_Larimar, Makes me wonder if they have lost interest in keeping the site up to date.
@GMSgrows,no iam just agrower like you... but i was writing to them several times,,,and yes it sucks their answer was like " it is arepeating technical error"..... Thats the thirst thursday in row.....pls write to growdiaries too
@Mrs_Larimar, they must know what the problem is by now. Is it just not having the time to keep this site running properly? Are you a moderator for this site ML?
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Congratulations @hashy @@SpiderMite @ORGANOMAN Great winners and Great prizes. you guys really know your shiz congratulations an 2nd time winner with Organoman taking his 2nd Title Grower of the month placement Great going sir ! Your all awesome growers and I wish your plants the best of luck. Thanks to female seeds for hosting another great gd event great guys and dont worry all you runner ups theres always next month get answering them questions guys :) peace out
@CRiSPrGrow, haha cheers lassos! 😝
@TheUk420Show, congrats to @inspireme more like ! πŸ˜†
@TheUk420Show, cheers dude.
Good luck everyone, another great prize on offer from Female Seeds πŸ’ͺπŸ™
Best of luck guys I'm taking a more spectator role this month will help out here and there :) πŸ‘Š
Do the Democrats ever stop crying on this site? They try and cheat this contest every month and when they lose cry cry cry! πŸ‘πŸ‘ From The 45TH & 47TH President Of The United States Of America
@DonaldTrump, looks like there was some fine print on the legal documents you missed bud 😝
@DonaldTrump, but this fake ass bitch was crying about it not too long ago @shotgunbob 🍿 🍿
@InspireMe, If that was the case. Reading the legal documents i don't see that a breach of the rules. What evidence do you have that this happened? πŸ‘πŸ‘ From The 45TH & 47TH President Of The United States Of America
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I'm so lucky I don't care. If anyone likes cloning, fems, organics, natural PGRs, breeding, outdoors, pheno hunting, etc check my IG
@female_seeds always have great genetics πŸš€ good luck to the folks participating this round ! πŸš€