

Official Representative
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If you have a chance check out mi diaries ✌️😎😎💪
@Lukush,wauw lux det jo direkte til delux haha fucking ser godt ud ven. Har du mulighed for at hjælpe med at få min plante på en god plads så deler vi i kælderen altså prisen 😝😝💚ej go kamp og ved det nok ik en som mig der har sit første telt men det er utroligt let i forhold til at man skal tænke sig om jo også have tålmodighed det mit problem haha
currently the best genetics for me 👌🏻
Lemon Haze auto en croissance super génétique j'ai hâte de récolter merci kannabia hésitez pas à tcheck mon jardin peace 😜👏👊
A shout out to Kannabia. Some kick ass genetics flow through their doors. Glad to be in collaboration with these great people. Their Gelato K is a super grower. Would recommend this strain to anyone who likes the Gelatos.
Vaya! Me ha llegado un mensaje directo con sus descuentos y creo que decantaré con algunas de sus genéticas Fem para esta temporada de verano
Case Sensitive [ KHkgKksQ ] 15% off right there, online orders.
Hey kannabia,was wondering if you'de like to sponsor me? Would loveeee some good genetic seeds seem too have trouble with customs getting some haha, looking forward to your response. Cheers joe
Love these guys genetics. They are Hardy and solid. + they come in the best packaging I've seen yet. "Must cost a few quid for that packaging", as opposed to the huge breeders who send it out in cheap zip locks. Germination is really strong. They just scream of quality. And they are, thus far, I've had great results. Take a look at my Dream sherbet auto, she's a killer. 35cm and already flipping on day 26, (usually, I'd be like crap, they flipped too early, but not in this case, she has a lovely shape. And smells wonderful already. I know weed plants all smell similar when in veg, but you can get that sweet smell. Can't wait for my sherbet to flower. Next stop. Best of Kannabia fems I reckon. 1 week update on results. Dream sherbet is creeping into 50cm tall. Lovely shape..cbdv&cbg are so healthy 44cm &35cm tall and CBG is 28 days old and still in veg so should catch up nicely. No weird mutations. Or showing signs of needing anything like cal/mag. These are the most flawless strains I've grown so far. Thanks for the great beans, and look forward to a long relationship..
I absolutely love using Kannabia Cannabis Seeds for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the quality of these seeds is absolutely amazing. I have had great success with germination rates and overall growth of my plants when using Kannabia seeds. Another reason I love Kannabia seeds is their medical purpose. As someone who uses cannabis for medicinal purposes, I am always looking for strains that are specifically bred for certain ailments. Kannabia has a wide range of strains that cater to different medical needs, making it easy for me to find the right one for my specific needs. In addition to the quality and medical purpose of Kannabia seeds, I also appreciate the company's commitment to sustainability. They have implemented environmentally-friendly practices in their seed production, which is something that is important to me as a conscious consumer. Overall, Kannabia Cannabis Seeds are a top choice for me due to their excellent quality, medical purpose, and commitment to sustainability. I highly recommend giving them a try if you are looking for reliable and high-quality cannabis seeds.
Hej kannabia 😉💚💚🙏🇩🇰😇🤞🌷🌷🌷. Tak for jeres ros, har bare et spørgsmål dette er min første indendørs dyrkning og har en runtz auto (lige lagt op) kan den gi lidt merchandise 😇🤞🇩🇰😉😉 samarbejde med Highhouse.Dk og thyseeds. Det min onkel der har det. Gad godt lære jer bedre kende :-)den 22 juli 2024 har IKKE NOGET SOMHELST MED HIGHHOUSE.DK OG GØRE MERE, STØRRE AROGANTE MENNESKER FINDES IKKE END DERES EGER DESVÆRRE DA DE ANDRE ANSATTE ER FANTASTISK MENNESKER OG Burde ikke finde sig i den behandling. Plus de beskylder folk der promovere for dem for at sige at man er ansat som leder? Haha meget skal man udsættes for. Pga jalousi. Men jeg er ikke bange for at sige min mening og hvis ikke folk kan holde til det. Så kan jeg ikke bruge dem til noget som helst i mit liv. 😉 👍🏼 ❤️