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Fox Farm
Geoflora Nutrients

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17 weeks
2 strains
2 years ago · 10 comments
Pawpaws medicine tent
10 weeks
Pawpaws medicine tentsavvage61
Herbies Seeds - Godzilla Cookies Auto
2 years ago · 5 comments

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2 years ago
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I am gettinjg ready for harvest and germinating the SSSC Sour Tangie Chemdawg x2 1 bruce lemon Diesel and a Nukes haed Purple dawn fire Both SSSC and nukeheads are more labs than seed banks Becuase of this I have only gotten top notch genetics from both all rock hard and covered in Trichomes the mixture of the old with the new Both labs seem to focus on old school haze and SSSC primica Hollander a 40 yr clone if you ever get a chance go to and read their history. we are talking about a bunch of turn on drop out hippies and their deeds that lead to the cannabis revolution Decades ahead of their time considered outlaw burnouts but in truth they laid the foundation for today they saw the future coming 60 yrs ahead SSSC THANK YOU
as you can see I have not got this far without defencies I have read a lot about some people having issues with fox farm it seems most people who feed their plants with full strength tend to suffer lockout I checked my ppm and ph last night the Ph run off was 642 om Grace was 600 the PPM was higher than I like to see But I added to much worm casing during my issue and it really clogged up run off Im almost home should be real close to harvest in 3 weeks they call for a 75-day flower that like growing a photo but I can tell this will be some really good pot if I cure it right I finally got My seed from SATIVA SUPER SEED CLUB for black Lebanon and from Nukehead seeds I have Blackberry moonrock Known for the hard tight buds decorated in a dark purple haze. I really look forward to this next grow it will be pretty stinky and sticky ya gotta love weed porn talk to ya next week if you have any questions or suggestions Please don't hesitate 😎 also a shout out to Geo Flora the next best thing since sliced bread all it requires is to sprinkle a 1/2 cup on a 5 gal pot every 2 weeks and water every 2 weeks with 6.3 to 6.5 PH
check out Pawpaws medicine Tent a new channel just for the fun of it and learn tricks of the trade
Besure to check out my youtube channel Pawpawsa medicine tent get a laugh learn something and stay stoned
Sorry for not posting any pics My pc is down and Im waiting for a cpu and mobo I can say they are in the pre-stretch mode in the next week or two I expect to start seeing Pistils. these are the last plants I will use Fox Farm trio on I am going to a new system called Geo flora check it out especially if you are tired of lockouts and deficiencies check these guys out. it will be featured in my next diary along with SUPER SATIVA SEED CLUB BLACK LEBANON Hope to be back to normal soon. Stay stoned and DONT OVERWATER
Sorry Havent heard from me this weekend My pc is down and Im waiting on a new motherboard and cpu But man have these gals are going nut
sorry it has been so long my pc is down parts will be here today and ill be back on daily basis the girls are in pre-stretch and their feeding schedule has changed they are now getting Big bloom, Grow big , cal/mag and Purpinator. My next grow I will be using the Geoflora Nute system more experienced growers say it is the best thing since slice bread. No more play with my chemistry set Geo flora is a solid feed 1/2 cup sprinkled every 2 weeks watter no more feeding/water best part is no more lockout or deficiency but that next grows check out these gals out its been 2 days Godzilla is getting ready to roar
what a difference a belly full of food and a couple of days make you can tell the girls have finally rebounded from my pool party and are reaching for the net By the time These gals start to flower I will have harvested my first 2 under a scrog. in thE PLANNING PHASE for my next grow the SSSC Black Lebanon these guys have some very impressive genetics this will be a Photo grow with a 2 tier scrog I want to open My tent and have a jungle fall; out. This is the issue I have with autos I figure I have $50 per plant before a seed is even germinated electric bill, water , nutes time all factors to consider especially when you avg 1 to 2 oz per plant where a decent photo tent grow can yield a 1/2 lb or more (not by me yet) autos have been an awesome teacher time to step up a step. and make a bunch of new learning mistakes😬
Plants will finally get fed tonight a good dose of big bloom with a pinch of Cal/mag. Got an email today from Super sativa seeds letting me Know I was accepted in the SSSC photo contest and I have the seeds for black Lebanon in route when they arrive I will start another journal it has been 30 years since I smoked pot that tasted like hash (old-timers remember a hint of sage) this will be my first landrace grow and one grow I can take off the gotta grow bucket list
Well if you want to see what it looks like when you over water your seedlings. I always seem to do this when I go from watering a solo cup to 5 gal pot I believe it is Day 14 and Im at a standstill the overwatering slows the growth Now instead of feastingon those tasty bits of Bat poop and worm barf along with assortments other goodies they are stuck in the corner dry out on top of that I made my flowering plants overdose on Phosphorous (little tip don't add the fox farm solubles when you already feed them tiger bloom and purpinator) any way those are another grow just been a rough week at Pawpaws medicine tent things can only go up from here
had to change watering pattern Now I should plan 1/2 gal per water/feed extended the scrog net so I will be able to fit these girls in with the other half of the net with Patti Smith Gelato and Grood Gorillia glue both happen to be Herbies freebies So far I have been very happy with Herbies IO have yet too not finish a Herbie seed grow I have to decide if I am going to finish my autos I have 4 Gelatos 3 Godzilla cookie and the elusive Purple Juice leniage the only thing I can find is how this is oner of tyhe best Purple cannabiss lines I am assuming it is right there with Purple punch. any way Thats just my autos I have granddaddy purple BannerPhoto, Do si Do Killer Photo and Gelato Photo and I have a mystery auto and a single zikkitles. But I really want TO DO A LANDRACE Afgan Kush or Lambs Bread/breath so Many strains so little time I'm 61 , if I have another good 20 years I can grow 12 strains a yr in my current outfit thats 240 more strains
I could not resist I had access to the tops of both girls 4th tier so I topped them I do not recommend this it is an attempt to top at least 2 times without stunting the growth in order to maximize the second half of the scrog net
Day nine girls got fed 24oz each 1 12 ox mason Jar slowly added around the plant halfway to the rim then a second 12 oz from the rim toward the center aprox 4 inches. this makes sure all roots are fed. I will continue to feed and water with the same pattern I water and feed till I see runoff to start (toward the harvest they will usually take close to a gallon on a side note the topping yesterday is already starting to grow to separate main stems if all goes as planned I should harvest 20 + colas per plant
Day 8 still too wet to feed I have trouble when I switch from a solo cup to a 5 gal pot/ I enjoy feedings and the days after I am going to try topping them, this week they grew a lot in 24 hrs I always top auto 1 time this time I wan t to try topping them twice thios time and fill up my scrog with Plump beautiful buds* had all my teeth pulled today and cant smoke Image a mouth with nothing but stitches and unable to do a bong hits