
What to do With Leftover Or Extra Cannabis?

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Added 17 June 2024

If you’ve been following us for a while, you’d have grown massive cannabis plants with all the tips and tricks we’ve shared. If you’re lucky, your harvest would’ve made you exclaim, “Wait, what am I going to do with so much weed!”

Who knew there would come a time when we’d have so much weed that we know what to do with it? What a wonderful problem to have, until you realize that there’s no way you can smoke all that. But not all is lost just yet. In this article, we’ll go over some things you can try if you’ve got a lot of extra weed at hand. Read on to know more. 

The Significance of Storing Cannabis Properly

The Significance of Storing Cannabis Properly

Enhancing Potency and Quality: Similar to other organic products, cannabis can deteriorate if not stored or handled correctly. Factors like light, heat, air, and moisture can all affect its strength and quality. However, if you adhere to the recommended storage and handling practices, you can maintain the potency and taste of your cannabis, ensuring a great experience whether you consume it immediately or slowly over a period of time. 

Financial Efficiency: Cannabis is often expensive if you purchase it rather than growing it. That said, it's costly even if you're growing weed at home as you'll be spending quite a bit on the setup. Thus, you need to manage your returns carefully to maximize your investment. Whether you use it to make edibles and topicals or simply store it, you need to take the initiative to preserve its quality to help you make the most out of your expenditure.

Health and Safety: Mishandling and improper storage of cannabis can pose health risks like mold growth and contamination. Ensuring that your cannabis is stored under proper environmental conditions and used in a controlled manner can help prevent these issues. 

This article will explore these topics and more as we look at many options that help you use your leftover weed effectively and responsibly. Whether you're a veteran with cannabis or a new user, these tips may help. 

How to Use Leftover Weed?

How to Use Leftover Weed?

If you have too much weed at home and don’t know what to do with it, the first thought is probably to smoke it all. However, this isn’t a good idea as you’ll become tolerant way too quickly. Moreover, smoking or consuming cannabis just for the heck of it will not do you any good. 

Instead, follow these tips below to figure out what you can do:

1. Store It for Later

This shouldn’t be a surprise; you’ll already be storing weed for the long run. But with the right technique, you can stash your stash for a lot longer than otherwise. So, why not try storing it for longer? 

Here’s the thing — no matter what you do, cannabis will still go bad in storage due to various factors like light exposure, incorrect temperature and humidity, and air. But you can control the rate at which this happens. 

Generally, your cannabis will last up to a year. Beyond that, the cannabinoids and terpenes in the buds will start breaking down, making your weed less potent and flavorful. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, cannabis loses THC at the following rate:

  • 16% in one year
  • 26% in two years
  • 34% in three years
  • 41% in four years 

With this in mind, you can easily make your cannabis last for a year with the right storage techniques. And what are the right storage techniques? 

Options for Long-Term Storage

Maintaining potency and preventing deterioration over extended periods is key for long-term storage. Consider these options:

Vacuum Sealing: By vacuum sealing cannabis you eliminate air exposure, which helps prevent oxidation. This method is recommended for long-term storage as it aids in preserving cannabinoids and terpenes.

Glass containers with humidity packs: To store cannabis for a longer period (from a few months to a year) opt for glass jars along with humidity packs to maintain the right moisture level and shield against mold and mildew. You should also use Boveda packs that will regulate the humidity levels. But Boveda won’t do all the heavy lifting; you must place your cannabis jars in a cool, dry place with a relative humidity of 55 to 65% and 77°F (25°C). The temperature should be steady as fluctuations in temperature and exposure to light can lead to degradation over time.

Freezing method: For long-term storage, freezing cannabis can be effective. However, remember that you should use this as a last resort when you want to store your weed for more than a year; the way you freeze also matters. 

For instance, using vacuum-sealed bags will help prevent freezer burn, which is the main issue when you freeze weed. In addition, remember to avoid thawing and refreezing as it may compromise the quality of the cannabis.

2. Prepare Bubble Hash 

This is an excellent relatively affordable and straightforward way of turning cannabis into a concentrate. Plus, it does not use any chemical either! Never heard of bubble hash? You may know it by the name of ice water hash. 

Essentially, this is a cannabis concentrate that is produced with the help of frosty temperatures. This process breaks down the trichomes from the buds, which you then collect to create bubble hash. 

The product earns the title from how it froths a bit when you’re making it. And there are various refinement levels of it, starting from one star to six star. You should be aiming for six stars! 

Only pick this option if you have more than an ounce of extra cannabis. The process requires a lot of cannabis to produce a bit of hash. It’s worth it, though. Store-bought bubble hash is expensive but you can make it at home for as little as $100! 

Here’s how you can prepare bubble hash at home:

Gather the Supplies 

  • At least an ounce of cannabis 
  • A couple of five-gallon containers 
  • Ice
  • Bubble bags — multiple mesh bags with different grades of microns 
  • Stirring stick 
  • Tap water

Follow These Steps

  1. Fill one five-gallon container with ice and water 
  2. Soak your cannabis in the same container for 20 minutes, at least 
  3. Don’t forget to stir it with the stick — this will agitate the trichomes and make them come loose 
  4. Place a few bubble bags in the second container 
  5. Pour the cannabis and ice water mixture into the second container 
  6. Start taking off the bubble bags one after the other 

You’ll end up with your ice water hash in the final bubble bag. Enjoy. 

3. Make Cannabutter 

If you don’t have that much cannabis or don’t care about hash, you can also create cannabutter. This way, you don’t have to worry about smoking up the buds before they go bad; instead, you can store your cannabis and add it to your favorite dish.

The process is fairly simple, and even basic culinary knowledge will help you make amazing cannabutter at home. All you need to do is grind the buds, decarboxylate them, and then cook them. The resulting butter can be added to anything from brownies to instant noodles. 

Gather the Supplies 

  • Ten grams of cannabis 
  • A cup of butter
  • A cup of water 
  • Coffee filter or cheesecloth 

Follow These Steps

  1. Grind the cannabis down and spread it onto baking paper on a baking tray
  2. Bake it for around 30 to 40 minutes to decarb it at 220°F (104°C)
  3. Then, take out the baked cannabis and add it to a cup of butter 
  4. Simmer the cannabis and butter mixture for 1 to 2 hours  
  5. Strain the mixture through a cheesecloth and let it sit until it solidifies 

Your cannabutter is ready. Then, you can use it as regular butter and add it to any dish you like. 

Be careful, though. Cannabutter is highly potent, so start low when you’re having it for the first time. It may also take some time to kick in, so don’t eat a lot, assuming it isn’t potent; it will hit you soon. 

4. Make Tinctures 

If you're looking for a discreet, fast-acting, and easy-to-use cannabis product, tinctures might be your best bet. Tinctures don't have an odor and are super simple to use—just add a few drops under your tongue. 

Although making cannabis tinctures takes a bit longer than some other methods, they last a long time and are well worth the effort. Here’s how you can make your cannabis tincture.

Gather the Supplies

  • An ounce of cannabis
  • 750mL of high-proof, ethanol-based alcohol (like Everclear or moonshine)
  • Mason jar
  • Coffee filter

Follow These Steps

  1. Decarb your cannabis as explained above 
  2. Once decarboxylated, place the cannabis in a mason jar and pour in the high-proof alcohol; a good ratio to follow is one ounce of cannabis per 750mL of alcohol
  3. Seal the mason jar and let the mixture sit for a few weeks; remember to shake the jar once a day
  4. After a few weeks, strain the mixture through a coffee filter to remove any plant material

Your tincture is ready. To use it, simply place a few drops under your tongue. This method allows for quick absorption into your bloodstream. Start with a small dose and wait to see how it affects you before taking more.

5. Roll a Big Cigar

Let’s say you’re lazy and want to use up your cannabis as soon as possible without letting it go to waste. In that case, you can roll a big cigar, which is a contemporary version of a Thai stick. 

Warning: you’ll need your friends for this one. 

To prepare a cannabis cigar, you must get your hands on a particular mold. Then, you need to grind a few grams of cannabis and pack it into the mold. Let the thing solidify overnight and then carefully take the skewer out to maintain the hollow center. 

Now, it’s time to wrap your cannabis cigar. For this, you can use any rolling paper of your choice. You can even use fan leaves for a more authentic experience. If you want to enjoy a Thai stick appeal, you can also add some hash oil to the cigar. 

Rolling a cannabis cigar is a fun and extravagant way to use up extra weed. It's perfect for special occasions or sharing with friends, and it’s sure to be a great conversation starter. Plus, it's a unique way to enjoy your harvest and showcase your rolling skills.

6. Supporting Medical Cannabis Patients

If you've been growing cannabis for a long time, you've probably already found ways to use your buds and plants efficiently. However, if you haven't shared them with medical marijuana patients who spend a lot of money trying to buy top-quality quality, you can consider doing it now. It's a meaningful way to assist those in need as many patients rely on cannabis for alleviating certain conditions. 

Sharing with medical marijuana patients is very helpful to them as medical cannabis is super expensive. By donating what you can, you'll certainly help reduce their financial burden and ensure they have access to the medicine they require. 

However, to be on the safer side, it's best to be aware of the regulations in your area before donating. This is because cannabis laws differ from state to state. Some states permit cannabis donations to patients while others have different rules. It is important to research and adhere to your state's laws regarding donations.

Many states operate marijuana programs with donation guidelines. These programs may require donors to be registered as patients or caregivers.

Or, you can look at nonprofit organizations that facilitate the process of donations. Collaborating with these organizations can ensure that your donation procedure complies with standards.

If you find a way to donate, make sure the cannabis you're donating is top-notch and free of pests, mold, and other impurities. It's vital for patients to have access to effective medicine. Put details on the cannabis package, such as the strain name, THC and CBD levels, and cultivation information that matters.

7. Create Soil Additives Full of Nutrients 

Apart from the buds, you probably have a lot of plant material if you’ve been growing cannabis at home. You can use them to enhance your soil and elevate your gardening. This is very similar to the Korean Natural Farming process where you use nutrients from plants to grow other plants. And, it's much better if you use the same type of plant. 

Since cannabis plants contain an array of nutrients and organic compounds that can greatly benefit soil health and plant development, you can use them to enhance the soil. 

Here's a quick overview of how it can help: 

Abundant in Nutrients: Cannabis plants consist of nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium that are crucial for the development of plants. 

Enhances Soil Composition: Introducing cannabis plant matter aids in enhancing soil composition by boosting water retention and aeration.

Boosts Microbial Activity: Cannabis plant material will also promote microbial action assisting in decomposition processes and nutrient accessibility.

The best part is that you can compost all parts of the plant including the roots. 

Cannabis Compost

Here's how you can create additives rich in nutrients using cannabis plant material:

  1. Gather cannabis leaves, stems, and other garden organic waste. Chop them into pieces for decomposition.
  2. Mix the waste with kitchen scraps, grass clippings, and other compostable items, maintaining a 30:1 carbon: nitrogen ratio. This means that if you're using 1 part of cannabis plant material (nitrogen), you must use 30 parts of brown or carbon materials. 
  3. Create a compost pile by layering the materials in a bin or pile while ensuring aeration by turning it. Maintain adequate levels of moisture in the compost pile. However, it should never become waterlogged. 
  4. Allow a few months for the materials to decompose into crumbly compost. 

By turning your leftover plant material into compost, you'll be left with amazing nutrient-rich soil enhancers that can help your plants grow easily. 

You can also take it a step further by making vermicompost. Though it may seem intimidating, the process is fairly simple. 

Cannabis Vermicompost

Here's how you do it:

  1. Set up a worm bin and add shredded newspaper or cardboard. You can purchase red wigglers or get it from a composting friend. Introduce them into the bin. 
  2. Chop your cannabis plant material into tiny bits and add them into the bin along with some kitchen leftovers to feed the worms. Avoid lemons or anything acidic to make sure the worms don't try to escape the bin! 
  3. Make sure to keep the contents of the bin moist and turn them around occasionally for aeration.
  4. Once a few months have passed, the worms will create castings that can be gathered and utilized as a soil supplement.

Worm castings serve as a wonderful fertilizer. Moreover, they are expensive, but they work out cheap if you manage to maintain a small bin at home. 

Other than that, you can also make liquid fertilizer. Although this isn't like the popular fermented plant juice, it can help nourish your plant. You can ferment this juice using the Korean Natural Farming technique if you wish but it's optional. 

Cannabis Tea Fertilizer

  1. Collect any leftover cannabis leaves, stems, and roots and place them in a bucket. 
  2. Fill up the bucket with water to fully cover the plant material.
  3. Allow the mixture to soak for days to a week stirring from time to time.
  4. After soaking, strain out any particles from the liquid.
  5. Dilute the tea with water (1 part tea to 10 parts water) and use it on your plants as either a foliar spray or soil treatment.

Cannabis tea offers plants a boost, enhancing their growth and overall health. 

Finally, you can even mulch your plants if you're growing outdoors. Mulching indoors is okay too but it's typically done to protect the roots so it's not necessary to do it indoors. 


  1. Chop up cannabis stems and leaves into smaller bits.
  2. Spread the chopped material evenly on top of the soil, near your plants. Ensure the mulch layer is at least a couple of inches thick to prevent weed growth, maintain soil moisture, and release nutrients gradually into the soil.

Using cannabis material as mulch helps regulate the soil temperature, reduce water loss through evaporation, and enrich the soil’s content. Most importantly, it keeps the roots warm, allowing them to thrive. 

Preventing Common Storage Errors

Preventing Common Storage Errors

Properly storing cannabis is essential for preserving its quality, potency, and flavor. To maintain your cannabis in pristine condition, it's crucial to steer off these common storage mistakes:

Light and heat exposure

Issue: Light sources, especially UV rays and heat are primary factors contributing to the deterioration of cannabis quality. These elements can break down cannabinoids (such as THC and CBD) and terpenes — the compounds that determine the plant's aroma and taste. 

Solution: Store your cannabis in opaque airtight containers and place them in a dark, dry location. Do not use clear glass containers unless you're storing them in a dark area. The best places to store your cannabis are, in closets, cupboards, or any spot that stays consistently cool and dark. 

Plastic Bags

Plastic can often create static electricity that can harm the trichomes on cannabis buds. These trichomes contain cannabinoids and terpenes. Moreover plastic doesn't shield the buds from air and moisture, leading to mold growth and degradation.

Solution: Again, opt for glass containers as they are non-reactive and don't harm the trichomes. Seal the containers properly and you're good to go. 


While refrigeration may seem like a great idea, the temperature and humidity in fridges tend to fluctuate causing condensation, which can lead to mold. Inconsistent conditions like these can also affect the quality of the cannabis over time.

Solution: Rather than refrigerating, try freezing the cannabis. However, as mentioned already, do it only with vacuum-sealed bags. 

Overpacking Jars 

Packing way too much weed into jars can squish the trichomes on the cannabis buds. Not only will this reduce the potency, but it will also compromise the quality and attract mold again due to all that moisture. Therefore, fill only up to half of the jars so they can have some breathing space. 

Another important factor to consider is humidity levels. Incorrect humidity levels can greatly impact quality. Low humidity levels can dry out the buds, making them brittle and unpleasant to smoke. Conversely, high humidity levels can promote mold and mildew, ultimately ruining the buds and posing health risks. As mentioned already, use Boveda or Integra Boost packs to maintain a humidity level between 55-62%. Replace packs as necessary to ensure an environment.

By avoiding these common errors, you can ensure that your leftover or surplus cannabis stays fresh, potent, and enjoyable. Following proper storage methods not only maintains the quality of your cannabis but also prolongs its lifespan, maximizing its therapeutic and recreational advantages.

Summary: What to do With Leftover Or Extra Cannabis?

With so many creative ways to use your extra cannabis, there's no reason to let any go to waste. From proper storage to making potent bubble hash, cannabutter, tinctures, and impressive cannabis cigars, you have plenty of options to enjoy your harvest to the fullest. 

Each method offers unique benefits and can enhance your cannabis experience. Exploring these techniques maximizes your yield and lets you discover new ways to enjoy cannabis. Dive in, get creative, and enjoy your harvest!


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Great article on extra buds and uses for the byproducts. Very informational and I can't wait to get started on the bubble hash, butter and tincture.
2-day blunt rolling process? Just learn to roll your shit freehand, ffs.. you got the time and opportunity, stoners. Or, get a machine. Hand-stuffing a cone or a pre-roll is embarassing. I've rolled a 100+ USD blunt before with a 7-8g of weed plus heavily slathered in hash and/or rosin, bwahaha. Didn't take a 24 hour waiting period. And, certainly didn't waste it on mooches. a 2-gram half-blunt is my go-to 99% of the time i smoke.