Blue Berry
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Blue Berry

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5 harvests
Global pos.
5 harvests
Fruity slightly earthy aroma and blueberry, sweet flavor. Heavy, compact buds. Impressive yields. Ultimate medicinal plant. Big Indica body stoner. Potential THC level high. The original Blueberry is composed of an exotic mix of genetics: Chocolate Thai, Afghani and Highland Oaxacan Gold. She’s originally from California, USA, where she was conceived by the famous DJ Short. This Blue Berry was then crossed with one of our best Northern Lights Special fathers resulting in an Indica dominant strain. A 75% Indica strain with a high level of THC. She can also be grown outdoor in more Northern Countries and produces blue shades on its leaves as days get colder. Our Blue Berry has three phenos with variation in budshape, leaves, high and color. Pheno #1 (Indica dominant) has a stretched, compact budstructure, a great flower-to-leaf ratio. The overall appearance is a green plant with a few purple pistils. With pheno # 2 (Indica dominant) both the buds and leaves will turn purple. She has that oldschool Indica buzz. Pheno # 3 is more Sativa inclined. Only the calyxes turn purple. She forms one large, tall bud and will have more of a Sativa high. Overall you can say Blue Berry is a short, sturdy and stocky plant producing heavy, compact buds. She has candleshaped calyxes, medium to large. In ideal conditions these calyxes can turn purple. Flower-to-leaf ratio is good. You can prune or fim her to improve yield, but she does need some room. She doesn’t require too much nutrients. Vegetative period should be about three weeks. Blue Berry has a fruity somewhat earthy aroma and a berrylike, sweet flavor. She has a long-lasting Indica high with a body stoned sensation. Medicinal value: insomnia, digestive problems, emotional problems, nausea, diarrhea, menstrual cramp, chronic pain, joint and muscle pain and fibromyalgia.
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Blue Berry
Growing it
so she wasn't so good at being resistant to environmental changes . After my Dad over watered them whilst I was away they both had some bud rot 🤦‍♀️ I chopped them where needed and carried on . No more problems after this and they went full term .
2 years ago
Blue Berry
Growing it
Great plant, easy on the water and grows short and squat. The terp profile is what really makes this strain shine. The blueberry fruit is so prevalent and would be a key trait to draw out in future generations of the cross. We’ll call it spiceberry for the sake of ease. Only hope that there comes an opportunity to give it a test run. All told, it’s been a fairly uneventful grow and they pretty much just did their thing until the finish. We’ve got a ton of pollen and a crap ton of seed all around. Final pics there to follow shortly along with the full background update. Background ***see spicy bitch harvest week for smoke report and harvest photos*** Fingers crossed that these Spicy Bitch regs provide at least one male so that we can back build some stock of it. In the event that does take place we’ve got a single clone of each strain from the previous pollen chuck to sit in the tent with them so they can make babies for the next few months. The whole point of the last year was to start making some foundational genetics for a third generational cross we could call our own. If you’ve been following along than you’ll know that it’s been anything but easy. Our previous pollen picks didn’t pan out at all so we’re back to the drawing board with a new option from ExoticSeeds. This’ll be a 10 plant run with 5 regs and 6 strains for pollination including the strain itself. We’re running in a 2x4 MarsHydro grow tent all powered by a Mars Sp6500. That’s a little more than 600w packed into half the recommended footprint😳. Why? you ask - because we like our buds big and overcompensatory😂. Really, I’m just of the mind that we can pack more light into this space than recommended and get much better results. The math doesn’t lie. At least not as long as I wasn’t high when using the calculator again….. Many thanks to @MarsHydroLED for the opportunity to test run the equipment👊. ***Tech update: the 600w of power in this small space has shown no major issues or over abundance. Quite the contrary actually - the light still has ample headroom to move up and for your typical short veg plant - the results and bud quality are impressive to say the least. The tent itself has proven both durable and easy to clean. It’s held up really well so far. I really can’t complain about Mars Hydro products. They haven’t shown any really significant down sides👍.*** In addition, we’ve also moved to a new nutrient system - Druid Nutrients out of the Netherlands. They don’t really have a presence on GD yet but you’ll be hearing about them very soon I’m sure. The beauty of this system is that it’s literally a 1 (one) component system for the entirety of the plants grow cycle. It really has changed the game in terms of ease of feeding and maintenance. It’s also very versatile and seems to provide everything needed across multiple different strains in the same ratios. Keep your eyes peeled for these folks. Pretty much a guarantee that they absolutely blow up once more people know about them👍👌😎. ***Full disclosure, we moved over to a more traditional maxi series nute by GHE for a large portion of this grow. This was a value decision to stretch the Druid nutes longer and keep ‘em in back for a full fem. Cycle.*** Strain Background Spicy Bitch: predominantly sativa, heavy yielder with a daytime kinda trip profile. It’s a cross of Queen Mother and a Pre-2000 AK47. We’ll pull what pollen we can and hope to have a female run out a larger supply of seed for the future. Many thanks to @Exoticseeds for the chance to give these beans a go👍👊. ***Harvest Update: This strain is so typical of the stuff exotic seems to put out. Seems every single one of their plants always runs a light show of trichs and late cycle colouring. This plant was certainly no different. She’s sativa dominant and yields are decent with longer internodal spacing. Takes to typical nute strengths and shows great signs of resilience against WPM. Pollination Strains: Holy Surfer S1 - this is one of the focal points for this cycle. A fellow growmie was kind enough to ship over some S1 genetics I took an interest in. The only ask back was that if I did cross it to send a few his way for testing👍. Shoutout and cheers to @blendmedmedman. Hoping to have something back to ya in short order. For full details on this alluring hybrid option check my buddies link at seedfinder - ***Harvest Update: She grew short and squat with a singular defining cola and a large amount of leaves. Formed one massive bud with impressive girth suggesting a potential winner to try out on her own👍. She was also quite resistant to WPM. An injection of sativa genes could be a winning combination for this hybrid🤞.*** Northern Lights - this came from a particularly interesting batch of seeds that have shown a very dependable variegation trait. It’s a compact and squat plant requiring very little maintenance. Typical for the strain really. It’s been chosen as an option to potentially mellow out the high , shorten the stature of the resulting hybrid and inject it with some of that mellow indica effect. ***Harvest update: Any thoughts we had about mellowing out the cross with this strain we’re wishful. For a classic NL, this particular plant packs a massive sledgehammer of a high. Very surprising and no idea how it’s going to translate in the F1. We’re hoping to get a run of this in soon🤞.**** Boogie Nights - total shot in the dark. Still haven’t even tried the strain myself yet but it was available at the right time and interesting enough to make a salad with. Big thanks to AMS who’ve been nothing short of an excellent seedbank to collaborate with. Expect similar growth characteristics to that of the Northern Lights. Better resilience however. ***Harvest update: This one’s a sativa leaning strain in terms of effect. A great day time, head high option that won’t leave you sleepy👍. She’s got some colour to the buds in this pheno and should compliment the spicy bitch rather well. I don’t expect a major change in effect when blending the genetics but if we can get a little more resilience into the strain via the spicy bitch pollen then it’ll be all the better.*** Blueberry - this particular clone is from extremely strong stock. Spliff seeds broke the mold with this strain. She’s lower maintenance than the NL, more resilient than anything else we’ve got on the menu and the terp. Profile on this girl is out of this world. If we can bring any of these qualities to the cross, then it could be magic👌. ***Harvest update: No real change in our expectations post-harvest. Should be a great blend of indica and sativa characteristics for the effects and what we really want in terms of grow features are the benefits of the blueberry terp profile mixed with some of the colouring we’ve found in the spicy bitch. Both are resilient and resistive so this should be a very solid and reliable foundation for future generations.*** White Widow - garrghh, I just can’t get away from this particular plant. Again, still haven’t even tested the buds yet and all I can say is that the growth characteristics are extremely vigorous and desirable. This plant is one of 3 unicorns that I have yet to tame due to a combo of extremely bad luck and circumstance. ***Harvest update: This is our max hybrid vigour cross if you will. This WW strain is super strong and grows like wild fire. The effects are predictable and strong like that of any widow strain and when mixed with the sativa leaning spicy bitch we expect very good things. Both are resilient, both have tons of trich production and both appear to yield generously. Between this and the BB cross, we expect these two to be the best bets for a final new hybrid to drill down on👍. All told, it’s still the same story: a VERY experimental breeding project designed to shotgun a broad swath of genetics against a reliable and dependable Breeder who’s put out proven fire 🔥🤟😎👍. ***Update*** All told, the whole runs been a resounding success. It wasn’t pretty and the nute sched. Shoulda been cutoff much earlier than it was but ultimately - no impact and we have a massive final seed harvest. It’d be nice to say that they’re all getting a try asap but that’s just not the case. If we were to make any of these a reliable final product we’d be in for at least another couple years of dedicated pollen chucking and back crossing. We’ll see where the shedule takes us and u never really know for sure🤷. Regardless, it’s nice to have a ton of new potential fire to give a go to👍👌. Many thanks to everyone who tagged along and bothered to comment and discuss. Keep it growing, keep it green👊
3 years ago
Blue Berry
Growing it
Hi there! Finally we are here it was very quick tho..... Actually started in the end if September and finsihed by Christmas lol.... Nice one. Thanks for the amazing genetics provided by SpliffSeeds and the amazing ViparSpectra XS2000.... the light on point! Great quiet operation, adjustable power output, light weight etc.... Well done ViparSpectra and I really recommend it! I am really happy to grow her however, make sure you ain't gonna use more than a simple LST or might be HST but do not perform FIMming or do not even try Topping.... She is naturally small I just read it after even the breeder recommends only light training. So I went a bit more far and gave her a great FIMming session lol.... I also beleive she is a bit more sensitive strain. So next time if she comes to my way I know how to handle to be more "productive and large. Anyways even this way I have got a slice of her juicy genetics so I was able to smoke and try. As it can be seen there was not a great quantity of buds so they dried quick and just put them in the jar but quite smokable after 1.5 weeks. Taste is for me like onion lol for sure there is something nice aroma there.... ;) I like it actually let's say unique I have never tasted this type. Effect: Haha she is a tricky one. I mean she is that sneaky kind.... you know smoke it and nothing and it takes a bit time to hit but after it gives you a nice Indica chill hit (breeder says 75% Indica 25% Sativa). I agree with it the Indica blood can be really felt. She even turned a bit purple I mean the leaves in the end. Pretty cool. The only weakness for me is the lenght of the effect it finishes quite quick. It means you need to smoke a bit more often to keep yourself high lol.... There is no big bum there but better than an avarage I love the smoke pretty much chill, Indica feeling that hits you slowly not instantly. Growing is fun but I know of course this time I could have grown a better version of her obviously but I am satisfied so no worries. So finally like I always do I give 8 stars to grow and 8.5 to smoke it. SpliffSeeds: Well done great creation I enjoyed. Great smoke ! Thaks a lot!!!! Viparspectra well done that XS2000 is amazing and also thanks for the support!
3 years ago
Blue Berry
Growing it
Hi there! Finally we are here it was very quick tho..... Actually started in the end if September and finsihed by Christmas lol.... Nice one. Thanks for the amazing genetics provided by SpliffSeeds and the amazing ViparSpectra XS2000.... the light on point! Great quiet operation, adjustable power output, light weight etc.... Well done ViparSpectra and I really recommend it! I am really happy to grow her however, make sure you ain't gonna use more than a simple LST or might be HST but do not perform FIMming or do not even try Topping.... She is naturally small I just read it after even the breeder recommends only light training. So I went a bit more far and gave her a great FIMming session lol.... I also beleive she is a bit more sensitive strain. So next time if she comes to my way I know how to handle to be more "productive and large. Anyways even this way I have got a slice of her juicy genetics so I was able to smoke and try. As it can be seen there was not a great quantity of buds so they dried quick and just put them in the jar but quite smokable after 1.5 weeks. Taste is for me like onion lol for sure there is something nice aroma there.... ;) I like it actually let's say unique I have never tasted this type. Effect: Haha she is a tricky one. I mean she is that sneaky kind.... you know smoke it and nothing and it takes a bit time to hit but after it gives you a nice Indica chill hit (breeder says 75% Indica 25% Sativa). I agree with it the Indica blood can be really felt. She even turned a bit purple I mean the leaves in the end. Pretty cool. The only weakness for me is the lenght of the effect it finishes quite quick. It means you need to smoke a bit more often to keep yourself high lol.... There is no big bum there but better than an avarage I love the smoke pretty much chill, Indica feeling that hits you slowly not instantly. Growing is fun but I know of course this time I could have grown a better version of her obviously but I am satisfied so no worries. So finally like I always do I give 8 stars to grow and 8.5 to smoke it. SpliffSeeds: Well done great creation I enjoyed. Great smoke ! Thaks a lot!!!! Viparspectra well done that XS2000 is amazing and also thanks for the support!
3 years ago
Blue Berry
Growing it
Hi there! Finally we are here it was very quick tho..... Actually started in the end if September and finsihed by Christmas lol.... Nice one. Thanks for the amazing genetics provided by SpliffSeeds and the amazing ViparSpectra XS2000.... the light on point! Great quiet operation, adjustable power output, light weight etc.... Well done ViparSpectra and I really recommend it! I am really happy to grow her however, make sure you ain't gonna use more than a simple LST or might be HST but do not perform FIMming or do not even try Topping.... She is naturally small I just read it after even the breeder recommends only light training. So I went a bit more far and gave her a great FIMming session lol.... I also beleive she is a bit more sensitive strain. So next time if she comes to my way I know how to handle to be more "productive and large. Anyways even this way I have got a slice of her juicy genetics so I was able to smoke and try. As it can be seen there was not a great quantity of buds so they dried quick and just put them in the jar but quite smokable after 1.5 weeks. Taste is for me like onion lol for sure there is something nice aroma there.... ;) I like it actually let's say unique I have never tasted this type. Effect: Haha she is a tricky one. I mean she is that sneaky kind.... you know smoke it and nothing and it takes a bit time to hit but after it gives you a nice Indica chill hit (breeder says 75% Indica 25% Sativa). I agree with it the Indica blood can be really felt. She even turned a bit purple I mean the leaves in the end. Pretty cool. The only weakness for me is the lenght of the effect it finishes quite quick. It means you need to smoke a bit more often to keep yourself high lol.... There is no big bum there but better than an avarage I love the smoke pretty much chill, Indica feeling that hits you slowly not instantly. Growing is fun but I know of course this time I could have grown a better version of her obviously but I am satisfied so no worries. So finally like I always do I give 8 stars to grow and 8.5 to smoke it. SpliffSeeds: Well done great creation I enjoyed. Great smoke ! Thaks a lot!!!! Viparspectra well done that XS2000 is amazing and also thanks for the support!
3 years ago
Blue Berry
Growing it
Great taste! Not quite like blueberries.. but till nice and dank! Cured for 4 weeks but she was ready at week 2. I like to test them once a week. Im happy.
3 years ago
Blue Berry
Growing it
Great plants and a great all around strain. She grows squat and yields are comparatively medium to the rest I would say. We chopped one at 8 weeks and the other at 9 and will be jarring them up to cure separately just to get a sense of any potency differences. The mother has proven successful and the effects are typical of an indica leaning hybrid. Mellow, body and head buzzes with minimal couchlock after effects. A good all around indica for any time of day in my opinion. Buds are smaller as expected for a reveged clone but, rock hard and covered in trichs. We washed the whole lot in a baking soda solution and ran em under the tap for a final rinse. They’ll remain on about a 5 day dry on stem until jarring. Nice to finally have this run out of the way.👍😎
3 years ago
Blue Berry
Growing it
Automatic 8 star rating for this plant. Like everything else that spliff puts out this one was a champ. She reacted the least to the partial reveg. And also fought off the WPM in late flower much better than the rest. She’s extremely terpy and the sweet berry scent coming off er is incredible. Just a great plant all around. I’m still disappointed with the outcome and probably won’t even smoke this until I can sample from the clones still in flower. Just to make sure we get the full first sample effect😉. Highly doubt the pollen took but we’ll wait for the dry to see what we’re left with. It would be so amazing if just this one plant yielded some seed. Sadly I’m fully out of this genetic and I had much bigger plans for er😔. ***Update*** Of course we couldn’t wait to try it and ended up doing just that. It’s exactly as I expected too😎. In comp to spliffs strawberry, this one is like the polar opposite of the high spectrum. Exactly what we were hoping to see in terms of distinction. Just a quality, buttery, indica high. The yield was about expected and probably would’ve been a lot more if not for the issues with the lights. I’m not gonna complain under these circumstances at all. Bummer - doesn’t look like we’re getting any seed off this girl. It woulda made a fantastic blue label F1 with the Skywalker to compliment our latest creation. Oh well - win some and u lose some.
3 years ago
Blue Berry
Growing it
This is my first experience with Spliff Seeds and I'm glad it started with Blueberries! from this wonderful and very beautiful variety! she struck me with her beautiful in the middle of the growing season and I sank into her like a boy)) and her beauty is also reflected in the smell) incredibly sweet, tasty and delicious blueberry flavor! I just don’t believe my nose)) the taste and the effect are very nice and very good and very positive! Thank you for such a wonderful variety!)
3 years ago
4 years ago
Blue Berry
Growing it
Perfect for beginning and experienced growers!
4 years ago
Blue Berry
Growing it
This strain is tough as nails. I put it through a beating during this grow. It’s was so resilient. Really recommend
4 years ago
Blue Berry
Growing it
This thing grew like a champ. Wonderful scents from the beginning to end of flowering. Strong plant. Thick branches. Expect stretch. She really reaches up there.
4 years ago
Blue Berry
Growing it
This strain was more of a balanced hybrid in my opinion. You definatly get the whole body buzz relaxed feeling but it dosnt make you tired or want to sleep. That being said, it dosnt hinder you from falling sleep either. Definatly a great strain even though the pheno I got was more of the NL Special side of the genetics.
5 years ago
Blue Berry
Growing it
Great genetics, she handled some miss handling from me but I have saved a clone for a mother plant so will be looking forward to dialing in. She stretched about 50% so will scrog or LST more in the future to even out the canopy. Very frosty with big calyxes. Skunky berry smell through the grow, the sweet berry smell was overwhelming when I done a wet trim. High is very relaxing night time smoke, or for just chilling with movies. The strain is my indica keeper.
5 years ago
Blue Berry
Growing it
Very nice strain to grow and is stress resistance. Makes nice bud that are long and compact.
6 years ago
Blue Berry
Growing it
This Blue Berry strain was a breeze to grow, I enjoyed it a lot. She responded well to everything I threw at her Topping, LST, and Super cropping. The flower smokes smooth and tastes good, sweet, floral, and a hint of mint. I have just started my cure so the smoke will only improve. The smell is very seductive, almost like an artificial blueberry candy. The high: I've been looking for a good indica dominant strain for quite some time, I don't know if I would say this is perfect but it's pretty close. I begin to feel effects in about 15 minutes starting with a slight pressure behind the eyes, dry eyes, then a wave of relaxation down the spine and throughout the entire body. Strong euphoria as well. I have insomnia and was able to get a very deep full nights sleep after smoking.
7 years ago