Plants are going great, top dressed and been watering with 1 gallon for all plants. No problems flowering great, couldn’t be easier.
This girl took a little longer to trim up. Me and two grow buddies got her done in about 4 hours. Boy is she a sticky one! And stinky. 😁 There were plenty of scissor has hits, which slowed us down a bit. The buds seem dense and tight and should dry and cure up nicely. I can't wait to dive head-first into this one. It's like I want it to take it's time hanging and drying, but at the same time, hurry the hell up! 😉 All in all, I'm very happy with how this grow went. 💪
📅 08.07.2024 (D33) 🕰️ 16:00 Uhr - Mehr LST - Ordentlich entlaubt 🕰️ 20:00 Uhr - Blüteanzeichen bei #2, #3 scheint hier der Nachzügler zu sein 📅 09.07.2024 (D34) 🕰️ 09:00 Uhr - Bewässerung/Düngung mit CANNA Düngerlinie (ca 2000 ml je Pflanze) 📅 11.07.2024 (D36) 🕰️ 10:00 Uhr - Bewässerung/Düngung mit CANNA Düngerlinie (ca 2500 ml je Pflanze) 🕰️ 22:00 Uhr - #3 und #2 etwas aufgebockt, so dass diese auf gleicher Höhe wie #1 sind 📅 12.07.2024 (D37) 🕰️ 16:00 Uhr - etwas mehr LST 📅 13.07.2024 (D38) 🕰️ 12:00 Uhr - Bewässerung/Düngung mit CANNA Düngerlinie (ca 2200 ml je Pflanze, PH 5 da runoff grade bei 7.2)
Har været nødt til at høste 2grene for styrke 💪, de andre og undgå, mug i bunden. Har lavet et træk på Ca 30gram afpillede klistertret af ht blade. Plus trimning. Det gav faktisk 2,42gram nol. Plus det der er tørret fra sidste uges gren var 😲 overraskende godt. Men den skal li have noget finish gødning og mindst 3uger til. 😉. MEN JEG er STÆRKT imponeret over hvor meget blomsterne udvikler sig wow .. Og jeg kan jo se jer andres planter er fascinerende flotte og større end min så må håbe på inden for en top ti. Men uanset hvad, har denne konkurrence virkelig lært mig meget. Så det i sig selv er en god premie. Håber i alle har en god høst og grow. Og held og lykke med grow konkurrence. Må den bedste og mest kreative vinde. 😉. Best regarts Nicogreen 💚 💚 💚 god sommer til alle growmies. 😉. Jeg har lige lavet en video på3 minutter. Please giv jeres ÆRLIG MENING OM HVILKEN BOOSTER I SYNTES VIRKER BEST. 😉
Soo...Nr.1 von 2 die auf dem Balkon waren wächst super...war jetzt die ganze Woche geflippt auf 12 h aber von Blütephase sind minimal nur Ansätze zu sehen...aber der Stretch ist wohl schon im Gange...trotzt living soil und 1 mal pro Woche Kompost-Tee...gebe ich noch was dazu...topbooster und P-boost von Aptus...ich bin davon überzeugt das kein living soil genug Phosphor für die Stretchphase hat. Ab und zu noch etwas "fish shit" aber nicht bei jedem Gießen...das Zeug ist in Deutschland teuer bis unerhältlich...aber sehr gut. Cover crop funktioniert auch sehr gut...habe gesehen dass es viele bei sehr jungen Pflanzen machen...davon würde ich abraten. Die Nr.2...auf dem Balkon gestartet und dann ausgewildert...habe ich auch besucht aber keine neuen Bilder gemacht wie hier vor 2 Wochen gepstet...macht nur wenig Fortschritte...aber sieht wunderschön aus.
So i had to chop this down due to hot water snd starts to foxtail quite a lot so i decided to chop allready can see some ambers so all is good very heavy colas and smells super sweet
Well week 5 of bloom is complete, and this week brought a few challenges. Humidity in my area has been through the roof, close to 100%. My heavy-duty equipment was struggling to bring my tent to acceptable late flowering levels, sometimes reaching over 60% RH, especially at night when the plant was respirating more. Additionally, her pale yellow color, and leathery leaves didn't excite me too much. If you remember, we had a severe heat wave a couple of weeks ago, which contributed to that. But also, since I messed up the ScrOG training, and regrettably decided not to super-crop her, a fair share of the leaf problems were due to light stress as well, as I didn't want to sacrifice lower colas, so I let it go. My biggest mistake this grow, was not paying attention to her the one day she decided to stretch nearly a foot, and was unable to be weaved into the net the next day without being snapped in half. My second biggest mistake is NOT snapping it in half, and letting it repair itself. I wouldn't have had nearly as much bleaching of leaves I think. This week, and I'm assuming because nearly all chlorophyll was depleted from her fan leaves, I didn't notice much of any change from last week. Her buds seemed to be about the same mass, and the stigmas still had the same ratio of red to white coloration. I suspected she was dead, or dying, or just...done. Not all genetics will transform all of their stigmas from white, and not all genetics will have their trichomes turn amber. So, I did a few things to confirm that suspicion. First, I looked at her trichomes on various buds closely with a microscope. They were almost all cloudy, with very very few amber. That told me that she was at an acceptable level of ripeness, even if she could have went longer, assuming she was still alive. Next, I removed the pea gravel mulch I was using in the raised bed, so I could get a closer look at the soil she was growing in, and more specifically, her roots. The soil, although moist a few inches deep, was not at the level I expected, and I think I have not been watering her enough. I don't think I'll be using a gravel mulch again. On the plus side, it did help prevent fungus gnats, as there was zero the whole grow, apart from an early week when I placed some solo cups to germinate on top of the bed, but after removing them, the fungus gnats disappeared with them. Also while inspecting the soil, I carefully dug down to inspect some of her primary roots. They were actually dry, despite the surrounding soil being moist. This could explain why she wasn't drinking much if any for the better part of the week. So, given her dry foliage, dry roots, and ripe-enough trichomes, I decided it was time to harvest her, earlier than expected. Let's also not forget that I was frightened this week with some high humidity scares, so growing longer, and possibly for no reason if she was dead or barely alive, was not in the cards. I've dealt with my fair share of bud rot before, and I would rather try what I have of her now, than to wait the extra week or so for her to be fully ripe. So, that is what I did, on the last day of the week -- I chopped her down, cut off some larger fan leaves, and hung her upside down. This, of course, was after removing the raised bed. It took me a while to empty about 45 gallons of soil so I could move it, but in doing so, I noticed a lot of beneficial critters, and nothing bad. Such critters included small centipedes, which feed on other insects, and soil mites which eat dead organic matter. I set the tent to dry at around 72F and 55 RH. And now we wait for about a week before trimming. One thing is for sure -- I am very proud of this grow, despite all these flaws. She smells incredible -- like pure citrus emanating throughout my house. This is a very strong-smelling plant. As a bonus, I've included a time-lapse video of the entire grow from start to finish in the last media above. Check it out and let me know what you think. I'll be back for the harvest week for the dry weight in about a week or so, after we're done drying and trimming.
In der Woche hat es wieder scheiße geregnet. Ich musste zwar nur einmal gießen, allerdings mussten nach der Woche ⅓ vom Mainbud und zwei Teile der sidebuds weg, weil sich dort schimmel bemerkbar gemacht hat. Kann man sicht viel machen wenn die Ladys der Witterung komplett ausgesetzt sind. Ich hatte die Woche nur einmal gegossen. Zusätze waren 1g/L BioEnhancer von GreenHouseFeeding, 1ml/L PowerBuds, 0.3ml/L GreenSensation von Plagron und 0.8ml/L BioBloom von BioBizz. Das ganze auf einen ph-Wert von 6.8 gebracht. Jede Lady bekam unterschiedlich viel. Je nach Gewicht des jeweiligen Topfes. Ich hoffe das sich das Wetter langsam an den Sommer anpasst und die restliche Zeit ohne schimmel verläuft und mit mehr Sonne als Regen🍀💚