
Maine Outdoor 2023

Approved by Barney's Farm
a year ago
Room Type
weeks 11-12, 15-23
weeks 9-14
weeks 6-8
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 23
15 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
General hydroponics Liquid Kool Bloom 0-10-10
1.302 ml/l
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom
3.906 mll
1+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
masterofsmeagol masterofsmeagol
a year ago
I'm lucky to have uploaded anything. I'll finish later. Hurricane is coming The date is 9/14 and i was FINALLY able to start a new week. I had to use the option to "take a photo" with my camera as opposed to uploading the pictures I have. I guess in the future I'll have to prepare pictures ahead of time. Or like stage them lol. Took the top half of the biggest 10th planet. It was done. The others I took the tops on have the bottoms already coming through the trellis nets with huge swollen buds. They were tiny before. I made the right choice. If need be I'll move plants into my garage. Heavy equipment fit in there. Can't move the 8ft "big cheese" in the 50 thats even wider than it is tall but I can move the ones I care about. I spent all day wet trimming those tops and taking down the dry stuff bucking and jarring buds and hanging up fresh stuff. One purple punch plant I just keep cutting bud rot off. I took a tester and it's not where i want it yet. It's bigger than the others but seems further behind in flower with less trichs? Hurricane has been downgraded to tropical storm and 90mph winds down to 50 which is manageable. I didn't want to put all my eggs in one basket so this worked out amazing. Blue cheese just isn't ready yet. I mean it's huge but it's not done. It doesn't rot either. Knock on wood. The buds aren't as compact as these heavy indicas but "look" larger. Tomorrow I'll go back over (before the storm) and if that purple punch keeps just rotting I'm gonna chop it and maybe put it in with shit I'm gonna blast. As long as this Hurricane doesn't totally fuck me I'm gonna have my best year ever. I hope it misses. To everyone dealing with Hurricane Lee you are all in my thoughts and prayers. 9/15 Woke up sick as fuck. Hurricane is tonight. I've got some decisions to make. I need to chop one purple punch as it just keeps rotting more. Blueberry cheese is only a 7-8 week flower and says it's done end of September. I've been flowering WAAAAY longer and the buds are HUUUUGE. I need to look at it with the trich scope. I'm not worried about rot with those girls just heavy wet buds and branch3s snapping. The little purple punch and MAYBE one of the blue cheeses will go in the garage just to be safe. I think it's going to miss us. Or at least be downgraded and be a normal atorm like the ines ive already been through. Pretty sure the little purple punch is done anyway. The buds are rock hard. I could probably throw one through the window. It's been cold the last few days. More sun today before the hurricane. Now the question is do i want to get 3lbs of wet flower ready and transported the extractor or do I away until after the hurricane? I guess I'll make that determination after I go back and look things over. I'll remember to take pictures this time. It's the only way they will upload. Oh and I need better storage. I can't use 10 million jars. I'm getting some of the 5 gallon buckets that turn the bucket into a storage container. UPDATE: Storm has been downgraded. Apparently the rain will only be like an inch. I worked my nuts off today. That purple punch plant had way more rot. I harvested the tops off the purple punch that was rotting. Had to throw away a bunch but it wouldn't have made it through this storm. The purple punch in the ten has rock hard nugs. This morning I was checking it out and pulling buds away from the stalk on the huge colas and put of nowhere here comes a GIANT bumblebee stumbling out. I have no idea how he got that deep. I tried to help him. I got him on a different leaf (buds are super sticky) bur his leg was cockeyed and he eventually fell. I harvested most of the other 10th planet's too. I took ONE blue cheese bud. This strain doesn't seem to rot and the plants only need a couple weeks to be ideal. The MAY be ideal now and I'm just stupid. They are very large and only have a 7-8 week flower time that says outdoor they will finish be end of September. These are half my crop. I still nay bring in the 10 (purple punch) and o e of the blueberry cheese but I'm tired as fuck. If we just get an inch of rain I think tje plants will be fine. I staked everything that isn't vertically trellises. I still don't like the rain. An inchbof rain on buds bigger than a baseball bat isn't good. 9/16 Spent yesterday harvesting the tips of a purple punch and adding supports for the hurricane. Found a shit ton of budrot. Three separate times I separated it and found the bud worm. All tiny. A green one came out kind of aggressively at me. Anything that was close to any rot got discarded. These were some HUGE compact flowers. Had to add to supports this morning and it's still raining as of 1pm. The plants were going right sideways (or trying). It's 30mph sustained with 50mph gusts. We are pretty much over it though and as of a few hours ago I had no breakages (knock on wood) so I think in doing pretty good. Trichs on blue cheese looks great and tge buds are huge but the calyxs haven't changed from white. I took one blue cheese cola before the storm just in case something happened. It's an 7-8 week flowering strain and says it will be ready end of September. I couldve taken it but it looks like it needs a little more time and im gonna do my best to give it to her. The buds are big and frosty though. That strain is going to be a good producer. If it's made it through the weather last night then it can withstand the remnants. UPDATE: HOLY OL FUCK. RAIN STARTED COMING DOWN TODAY ALONG WITH THE 50MPH SUSTAINED WINDS. THINGS ARE SUPPOSED TO DIE DOWN AFTER TONIGHT AND WE'LL HAVE GOOD WEATHER. WENT OVER TO FIND MY 30 GAL TUB TIPPED OVER. LUCKILY A STRING SUPPORT CAUGHT IT AND IT FELL INTO THE 2X4 SO IT WAS HELD UP ALTHOUGH THE CONTAINER WAS BALANCING ON ITS EDGE. MY BLUE CHEESE IN THE BACK WAS RIGHT SIDEWAYS. THE RAIN LOOSENED THE MEDIUM WHICH MADE THE BAMBIO SUPPORTS ALL BUT USELESS. LUCKILY THESE ARE STRONG PLANTS. I RAN STRING FROM THE BAMBOO TO THE STRUCTURE ITSELF TO "SUPPORT THE SUPPORTS. I ALSO HAD T9 TIE UP WHAT WASNT TIED. I ADDED THREE HORIZONTAL STRINGS IN THE BACK TO HOLD SOME IF THE WEIGHT AND HELP WITH THE WIND. THE BLUE CHEESE IN FRONT OF THE TARP HAD SUPPERED THE SAME FATE. LUCKILY I WAS ABLE TO "SUPPORT THE SUPPORTS" AND "TIE UPANY LOOSE ENDS. THE BIG CHEESE JUST CANT GO ANYWHERE. ONLY PROBLEM IS THE TOP TWP FEET AND IM NOT GETTING ON A WET LADDER IN A HURRICANE WITH WIND AND RAIN LIKE THIS. GLAD I TOOK A NICE COLA from the blue cheese just on case anything happens. Honestly though they've been through the worst. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice. I hope I made the right decision. 9/17 Hurricane has passed and its sunny with blue skies. Plants were dry when I went over this morning. Couldn't upload pictures as the internet is out and I still can't upload pictures the normal way. It's too bad I've got some good ones. I lost one branch high up on the big bluecheese and found a little bit more rot on that purple punch I took the tops off. It looks like we are going to have great finishing weather! This is by far the best cannabis I've grown. I tied up EVERY branch yesterday and added a ton more supports. Last evening when we were getting the 2-4in of rain i got that "feeling". My intuition has been on point. I got there and everything without a vertical trellis was hanging almost sideways. The garden stakes I was using for supports just bent over with the rain and the 50mph wind gusts and the 30mph sustained wind. I had to "support the supports"by anchoring them to the structure of the cage itself. If I hadn't done this and propped them back up the would've been uprooted. Things couldn't loon better than they do right now. I'm wicked lucky. I'll try to take some pictures and upload them later today. UPDATE: SUPER HOT DAY. NOTICED THAT ONE OF MY BLUE CHEESE WAS STARTING TO ROT AND IT WAS DAMN CLOSE TO DONE. PLUS ITS GOING TO RAIN TOMORROW. I WAS PLANNING ON THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW BUT I GOT MOST OF HER DOWN AND HUNG. I COULD'VE TAKEN A PURPLE PUNCH BUT I NEED TO MAKE SOME ROOM. PLUS THEY COULD GO A "LITTLE BIT LONGER" BUT THEY ARE ROCK HARD NUGS THAT LOOK DONE. HONESTLY IF I HAD THE MAN POWER ONE OF THE PURPLE PUNCHES WOULD'VE COME DOWN TODAY. THOSE TWO ARE EASY TO MOVE THOUGH SO EARLY TOMORROW MORNING ILL PUT THEM INSIDE. THE OTHERS CAN MANAGE WITH NO SIGNS OF ROT. IM WORKING AS FAST AS I CAN BUT I NEED TO TAKE THINGS DOWN IN STAGES. TOO MUCH WORK NOT ENOUGH TIME. AT LEAST I GOT SOME STRAINS THAT HAD DIFFERENT FINISHING TIMES. LUCKILY THOSE 10TH PLANETS REVEGGED AND WENT TO FLOWER EARLY. I CANT BELIEVE THE QUALITY OF FLOWER IM SEEING THIS EARLY. SAME WITH THE PURPLE PUNCH. ONE PLANT IS FURTHER BEHIND THAN THE OTHERS AND IT HAS MUCH LARGER BUDS. THE PURPLE PUNCH BUDS ARE HARD AS A ROCK. I GUARANTEE I COULD PITCH ONE OF THOSE THROUGH A WINDOW AND I THROW LIKE A GIRL. 9/18 I should be starting a new week but I might just keep going on this one since i cant add pictures or video. All I can do is take pictures "through the site" if I have internet and remember. It's a pain to have to stop working and have to immediately upload things. Purple punch could be taken now. Im going to let it ride until I run into problems. The blueberry cheese is huge. I'm planning to make concentrated with a lot of it. 9/19 I'm going to have to switch to another site next grow. I can't upload pictures in any way shape or form anymore. Say nothing about videos. I'm gonna finish on here and do a detailed harvest report and smoke report. If I can't get the video uploaded I'll do it somewhere else. Anyway I have a bunch of tenth planet I've been trimming and jarring. After the hurricane we got another storm with 2-4 in of rain. I'm one of the only people i know that's "minimally effected". I lost a branch but it was still hanging so i grabbed it so i really lost nothing. I tried to visually inspect every bud this morning. Found some rot but most places I found it a worm came out. That's good. At least it's not the weather that's causing some rot. Not much. Maybe a handful and it was just starting but I cut everything away from the starting rot. I specifically picked early flowering strains and am certainly glad I did. A few more days of sun and when what's drying is done I'll do a finally check if the trichs andvthen it's fucking timber. This has been one if the WORST seasons for growing in Maine yet somehow I've pulled in one of the best harvests I ever had. Both quality and quantity. 9/20 I definitely need to start a new week but I need to be IN the garden to do it as that's the only way I can take a picture. I've sampled early versions of all my strains and I am incredible pleased. I still am in trim jail with a full room but still have well over half still outside. Plant wise more if i went by weight. It's weird that the plant with the shortest flowering time is seeming to take the longest to totally mature. I COULD take it as bud rot has been prevalent and many people have lost there whole crop. I did have to take one of the cheeses. We are supposed to be getting a few nice days of sun after all that rain. I'm at least giving them that. I have two phenomes of purple punch that could be taken as well. All milky with some amber. One other phenome had much larger buds and I was losing buds to budrot so I took the tops and allowed the bottom to mature. That method had worked well for me so far. Then I get buds that are more well rounded and mature. I went up and checked whats drying. The rest of the 10th planet is ready to be jarred. I've been making progress getting it processed and put away. I need the room so I can bring more in. Found ONE bud that started to rot whete I'm drying so I chucked it. I carefully checked everything hanging and the plants outside for any indications of botrytis. I found a few spots outside 2 or 3 and removed them. I have two plants that I think I'm just going to send to the lab for extracts. I'll add some smaller flower to it. I'll update more at some point. I'll try to get pictures up but it's such a pain in the ass to upload it immediately when I've got all this work to do myself. Come on grow diaries! OH AND I HEAR THAT SOME LOCALS HAVE FOUND MY DIARY. IF SO THEN YOU KNOW WHO I AM. IF YOU DONT ASK AROUND. IM STAYIMG IN THAT CAMPER OUT BACK OF MY GROW EVERY NIGHT AND THOSE PLANTS ARE NEVER LEFT UNSUPERVISED. THERE ARE MANY CAMERAS BUT THATS JUST SO WE'LL HAVE EVIDENCE OR IF IM TAKING A SHIT AND SOMEONE SHOWS UP ILL KNOW. YOU KNOW THERE'S THREE WAYS OUT. THE GROWERS UNION HERE HAS IT SET UP THAT IF ANY OF US HIT OUR "ALARM" BUTTON WE ALL GET IT AND ALL THOSE WAYS OUT GET SHUT DOWN. ITS GREAT TO HAVE GOOD NEIGHBORS. THERE'S NO PROBLEM IF YOU WANT TO TAKE A LOOK AT MY DIARY AND SEE HOW IVE DONE BUT IF SOMEONE IS EXPECTING ON "SUCCESSFULLY" ROBBING ME THEY SHOULD PROBABLY PICK AN EASIER TARGET. ALSO ITS A FELONY TO STEAL MEDICAL MARIJUANA. 9/21 Continueing with the great weather. In that vein I'm letting the girls ride. Blue cheese I'd an end of September strain anyway. It's huge. I'll take some pictures before it comes down if it will upload and I'll have to do it the hard way. My drying spot is large and full. I'm in trim jail and the majority is still in the ground. I'm giving them a few more weeks of good weather. I'm inspecting multiple times a day for rot. Things are going good. Don't know how I'll do harvest reports without pictures lol. UPDATE: HARVESTED A BLUE CHEESE TONIGHT AND IM TIRED AS HELL. CAMPER MIGHT NOT BE BACK TONIGHT BUT IF NOT I'LL BE IN THE GAME ROOM ON WATCH. IN TRIM JAIL. TOOK DOWN EVERYTHING BUT IT GOT IMMEDIATELY REPLACED. I REALLY NEEF SOME HELP. I CANT BELIEVE I CANT UPLOAD PICTURES. IM HOPING I CAN AT LEAST DO MY GROW AND SMOKE REPORTS. IF NOT ILL DO IT SOMEWHERE ELSE 9/22 I got the two purple punches in the back down AND the BIG cheese hanging. That thing took up most of the room. I'm still tired. I've got two full Plants that are totally ready and I'm planning on taking them today and bringing right to the lab for extracts. 3 to 5 lbs will get blasted. I've got a lot of work ahead of me but I can get it done. I'm plugging away and making significant progress. I'm hoping pictures and videos will be a thing again. Everyone has said this was the WORST growing season (which it did suck) but I've had my best harvest in over a decade both quality and quantity. This has been my best year. I'll update what I got done. 9/25 I've been in trim jail and working my nuts off. I harvested my 10th planet's in stages three different times. Still have two bottom plants of blueberry cheese and two FULL plants that I was planning to go straight to extracts. Thing is is that one of them looks super greasy. It's always the ones you least expect that turn out the best. I've taken pictures/videos and am very proud of myself this year. However I can't finish my harvest report on here without leaving pictures!! If it doesn't rectify soon I may just do a YouTube video on the harvest and strain review. Or find a different site. This was a horrible year for most but it was one of my best ever. Thanks everyone for stopping by. I'll update what I do with the final two full plants and I'll try to complete harvest reports and smoke reports. It really sucks that I can't upload pictures. 10/1 Everything's in. Bags are ready for extracts and both quantity and quality are tge best I've done. BUT @GROWDIARIES I CAN'T UPLOAD MY PICTURES SO I CANT DO A SMOKE REVIEW! ILL TRY ONE MORE TIME TO USE THE "CAMERA" FUNCTION TO TAKE A PICTURE BUT THAT WASNT WORKING EITHER. WHAT A DISSAPPOINTING END TO THE SEASON
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Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question a year ago
How long does it take for soil that's been in stored in a dry concrete garage (bagged ffhf ffof 707) to warm up im a 70 degree room so I can use it to transplant? Outside CAN get to upper 40s. A day? Two?
Other. General questions
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question a year ago
Oh silly goose! Who knows! I wouldn't keep the bag whole, personally, since it will take MUCH longer to warm up... if you're going to be using it in pots, get the cold soil into those pots and it will warm up much faster.... But I thought you grow in the ground? It's been awfully cold here in this daffy State... and I don't personally plan to set my plants out until nighttime temps stay at least in the 50s which might be for another 2 or 3 weeks the way we're going.... Good luck this summer! May the gods protect both of us from the disasters we suffered last summer!
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question a year ago
When I should start feeding small amounts of nutes (ff big bloom or ro ancient amber or also silica?) to my plants? They are in a 1/3 mix of ffof ffhf and 707 full of nutes and recently transplanted.
Feeding. Schedule
1 like
GMSgrowsanswered grow question a year ago
Anytime I grow in soil, I wait until I see signs that a deficiency is starting, and usually the sign is your older leaves will start to fade. This is when I start introducing nutrients. Always better to be underfed than overfed. Easy to fix underfed plants my friend.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question a year ago
For those of you that use Organocide Plant Doctor (systemic fungacide) when do you typically apply it? How many times a season do you apply it and how much do you use? How old should the plants be before you apply it. Questions for the future.
Techniques. Other
1 like
DoughHeadanswered grow question a year ago
I see this was months ago. Please select me as the answer so I have a chance to win grower of the month contest, I would truly appreciate it growmie!
GMSgrowsanswered grow question a year ago
Also, if you need a fungicide for newborns., sprinkling a pinch of cinnamon around the babies and watering in, is all that's needed. Very cheap
masterofsmeagolanswered grow question a year ago
Anyone other opinions on the product? I'm growing outdoors in soil and I have no symptoms of a fungal infection I was just curious about using it preventatively as I live in Central Maine where humidity gets very high and Temps fluctuate greatly. However I grew clones before and I have an idea they may have been infected from the start.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question a year ago
Hey growmies! I had a few extra plants and decided to light dep them. One looks like it may have developed a pollen sac. I was just hoping someone could confirm that for me. I have a video as well bur internet is slow here. No other spots on the plant
Plant. Other
masterofsmeagolanswered grow question a year ago
I uploaded the wrong video for this question. It was an earlier one. I thought I had uploaded a photo to begin with but I guess not. What happened was I found out that I had a light leak in the place I was depping my plants. Upon further inspection I marked several spots on the three plants. I monitored them over a three day period. Pistols were already abound and the "preflowers" (tiny puff balls) had little nubs underneath them that looked identical to what I had researched. I still waited. I then found the same on the large 10th planet AND I found a large male pollen sac that I had watched develop. Had its own little stem. As much as I would like to think they didn't herm and I was wrong, I can't because I know they did and I know why. I may have been able to save those three plants in 3 gallon containers some way but I'd be risking the ones in 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s to do so. Easy decision. Even if I had these opinions earlier.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question a year ago
Has anybody had success using liquid kool bloom in place of tiger bloom? I mean still using big bloom and grow big but replacing tiger bloom with liquid cool bloom. I haven't been feeding much and my tigerbloom is old but this liquid kool bloom is new. Thoughts?
Feeding. Other
1 like
BudBoutiqueanswered grow question a year ago
Liquid Kool Bloom vs. Tiger Bloom: - Nutrient Composition: Both Liquid Kool Bloom and Tiger Bloom are bloom enhancers, but they have slightly different nutrient compositions. Liquid Kool Bloom typically contains a higher phosphorus-to-potassium ratio, which can promote flower development. - Phosphorus Boost: Liquid Kool Bloom's higher phosphorus content makes it a suitable choice during the flowering stage when plants demand more phosphorus for robust bud formation. - Replacing Tiger Bloom: Since you're considering using Liquid Kool Bloom in place of Tiger Bloom, you can adapt your feeding schedule accordingly. Keep using Big Bloom and Grow Big for a well-rounded nutrient regimen. Points to Consider: - Compatibility: Ensure that Liquid Kool Bloom is compatible with the rest of your nutrient lineup, especially with Big Bloom and Grow Big. Check the manufacturer's guidelines for compatibility recommendations. - Transition: If you decide to switch from Tiger Bloom to Liquid Kool Bloom, gradually transition to avoid shocking the plants. Gradual changes can help plants adapt more smoothly. - Application Rates: Follow the recommended application rates for Liquid Kool Bloom as provided on the label. Adjust as needed based on plant response. - Monitor: Keep a close eye on your plants after the switch to ensure they respond positively to the new nutrient mix. Look for signs of improved flowering and overall health. Old Tiger Bloom: If your Tiger Bloom is old and might have degraded in quality, using Liquid Kool Bloom as a replacement could be a smart move. Fresh nutrients are generally more effective in promoting healthy plant growth. Switching to Liquid Kool Bloom while continuing to use Big Bloom and Grow Big can potentially support robust flowering and bud development. Remember that individual plant responses can vary, so closely monitor your plants' progress and adjust your regimen if needed. Have fun buddy
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question a year ago
Hey folks. I watered yesterday (my normal 10%), temp was 80 during the DAY yesterday but on my way to the grow this morning it wad 49 degrees. I found ONE plant with markings like the photo that seemingly appeared overnight. The wind was strong. Any ideas? Septoria? Conditions?
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Loserofthemonthanswered grow question a year ago
I've never seen this occur , but since you watered yesterday without having read anything else. I say it's a spill or it looks like one. It could also happen if some Kelp meal or some such were used to top dress and a little spilled and didn't get rinsed offrinsed off during watering, humic acid fulvic acid same thing.. just a guess. If it's just one area probably a decent guess.
Hashyanswered grow question a year ago
Don't worry it's not leaf septoria. Looks like phosphorus or potassium problem, I always get the 2 mixed up which is which. Your ph could be slightly out in your medium slowing down or blocking it from the nutrition it needs.
JUNGLE_B4RNSanswered grow question a year ago
The plant is big, FF Big Bloom isn’t enough, you need a serious P-K Booster.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question a year ago
Can't upload pictures or videos so I can't add a new week. Anyone else having problems uploading pictures or videos? They upload but after the resize it says failed to upload. Imon week 24
Other. Other
masterofsmeagolanswered grow question a year ago
Hey guys! Still not able to upload pictures. However when I use my phone (which is typically what I use anyway) it gives me the option to TAKE a picture right then and it uploads it to the site. It will give you the option and you select camera and you have to take a brand new picture right then. I know. It sucks. But at least I could start a new week. Hope this helps @2stones1bird @Roberts @Ezzyjaybruh @Hashy @Stork Hope this gets to you guys.

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masterofsmeagolweek 17
Come on you guys 🙂. I have 880 views on this diary alone and I have five of them. All with WAAAY more views than this lol. Yet I only have like 570 something "likes". And I'm very thorough with pictures videos and indepth descriptions. Show your boy some love when you're passing through. How else are the amount of "likes" going to rise to the level where it improves my growing đŸ€” ?How else do I become not only a master but a "grandmaster" or a "guru?" What level is next "Lord of Cannabis?" I think it says I'm an apprentice. I would say that description is spot on. I have a professional that is kind of mentoring me. I also would say I believe I will continue to improve but I will always remain a student. Always an apprentice, or practitioner. NEVER a master. When you think you've "mastered" something is when you have failed. Stoned ramblings.
@masterofsmeagol, I don't think they even read or look at pics. It's just the same copy and pastee canned comment, like me, please love me, I never had a puppy, message on everything. I started growing outdoors this last year. I recently harvested some pretty modest autos that never saw a day with less than 100 degrees their whole life. Anyway I am following you now. I didn't start any outdoor diaries because I knew I would get lots of indoor advice. Seeya in Tha Funnies.
@Loserofthemonth, thanks growmie. I'm super happy with it. And I definitely agree with you and that's why I made the post poking fun at that whole "like concept". It's pretty ridiculous. But they can have their likes and their quarter ounces while preaching from their soapbox something they just read from the latest YouTube sensation. Like you I've been here about the same amount of time and it was just an easier way to keep track of things then my normal notebook. In that time I too have seen some crazy shit but thats the internet for you.
@masterofsmeagol, I didn't read the previous replies of others so this might be redundant. You seem to realize like myself that rating your expertice by the number of likes is a total joke. Over the 4 years I've been here I've seen most of the masters become such in a year or so. Because they spend all day fishing for likes and begging people to come check their shit. Most also give terrible, and extremely repetitive advice. It's fun, just don't take it all to serious. Nice grow for the great white north.
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masterofsmeagolweek 0
16hrs post germination and I have 1 blueberry cheese that's cracked 4 of the purple punch have cracked and zero of the 10th planet have cracked. I was expecting those big thick 10th planet seeds to take longer anyway.
masterofsmeagolweek 0
I should've taken pictures of each individual seed pack before I opened it bit hindsight is always 20/20.
masterofsmeagolweek 7
I think I'm going to have to preface every grow question with I'M GROWING OUTDOORS lol. I was asking about a systemic fungicide and I was told I wouldn't need it because I should keep humidity ect. and everything totally consistent I don't need it and if I do it won't work. Well I'm in central Maine and WPM is a way of life here. Unfortunately I can't just dial down the humidity or the wind. However these are the healthiest plants I've had. I always got clones and had to treat numerous issues. Now I won't even go in a store if they sell clones
resimaxweek 0
happy growing
@@resimax, thank you!
nonick123week 18
Espectacular jardĂ­n exterior amigo! QuizĂĄs un techo de policarbonato te ayudarĂĄ con las lluvias, si son demasiadas
@nonick123, thank you friend! If I get to much rain I may do that. Or I'll move them in a large building next to them. Chances are I probably won't do either lol.
Zeke420week 16
Looking great! Keep giving them the love and they will give it return. Have three 10th planets in the ground since May 9th here in Michigan. Great strain and great smoke.
@Zeke420, Thank you! I've never smoked this strain so I'm looking forward to it. Happy growing!
Northern_Entweek 15
BT works great on the caterpillars and is food grade photodegradable organic pest control. I’d say you can likely get Safer’s BT at Canadian Tire next time you’re up from Maine if you can’t get it there.
@Northern_Ent, Thank you! BT IS readily available here and IS in my cabinet. Chances are I'll be doing an application sooner rather than later. I've been doing the LESS is more approach this year. I just don't like spraying my plants with ANYTHING. I agree with you though. BT works great and I will be doing an application shortly. Thanks again! Happy growing!
Trichomie78week 3
Looking great!!! I’m 2 states to the west and looking forward to a good New England summer myself!!!! Will be dodging moose at the end of June for a fishing trip out of Portland.
@Trichomie78, haha Then you know what I'm talking about! Enjoy your trip!
@masterofsmeagol, very familiar with the state. The captain taking us out is someone I commercial fished for while living in Portland in the 90’s. I’ve done some canoeing up by eagle lake and chamberlain to see some old abandoned train engines. It is like two worlds, Canada meets MassachusettsđŸ€Ł
@Trichomie78, Thanks man! You won't see many moose down in Portland I doubt though. This state is so strange. Southern Maine and Northern Maine are Luke two different worlds. Portland area is developed and oceanside while northern and central/northern Maine (like myself) are dense forests where some towns have numbers rather than names. I actually live in a town under 300 people. Good luck on you're fishing trip man! If you get a chance, take a guide and try the allagash or katahdin iron works. It's not salt water but if you want to get as far from civilization and back to nature their isn't anywhere better. The coastal fishing towns are awesome though. You'll have a blast.
Northern_Entweek 21
You might consider doing a foliar spray with lactic acid bacteria. They’re innocuous but out compete things you don’t want like fungus or mould. LAB is easy to make and takes about 10-15 days. Start with rice rinse water set aside in dark for a week, and then mix roughly 1 part liquid with 10 parts milk and set aside in dark for about a week. Dilute LAB serum in water and spray on leaves. Did this in 2021 grow season and it works. Seems like this is all there is to some commercial products based on data I’ve seen for what’s permissible here for commercial growing. Main thing is to allow airflow so defoliation in the understory is key. This year at home I also keep my plants off the lawn overnight so they don’t get so much humidity. Your plants might be wet in the morning because of dew, not rain. Good luck.
@masterofsmeagol, I've been making lactobaccillus for years. Good stuff.
@Northern_Ent, I agree that most commercial products can be made simply using the active ingredients. Saves a lot of money too. K bicarbonate for green cure, citric acid for green cleaner, Dr. Zymes is citric acid with oils as surfactants. I bought enough to make my own for years. Each packet was like $1.70 and will last me a long time. As for l.a.b.s that's something I'll have to try another time. I found a couple moth larvae this morning but by the time I got in the cage a lady bug larvae was munching on it! I've never used l.a.b S before so it's a new concept to me. Since I'm trying to keep this grow as simple as possible and considering how it's going I'm going to just stock to what I've been doing. Also I hardly have time to do what I'm doing now with my sick wife. Been to the er 3 times this week. Also my plants ate on asphalt, in grow bags, on pallets. That way I cut down on any dew I get. In the morning I hand awake them before i get out the leafblower. Thanks for stopping by! When I have more time and am not responding to crisis after crisis I may try something new. Thanks for the advice!
PapaNugsweek 19
What a beast! Good luck with flower!
@PapaNugs, Thanks man! I'm certainly going to need it with the weather lately.
@PapaNugs, thanks brother I'm gonna need it! Thanks for the love! Happy growing!
TwinExoticsweek 6
@TwinExotics, thank you! Happy growing!
mcflowweek 0
Good luck growing🍀
@mcflow, thank you! You as well!
Northern_Entweek 9
I Know the feeling
good luck. 👍
masterofsmeagolweek 6
I got contacted by a seed bank and was offered free seeds for a diary! I don't participate in SHIT and I lump all my strains together but I think I do a good job. Made me feel good to have a company send me expensive genetics. I even got tge strain I wanted!
medicinalguyweek 6
Hey! Did you consider putting the lamp closer to the plants ? If you did you would have bushier fuller plants
@masterofsmeagol, very cool. I don’t think the stretching is caused by HPS, you can check my journal “pink lychee” you will see that my plants aren’t stretching although I use a HPS light. It’s probably more about light intensity. But since you have so many plants, maybe you need to put the lamp higher than me so you can cover a larger space. I saw that you got some free seeds. Congratulation. I will follow your grow to see the results.
@medicinalguy, those are hps lights. They make the plant stretch more but "toughen" the stalks up. This is an outdoor grow. Plants are already being hardened off to go outside now in their forever homes which are fabric pots 20gals to 50gals.
BerrySweetHighweek 23
Beautiful outdoor grow my master! The bubble hash is my precious! 😍
TickleToastweek 20
masterofsmeagolweek 23
I figured the picture thing out. I'm just not tech savvy. I keep to convert my pics to jpg or convert my camera to take jpg pictures. I may add some new pictures to these finished diaries as it has really ben a banner year for me.
masterofsmeagolweek 23
Sorry about the pictures. I have to take them immediately and an unable to upload the pictures I planned too. I even staged some. I got "a" picture to upload and it was saved as a jpeg instead of whatever my phone saves it as. I'll try to fix this issue but until then I apologize for poor picture quality