
Maine Outdoor 2023

Approved by Barney's Farm
a year ago
Room Type
weeks 11-12, 15-23
weeks 9-14
weeks 6-8
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 3
18 hrs
Light Schedule
8+ conditions after
Commented by
masterofsmeagol masterofsmeagol
a year ago
4/26 WATERED EVERYTHING WITH A SHOT GLASS. WOW. They've exploded in growth in after watering. I came to a plant that was a little limp as it got bigger top heavy. I weighed the cup and it seemed to be in range. I just mounded up soil around it and "spritzed" the soil I just added (as it was dry as fuck. That worked for the other one and it's doing great now. Im wondering if this plant is drinking less water than the rest of the plants. I think I may have given it slightly less water due to its weight. Either over or underwatering (it would HAVE to be underwatering) OR the taproot might be caught in that jiffy pellet net. That was my only thought. I didn't do a very good job of ripping thos nets at transplant and with these little amounts of water I could see it taking longer to degrade. I'm waiting until morningvto check on it. Girls are taking off! UPDATE: Went back over at 3pm and everything was even bigger. The one plant that was drooping that I added soil too is doing fine. I weighed a dry cup of soil then weighed that plant and it was within 40 grams. I think everything's good. I was going to slow the water down on that one but I'll check tomm when I water. 4/27 WATERED EVERYTHING WITH A SHOT GLASS. Everything is exploding in growth. I filled in some more soil on my 10th planet cups. They are growing very fast. I have one purple punch that seems to be growing at a much slower pace. It may get culled or given away if it doesn't pull out. I have an idea it probably has something to do with the netting on the jiffy pots not degrading or something because I'm giving so little water. I'll start nutes once they get bigger (at half dose). That piece of seed is still stuck to the stalk of the plant that is behind in growth. I sprayed it and I'll keep an eye on it. I don't want to damage the stalk if I can help it. UPDATE: Went back over at seven and everything looked great. I don't know how but it seems they get significantly bigger I'm a matter of 12 hours. I think I'm going into 3's with these next. I'm picking up the soil for that tomorrow. I'll wait a little bit before I give them anything. Even silica. If it's not broke don't fix it. 4/28 Plants are exploding in growth. The other one I thought might be dampening is completely fine. I'm going to hold off on nutes. I'm unsure whether to transplant to 1's or 3's. I'm leaning towards 3's but I want them good and rooted before a transplant. I asked my buddy amd he said to hold off on the silica, or other nutes. Frogs got plenty especially since I'm only wateringva shot glass every other. I can tell they're goingvto need more soon. Grabbing soil today but won't be wins plants until I cam squeeze the cup and feel it full of roots. Next time clear cups in solo cups 4/29 WATERED EVERYTHING WITH A SOLO CUP BUT THE LITTLE PLANT. That plant has a piece of seed stuck to the stalk and I was wondering if that could be tge problem. After no results spraying for several days I attempted to remove it. Plant fell side ways. I propped it up but I'm probably gonna cull this one soon. I think roots may be caught in jiffy net. Everything elsecis FLOURISHING! Grabbing soil fircthe next transplant Monday. I just want to make sure everything is rooted REAL GOOD before any transplant occurs. 4/30 Holy Shit!! Plants literally grew at least an inch overnight after watering! Things are going great. One purple punch seedling is behind but that's ok. It will either catch up or it won't. I poisoned the inside of the cage where thecearwigs were and applied a 12 month barrier spray on the wood. Hopfully this will solve my earwig problem. Man I'm getting excited! I don't have HUGE clones but I've got GREAT GENETICS and no pests! I'll take it 5/1 It's been raining for days. I wasn't going to water today after my conversation with a friend but I DID water each plant but the small purple punch with a shot glass. They have taken off at an incredible pace. It's like they're growing inches in a day. Planning on grabbing soil and the remaining pots I need. Also need to take everything out of grow cage, sterilize bags and move the cage itself. 5/2 Plants are growing at an incredible pace. Even the little purple punch that was stunted is standing up all on its own looking strong. Zoom in on the stalks. They're thick af. Must be the HPS light lol. Oh well they'll be going in 3 gallon pots in a week or so. And then to their forever home. Man I love growing weed.
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Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question a year ago
How long does it take for soil that's been in stored in a dry concrete garage (bagged ffhf ffof 707) to warm up im a 70 degree room so I can use it to transplant? Outside CAN get to upper 40s. A day? Two?
Other. General questions
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question a year ago
Oh silly goose! Who knows! I wouldn't keep the bag whole, personally, since it will take MUCH longer to warm up... if you're going to be using it in pots, get the cold soil into those pots and it will warm up much faster.... But I thought you grow in the ground? It's been awfully cold here in this daffy State... and I don't personally plan to set my plants out until nighttime temps stay at least in the 50s which might be for another 2 or 3 weeks the way we're going.... Good luck this summer! May the gods protect both of us from the disasters we suffered last summer!
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question a year ago
When I should start feeding small amounts of nutes (ff big bloom or ro ancient amber or also silica?) to my plants? They are in a 1/3 mix of ffof ffhf and 707 full of nutes and recently transplanted.
Feeding. Schedule
1 like
GMSgrowsanswered grow question a year ago
Anytime I grow in soil, I wait until I see signs that a deficiency is starting, and usually the sign is your older leaves will start to fade. This is when I start introducing nutrients. Always better to be underfed than overfed. Easy to fix underfed plants my friend.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question a year ago
For those of you that use Organocide Plant Doctor (systemic fungacide) when do you typically apply it? How many times a season do you apply it and how much do you use? How old should the plants be before you apply it. Questions for the future.
Techniques. Other
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DoughHeadanswered grow question a year ago
I see this was months ago. Please select me as the answer so I have a chance to win grower of the month contest, I would truly appreciate it growmie!
GMSgrowsanswered grow question a year ago
Also, if you need a fungicide for newborns., sprinkling a pinch of cinnamon around the babies and watering in, is all that's needed. Very cheap
masterofsmeagolanswered grow question a year ago
Anyone other opinions on the product? I'm growing outdoors in soil and I have no symptoms of a fungal infection I was just curious about using it preventatively as I live in Central Maine where humidity gets very high and Temps fluctuate greatly. However I grew clones before and I have an idea they may have been infected from the start.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question a year ago
Hey growmies! I had a few extra plants and decided to light dep them. One looks like it may have developed a pollen sac. I was just hoping someone could confirm that for me. I have a video as well bur internet is slow here. No other spots on the plant
Plant. Other
masterofsmeagolanswered grow question a year ago
I uploaded the wrong video for this question. It was an earlier one. I thought I had uploaded a photo to begin with but I guess not. What happened was I found out that I had a light leak in the place I was depping my plants. Upon further inspection I marked several spots on the three plants. I monitored them over a three day period. Pistols were already abound and the "preflowers" (tiny puff balls) had little nubs underneath them that looked identical to what I had researched. I still waited. I then found the same on the large 10th planet AND I found a large male pollen sac that I had watched develop. Had its own little stem. As much as I would like to think they didn't herm and I was wrong, I can't because I know they did and I know why. I may have been able to save those three plants in 3 gallon containers some way but I'd be risking the ones in 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s to do so. Easy decision. Even if I had these opinions earlier.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question a year ago
Has anybody had success using liquid kool bloom in place of tiger bloom? I mean still using big bloom and grow big but replacing tiger bloom with liquid cool bloom. I haven't been feeding much and my tigerbloom is old but this liquid kool bloom is new. Thoughts?
Feeding. Other
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BudBoutiqueanswered grow question a year ago
Liquid Kool Bloom vs. Tiger Bloom: - Nutrient Composition: Both Liquid Kool Bloom and Tiger Bloom are bloom enhancers, but they have slightly different nutrient compositions. Liquid Kool Bloom typically contains a higher phosphorus-to-potassium ratio, which can promote flower development. - Phosphorus Boost: Liquid Kool Bloom's higher phosphorus content makes it a suitable choice during the flowering stage when plants demand more phosphorus for robust bud formation. - Replacing Tiger Bloom: Since you're considering using Liquid Kool Bloom in place of Tiger Bloom, you can adapt your feeding schedule accordingly. Keep using Big Bloom and Grow Big for a well-rounded nutrient regimen. Points to Consider: - Compatibility: Ensure that Liquid Kool Bloom is compatible with the rest of your nutrient lineup, especially with Big Bloom and Grow Big. Check the manufacturer's guidelines for compatibility recommendations. - Transition: If you decide to switch from Tiger Bloom to Liquid Kool Bloom, gradually transition to avoid shocking the plants. Gradual changes can help plants adapt more smoothly. - Application Rates: Follow the recommended application rates for Liquid Kool Bloom as provided on the label. Adjust as needed based on plant response. - Monitor: Keep a close eye on your plants after the switch to ensure they respond positively to the new nutrient mix. Look for signs of improved flowering and overall health. Old Tiger Bloom: If your Tiger Bloom is old and might have degraded in quality, using Liquid Kool Bloom as a replacement could be a smart move. Fresh nutrients are generally more effective in promoting healthy plant growth. Switching to Liquid Kool Bloom while continuing to use Big Bloom and Grow Big can potentially support robust flowering and bud development. Remember that individual plant responses can vary, so closely monitor your plants' progress and adjust your regimen if needed. Have fun buddy
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question a year ago
Hey folks. I watered yesterday (my normal 10%), temp was 80 during the DAY yesterday but on my way to the grow this morning it wad 49 degrees. I found ONE plant with markings like the photo that seemingly appeared overnight. The wind was strong. Any ideas? Septoria? Conditions?
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Loserofthemonthanswered grow question a year ago
I've never seen this occur , but since you watered yesterday without having read anything else. I say it's a spill or it looks like one. It could also happen if some Kelp meal or some such were used to top dress and a little spilled and didn't get rinsed offrinsed off during watering, humic acid fulvic acid same thing.. just a guess. If it's just one area probably a decent guess.
Hashyanswered grow question a year ago
Don't worry it's not leaf septoria. Looks like phosphorus or potassium problem, I always get the 2 mixed up which is which. Your ph could be slightly out in your medium slowing down or blocking it from the nutrition it needs.
JUNGLE_B4RNSanswered grow question a year ago
The plant is big, FF Big Bloom isn’t enough, you need a serious P-K Booster.
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question a year ago
Can't upload pictures or videos so I can't add a new week. Anyone else having problems uploading pictures or videos? They upload but after the resize it says failed to upload. Imon week 24
Other. Other
masterofsmeagolanswered grow question a year ago
Hey guys! Still not able to upload pictures. However when I use my phone (which is typically what I use anyway) it gives me the option to TAKE a picture right then and it uploads it to the site. It will give you the option and you select camera and you have to take a brand new picture right then. I know. It sucks. But at least I could start a new week. Hope this helps @2stones1bird @Roberts @Ezzyjaybruh @Hashy @Stork Hope this gets to you guys.

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