
Morning Lemon AK-47 Collaboration

5 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 9
20 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Commented by
Philindicus Philindicus
5 years ago
TO FLUSH OR NOT TO FLUSH Why is this even a question? I absolutely believe in flushing my plants before harvest. There are definitely a few rebels out there who don’t flush or flush properly, who are still trying to figure out why their buds burn and taste all kinds of funky. Our goal when growing in soil is to guesstimate when our harvest day will be in order to leave us a 2-week window to flush any excess nutrients from the soil. This will then force the plants to begin cannibalizing the nutrients from the lower leaves which will progress all the way to the top of the plant. If done properly it will bring out the natural colors but spare your buds from turning yellow if timed just right. Some newer growers may freak to see the lowest leaves start to go yellow with reddish colored stems after flushing. But this is actually a good sign because it signifies that nitrogen is being depleted in the leaves. This will slowly occur throughout the plant in a last chance attempt to survive it will also deplete the next macro nutrients phosphorus and potassium. Since buds typically bulk up the most during the last three weeks of bloom, they will quickly utilize the remnants of those nutrients during the bulking up/ripening stage. Amazing fall like colors can present themselves during your flush especially if combined with a nice drop in nighttime temperatures. Essentially what we are doing is simulating each season in our biospheres. Fall like conditions signals the plants chemistry to stop producing chlorophyll which is green in color. In nature shorter daylight hours and colder nighttime temperatures slow down or even can stop nutrient movement/absorption through the plant and roots this is nature’s way of flushing. This tells the plant the end is near and it will focus on reproduction by putting all its energy into flower/ budding and or seed production in order to guarantee the survival of the species. We need to remove as many nutrients from the soil to duplicate this effect. When to start your flush is the most asked question besides when to harvest. Oddly enough they are actually connected by one thing trichome color. Yes, that’s right you need to start checking the trichome color on the buds when about 50% of the white pistils have dried and turn orange/red. You will need a 40x LED lighted jewelers loupe ( The loupe with led light is the bomb and you will be glad you paid the extra money on that model. I personally have tried those little 60-100x handheld microscopes but they are impossible to keep still save yourself some money and go for the jeweler’s loupe you’ll have no regrets. I’ve tried using my cell phone to take closeup photos of the buds then enlarge the photo but find that cell phone photos don’t show the true trichome colors. My eyes don’t lie! When checking the trichomes you will see they start out clear which is like looking at a clear plastic bottle. They will change into some showing partly cloudy or possibly milky in color, then they will turn amber in color. You will see a mix of all three colors on your buds. If you’re just starting out, I would suggest beginning your flush when you have more cloudy/milky trichomes showing than clear trichomes you may see a sporadic amber here and there in some of the upper sugar leaves. For more experienced growers you can wait a bit longer when you see a few more ambers showing up on the older calyxes look deeper inside the bud since the outer calyx are the youngest. Flushing your plants. You will need a TDS meter to help you gauge when to stop flushing. If you’re on a budget you can use ph. correct non chlorinated tap water. Or if you would like try a good quality flushing solution. Personally, I use a flushing additive in the water about 8 to 12 hours before I flush. I do this first thing in the morning mixed with R.O. (reverse osmosis) water. I then start flushing later in the evening putting 3 time the pots volume in pure R.O water through the pots until my runoff is reading between 50-100 PPM (0.1 EC to 0.2 EC) or close to it. Example: 1 Gallon pot = 3 gallons of R.O. water or more if needed. For those of you using tap water check the ppm of your water then add 50-100 PPM to that amount to get you into the zone. Example: Tap water measures 125 PPM. After flush runoff in the 175 to 225 PPM range would be fine. If you only have one or two plants you can use distilled or purified water also. I like to allow the pots to dry out well before the next watering which is creating a bit of drought stress (Not to the point where the leaves wilt) to the plants which is a continuation if the slight stresses we have been intentionally causing the plant in an attempt to create more terpenes, resins and THC. You will continue to water your pots to a nice 20% runoff every few days allowing them to dry out well between each watering. If after the first week of flush you find that the runoff ppm’s are still too high say 200-300-400 PPM (0.4-0.6-0.8 EC) perform another flush until you’re in the lowest range possible. Sometimes you will see your ppm’s bounce back up depending on how much salt build up was not dissolved and removed during the first flush. During the ripening phase which is now, concentrate on keeping daytime temperatures under 80 F (26 C) in order to preserve the natural terpenes and THC. Ideally having them under 75 F (24 C)with a night time temperature in 60 F to 65 F (16 C to 19 C) range would be perfect. Also maintain good air circulation and maintain a humidity level in the 30% to 35% range will help prevent any issues with mildew growth on or inside of your buds. Finally, when to harvest. This takes time and patience waiting for the trichome to ripen. It really depends on what type of high you like. It’s usually safe to harvest once you see about 5% ambers showing up on the calyxes they will be swelling up with resin and all sorts of stuff by this stage. You will see a mixture of some clear trichomes still on the youngest bud growth but you will have mostly cloudy/milky trichomes with 5% amber on the rest. This will give you more of a head type high which for some people can be a bit on the racy/speedy side. Most growers tend to wait until they see mostly cloudy/milky trichomes with about 30% amber this gives you a nice more balanced high starting off with a nice head high ending with a nice body high. Of course, anywhere in-between works well also. You will find the main cola tends to ripen first before the lowers buds so check all of your buds for ripeness. They can also be harvested in stages or if they are harvested all at the same time this can give you a nice range of different stages of ripeness to sample and see which stage you like best. Happy Harvesting! WEEK 9 UPDATE Began by selectively removing larger leaves from the buds to allow more light to the entire branches leaving a few strategically located leaves for some unknown reason. Started the big flush day 58. Used 5 ml Florakleen per gallon of water then soaked each pot with a bit more than a half a gallon of the solution early in the morning to let things soak in nicely. Later in the evening put another 5+ gallons R.O. water through each pot until I was able to get my runoff ppm down under the 100 ppm range. Let these girls dry out really well before the next watering creating a bit of drought stress. I also switched out my bloom lights and only ran my veg/bloom full spectrum lights which have a heavier blue than red spectrum while the buds finish ripening. Trichomes are some clear but mostly cloudy/milky with a greater percentage of ambers starting to make an appearance. I have turned off my cool mist humidifier in an attempt to get my humidity lower. PPF/PAR meter reading of 400 - 475 umoles @20 hours/day giving me a DLI of 28.80 to 34.20 Temperatures are 77 F and 43% humidity leaf surface temperatures are 72 giving me a LVPD of 1.32 kPa.
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Buddha2week 10
What a fantastic diary and tutorial! I bookmarked this grow and will certainly re-read it multiple times in the future. Thanks a lot! One can clearly see that you put a lot of thinking into it. What a pleasure to read. 😍👍💪
@Buddha2, Thank you feel free to contact me anytime if you have,any questions.
Master_weedaweek 10
Congratulations very nice trophy🏆 you can be proud of yourself 💪
@Master_weeda, Thank You. “Always pass on what you have learned.” — Yoda😉
ThrashedTV_BakedByGlazeweek 10
Looking goooood 🙌 I just got my first Fast Buds Auto grow going now, will be following your example for sure. 💪
@ThrashedTV_BakedByGlaze, Thanks brother I'll be sure to check it out. Fast Buds has some kick ass genetics to work with.👍👍
PrairieFrostGrowweek 1
Nice Dairy......appreciate the efforts!!!! Deserve the trophy 🏆!!!!🙏
mrmateoweek 10
damn that looks tastie.. I got some of them seeds on the way soon cant wait... and today I saw one of fast buds pre-released strains was the original ak, im glad the new strains are coming ive grown every single seed fast buds sells except for their rhino...anyways good diary nice pics and great write up
Ashbashweek 10
Amazing diary man, i really enjoyed going through. Congratulations on the result!
viscoweek 9
Great work Phil they look amazing :D
@Philindicus, I appreciate it Phil thank you !
@visco, I sent you some info about Hella Dank Seed Company out of Nevada via the private chat tab. They carry Fast Buds Seeds and a number of other high quality genetics. If you catch a Fast Buds buy one get one free promotion you"ll make out pretty good stocking up on seeds. Just make sure they are honoring the FB promotions. If anyone else reading this post has any questions about Hella Dank Seed Company just shoot me a message and I can fill you in on the details.
@Philindicus, in the USA :)
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Mrs_Larimarweek 10
Nice Diary and very entertaining . I like it that you shared your thoughts to the grow. And i found myself in this toughts. And iam going to tst your reciepe for vodka... but uncarboxylated. ) i would fall to slep immediately) i like the ideas of spices and hoeny in it....gotta test it
@Philindicus,iam definitely try it..... sounds promising
@Mrs_Larimar, Thank you, I usually have a shot or 2 late in the evening then glide off to sleep after a few hours. I have shared this at a holiday party with freinds it was very well received it created a nice social atmosphere. I think the effect would be determined by the strain and ripeness of the bud. Also using Vodka problably doesn't extract as much thc as say using pure grain alcohol. I think my concern was more about not winding up with a green colored mixture. Grain alchohol will extract some of the chlorophyll in the bud.
Master_weedaweek 6
Very nice plant May the force be with you 💪
@Philindicus,😂thanks bro
@Master_weeda, Thanks brother. May the Swartz be with you.😂Hint: Spaceballs!
Med_in_Tropicweek 2
Thanks for the details. I am looking to get a light meter and this helps. Also your thoughts on week six cal mag deficiency. I’ll add in bone meal to my mix. At the moment worm casting works great for me. But yeah, more organic would be better.
@Philindicus, hey thanks - i'll go lightly on the bone meal then. Thought I was gonna put in 10% in the mix. Better to use 5%. With light meters, I was really confused. But I already notice how my seedlings are doing better under cfl than LED. There are rooms to play with with various specialty light colors like green and UV. I do grow out door but thinking about setting up an indoor space to veg.
@Med_in_Tropic, I bought an inexpensive hydro farm PAR meter for LED light use. I've already had to break out the soldering iron to fix a loose wire from pulling on the sensor cord. It gets the job done but the Apogee 500 full spectrum is $550 this is better quality. I'll put it on my long wish list. Just nice to know how intense your lights are at different positions in your tent you can pull denser trichome growth out of your buds. Also on the list is a UVB light.Growers of photo period plants running their blooms at 12 hrs a day can go a lot higher than I'm running my autos that's where the DLI comes in to play. Trying a few new things this grow with 3 gallon deeper pots. I will know if leaning organic is working by the amount of root mass leading up to nice top growth. Once again I am height restricted so I prefer to try to keep them no taller than 24 inches after stretch if possible. I think if you premix bone meal into your soil mix ahead of time and allow it to break down for a while it could help but being high in phosphorus there's always a risk of root burn. Possibly layering the richest mix on the bottom of the pot would be better with a leaner mix closer to the plants young roots.
SirDilltonweek 10
A Solid 2+bags on every plant of very nice looking weed. Well done and Congrats on the harvest.
@SirDillton, Thanks, This has really been my best grow so far. I usually lolly pop my plants a bit more than I did this time. Seems like the top 5-7 buds on the branches have nice density. I typically run around 1.5+ oz per plant of top solid bud. I haven't separated out the larf buds yet but I will be doing a few recipes with this stuff.
GrowGuyTyweek 10
Hello friend, congrats on your harvest! Looks like everything ran smoothly. Im looking forward to the smoke report!
@GrowGuyTy, I was trying to add more photos and stuff but the site keeps logging me out in the middle of trying to update. I've been having to log back in at least a few times per hour. I messaged GD about the issue. Wonder if anyone else is having the issue of constantly being logged out. I know GD has been making improvements to the site it could be on their list.
BudXsweek 9
Excellent photos
@BudXs, Thanks I've got more coming soon.
EZgrowerweek 9
Time to prepare your Bong, buddy. I foresee a great harvest. bul bul bul subscribed and watching your grow.👍
@EZgrower, Wish I could handle a good bong hit. Fact is since I quit smoking cigarettes like 20 years ago I can't take deep hits any more. I would like to invest in a nice vaporizer at some point.
Dank grow mate, congratz. One more inspiration to my start.. Thnx for share, keep on fire 👽
@LaCreme, Thanks for following along👍
Fast_Budsweek 1
Hey there! Thanks so much for growing our genetics 🙌🏼 Let us know if you need any assistance Happy Growing! 💚🌱
@Fast_Buds, Great to have you following my grows.
GODSGIFT_2005_JMweek 10
fantastic Lemon AK. Enjoy the fruit of your hard work bro! 420FASTBUDS are best to start with when growing autos for sure! 👍 i'm Flowering the Gorilla, check it out if you like! thanks!! 👍
Magiccweek 10
Wonder photos. Great work journaling. Cheers.
Silky_smoothweek 10
Good luck in the competition...🙏❤️
amazongrowweek 5
Incredibly detailed! Tchau, do Brazil!