
Canuk Auto AK / Auto Cheese

8 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 6
18 hrs
Light Schedule
6+ conditions after
Commented by
DonFazool DonFazool
8 years ago
Day 36 : AK was fed the remaining feed mixed @ 1.75mL/L. Cheese got the upgraded feed @ 2mL/L , AK has started to show pistils. Cheese has reached 24" from the top of the soil. Stretch seems to have slowed down, time to start packing on weight. There are a lot of bud nodes on this plant. Day 37 : Stretch has stopped on Cheese. The bud sites are getting fatter each day. No trichrome formation yet. AK is still stuck in whatever mode it's in. There are pistils but it just doesn't want to flower. Both plants are healthy Day 38 : Fed both plants 2L each with nutes now up to 2mL/L. Carboload starting soon. Cheese is fattening up nicely. As you can see, AK is just doing its own damn thing Day 39 : AK is still growing vertically but no flowers yet. Cheese growth has mostly stopped, it's getting wider but not taller. The buds are filling in and getting fatter each day. Still no trichrome formation. Starting to detect a faint funky smell when I open the tent Day 40 : Noticed a slight burn on some tips so i backed the bloom nutes back down to 1.75ml/L. Added Carboload @ 1ml/L today. Buds are getting bigger daily on cheese. Did some pruning on both to open up the lower canopy a bit more. AK has grown quite a bit, some nice side nodes have shot out. Still no flowers but pistils are showing up everywhere. I think she's going to finish in 12 weeks Day 41 : Patience has paid off. AK has started flowering and boy has it grown. It is the same size as cheese (24 inches) and i think there's more left in her. Both plants seem to be doing well with backing the nutes down a little bit. They seem to be ok with the carboload that i started last feed. The buds on cheese are getting fatter every day. Lots of side branching. Both plants took well to some light pruning to open the canopy up. I think i'll pluck a few more next feed Day 42 : Fed both 2L with nutes @ 1.75, Cal-Mag and Carboload. AK has grown taller than cheese. She's starting to produce buds. Cheese buds are getting fatter every day
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Imthedudemanweek 2
Your plant is looking pretty good. Mine have really taken off in the last week. I water the roots every other day and I have been spraying the leaves about 3 times per day. Not sure if this is a good method but it appears to be working well so far. I am currently on day 30. Keep up the good work on yours and I wish you the best of luck.
@DonFazool, I completely agree, this is a lot of fun. I really got into it once they started growing big enough to look like a pot plant with big fan leaves. I have tried two times before this but have never kept them alive this long. I have decided not to do anything other than water and let them grow this time and it seems to be working.
@Imthedudeman, Thanks for the comments ! I seem to be chugging along here. I need to find some green film i can put in front of my lens to take some greener pics of the little ones. I'm about to start a nutrient schedule in the next day or so, just need the soil to dry up a bit more. Have to admit, this is really fun !
Bigpunweek 11
@DonFazool, Great plant mang!! I got a canuk cheese auto in week 11 just started a journal im gonna start flush as well.
CaliGrownweek 10
Great detail on the note section! Hope my cheese starts getting a lil more bulky like yours. 👌
snowybudzweek 11
What was the final yield from ak?
NugNoobweek 10
Looking great man, I am close to starting my first grow ever. Will be doing 3x Auto-AK47's in a 36x36 with similiar LED lighting. Will definitely be following closely your regiment and hopefully it serves my plants as well as it has yours, super nervous for my first grow!
DonFazoolweek 9
So close i can taste it now. That cheese is smelling AMAZING
DonFazoolweek 8
Can anyone tell me if now is a good time to start flushing Cheese? The pistils are turning more brown each day.