
Canuk Auto AK / Auto Cheese

8 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 7
18 hrs
Light Schedule
6+ conditions after
Commented by
DonFazool DonFazool
8 years ago
Day 43 : AK is taking off like a rocket. Passed cheese in height. She's gonna be a biggun Day 44: Upped the nutes slightly and fed both plants 2L. AK seems to be drinking more and is droopy at the 48 hour mark. May start feeding her more often Day 45 : Full beast mode on both plants. Cheese is getting massive, the buds are getting super fat and thick. AK is stretching like a machine. She'll be over 3 feet tall by the end of this week Day 46 : Started Overdrive with cheese. AK is really gulping down the feed. I can't go 48 hours any more between feedings. Some serious droop this morning. Don't want to stress it to the point it hermies so it's going to get feed every 26-36 hours now depending on weight. Did some pruning on both plants. Removed quite a bit of the lower leaves on AK and plucked a few from the middle of cheese to get more light to some nodes. Accidentally clipped a top from a lower branch :( Day 47 : AK is still stretching but flowering has begun. Cheese just gets fatter every day. Some of the side branches are getting heavy. AK got a 2L feed in the evening with all the nutes minus overdrive. Day 48 : Cheese got 2L of feed this morning. Fattening up nicely each day. Some of the pistils are starting to turn brown. AK looks like it has stretched a bit more but looks like it has stopped for the most part. Did quite a bit of pruning on AK this morning to really open up that lower canopy Day 49 : We end week 7 on a high note ! Plants are doing very well. Some pistils turning brown on cheese and AK has stopped stretching and is in full flower mode. AK doesn't seem to mind the massive pruning i did yesterday. AK got a 2L feed this evening
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Imthedudemanweek 2
Your plant is looking pretty good. Mine have really taken off in the last week. I water the roots every other day and I have been spraying the leaves about 3 times per day. Not sure if this is a good method but it appears to be working well so far. I am currently on day 30. Keep up the good work on yours and I wish you the best of luck.
@DonFazool, I completely agree, this is a lot of fun. I really got into it once they started growing big enough to look like a pot plant with big fan leaves. I have tried two times before this but have never kept them alive this long. I have decided not to do anything other than water and let them grow this time and it seems to be working.
@Imthedudeman, Thanks for the comments ! I seem to be chugging along here. I need to find some green film i can put in front of my lens to take some greener pics of the little ones. I'm about to start a nutrient schedule in the next day or so, just need the soil to dry up a bit more. Have to admit, this is really fun !
Bigpunweek 11
@DonFazool, Great plant mang!! I got a canuk cheese auto in week 11 just started a journal im gonna start flush as well.
CaliGrownweek 10
Great detail on the note section! Hope my cheese starts getting a lil more bulky like yours. 👌
snowybudzweek 11
What was the final yield from ak?
NugNoobweek 10
Looking great man, I am close to starting my first grow ever. Will be doing 3x Auto-AK47's in a 36x36 with similiar LED lighting. Will definitely be following closely your regiment and hopefully it serves my plants as well as it has yours, super nervous for my first grow!
DonFazoolweek 9
So close i can taste it now. That cheese is smelling AMAZING
DonFazoolweek 8
Can anyone tell me if now is a good time to start flushing Cheese? The pistils are turning more brown each day.