
Early Miss Rd. 2

4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 4
24 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Bud Juice Grow
3.906 ml/l
Marphyl Phytoplankton Soil Conditioner
25 ml/l
Fearless Gardener Brand Rocket Fuel
2 ml/l
1+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Spyder7 Spyder7
4 years ago
Day 22: removed two leaves, 12 hours apart, with angled cuts using pruning trimmers. Last grow I used my fingers to do this, until my nail caught bark and tore a strip of that off as well. After that I switched to pruning trimmers. which I'm using this time as well. The two leaves removed were from the first two pairs of true leaves to emerge, and which were most heavily damaged by the fungus and which were also sitting lowest in the pot. One had its tip dipped in soil when I was doing LST and that last bit of damage plus getting blocked by other leaves was enough to kill it, so I just clipped the husk. The other leaf wasn't as badly damaged and wasn't dead, but it wasn't getting light anymore so I preemptively removed it 12 hours after taking off the first leaf. Day 23: all of the remaining leaves seem okay. The oldest are spotted/disfigured but still healthy enough and able to get enough light. The new growth is a very rich green, so if there's no nute burn or signs of toxicity, I'll consider them "dialed in" for this week and maybe up the Rocket Fuel next time in week 2 from .5 to 1 ml/L. I'm hoping to have a potassium silica additive by that grow for the first few weeks to harden the plant against infections, though I don't think I'll need to repeat a foliar spray and the newer growth is also less disfigured. Next grow I'm disinfecting my humidifier before it goes in the tent - I missed that this grow and its the root of the problems there, though I think the plant recovered soon enough that it may not hurt final yield too much. If I do another 3 gallon pot grow, I'm going to start it in a solo cup then transplant whenever its time to add Bud Juice Grow (which will be 28 this grow as this plant is lagging my last grow by a few days - it may eventually catch up though). Day 24: plant grew about an inch overnight. Added more LST to the new growth. There are several side leaves I've been "cultivating" by using LST to feed them more hormones and light, and they'll soon be tall enough to begin super-cropping (my planned novelty for this grow is to try supper cropping my side branches instead of lolli-popping them like I did last grow, once they're tall enough). Day 25: plant grew another half inch over night. I removed a dying fan leaf that was the last of the first two true leaves, a second low side leaf that was too low to reach the light, and snipped away some dead growth from one of the oldest surviving fan leaves. Its taking more time to veg compared to my previous grow, but some of that may be because I'm growing in a 3 gallon pot this time instead of a 2 gallon. Day 26: the only thing to do today is re-adjust LST. I think the plant is spending more time in veg, compared to last grow, because of the larger pot size: 3 vs 2 gallon. It may well wind up veg'ing for the full 28 days this week and even some of next week. Therefore, I'm going to hold off bloom nutes like Bud Juice Grow this week and all of the phosphorous in it, but instead basically repeat what I fed last week but drop the Cal Mag to 0.5 ml/L. That will be on day 28. It grew another half inch over night and is 8" tall now. Also clipped off the last of the 4 original fan leaves that still remained (the leaf is dry and feels like it is beginning to die). Day 27: gradually reduced the light until it hit 14" above canopy, which seems to be the sweet spot right now. Also did more LST to make room for side branches I plan to super crop within a few days. And the plant is showing pre-flowers so I'm going to start Bud Juice Grow tomorrow and taper the Rocket fuel down to supplement strength (2 ml/L). The first feeding of Bud Juice Bloom will be three weeks from tomorrow. Day 28 Fed the plant and pruned another old fan leaf that was no longer getting much light. Substituted Marphyl (50% strength) for Cal Mag this week and went with 3 tablespoons .of Bud Juice, a supplement ratio of Rocket Fuel (2ml/L), and 50% strength Humbolt's Golden Tree for veg (2.5 ml/gal). Also began HST today (super cropping) on three stems to begin on. Also lowered the light another inch. Measured plant height is 9".
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Grow Questions
Spyder7started grow question 4 years ago
Any Bud Juice users? What week did you start feeding Bloom to your autos?
Feeding. Schedule
BudXsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Yes, you need to be careful with this stuff, and use it accurately, learn from my mistakes. Use it when buds are fully formed but young and all white. This week # varies by strain so go by eye. Use it till about 15 days before harvest, no longer. Here is the VERY important part if you want to avoid yellow crispy curled up burnt looking leaves: use 1/4 to 1/2 of the recommwnded dosage ESPECIALLY if feeding along side other nutes. IT IS SO EASY to get a PK burn, as the plant will want to just OD on the stuff. Start slow, dose up slow, see any yellow, flush immediatedely. PK burn happens overnight and the leaves never bounce back. The juice itself is awesome, as is any bloom booster if used right. If done right, no can defeat - Miyagi

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DeadwebsiteBoringcommunityweek 1
Soo my friend just so you better understand just how awesome you are doing with that little light... When I tested Both models I have. 55 watts power draw each. Very light little lights that perform.. I love the thought your putting into the hang height as well seems like your really trying to find a nice bang on number.. Great work really.
@Spyder7, I removed all my comments just to show you how bad yours were.. Telling me about the grow light I told you I also bought.. like your writing paragraphs of useless info.... a 10W cob is still a cob.. but your gonna argue that as well.. like Look at yourself bro.. who are you trying to convince?
@DeadwebsiteBoringcommunity,you said ppfd = more yield "simple as that." All I did was point out that it actually isn't that simple and the "I'm just gonna grow more than you" is not a counter argument unless you are like 5. Whatever dude.
@DeadwebsiteBoringcommunity, in theory, "ppfd=yield" until you take into account other factors. One factor is the growing room. If you put my light into a black nylon tent without the reflective walls, so that you had zero reflectivity, you're not going to get the same yield I'll get in a grow tent with mylar even though the PPFD is the same. And I've read that the mylar in a modern tent is so good that it multiplies your PPFD by 25-33% depending on type and how much its reflecting (how close it is to the light). Other factors are humidity and heat. Both can impact yield all by themselves. So can grow techniques and nutrients. So you're being reductionist to the point that you're wrong - there are too many other variables that have nothing to do with pppf but will impact yield. There's truth to what you say to a point, but not to the degree you make it so I disagree. That's the problem with reductionist reasoning: it is too simplistic and it does't take into account variables that matter.
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MRwick1week 3
Hey Spyder how's the 2nd grow going now? See that you had a couple setbacks,hope all is well. Just a quick question, Fusion told me his early miss from crop kings took an extra 2 weeks veg than what the seed pack said along with the flower stage. I'm just now getting to flower at week 6 not 4, and it looks like from your first grow yours took an extra week or so. Is that CK being wrong with their weeks or is it our growing technique?
@Spyder7,thank you for the info. I'm happy with my light heights, I have 2 600w cob cree actual w is 115w at wall and the light meter has me at an optimal height. I just was curious if your grow took extra time. I don't mind waiting it'll be worth it. Again thank you
@MRwick1, all is going well; this grow is a few days into week 4 and I'm about to update my diary, though there's not much to add of note this week yet. I think CKS is simply off with the 7 week estimate they give. I made some mistakes that grow that definitely slowed it down, but that seed was a race horse compared to this one (partly because it didn't have a fungus infection like this one developed); this plant is a few days behind my other plant which sped through veg but stalled in flower. 7 weeks may be possible if you use 12/12 from seed with bloom nutes from first feed (skipping veg completely) and then harvest at the earliest possible time, and do it all under optimal circumstances: CO2 enrichment, commercial lighting, etc. For the rest of us who are not master growers, not using CO2, and not doing 12/12 from seed, then 10-12 weeks is more realistic if there's no setbacks. That's also the feeding schedule I'm using: Weeks 1-4 Veg nutes (my plant hasn't shown any pre-flowers yet on day 23 this grow); Weeks 4-10 Flower nutes Week 11-12 Flush After you've grown it start to finish, that timeline can be refined based on 'reading' the plant as its growing, but that's a more realistic timeline. In my first grow, I stalled it a couple times in flower by not giving it enough potassium and not lowering the light as low as I needed to, until very late in the grow (so for a couple weeks photosynthesis was slow and that was on me). If you're only seeing flowers in week 6 I'd check that you're giving it enough light - I know there were times where I erred on both sides that grow and again this grow. At any rate, you still have 6-8 weeks of flower ahead of you. If it goes another 8, you'll have company in the 14 week club as mine took that long so I wouldn't sweat it. It produces a really nice high, and if you can get the humidity down to 30% or under the final week, you'll also get some very frosty bud (some of the frostiest bud I've ever seen came from that first grow).
DeadwebsiteBoringcommunityweek 2
Like all the thought going into the grow. A little chart another grower linked/showed me. I found very helpful for VPD.
@DeadwebsiteBoringcommunity, that's an excellent graph. I added it to my '420 bookmarks' with my other reference stuff. It reminds me of an excellent illustration I found for diagnosing nute toxicity/deficiency:
DeadwebsiteBoringcommunityweek 1
Awesome little light isn't she? I got 2 and I liked it so much I got the 2 light version. It' cute but you can always add another one and really maximize your yields..
@DeadwebsiteBoringcommunity, its a surprisingly powerful little light for its rating - that's something I didn't appreciate until I noticed lights pulling 50 watts but rated as 300W LEDs, and understood how they could claim that. I like how movable it is: hung on a pulley, you can outmaneuver it so that you can concentrate that big center LED on whatever part of the plant you want to. Doing that was an L:ST "cheat" that let me create a nice flat even canopy in a small tent with just LST (plus defoliation in week 6 because the plant was so dense with thick growth from this light's penetration).